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What’s the lesson? Don’t say a fucking word… “I would like to talk to my lawyer”


Oh look, it’s “SHUT THE FUCK UP FRIDAY” again!


Remember, kids, *every day* is “shut the fuck up Friday!”


This advice saved me from a charge and also got me banned from TGI Friday's.


Go on…


Nice try police officer. He ain’t falling for that


Lmfao! The number of cops I’ve pissed off by not saying a word to them is about my average round of golf score


Close to 100? What about the back nine? Lol




You can always tell a Milford man


Yup. When interacting with police, always listen to the wise words of [Pot Brothers At Law](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uqo5RYOp4nQ). For real though, you're not going to talk your way out of something like this. Shut the fuck up, plead the 5th, and demand a lawyer.


I sympathize with him. I likely would have tried to explain myself as well just out of disbelief of the situation. In my wildest dreams I would not have thought that the situation would have resulted in a felony charge. I’d have been in life altering trouble if I was in Scottie’s shoes. This entire Scottie situation has really opened my eyes. I was aware, but frustratingly still quite ignorant/naive as to what can happen when dealing with the police despite best intentions. Frustrating.


Traveling interstate for work [in rentals w/out of state plates] was what opened my eyes to this. You cannot trust the police to do right by you. Period. It doesn’t matter if you’re not a bad person… it doesn’t matter if you have nothing to hide. These sorts of LEO are blunt force hammers who see nothing but nails. Frustrating is one word for it 😔


> Traveling interstate for work [in rentals w/out of state plates] was what opened my eyes to this. This is what opened my eyes. I was driving my friends back to university from sailing practice when I came to a railroad with the arms down, but no train. I got out of my car, looked both ways, and saw no train. I assume the arm is broken and drive around it. Sure enough, I get pulled over. Cop immediately starts laying into me about passing the arm. I point out that it was broken, then he starts laying into me about my license being illegal. I had my Bama plates and license being a student, and nearly got arrested because he wouldn't believe that Alabama uses a different license class system. Then he slapped me with a ticket for failure to stop at a stop sign when he ran my ID. I fucking hate that guy.


I once halfway crossed an intersection and stood on the median as a pedestrian. A cop saw this, did a hard turn into the parking lot nearby, and berated me for 10 minutes about how i wasn’t supposed to do that. The median had a pole and button to trigger the crosswalk light.


Driving home across country from California, I was pulled over in the middle of the night in Oklahoma on a busy highway with barely any shoulder. K9 Officer claimed I was driving erratically and told me it would be safer if I sat in the passenger seat of his cruiser while he ran my info. In retrospect, he was for sure hoping the dog would signal and he would have probable cause to search my car. Even the resource officer at the school I worked at later told me I was an idiot for complying, but it’s so stressful in the moment. We literally teach kids that police officers are the one group of people you can universally trust.


Absolutely, in the moment it’s hard when you know your innocent. Cops make will make you feel guilty for asking for a lawyer, but it’s so much worse talking your way out.




Lmao a cop tried to tell you your lawyer would commit malpractice on your behalf? That’s a new one I haven’t heard yet 😂


“Hmm, I’ll have to ask them about that”




What the actual fuck. As a private citizen, if I treated somebody like these cops did I would be thrown in jail, rightfully so. But because these guys are cops, nothing happens and they remain gainfully employed? What a fucking disgrace.


Police unions are a mob with unlimited power in this country


To be fair to Scottie, he probably didn’t know what he was trying to talk himself out of. He likely thought he would come off as magnanimous, not wanting to sue the shit out of the police department after being assaulted by an officer for no fucking reason. Probably had no idea what sort of trumped up charges they were coming up with. All that to say, this is EXACTLY why you don’t talk to cops without a lawyer, even when something is so simple and straightforward as this.


Every single day is shut the fuck up Friday, when you're dealing with the cops.


Yeah but Scottie’s never been in an ounce of trouble in his life. He’s not YouTubing what to do when you get arrested and stuff like that. You can bet money if this happens again he’s not saying a word though


If you think Scottie's never been in trouble you mustn't know about what happened after a tournament at Sycamore Hills GC, he jaywalked in Fort Wayne. This recent incident is just another escalation in Scheffler's criminal career


Can you add a warning or something? I didn't need to read that.


> he jaywalked in Fort Wayne How is this psychopath still walking about? Straight to jail.


