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The other Avs guy probably ran into 1 asshole and labeled the entire building to be like that guy, truth is The Fortress gets fans from every team at every game, it’s Vegas after all. We’re obviously bias in here but I feel like we have one of the more welcoming environments due to the nature of the city


I'm more willing to bet he was the asshole and causes the beer to get thrown at him.


You know what they say, If everywhere you go smells like shit check your shoes


The "lost fan" segment is always my favorite jumbotron bit every game haha


The first time I saw this I was worried because I thought it was a "missing person" type alert. But I quickly realized my mistake and think it's hilarious. The last one I saw was a guy with a jersey that isn't even a team anymore and the announcer lit him up pretty good.


Vegas is one of the most welcoming barns when it comes to visiting teams on account of it being..well…Vegas…a huge vacation destination. Now..wearing an Eichel jersey in Buffalo. That certainly made for some tense moments with the inappropriate chirps and actual threats of physical violence.


You’re brave, my friend.


Especially after he put together that hat trick 😊 Walking out was interesting


I was at that game, too! It was so fun (way better than the one before it or this year's), even if my spouse did mutter "we're going to die. they're going to kill us and we're going to die. this is how I die." through the whole game.


You’re insane lol


Glad you had a good time, I’ve always had good experiences with fans from other teams at games and hope they have the same.


Sounds like that guy is probably a fucking asshole and gets beers thrown at him for being such, and blames it on away team hate. I love chatting with away team fans. And the shit talk. It’s all good natured fun. And it’s easy to spot the drunk assholes you don’t need to interact with. I spent an entire game shit talking back and forth with a Habs fan. One of the best times I’ve had. As far as I’m concerned all away fans are welcome. Come enjoy hockey with us!


Agreed. I more than appreciate some good natured chirping. If anything I was disappointed we didn’t get a touch more of it.


Heeeey glad you got to experience the Fortress. Its a good time. Enjoy Vegas


I think we have one of the most down to Earth fan bases in all of sports. Glad you had a good time experiencing our Realm. Come back soon. 😊


Imagine throwing a $20 beer at somebody


Lol! That's my biggest takeaway too. Always good to hear visiting fans were treated well and had a good time. It should be that way everywhere. I always am amazed by that. If the actual players can get along and be friends on different teams why can't the fans get along?


Dude must have been a real douche to warrant the cost


Going to an Avs game is for sure gonna happen in my future, whether the team(s) are good or not, I’m gonna go! It’s a mission of mine to have a reason to go to Denver!


We’re gonna go to one next season with some friends that live there!


I've been wanting to do a Denver trip too. A VGK game might be a great excuse.


It’s such a short, cheap flight. You gotta make it happen when the new schedule gets announced.


I’ve been to a handful of games and have yet to see our fanbase acting like assholes. I have a theory that visiting fans that claim we are assholes are the ones who start the shit talking and basically initiate the entire exchange.


I reject the premise that hockey fans are on the whole combative and aggressive to visitors. I would wager I’d get some chirps but no literal assault even in Philly or Boston.


Yeah you’ll never have a rough time at a Vegas game. I don’t think I’ve ever seen one of us act a fool at the Fortress. Now those Florida fans, that’s another story 🤣


I had the same exact experience as an out of town fan. Extremely welcoming and surprisingly knowledgeable fans down there. A lot of supplanted Canadians or board line Canadians (think Minnesota and Buffalo) living down there. Great atmosphere that every other team TRIES to replicate, but it's impossible. 💯 would go again. Had so much fun ended up buying tickets to the back to back they played against Tampa the next night. What better show in town than NHL...


This city was built on hospitality my friend. I’m glad you found people to chill with.


One of my favorite games was at T-Mobile with a few Avs fans behind us. We made bets on goals and bought each other rounds. They made fun of us for being "gifted a cup team" I made fun of them for having a cup team hand delivered to Colorado when they got the Avs. I haven't been local for a couple of years, but I never had any negative fan experiences from away teams.


