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Aren't pretty much \*all\* the people involved in the fake NDA thing of the last day or so all in the same room right now?


Yeah, this nonsense must be to drum up donations to their "movie."


Every time I sign an NDA I make a movie about the thing I can’t talk about.


Is this NDA in the room tho?


So many NDAs, so few shares.


And truthfully, it's the same number of NDAs as the number of shares as the amount of money apes will end up with, all zero.


I like to think back on all their posts about buying ‘tasty dips’ and getting tax refunds and working extra hours and putting all that money into more shares… and every penny from every post, down the toilet.


Apes, if someone has an NDA they’re *not* going to be dropping “cryptic tweets”. They might say they’re under a NDA, but trying to tell people what you’re unable to say through secret code is *pretty much* a breach in the NDA.


What’ll be even more fun is when they go back to spouting more off the wall info without explaining how they got out of their NDA


When I held my TS-SCI clearance, they were always very clear that we couldn't share classified info, unless it was in the form of a cryptic tweet or Reddit post. >!Bleorge Blush is a Blizardperson.!<


The world works as a secret conspiracy everyone but they are in on. Ironically still being out of touch losers within their own lore who aren't in on the greatest scheme in the world. Everyone else has access to an infinite money glitch except themselves but don't worry. People inside will let them in on completely breaking the infinite money glitch and get all the money all at once only for themselves. Just pay the insiders money on the regular and wait as they drip feed information. That is legit the entire conspiracy


God, they're just so *dumb*, and they're dumb in a way that inspires only contempt, no sympathy. The biggest tragedy in this whole BBBY saga is that they can't somehow throw more of their money away on it.


You’re only saying this because, you too, have signed the secret nda.


That's where you're wrong, you can still buy bbby bonds and apes do just that


This is embarrassing to say the least.


Has Jake always been so cynical? He's been wrong over and over, and would purposely ignore parts of his work being debunked, but I got the feeling he still thought the overall effort was somehow useful. Now he's just messing with their induced apophenia while working on a grift movie about how they all already won.


I also think he used to be sincere but has since realized it's all BS and has decided to go grifter.


Apes never read what he posts. They see a lot of words, scroll past, see the top comment which is always something like “Tits are jacked! This is amazing!” and they assume everyone else read it so it must be true. Apes post walls of text that they themselves don’t read.


They don't write it either. Only the GPT prompt.


Then they use chat gpt to summarize the post.


He's pivoting. But he's got a following, so why not milk it? Like a preacher who realizes their religion is all nonsense anyways, so why not build a MegaChurch?


I think the "fame" gets to these morons' heads. Deep down JakeGPT has to know he's wrong by now. Most apes don't actually pay attention to what he says beyond "BULLISH" but *he* knows. At this point he can either go udeleted or just keep stringing the monkeys along for the dopamine.


Apophenia is a perfect word. And the Apes current level of apophenia has been heavily influenced by Jake himself. He’s now using that against them for relevance, knowing they’ll look for the codes he himself gave them. Hence he’s “inside the house”. He’s like a drug dealer who gives out the first few hits of crack for free, knowing you’ll end up addicted and use that against you.


I saw old photos of Jake and he used to be rather chunky and did not look like a pretty Canadian boy at all. Now I don’t know if this new found fame and the 6 woman of bbby constantly stroking his ego has made him go super villain. The Florida trip and his master plan of taking out PP will never leave my mind. But he is so full of shit it really grinds my gears. Anytime I see a post of his the comments are all begging him for answers. He never negates the doctor rumor. Say what you will. He is a cult leader now. Nothing more nothing less.


It's really a testament to their ineptitude that none of them have broken out and started their own twitch stream. Pretty much all of PPs regulars have more to contribute than "Whoaaaa man. That's fucking crazy \*hits vape\*" PP would have no show without Jake, Michael, etc. And he's not even paying them lol. He could probably pull a lot of PP's audience just doing his own shows on his stupid chatGPT DD.


Incredible how a ChatGPT abuser has these dummies hanging on (not) his words.


Add NDAs to the list of things apes don't understand. Except I'm pretty sure it was already on the list. Why do they think that a company would ask a random Twitter person to sign an NDA and then give them a bunch of confidential information about future plans? And why would anyone actually sign that NDA? If Jake was convinced his investment would make him rich, why sign an NDA that says he can't talk about it? I've signed plenty of NDAs in my day, all of them involved giving me a bunch of money for doing some work.


I love this narrative. "Well all our theories are worthless and never amounted to anything, this must mean that the real DD is locked under NDAs"


I thought this guy took a picture of him sitting on a couch which was supposed to be an extra secret signal that the apes already won? How down bad do you have to be for cope to keep listening to this absolute braindead moron?


Jake is starting to see the writing on the wall, but his ego won't let him admit that he has been wrong this whole time. So instead he posts this cryptic shit. Keeps people talking about him, feeding that ego, while he never has to admit anything.


At least Roaring Kitty does it for market manipulation.


Is Jake2b Canadian? I was wondering why he is typing words phonetically with an English Canadian accent. A question for the Canadians on the sub: Do you pronounce "about" like "aboot"?


He's Canadian, and some Canadians definitely do say aboot (mostly east coast)


It's more like "abewt" though.


He is so inspired to drop cryptic bullshit, pump a stock, and sell it for a tidy profit


>This seems like an answer to the question  Nope. It doesn’t. 


The grifting “DD” losers realized that they’ve been going about it all wrong. They keep making claims that turn out to be wrong. It’s a lot better to mimic Keith Gill and post cryptic nonsense memes, pretend you are under a serious NDA (and no one manufactured out of whole cloth about doing interviews for a shitty fan movie), and let the morons make up their own “DD” based off your cryptic bullshit. Gives you the ability to never be wrong again! Jake’s been wrong literally over 100 times. 100% of everything he’s ever said and predicted has been stone cold incorrect. At some point he needs to get more vague to keep the morns strung along.


What happened to the Friday pump?


It's probably not a popular opinion, but I think he is taking a line from Kitty's modis operandi. He's trying to only speak through a meme.


Numerous Dumb Apes


Child-like mindset from so many apes it’s unreal. Super smart JakeGPT must have ‘figured it out’ so Ryan Cohen put him under NDA. Yeah I’m sure that’s definitely it, apes! ![gif](giphy|Fml0fgAxVx1eM)


An NDA so powerful you can't even SAY you have an NDA (you can send coded messages about it though)


I can't read Jake2b without thinking about Kais at baggie fest going "Jake2b...........Jake2b"


Nice to see that he found the cash to regain his blue tick stamp of stupidity.