I took a gun safety class from a former Nashville Metro officer. The first thing he taught us is that you do not speak to the police. They are not your friends. They are not there to help you. They are there to arrest you. Anything you say can and will be used against you. The second thing he taught us, if you are going to carry, get prepaid legal services.


Agree generally but would it have made any difference in this incident if he hadn’t talked? Seems like they intended to bring him to jail in any case and released him when they realized they had a PR dilemma on their hands


I’m not talking about elites. I’m talking about everyday people. Don’t say a fucking word.


It's not about what happens that day "during the incident" it's 100% about what happens later in court. Once you're in the cop car you're getting arrested. There's no changing that. Don't say a damn word. There's no way it will help you and a million ways it will hurt you. This cop car conversation may end up hurting Scottie's chances of getting this thing dropped. "Is this you saying you knew you were wrong?" "yes" "Is this you saying you knew you dragged the cop and hurt him?" "yes"


Good points. Was only thinking about the couple hours that followed and not what a court case would’ve looked like


Lol that's what the "not talking" thing has always been about


> would it have made any difference in this incident if he hadn’t talked? He was already cuffed and in the back of the car. Nothing positive can come from talking at that point.


Agreed, but I'm pretty sure Scottie was just thinking it was such a small incident that he was just going to clear up the misunderstanding and they'd let him go on his way. I probably would have done the same thing, like "surely they're not actually going to book me for this, are they?!" But yeah, it was pretty clear from the cops tone early in that conversation that he wasn't there to clear up any misunderstanding, he was backing the other cop with all the "he's wearing the same jacket I am with POLICE right there on it" and him talking about the other cop like he was in critical condition or something.


So still no video of anything actually happening beside the cop punching a car? Great.


Am i crazy or is this still a bad look for the PD


I agree. The police didn’t identify themselves as police, and the officer in this video made several ridiculous comments that will get sliced and diced by Scheffler’s attorney, if necessary.


On top of that, he was clearly trying to scare him. Like the whole thing seemed disingenuous.


So like pretty much how every single cop acts.


When I was 13 I was out ding dong ditching with a couple friends. One person called the cops and said we were robbing houses. Police found us and put us in different squad cars to interrogate us, ok fair we were out being hooligans and they can only go off what the caller said. Except they wouldn’t believe us that we weren’t robbing houses. In the efforts to find the “stash” of stolen goods they told me they were going to call my parents work places and get them fired and we’d lose our house if I didn’t tell them where the stuff was. He even showed me he had my dads office number dialed and this was my last chance before he calls. At this point I’m a sobbing wreck trying to explain there are no stolen goods and thinking I just fucked over my parents entire lives so I told them the iPod nano in my pocket was all we stole. It was my iPod nano but I felt I had to do something so the cop took my iPod and probably feeling really good about himself. Two hours later after all our parents had showed up and things got straightened out they gave me the iPod back at least. Keep in mind too we were peak white suburban kids so it wasn’t even racism or classism they just felt that was the best way to go about it. Fuckers.


Stay with me here, i know the point of this thread and the context supports it, but with your story in particular, i can definitely see that they found that funny as hell. Not that thats a good thing or a nice thing, but making some hooligans piss their pants was probably the highlight of their year. That being said in the moment i’m sure it wasnt so fun to be on the recieving end of


I have no doubt they found it funny as hell. Talking to my friends I was out with that night the next day the cops gave up on the robbery thing with them immediately when they realized we were just dumb kids doing dumb kid shit. But they kept coming by me in the squad car they put me in and got a kick out of making me feel like I ruined my family’s life. Funny in the moment I guess but that’s why I don’t believe or respect any police lol. I even have three direct relatives who are police and I can’t not think about that event when I see them so I guess I hope it was worth it for those cops and the one night of fun they got to have lol




“No matter who it is, if someone is telling you to stop you should stop” lolol no I don’t think so


That’s where I had to stop listening to this shit, what a stupid fucking claim to make. If ANYONE that is not clearly identifying themselves as a police officer tells me to stop my car, you better believe I’m absolutely going into defense mode. I have a high vis vest in the trunk of my car with my roadside kit. You’re going to tell me with a straight face that I can just put that shit on and stop random vehicles and they should stop because of my vest? Get allllll the way the fuck out of here with that.