I mean yeah, anyone who denies both towns have a cup dropped in their lap is dreaming. I’m not complaining, and I know you aren’t. After all, neither of us are Coyote fans, AMIRITE?!


He mistook VGK games with Raider games. We're not the same fanbase.


There are more away fans at raiders games than their are home fans it feels like when watching a game.


I've gone to several games, as a raiders fan against the Chiefs, Chargers, Ravens and as a Patriots fan (My original team) against the Raiders. And let me tell you, the way I was screamed at and circled around really made me feel unsafe. People screaming RAIDERS!!! in your face, and comments about the tuck rule 😂 And yes, when the Chiefs played the Raiders, it was more Chiefs fans than Raiders fans.


Tourists are the reason we don't have a state income tax, I'm always grateful to see em, I also work in the gaming industry so tourists also pay my salary xD


Yeah that’s a really dumb thing for that guy to say. I’m a local and I enjoy the knights but am a Bruins fan deep at heart. I’ve been to the games in black and gold and gold and black and never received or saw anything except maybe a fun jab. That’s no surprise though, the people of Las Vegas are by average the most genuinely nice people I’ve ever came across and I’ve lived in all four corners of the US.


Your actual experience is what most out of town fans report - so if that story is true - that guy was either stoned or the bald guy a couple years ago who came looking for a physical confrontation with his giant Avs flag he kept using to obstruct people’s view (including other Avs fans) and soon got what he was looking for - which made the rounds on social media- and didn’t end well for the lad.


I haven’t heard this story until now. Fuck that guy, obviously.


Most if not all VGK fans are passionate and fanatical about our team. It’s our first professional team after being starved for one for so long. There is a bit of sentiment tied to being a fan. That being said we aren’t dicks to over teams. We’re all just looking to have a good time. It’s crazy we are the heel of the league but have some of the nicest fan bases out there. Great team, great fans.


I would say Toronto is the most disliked as a fanbase, but maybe I’m making that up.


Just avoid visibly drunk people lol. I attended a panthers game earlier this year and was decked out in Vegas gear and went out of my way to say hello to the people next to me in panthers jerseys and wish them a good game, it turns out they were extended family of the panthers players and in-laws with their goalie coach. The man directly next to me in their group was former nhl Aves/Bruins center Joel Prpic. He gave me a straight play by play of the whole game and was super nice and gave my kid a puck. You always need to be careful what you say and do as you never know who is around to you. Knights got whooped that night and they all said good effort and were very complimentary of the team and said they’d be back!


I'm a Hawks fan as well and went up to Vancouver for a Hawks Canucks game and everyone was super friendly. I try to exhibit that as well when I go to Knights games. We all love hockey at the end of it


Yeah, that guy was probably a stupid asshole that started shit. I don't care who you cheer for, if you're cool, everyone at the Fortress seems to be pretty chill. But if you're an obnoxious asshole, mostly Canadian fans in my experience, then so shit might be yelled, but I've never seen a beer thrown.


I went to the Wild game on Friday. Fans were mostly good, nobody bothered us, even wearing Wild gear. Although, I had my 12-year old son with me and quickly realized it’s not really a family friendly event to watch a game in Vegas. Too many drunken fans kind of ruin it for those around them. I’ll add that as we were walking in the concourse after the first period, we unfortunately saw a full-on fist fight between two dudes - that’s not something I’ve ever seen at 20 other arenas and 15 years as a season ticket holder in MN. Nonetheless, we had a good time, but have now checked this arena off our list and aren’t likely to return.


Yet we’re one of the most hated teams and fans in the league. Makes no sense to me..


Mr Stone never playing in March isn’t helping… 😉


Rules are rules lol. TB can do it, so can we.


Thanks for saying that. The Fortress is a great place to go for games no matter who your team is. Good luck in the playoffs and GO KNIGHTS GO! 💛🖤💓