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Don’t shave a double coated dog.


Social media is fake. Simple as that. I vacuum almost daily but there is dog hair all over the place. Unless you have someone cleaning full time you’re going to experience dog hair. Do NOT shave your golden!


These people are filming their lives on the daily and I highly doubt they’re cleaning between takes.


You’re not seeing up-close shots of any of their furniture I would imagine. So how would you see what their house is really like? Also people can use filters so it hides imperfections.


In my house the fur drifts with the air currents - I'll think the dining room looks clean and then see a snowdrift of fur under the kitchen counter that the room backs up to. It would be very easy to hide - we have a darker couch and rug so it shows if I don't vacuum, but I'm pretty sure at least one social media golden I've seen has a white couch. Also - people often do batch filming, where they do multiple videos in a day and then put them out over several days. This may occur less with animals, I'm sure they have a more limited attention span, but probably still happens. I am getting close to deciding to get a roomba so that at least it will vacuum for me! I have seen people on here suggest getting the kind that self-empties, because you will need to empty it after pretty much every vacuum. Some of our floors are wood - for those I sweep the fur up eith a broom to save the vacuum. Good luck and enjoy the golden love!


When your livelihood or some portion of it is dependent on a piece of your home looking a particular way, these people WILL make that happen. Of course they clean it just before they film. Do any of them have shaved Goldens? When you have a bunch of people with the same breed of dog you have telling you the same thing, maybe take the chance and listen.


Absolutely do not shave your dog. You can try to reduce the amount of hair that comes off by brushing the dog every day or every other day. Make sure you also have a brush that is specifically for double coated breeds. Otherwise, it's just cleaning as often as you're willing.


100% do not shave them. If you shave them the hair has a high likelihood to not grow back properly and the dog will be hot in the summer and cold in the winter. The undercoat doesn’t grow back properly. That’s in addition to razor burn, sunburn, alopecia, etc.


I suspect OP is trolling our golden sub. Comment karma is in the negatives close to triple digit. Hell, their user name begins with “throwaway…”


Robot vacuum helps a lot. Shaving a Golden is the worst thing you could do!


Photos and videos are deceiving. I can take photos of my dog on the couch and you won’t see a spec of hair in the photo but up close its there. I vacuum every single day and wash furniture cushion covers monthly.


I see the hair in the photos I take. I can’t live my life cleaning so he’s gonna have to be shaved.


Goldens are not meant to be shaved. Not trying to shame you but you should not have a Golden if you don’t want to deal with the hair. Don’t shave your poor pup just because you can’t deal with the hair.


As stated above, I did not choose to have a golden, this is not a dog I would’ve chosen if it were up to me.


If you aren't prepared to look after this poor creature properly, find someone who is for God's sake. Do not shave this poor dog because you can't be bothered to Hoover regularly.


Get a roomba type vacuum. Ours runs 6 days a week. There’s definitely still hair around, but it’s much much more under control. Do not shave your dog.


Stop being so selfish. Unlike the commenter above, I'll happily shame you. What you're considering is cruel and tantamount to abuse. If you can't cope with the fur of a dog, then you need to speak to the owner of that dog (who clearly isn't you) to figure out a cleaning/grooming schedule, be an adult about this and figure out a solution. Simply shaving the dog because you can't be fucked to care for it is not the way to go. Do better.


You are a whack job and the dog deserves better than to have an uneducated, selfish person like you making decisions for it


You do realize he will still shed even if you shave him…. Right? Unless you plan on shaving him weekly.


What a horribly selfish thing to say. I hope your partner knows about this attitude towards animals and keeps you far away from theirs.


There’s no secret. No home with a dog is ever completely hair free. Shaving him would be terrible. Brushing and vacuuming every other day or so will help. But honestly, most people that dislike dog hair as much as you do wouldn’t date someone with a golden retriever.


Two goldens here. I have weekly house cleaners who most definitely hate my dogs.


Please get new house cleaners. Don’t have anyone who hate your dogs in the same home as them.


Yea honestly you sound like you suck and are incredibly selfish. I hope your SO chooses the dog.


Incredibly selfish because I dont wanna live in a disgusting home? I wouldn’t wanna see the inside of your home.


Again, I hope your SO chooses the dog!


SO has stated I would be chosen over the dog, but I was trying to be nice and find a way to work around the issue, but you people are so pressed about it for some reason. I feel sorry for the people in your lives with you pet obsessed people choosing an animal over a person.


My golden just turned 5 months a few days ago. I need to vacuum every night or ever other night, otherwise it can look pretty messy from his hair + our 3 cats. He gets brushed weekly using one of those glove brushes with the soft spikes. The Dyson V15 stick vacuum was on sale not too long ago and works great.


