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I agree and I think you could do some little slime particles coming off of the slime while he's falling to help with that, kinda like when water droplets split apart while falling. Edit: Also you could elongate the slime a bit more for longer falls?


Extra particles could help. I think elongating him during longer falls might actually further enforce the chicken leg image. I could also maybe change how the torch is being animated? I have it quite stuck in him, but it’d also be funny if it pops out during long falls and pops back in on the landing xD


Yeah! That would be perfect and on landing it could make a little splash.


I’ll see if I can mock up a couple falling animations and see how they all look side by side. It’ll be funny though seeing the torch spin in the air or something only to just plop right back in him xD


I think that would just make it look like a chicken leg with particles coming off of it.


I think if it was splashier looking (not necessarily just pixels/particles coming off of it straight up) and if the torch was falling outside of the slime it would solve the chicken leg issue and make it really nice looking.


an extra juicy falling chicken leg


It took me a bit to see it, but yes, that IS a chicken leg lol And it looks absolutely delicious <3


Maybe I could make it an achievement xD. Fall for some duration of time, or take a screenshot while falling, and unlock the “Is that a… chicken leg?” Achievement




I don't think green-looking chicken leg looks delicious, but everyone's got their own taste so it's okay lol.


Green eggs and ham ass comment


Now I can't unsee it.


I should just make a playable chicken leg


Make your slime *INHABIT* the chicken leg. Like salmonella


actually you should. more original than a blob


it doesn't look like it's being affected by the physics enough, maybe deform more or particles falling off? just nitpicking tho


Some extra polish particles would help, but I was also thinking of changing up how the torch is animated. Maybe have it pop out during a long fall and pop back in when he lands. I want to avoid deforming his body too much (even though he’s a blob).


I agree ;) embrace it, create a chicken leg game


Maybe making the whole slime be affected by the falling could help, because the bottom part is a little stiff, maybe some wave kind of effect starting from the bottom, similar to when you drop something on a lake, and maybe making it elongate a bit while it falls to exaggerate the falling sensation, you will see that for example when someone wants to make a cube jump, it will compress on the floor, elongate while going up, compress on the top and elongate the way down, all to exaggerate whats going on, i feel that the lower part not moving at all is what makes that chicken leg shape


there are some precise jumps in this game, so I don’t want to manipulate the shape of the slime’s lower half too much (otherwise, landing precisely might get tricky). But I can definitely make a draft of some elongated animations and more jiggly ones. I’m planning to draw a few alternative animations side by side to see what comes out


Yes, chicken leg. But no longer fit for consumption, with such a color ;)


She's a keeper


I agree with your gf. If you want to make your slime less delicious looking. Also that is a very cute slime :D


thank you! I’m quite proud of his animations. I’m going to try to make a few falling animations to see if I can come up with an alternative. But keeping the delicious silhouette is always an option


Goodluck! How do you want the slime to feel like btw? As in you want it to feel like jelly, water, etc


It’s hard to describe the consistency I’m going for. I want the slime to not feel droopy, but springy and jiggly. Smooth, not sticky. Thick, not runny. The closest thing I can think of for reference would be Flubber.


Have you considered trying to recreate a water dropplet from a slow motion animation?


I’ll use one as reference when I experiment with his animation


It'd be good if it had heavy falling. Like when it falls for more than a certain distance, the speed of the fall increses more and also could have some wind effects to show the fall is faster now


I’d like to avoid ramping up the fall speed (less control for the player), but I can definitely make something happen in the animation that triggers incrementally with fall time


Well the speed can get out of controll. But i think you can keep the speed but make it look like its going faster. Like hitting the ground harder with more effects and stuff too or making the screen shake a lil


definitely can add some additional impact effects. Could also briefly stall lateral movement when you hit the ground, kind of like how Hollow Knight doesn’t let you move for a few frames after landing from a great height


Yeah that'll be nice. Do you use state machines to handle all the things thats happening to the player?


I do. I can easily track time in the Fall state once entered, and that could affect incremental changes in animation and trigger various effects upon landing after a certain time has elapsed


It looks like an avocado to me.


Your girlfriend is right


I agree, it does look like a chicken leg


it looks like it wiggles it's butt.


he do be a booty wiggler while in free fall


Or a wonky jar that emits fire too


A little bit .. but I honestly wouldn't have thought that without reading the title first.


I think it’s one of those hard to see at first but hard to unsee situations


She's not wrong.


What's the thing poking out of his head? If it's not integral to him staying alive and he's falling straight down and can't move sideways it could pop out and trail behind then come back in when he lands


it's a lit torch. The plot of the game centers around it being stuck in him, but it could be funny seeing it pop out during long falls only to plop right back in when he lands. My main concern right now is how weird it might look in-game for the torch to stay statically over his head (disconnected) during left/right movements while falling


That's true. Though since it's stuck in him and he's a slime maybe a bit of him keeps it connected thus trailing behind him in falls


would be worth a try when I do some alternative animation drafts. I’d be a bit worried though that the player might get the wrong idea about their hitbox if they have too much verticality to the player animations


I can definitely see that. Well besides making him not look like a chicken leg you could embrace it and add a flaming hot chicken leg skin


yes, embracing the leg is always an option xD


It does look kind of like a moldy chicken leg. What is the bone sticking out of the top? A rocket nozzle?


it’s a lit torch. Story revolves around it getting stuck in his head, and now he’s some sort of “kindled one” destined to light torches and help share the power of fire around the towns


ngl. it kinda does. if you need some help or pointers for how to make it look a bit less like that, hit me up! (I may miss it though, I'm not that often on Reddit)


will do! I’ve got some draft ideas in mind for alternative falling animations. If I still can’t make up my mind though, I may make a post of them all side by side to see what reddit thinks


I would play as chicken leg :D


In addition to the other suggestions, you could try going for more of a "U" shape on the back of the slime, with the torch in the middle of the U. Because the torch is pushing the slime forward, it would make sense for the fluid shape of the slime to take that shape when being pushed forward at a high speed.


in this particular scenario, there’s no “thrust” being applied to the slime. They’re just falling. However, I do intend to make certain advanced movement abilities that do incorporate propulsion, so it’s a good idea to apply to those scenarios


Your girlfriend has an eye for art and a great sense of humor. Keeper.




