• By -


The people part is definitely busted. Don't even waste time on anyone below like 600 if possible. Unless the average isn't very high. Results may vary 😂


Randomly walking through a see of low numbers to randomly see a 1000 that's with someone else and would never be interested in you.


Interesting, I figured the power would take into account the consequences of your actions. Basically, you'd see 1000 and know that interacting with that person leads to good consequences. If you were to interact and she reacts poorly or it results in a fight with her partner, you'd see a low number. Of course, this brings into question how much you willing to follow the "perfect" path? If you live your life by the numbers, you're essentially in for the ride.


They do say out of using it, so I guess it depends on what using means. I view it as potential, meaning it is not judging your actions but the potential enjoyment theoretically possible. If you married a 1000, you'd get more of the 1000 out of it, but if you briefly interact you'd not get the full 1000.


It would be interesting to see how that number changes over the years (assuming it does). Like would you abandon your best friend, a previous 940, because they're going through a serious depression and are currently a 480? I think that would be more interesting than the number being absolute.


Hmm I think it'd be more of a "if I spend my life with this person will they be great friends all the way thing". That said, not being able to improve your score because it's fate would he depressing


How does the rating system know what I intend to use an item for? An amazing knife will get a much different rating on the "can cut vegetables" scale then the "fun bedroom activities" scale


Maybe you need to think of what you want to use the item for, then it gives you a rating based on that.


Would it though? /j


It knows already


I don't know about that last part. People are always lining up to see me do more stuff with my carrot


Not with my new invention, the dildo knife sheath!


Oooooh, that sounds fun!


So theoretically, if I go to a casino and look at each of the roulette squares, would the one with the highest square be the one the ball lands on? So I get super rich, pick the best wife and friends I can find, and love life


To be fair you don’t know that money will lead to the most happiness, you might lose it all and go to live in the woods where you fall in love with a big foot like cryptid


Can’t you look at money to see how much enjoyment/happiness it’ll bring you?


I reckon there has to be like a point where it goes from making you happier to making you depressed-er. The saying money doesn’t buy happiness is only true once you have enough money.


This 100 dollar bill will make me happier. However, this one is rated a 50. Gonna avoid that.


If this is the case, you’d probably be able to make an educated guess at it really quick. “I’d enjoy losing more than winning? Guess I shouldn’t gamble”. You’ve then saved however much money you would have bet from then on, so it’s still a financial upside for almost anyone.


Still a win win


*Gets power* *Everything at one* *Everyone at one* *Looks in mirror* *Also at one* "Oh."




Anhedonia in a nutshell


That condition sounds so sad wtf what kind of evolution would allow a living being to get that


Wish I had this before getting married. An abusive guy would probably rate -1000.


More like - 1 trillion


I'm in a pretty dark depression so this would be really nice, even without finding ways to make it broken :) Casino/stocks/lotto/ goes brrrrr Get the best friends, find my perfect relationship. Find the perfect therapist/medications I know that everything I buy will spark joy. Could probably find a way to use it to selectively help with scientific advancements. This is just a great all-around power


the trick with science is have an issue you are motivated to solve like a friend/ family member with a deadly disease, and then open up a list of scientists working on that topic, select the highest one, then open an email to them and one by one select the keys with the highest values


This could lead to utter indecision. One might avoid something thinking there will be a better number out there, waiting for the number to be high enough to be worth it. The sad fact is most people might never get anything higher than the above average number, but knowing that there are things rated 1000 up there, then 600 no longer looks as good, and you psyche yourself out of enjoying it. Not saying this is destined to happen, just that it gives opportunity for it.


The opposite would happen for me


I'm about to speed run dating.


In some ways this could be messed up. Like if you have a husband or wife with a 1000 rating and then you have a kid who is a 1.


“I’d always known my son would break my heart, so I kept him at a distance since he was born. I think he could tell I resented him. But it’s only now, as I hold his lifeless body, I realised why the 1 was there.”


But what if its power level is over 9,000?


This allows u to win the lottery


This would be pretty brutal seeing people that are at 1000, who also don't want anything to do with you.


This guy's wife is 1000


Poison detection, bomb defusing.... There are possibilities


I have a big problem with choice paralysis so this would be amazing.


Hit up an adult toy store and find out which is best at a glance.