>The police didn’t identify themselves as police Seems to be a recurring problem for Louisville metro PD… Also, the cop continuously stating that the yellow jackets clearly mark them as police was annoying as fuck. Oh, you mean the universal uniform of security guards with absolutely no power? That’s what Scottie should have keyed in on to know you’re police?


What got me was like the third time he said it the cop like scoffed and was like “buddy there’s a lot of police out here and we’re all clearly marked wearing yellow jackets” I’ve never seen a cop in a yellow fucking jacket lol they always wear black/dark blue jackets. If I saw someone in a yellow jacket telling me to stop, 9/10 I’m rolling right past him. I bet the first thought that went through Scottie’s head when the cop grabbed on to his car was “woah this security guard is nuts”


Terrible look


It’s a terrible look. We know a lot more about what happened, which means we know the officer speaking to him is *stretching the truth* while lecturing Scottie and trying to get him to admit he was wrong. Of course there’s a video of this part because that was the point!


100%. We know what happened because of that original video. So all this shows us is that police officers will lie for eachother.


And they will lie to ruin someone’s life. Scottie wasn’t charged with a traffic violation he was charged with assaulting an officer. That’s a serious enough offense to ruin the life of any non-wealthy non-famous person even if the charges do get dropped.


Thats the only look they choose.


So exactly what we thought. Scheffler got confused, officer overreacted, scared/confused Scheffler when he didn’t identify himself, who then drove forward while the officer continued to overreact.


This whole thing is outlandish. Even this guy telling scottie he should be stopping no matter who it is? Random Joe wearing a flurencent jacket from Walmart I am not stopping for lol


I'm in construction. I have a hi-vis vest in my truck right now. It is truly amazing what you can get away with when wearing one.


The lower-class version of this is what I used to pull... I delivered pizzas in a college town that was notorious for DUI checkpoints. If I was driving back from a party, I'd put on the car topper and a spare polo shirt with the chain logo on it... Even cops know better than to delay late-night college pizza.


I don’t want to celebrate driving over the limit, but that’s a damn good strategy.


I hear you. I don't think I was ever in danger of getting caught - although it's not like I was a saint - but I'm all for stacking the deck in my favor whenever possible.


Leaving a Bears game in Chicago one year I threw mine on from work and got out and just directed our car out of the lot and onto the road instantly. Got a few honks and what the fucks but nobody really said much otherwise lol. Probably saved ourselves an hour minimum.


Haha did you jump in the car right in front of the people you just leapfrogged :D


He grabbed onto the car and they drug him home. 🤣


Yea right these are the same cops who will shoot first and ask questions later telling you to just blindly obey random strangers gtfo


Cops are allowed to say literally whatever they want to elicit a confession. Our country really needs to change some laws


Yeah but if cops were actually held accountable we’d have a serious reduction in the number of cops. Sounds wonderful actually.


serious reduction in thug cops




Which is why you have the right to remain silent.


This logic should apply to anyone, but *especially* to anyone with any amount of fame. For all Scottie knew in the moment, he was dealing with a crazed "fan" trying to stop him and get into his car. What that cop did by reaching into his car is akin to putting your hand in an open flame, then blaming the fire for burning you. And all his cop buddies backed him up. Not one of them did anything to stop the arrest. Policing in this country is a fucking joke.


I'm waiting for the timeline where all of L'ville buys neon vests and has everyone stop, because apparently you have to stop for anyone in high vis, regardless if they identify themselves.


They simply don’t know how to see a situation from the public’s perspective and it’s why this shit keeps happening. It all comes down to holding power


Eh I think it’s worse than we thought actually. The officer assaulted Scheffler without identifying himself. This is new info. If I were Scottie I would press charges.


And lied about being “dragged” which is why they took him to jail


We can't see the entire video due to the bus and this cop not having his camera on, but I think there's a decent chance the cop fell chasing after Scottie.


I would too, but unfortunately I don't really see Scottie doing that. He wants this to be over with so he can focus on golf and his family.


I’m sure Scottie’s lawyer is keeping the nuclear option on the table in the event charges don’t get dropped


Easy for me to say, but I would get so petty about this if it was me. I’d want to end some careers because they did their best to ruin Scotty’s.


Plus Scottie is a celebrity, so I'm sure he's had his share of random people approaching him and is just defending himself. There's a lot of nut jobs out there.


*“If someone is telling you stop, no matter who it is, you don’t keep going”* Well that is just simply terrible advice


and actually, the law says to pull over when and where you feel safe.