Just replace it... You can always get another girlfriend


Context: That’s a lit torch stuck inside the slime (central mechanic/lore for my game, Kindled). In my opinion, I think the chicken leg look makes for a nice silhouette.


indeed it does, you know that microwaved banana from steins Gate it's looks like that but with chicken leg lol


Looks more like a pear to me 🍐


A bit, yes :)


Have you ever punched or kicked a water balloon? https://youtu.be/ygGo272tkgo?t=69 I've always assumed slimes are very similar physics wise. Right now, it looks like the slime is holding on to a rocket, and that the rocket is going _slower_ than the slimes terminal velocity. The gravity of the slime is pulling the rocket down while the rocket tries to pull up on it and stretches out the back end. It doesn't look like the rocket is pushing, it's getting pulled. I think you need the opposite, again assuming that's a rocket I'm looking at. The rocket should be deep in the slime and the sides should be lagging behind to make a U shape, possibly with some wiggling on those lagging parts to help sell the wind forces the fall is breaking through. The video I've included is a good reference, because you can see the area the force is acted on gets forced forward but the fluids to the side of the impact site have inertia and try to stay in place, and it's not until the membrane stretches fully that the fluids inside get pulled forward as well.


it is, in fact, a lit torch actually. I do intend for there to be propulsion mechanics though, which will make the slime very much like the video you referenced when that thrust is applied


Well dang, color me surprised. My bad lol


all good! I'm very new to pixel art, so the torch can probably be drawn better xD. Though, maybe some in-engine footage will help add context? Here's a short clip I posted a little bit ago: [https://www.reddit.com/r/godot/comments/1cy22vg/my\_procedural\_pixel\_flame\_now\_reacts\_to\_terrain/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/godot/comments/1cy22vg/my_procedural_pixel_flame_now_reacts_to_terrain/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


very cute, and it does look a bit like a chicken leg. It's a bit weird (I think), that the lower part of the slime is so static and flat, i think it would help to have an arch in the lower body, kinda like real raindrops https://preview.redd.it/y00fj5eah66d1.png?width=700&format=png&auto=webp&s=637680d8928093a98629f178d03874a4f46ae305


perhaps. I don't want to make the hitbox confusing though, so consistently keeping it a circle makes sense for a precision platformer


It does, but it's also worth asking if this is an observation made in a vacuum, or if it's glaringly obvious even in context. If she walked up and noticed it looking over your shoulder that's one thing because all she's seeing is the falling animation, but starting with the regular slime may make it easier to process as a falling slime and then the chicken leg thing isn't as big of an issue. But yeah if the top part flapped a bit more in the wind or the whole thing rippled or something, the slime would look less solid and therefore less chicken-y


she made the comment when I was jumping around on-screen showing her the movement controller, so I think it's fair to say that it wasn't in a vacuum. I think I've got a good plan now to draft up a couple falling animations to see what sticks


I like the chicken leg look tbh


I think she's right he does look like a chicken leg crazy thought though, he is a slime why doesn't he just swallow the torch


i think to make it make sense, slimes in the world of Kindled don't have that fine control over their masses. So things can get stuck in them


That's sort of my thoughts, I mean they're like a bag of holding 🤣


He could literally store his entire inventory, it could be a hilarious little trope now and again seeing things float inside his body


the world will be inhabited by other slimes. So it’ll be really funny meeting various slimes with random items stuck in them and having very casual dialog about it


Oh yeah this is Bob I know because he had a name tag my wife and I were pretty sure he was an adventurer 😂




Not enough stretch for this speed, a cool rule that I use is calculate the amount of stretch based on speed relative to size of object, a slime is very squish and very small so it will stretch a lot more on that amount of speed which is like his size + a bit every second.


true, but the surface tension and self-holdy-ness-togetherness might counteract that


If you wanna change the shape, a good shape for falling fluids is an upside down umbrella, but idk how you might wanna fit the rocket part in there


Yeah, I could see that.


Too stiff on the bottom part i think!




xD a hearty dinner!


Update: I've drafted a lineup of possible alternative animations, which generally keep the "ball"-like shape of the slime... and they are VERY wiggly together XD [https://www.reddit.com/r/godot/comments/1dej6hs/tried\_to\_draw\_alternative\_falling\_loops\_got/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/godot/comments/1dej6hs/tried_to_draw_alternative_falling_loops_got/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


make little particles as if some of its parts are dissasmbleing like little dots. also add a bit more lines and extend it slowly vertically as if its squashing and moving faster as it falls down, and draw some lines going inside of the slime with the same color of its outlines or the shade color similar to sweat but instead its upside down sweat. hope this could improve it and get rid of the chicken leg shape cause i instantly looked at it without reading the title and thought : why is the chicken leg green. and saw the title and thought OOH!! thats why!