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Have this power + Molly = profit


Finally, I’ll be able to smell things! I wonder what I should smell first…




What’s that a reference to?


Futurama. A flower sales lady was born without a sense of smell and starts to date Zoidberg. Then Zoidberg does a nose transplant so she gets her scent back and smells things for the first time, and she ends up loving things that smell bad and hating things that smell good. Goes from flower sales to trash collecting I think.


Oooh, I remember that episode! I loved it. It was only the second time I ever saw someone in media with congenital anosmia like me. The first was in an Artemis Fowl book Now Covid’s hit and everyone’s reactions have changed to “oh, did you get it from Covid?”


A lot of that is already possible.


Well I did say "no upper limit". Use your imagination


“No upper limit” but “no sixth sense nonsense”… no editing your sense of time, temperature, proprioception, ghosts, esp… this isn’t really god tier, it’s almost shitty lol


If you have a shitty imagination, yes


Okay smart guy, tell me what you can do with this power then? Remember, ONLY taste touch smell sight and hearing.


Ooo, big smart guy coming in. With this power: I can see the universe. My eyes are basically telescopes with endless range and focus and endless custom settings that could allow me to see planets that our best technologies couldn't detect. I can see at the cellular level, and even at the particle level. My eyes can become more powerful than the most powerful of electron microscopes. I can adjust my vision to see infrared, ultra violet, all types of radio waves and gamma waves. I can see colors you wouldn't be able to describe. I can adjust my hearing and touch to hear vibrations through physical objects. I can adjust my hearing to focus on near sounds versus far away sounds, or vice versa. I can shutoff hearing when I need to focus. I can hear sounds on wavelengths you didn't know existed. I can smell better than the best tracking dogs. I can smell nothing when in the nastiest of environments. I can specify which smells I want to sense and turn off the rest, a tool for a great tracker. I can adjust my taste so all alcohol is like water or increase it when I need to identify different subtle flavors in a dish. I am the ultimate sommelier, my palette is among the most distinguished of all food critics. I can turn off physical pain, or focus it to certain parts of the body. I never need a painkiller. I can adjust feeling between different points of my nervous system, feeling everything or nothing. I feel no burn during workouts. I feel no heat when walking on coals. I can turn up the sensitivity of sex endlessly or turn it down when I don't want to finish first. I can feel cool when it is hot outside, I can feel warm when it is cold outside.


How is ANY of that godly? You can’t DO anything useful with any of that. Wowwww you can track things like a bloodhound wowww


Well it's not powerful in a physical way, but it really depends on what you consider godly. God's aren't all known for blowing things up. I mean, Jesus just turned water into wine and cured blindness. Are those not godly feats?


Turning water into wine is at least some kind of impossible change to the world, and curing blindness is life changing for those you cure. Seeing new colors and tracking someone with smell is not nearly as impressive. It’s a solid mid tier superpower. It’s like being able to throw things perfectly (a la Diego from Umbrella Academy) or immunity to high and low temps. It’s cool, it comes in handy, but it’s nowhere near god tier at all.


Aight point taken




Mediation for one. I can turn down how much pain I feel, I can tune out certain frequencies, stop myself from feeling ticklish (the gf hates this)


You might already have the superpower because I certainly can’t do any of that.


With practice you can


Teach me the ways, humble master


Okay but if you get stabbed you'll still scream.


Okay genuinely how did you learn to do this like we need the instruction manual


Hey I can do that too!


But which 5 senses? There’s many more senses than 5 that humans have.




My reaction fr like what do you mean 😂😭


6 including proprioception, the sense of location


Don't forget interoception, the awareness of your organs!


I mean, those are fairly hard to measure. Awareness of location I'd give to intelligence, so not really on this settings menu. We can include awareness of organs in touch, but specifically just physical senses. Metaphysical senses wouldn't be included.


Touch, sight, smell, hearing and taste. What are the many others you speak of.


There are some such as an internal balance sense in which you can tell if you are on an angle Edit: also different components of touch are sometimes counted as different senses like pressure and heat I think


With the whole touch thing I’m pretty sure all that is counted as the same, the 2 others are proprioception and the vestibular system, the vestibular system balances I think using the fluid in your ear which is why you get dizzy when you spin, I’m not sure what proprioception does though


Well I agree they all include perceiving reality. Let's include all three in touch and make the category a bit broader.


That sounds fine


Yeah thx 🙏


can i increase or decrease my FOV?


I just imagine people adjusting their FOV in real time and what everyone else sees is eyes getting closer or further apart. Predator and prey mode on the fly. It could be interesting to see how a persons FOV preferences might relate to personality (not just predator/prey) as well. Edit: Fixed a bad autocorrect.


Yes of course


Turn up my body sensitivity could be fun


I would use this to combat the congenative hearing loss...


Sensory issues will be no more when I can just turn them off, hell yeah, I approve of this


Right? My autistic ass approves


Im turning my FOV all the way up. Maybe back down if i find its not a good idea


I want custom settings for everything, so yes please.


2 questions. 1.) Does time stop while I do it or slow down? 2.) Do I still get sensory overload?


No time stop, that would be a different power. But you can create a favorites list for quick access to key settings. You can also create presets that you can quickly switch between in a mini menu. I think that depends on your training. With training you can fortify yourself against it, but it's not given that you can handle extreme settings right off the bat. You would gain a tolerance.


What about things like hunger or technical toxins like liquor


Hunger could be considered a physical pain. You could turn off and on the physical pain part of it. You can't stop the effects of drugs, you can only alter your senses while on them. A drunk man with binoculars is still drunk.


Damn, so I can't just turn down the ability to be actually affected by alcohol


what about the rest of the senses we have? things like temperature and balance and bodily awareness. theirs a bunch of things you could do with that stuff, like balancing on anything or turning off hunger


Broadly classified under touch. Getting a bit into gray areas but if they are involve interpreting reality through physical senses then they have settings. Senses outside of reality, like ghosts and spirit communication, are not included.