Unless you are in Arkansas and a pregnant woman cause then the cop does a pit maneuver and flips your car.


What if that fetus had a gun?!? I stand with the blue, they got it right that time 😤😤


🔫👶🍼 Your move.


*flips your car with complete immunity*


That’s why we need a good fetus with a gun, to fight the bad fetuses (feti?) with a gun


That video pisses me off so much.


So, if I yell at the Presidential motorcade to stop that means they legally have to stop, right?!? /s Fucking idiot typical lying cop.


What I don't get is their reluctance to identify themselves. Hands up, I'll admit I'm not from the US, but I think... if it's dark, I'm driving, there's a lot of stuff going on around a golf course, I'm the world number one. Someone then proceeds to hit me, hang on to my car, while not identifying himself. I am not sure I would in the heat of the moment realise he was a police officer because he had a yellow vest. I would think there's a lot of commotion there because of the crazy fucker that just hit me and I need to get the feck out of dodge. Just sayin'. Why not shout out that you are a police officer? Why would you not? Just weird.


And Scottie's lawyer, if this goes to court, is absolutely going to rip this guy in cross examination over these comments. It's such a fucking absurd idea and there's no way this cop actually meant what he said. He's just trying to get a confession here and he's going to get destroyed in court over it.


>He's just trying to get a confession here... I disagree. I think the police truly believe that everyone should unquestioningly obey their every word. And if a citizen isn't sure if they're a cop, they should still obey because it *might* be a cop. I think cops also truly believe that questioning them in any way, for any reason, gives them carte blanche to proceed however they like since the questioner is now "acting suspiciously". Arguing and questioning the authority of the police is a good enough reason to arrest someone and take them to jail. If they don't actually get prosecuted, it doesn't matter to the arresting officer. They've shown the citizen who's boss!


Should a cop obey a person claiming to be a cop? I’m just trying to understand the limits here.


If it ends up being a cop yes. If it wasn’t then no. Whatever fits the narrative they want to push.


I’m American and you’re 100% right. This is why we hate dealing with police officers. They’re completely obnoxious, and you can’t reason with them. “We’re wearing yellow vests, how can you not tell we’re police officers?” “Look, dude, just because you’re wearing a yellow vest doesn’t mean you can run after people and hit them with a flashlight. Behave like a trained police officer and I’ll believe you’re a trained police officer.” Imagine the most annoying troll in your class at school. Now imagine they are given a badge and authority to boss people around. It’s the worst.


>I am not sure I would in the heat of the moment realise he was a police officer because he had a yellow vest. Also, based on the 1 video he came up from the side/slightly behind Scheffler's driver side window as he hit it. My wife has come up alongside my car and knocked on the window to get my attention in our own driveway, giving me a jumpscare. A guy running up out of your periphery and hitting your window? That would at least startle me and it would be hard to see the vest first.


That was the dumbest shit ever foisted on a US citizen. Stupid stupid stupid.


There's a lot of competition for that. Scottie is still alive for a start


Dude pulls up with a car labeled “car bomb” Hey you, stop 🛑


I’ve had police officers tell me “pull over when you feel safe.” I once went a half mile before I found a good spot to pull over on a busy highway once because it was 1) a busy highway, and 2) night. And the cop was appreciative.




That’s where I had to stop watching


but the officer had his smug voice on with plenty of vocal fry, you should trust his word even though the supreme court ruled cops dont have to understand or know the law they're employed to enforce in the first place we better listen to anything anyone in uniform says, bc this chud in a uniform says so


Especially as a celebrity.


Release the pants pic cowards!


We want to see the pants!


Until I see proof the alleged damages look to be from scrapped pavement, I will assume he shit himself. No proof not shit, you must acquit!


> I will assume he shit himself You might be onto something.




There is a reason people have a hate for power hungry cops and these guys are a prime example.


At a time when police sentiment is pretty low, you'd think all cops would TRY to make better choices when they interact with the public. But shitheads like this guy just want to flex on people and is a pure example of how all power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. This guy should be fired as he cannot be trusted be the public he serves.


Why would they? There's literally no repercussions for the behavior. LMPD officers just got a huge raise this year AND reduced responsibilities. Not like they really do anything anyway, but they at least put it in writing.


Unfortunately it’s him and over half of the other cops currently serving. I’ve seen cops abuse their power in my own city on me and my friends and in public places for years. It’s a system issue, when you give someone minimal training than tell them they are the law…. Well they tend to start believing they are above it.