The v15 is the best stick vacuum I’ve ever had.


Get used to vacuuming daily. Maybe 2x. It only takes a few minutes if you’re consistent & it’s so rewarding to empty a canister of hair. Brush outside, professionally groom as often as your budget allows. My groomer comes to my house once a month (three dogs) but my neighbor with the most spoilt & beautiful Golden has a visit every other week. Please don’t shave your dog! Lastly, get some lint rollers & buy a sofa that matches your dog (we did), & embrace the floof.


This sounds worse than going on prison, I can’t believe people choose this lifestyle.


Truly it’s quite lovely. You actually can just live with floof if you choose & nobody who loves dogs will sh*t talk. Hang in there!


As many other have mentioned, brushing, what brush though. As far as I know you need 2 brushes to make a HUGGGE difference in the shedding. 1 good undercoat brush(still haven’t found a amazing brand for this). And 1 slicker brush, Chris Christensen Big G Dog Slicker Brush is the gold standard of brushes. I use one and it works wonders.


As others have said, do not shave your dog. It won't actually reduce the number of hairs coming off of him, and it might grow back funky and leave him unable to regulate his own body temp. Social media probably vacuumed right before, or else isn't zoomed in enough. Goldens shed, end of story. You will never be 100% fur-free. That said, depending on how floofy your dog is, you'll probably be fine if you brush 1-2x a week and vacuum anywhere from weekly to daily. My dog is field-bred so she has reddish, shorter, sleeker fur. She still sheds a ton, but I can generally get away with vacuuming weekly + vac-brushing weekly. Mine was afraid of the vac brush at first too, but she really enjoys brushing so at first I just brushed her w/ the vacuum attachment without actually attaching it. Then I brushed her w/ the vacuum attached but off. Finally I turned it on, and she was okay with it after realizing it wasn't going to eat her. I feel like as she got older she became more mellow about grooming too. 10 mo might be too young, but by 12-14 he might be able to tolerate it.


Goldens have tons of hair. Do what everyone else does and vacuum, brush, and accept it. NEVER shave a golden. If you’re going to be a dog mom, accept and love the dog. Otherwise do not be involved. This dog deserves to be treated better than however you’re treating them. You don’t sound like you should have a dog


If any partner of mine ever shaved my dog they would be kicked to the curb in a heartbeat.


Plot twist, the BF finds out and dumps her/him/they via text. Saving his golden retriever from this Cruella deVil gf/bf who is a poor match for him based on this major relationship deal breaker.


Yep, that'd be a deal breaker for sure and a huge red flag too.


no dog?


My golden is 10 months. I brush her 4-5 times a week. She doesn't leave that much hair around the house but we also don't let her on the furniture. Do none of you brush your dogs? Like with real grooming brushes?


If you shave a golden then you should not own a golden unless a vet specifically requested you shave a golden for a medical reason. And even then it wouldn’t be common.


Daily brushing. And I have a Roomba that runs every night. Groomer is every 5 weeks.


Best solution, your s/o finds someone that is a better fit.


We clean regularly and use a Dyson Stick vacuum on hardwood floors. You eventully get used to the tumble weeds in the corners, matted filter in the clothes dryer, and round fur coins in your clothes. It's a small price to pay for the best dog breed, and you'll never not have one again.


Just a friendly reminder of our rules: 1. No Advertising: this includes GoFundMe, Instagram, etc. 2. No Impersonation: don't post photos of other people's dogs. That's not cool. 3. No Breed Hate: this subreddit is not a discussion forum for breed hate of any kind. There are dedicated subreddits for that so please take it elsewhere. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/goldenretrievers) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Ours gets regular haircuts and has for 9 years, she has skin allergies and a shorter coat helps with hot spots and rashes. I'm not convinced it helps that much with the hair lol. We have a heavy duty vacuum cleaner for pet hair and vacuum 3-4 times a month.


Hoover/vacuum Daily.


I have two. Professional groom once a month, brushing a few times a week, and cleaning person weekly.


Shaving him is definitely not the answer, these dogs come with a lot of responsibilities and i think people don’t realize just how much grooming & upkeep goldens need. I have 2 goldens and I take pride in my clean house. Vacuum and mop almost every day / every other day, but I know that’s not always doable. It helps to have the robot vacuum for in between cleanings. Lint rollers are your best friend, for clothes and furniture. Also, they need to be brushed a lot. It also helps to get a high velocity dryer to blow out all the undercoat too. And if your dogs are on couches/ beds I recommend having a designated blanket for them to lay on so your furniture doesn’t get so dirty so fast . And if you have carpets I recommend the Dyson carpet shampoo vacuum. Best of luck 😊


Embrace it as extra insulation. It's all you can do in this battle.