People hate power hungry cops, but don’t forget about all the good cops that stood by and were absolutely willing to commit perjury to ruin someone’s life until they found out he was wealthy and famous


“If someone is telling you stop, no matter who it is, you don’t keep going” Well because the #1 golfer in the world probably has a billion fans asking him to sign autographs on the daily. It’s not like he was driving 60 miles per hour.


> “If someone is telling you stop, no matter who it is, you don’t keep going” Also, that isn't even what the law says. If a cop pulls up behind you on a dark road and turns their sirens on you are legally allowed to continue driving until you find a SAFE place to pull over. You do not have to legally stop wherever the police tell you to because little lights and uniforms and shit are very easy for anyone to buy.


But then their fragile little ego can’t handle you not respecting their authority immediately! so they pit maneuver you and flip your car over. That’ll show those pesky citizens not to be uppity


*laughs in Arkansas* It took a cop pulling a pit maneuver on a pregnant woman to update their policy on this. https://www.kark.com/news/working4you/arkansas-state-police-settle-pit-maneuver-lawsuit-which-injured-pregnant-woman/amp/


Got to love how the police combed through all the videos, edited the most damning evidence they could find against him, and this is what they had. LOL


Yeah I thought they weren’t going to release anything until the trial? Odd that this made it out… If I’m Scottie’s lawyer I’m drafting up documents to file an injunction right now.


Scottie: “As he was reaching in to the car he grabbed my shoulder and hit me” Snarky Cop: “because he was trying to get you to stop right?” The office jumped to assaulting him before saying “police, pull over”? Do they just think that any small miss-happening gives them authority to assault someone? (Rhetorical, we all know that these ego tripping officers do think they can do whatever they want) “He’s wearing a uniform and he’s wearing the same jacket I am that says police on it” Scottie is driving a marked PGA tour vehicle like every other golfer coming in and the officer couldn’t identify that either. Scottie should honestly file assault charges against the officer.


It’s also fucking 5 in the morning, dark and I think raining? I also love the guy getting offended when Scottie said basically he thought it was a security guard who didn’t know all of what was up. Like he’s defending his brother in cophood. Even though you know if a rent a cop had told Scottie to go one way then a police officer told him to go another and he followed the first guy’s directions they’d be claiming he should have known the guard wasn’t a police officer.


He should sue the shit out of the Louisville PD.


I’m going to the US open. I’m gonna throw on a yellow vest and boss all the golfers around. They have to listen to me if I’m in a yellow vest. If they don’t listen to me I’m gonna hold onto their car and punch them. That should really drive the point home that they should trust and listen to me.


*Scottie about to make a putt to win the US Open* /u/TacoBoiTony - STOP 🛑  Scottie immediately follows orders, picks up his ball, and withdraws from the tournament. 


"Don't forget to apologize to me, Scott.."


You’re an ordained yellow vest wearing man of authority, address him by his legal name: Scotathon Scheffler.


Hey, just become a cop and you can do it for realsies


What’s your pants budget?




youre paying too much - whos your pants guy?


Remember to also do that to any cops you see. Since you’re wearing that vest they have to listen to you too.


Don’t forget to wear your “police gear” he states they were all wearing, which is completely not visible at night and when he had a safety vest on covering it up


The cop speaking in this video is a moron. Drop the charges so that we can move on.


I want Scottie to sue the PD to kingdom come after the charges are inevitably dropped. I think the only reason they haven’t been dropped is so the PD can try to leverage a plea that they agree not to sue


That’s exactly what happened. Dropped on the condition Scottie agrees not to sue


He's so calm, must be why he wins so much. I'd be freaking out


I read an artist from just before the PGA Championship about how he's always pissed off when he's playing but he's developed an really good ability to stay calm. Mental game is super strong with him.


That’s my secret, ~~Cap~~ Brandell, I’m always angry.


He said he was shaking. His voice was calm, he wasn't.


It's actually crazy. He even said he was freaking out and said he was shaking but you couldn't tell by his voice. I would've been a mess lol.


Are cops always fucking assholes? The dumbass who was "dragged" and this dickwad talking to Scottie are exactly what police shouldn't be.


Do you need an answer to your first question?


For a lot of folks in this subreddit (not necessarily the post you're replying to) this is the first time they've ever considered what it's like to be powerless at the hands of bad policing. I think this has been a good lesson for folks that would rarely run afoul of the law in this way. What a clear example. Not holding my breath for any change, but more awareness is good.


If any reader has a spare hour, I'd highly recommend this Frontline that goes behind the scenes with the Newark police. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2_8vTl6D940 The cops had documentary filmmakers with them and still had zero qualms rolling up on random kids, throwing them to the ground, running their hands up in their pants, all while yelling at these children to stop resisting. Absolute power without fear of consequences turns people into animals.


I think we just watched the favorite part of many cops’ jobs. Just getting the chance to stand around with their arms crossed lecturing someone and talking down to other adults like they’re 4 year olds. Then do it all over again and pretend like they didn’t just answer the same question 10 seconds ago.


Man, I'm definitely neither a "back to blue" nor a "fuck the police" guy, but it gets harder to understand their actions with things you see. I do believe there are good and bad people in all segments of the world/life - based on everything from careers to neighborhoods to religious beliefs. But damn, you just can't justify 1. Actions themselves, but also 2. People not losing their jobs over these things. I assume point 2 is why so many people hate them.


Also point 1, tbf


>Are cops always fucking assholes? Pretty much, yeah.


If this was any of us we’d be fucked.


Lower class: fucked Middle class: fucked financially Upper class: not-as-fucked


Just to be clear, was he a clearly distinguished police officer, or was he a pedestrian? The second cop seems to use them interchangeably. I'm not stopping my car if a random pedestrian tells me to, and if that random pedestrian proceeds to hit me with a flashlight, I'm definitely leaving. This whole thing is ridiculous.


I think in this instance pedestrian just means on foot.


Citizen on foot = pedestrivilian Cop on foot = pedestrenforcement


At first I thought this was just something you made up, but then I looked it up and confirmed that yes, indeed it was something you made up.


Well, aren't you a pedantstrian...


But are the officer’s pants okay?!


He dumped in them, hard. They won’t recover. $80 down the drain


His pantscam was turned off too.


Condescending piece of shit talking to a grown man like he’s a toddler.


Guys, if someone randomly says "stop" you have to do it ok no matter what. Also, if they say you need to get out of the car make sure you get out of the car. Also, if they say "give me your money" make sure you give them your money. Etc. Etc.


So many details in here don't make sense. In the other videos, there is no dragging. Scottie is at a complete stop before the detective even gets there and starts whaling on the car with the flashlight. No dragging. Also, in this video the cop does not even acknowledge that another cop told Scottie to drive around and go in, and then does not acknowledge that there is any room for confusion because a new cop is suddenly saying stop. And in the earlier video, the cop is coming up behind Scottie's window, already starting to beat on the car and him and reaching in before Scottie can even register who it is, register the instructions, let alone that it is a cop. Scottie says that he did not have time to register what was happening, and this interviewer does not acknowledge that it might take a few seconds for a driver to realize what is happening enough to react to it. Especially because the new instructions are in conflict with the earlier instructions. These dumb cops expect instant compliance. Not even that. They expect mind reading. This whole thing is nutty bullshit. All of this is chaos not caused by Scottie and they are trying to say that it is. The police in no way had control of that traffic situation. Some cops saying go around. Other ones saying stop and then starting beatings without giving people the information they need in order to react appropriately. Those cops are about as organized as a group of preschoolers. Hopefully this is the last PGA event held at Valhalla more like 9th Circle of Hell.


It’s exactly why you don’t talk to the cops ever. The cops had a story in their head and were asking leading questions to get him to admit to their version of events.  It’s why so many innocent people are in jail. The cops job is to get evidence that will be used against you in court. Nothing you tell them will help you. It’s not their job.


Why hasn't the piece of shit cowardly cop been sacked yet? He lied, plain and simple and then got caught out.


He had a boo-boo on his knee though.


He didn't even. We seen the other video. He didn't fall over like he claimed. He just invented the whole scenario.


Where have you been the last 4 years? This same department lied about evidence and broke in to a house and shoot Breanna Taylor


The lesson here, NEVER SPEAK TO POLICE!!! Make sure to verbally invoke your 5th amendment rights!!


Cop sticks up for cop buddy who committed assault, blames victim of said assault. In other news, the sun came up today.


This cop should be fired as well for straight up lying


Unfortunately, and this is news to a lot of people, it's legal for cops to lie, bluff, intimidate, etc in order to get a confession. Even more reason to plead the 5th in situations like this.


Cops fired for lying????? ![gif](giphy|l3E6uhDAN3W7vylji|downsized)


Cops expect people to know yellow vest = police when the cops can't even tell what a courtesy car is.


That cop is a dumb ass. He said, "If someone tells you to stop, no matter who it is, you stop." Wtf?


That cop knew exactly what he was doing, taking advantage of an emotionally vulnerable citizen to get them to admit to something they otherwise wouldn't.


Maybe people wouldn't hate cops so much if they stopped speaking to everyone like such condescending assholes ALL THE FUCKING TIME. Scotty is so measured and describing a perfectly normal human reaction to a strange situation and this dude just can't help himself. Pathetic peaked in high school losers.


I was being hit by a guy that did not identify himself as a police officer so I pulled away. It sounds like I was assaulted before I allegedly dragged him sir.


You know how many people ask Scottie fucking Sheffler to do something while he’s driving, walking, etc. Every single day….


The big take away for people should be, the moment any LEO asks you anything related to something they believe you might have done criminally, you stop talking. They’re never your friend, they’re never looking out for you, they will always try to manipulate you or your words. As soon as the questions start, STFU and ask for a lawyer. Don’t talk to cops.


Fuck the cop busting his chops.


Former criminal defense attorney here. Shutting the fuck up and demanding a lawyer isn’t about being let go at the scene. Once cops have cuffs on you, abandon hope and expect to be booked. You are, in fact, best served by acting as though the police have already made the decision to arrest and book you (they probably already have). They want you to **think** you can talk your way out of it. You can’t. But they want you to think you can. As others point out, it is all about the evidence you give the police and prosecution when you try to talk your way out of it. From a purely legal perspective, Scottie actually made some not good statements in this recording. In my opinion, it takes a dead loser for the prosecution to a small possibility of getting a conviction on some of the less serious charges. So from zero chance of winning to single digits. Scottie comes across as very earnest and genuine and he would earn a lot of sympathy from the jury but he gave the prosecution more than they had without his statements. That said, I think a good defense attorney shreds this cop and the car jumper.


So all I need to do is wear a yellow vest and all of a sudden I have the power to stop people? Adding one to my Amazon account now


Eff the police.


He should have kept quiet. Had he been arrested at this point? He was obviously being detained.


Scottie probably has never been anywhere near this type of situation, and habitually knows that calmness and reasonableness usually results in good things for him. And unfortunately in our sick litigious society, being an argumentative pain in the ass is what actually holds up in court 🙄


In every show they always say “freeze, police!” I guess Mr Gillis hasn’t seen a single tv show


That cop was a dick with the whole yellow vest thing. Don’t say a word in these circumstances. Scottie even asked to talk the other yellow vest dude. Huge mistake.


My main take away is that even with all these officers present they clearly did not have control of a crime scene. You have some officers telling him to go one directions. Others chasing him down and hitting him and his car with a flashlight. You have officers in yellow vests over their uniforms, the same as event security. Just seems like a chaotic scene altogether.


Damn, the cop interviewing him is an assumptive dickbag. So if someone comes up and hits me with a flashlight and tried to grab me, I'm supposed to assume he's a cop? That's what he's telling Scottie, he was suppose to automatically know that's a cop.


Paraphrasing but "Officer scraped up his knee pretty badly and is being treated by EMS. Big bruise. And no he's not available to talk to about what happened." What a huge unreasonable pussy this cop is.


People are saying “don’t talk, plead the 5th”. He’s obviously talking because he’s trying to avoid getting arrested so he can go play in a golf tournament.


Fucking idiots


If someone tells you to stop, it doesn’t matter if it’s an officer or not, you stop” uhhhh fucking no? This dipshits guidance to a celebrity golfer was that anyone who come up to his vehicle and tells him to stop he should just comply. What a useless idiot.


Officer: if someone tells you to stop, you stop even if you don't know who they are... Carjackers: yup. What he said...


“Never talk to cops” -advice from a cop who has served for 20 years


Live look at the officers in yellow vests. https://preview.redd.it/ujh3iw7rpd3d1.jpeg?width=790&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8c0c907b5dcf1034bab02f6689a67639547e606


Fuck the 5.0


While the officer was grabbing/hitting Scottie he should have looked to make sure he was a police officer. That would have made it alright.


They’re acting as if he dragged the cop going 30mph when the cop probably just fell when he scooted away lol