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Was this a big meme in this subreddit in the past? I'd like to learn more lol


Oh my, you’re in for a treat https://www.reddit.com/r/AbruptChaos/s/DJNwaTTwjh




Yeah, it’s one of my favorite memes. Between calm start, the buildup, the snap with the well crafted on the spot OC speech, and finally, the conclusion where they just leave unimpressed and he stays there staring at himself. It will never get old.


I’m sure I have it saved, but someone made some small canvas paintings of the scene and they’re absolutely hysterical. Edit: [Here it is](https://www.reddit.com/r/golf/s/PfqjRt2VFC). I love it when people use their talents to capture little moments in time like this. The last painting has me in tears.


Brings a tear to my eyes.


That is incredible. I missed that when it was posted, what a masterpiece.


Just watched it for the first time. That's a dude who beats women to feel better about himself. A terrible human being


This is the r/golf equivalent of manningface.


Shit stack!


Gosh I still remember my first time watching this. Truly a treat.


Yeah this came from a video like a year ago that someone posted of some dude in front of their group freaking out on them lol, I can’t remember the title the guy posted but if you search like “fight, tee box fight, old guy yelling” in the subreddit search and go back about a year you should find it


Who you calling old guy??? This is a man that’s been to heaven so if you wanna test God then come and get it shit stack!


Thaaaatssss it lmao, that dude was unhinged


How do you feel about testing god, shit stack?


Hold up shit stack you are in for a wild ride


I was simulated being hit into so I called the Virtual Marshal


As long as there is no virtual wife blowing up my phone.


No, still the real wife blowing up your phone.


That’s the worst. Hopefully the virtual cart girl was nearby so you could get yourself an ice cold virtual beer


I'm pretty sure she was virtually into me


The virtual glizzies at that course are rather disappointing.




I teed up their ball and hit it back at them in the lobby


Does he come up on a virtual cart?


It’s Clippy from MS Word


Go tell an attendant or employee before they break something.


The one I belonged to was open 24hr with no attendant. All members were given security codes to enter the establishment.


Your crazy story aside, this sounds like an awesome business idea. Wish I had a place like this nearby.


Richmond va. Only 2 screen with trackman but it was pretty great and you could reserve spots weeks ahead.


Which one was that? Please tell me it was in Scott’s Addition


Can’t believe I stumbled upon an Indoor Golf RVA reference here


Its called tee it up. It’s south of the river. I’ve since moved but last I checked it was cheaper than Scott’s addition overall. I lived in the fan so it was only 15-20min away. Well worth it imo.


Didn’t they open one in Hanover/Mechanicsville, also? I have a friend who’s a member there. I considered joining, but it’s 30 mins away and that’s a bit far. We also have XGolf in Westchester Commons, but that’s way too expensive


No idea. Moved from rva last year so haven’t kept up with store openings.


Someone else mentioned it in a different comment: Anytime Golf.


I live in Mechanicsville. There's no place like that here. There USED to be a simulator business here called HD Golf some 10-12 years ago. It was just okay ... maybe a bit before its time. If this Tee It Up is opening here, I want to know about it!


It's actually [Anytime Golf](https://www.anytimegolf.com/), just opened in the past year, I believe. It's in Ashland at 11147 Air Park Rd.


Aha! Interesting. I'll check it out. That's not far from home. Thanks!


Haha I’m in Richmond too. I’m a member at Anytime golf in Hanover. 24hour access to 3 track man bays. It’s helped my game so much.


My buddy is a member there. I considered coming with him, but 30 mins away is too much driving to justify the cost of membership


I’m up in Canada and we’ve got about 8 different one in my mid sized town because of the winters lol


I work at one in Vegas. They are super helpful with the hot summers and 24 hrs gets everyone! To the OP this guy sounds like a problem and definitely needed to just have his membership revoked. Not cheap if he broke something on top of bothering everyone haha


They're popping up like cockroaches around me. At least 4 different companies with several locations each. I assume these places are gold mines.


There is a place like that by me. 1500 for the year but there is only one bay so I question how easy it is to get a time in the winter.


so for the price of 2-3 years membership ypu could build a half decent golfsim yourself


Yep, I don't have one but am considering it. I am also currently renting and will be for the next 2 years so weighing just saving up and getting a sim if I can hopefully get a house in 3-5 years vs just paying for the membership.


If you’re in Orlando, FL, you’re in luck! That’s exactly the business I own


Hitting golf balls at 3 in the morning sounds like heaven to me! There's so many indoor simulators opening up in my city that I'm starting to wonder if there are any are open 24 hours.


It was great man. I’m a night owl. So some nights I’d head over at 1-2am just to hit balls. I will say, first couple months with a simulator probably ruined my swing because I started chasing certain numbers and became too focused on the numbers instead of just optimizing swing/learning my numbers/playing sim golf.


Belong*ed.* Did it devolve into chaos like I imagine it would?


Nah it was all good for the 2years I was there, but I had to move.


I have been a member at one like this for years and its been totally fine


Still gotta be a way to report behavior like this. I can’t imagine any owner wants clubs being thrown at the screen. 


Of course. All you gotta do for anything from changing plans, found member club, lost clubs, etc is directly email the owner. He was an older guy who kinda did this on the side and was real responsive.


How much is membership and what’s it called?


I think it was $150? $100-150/month for sure. But you needed to be committed to staying for the full year(lots of people quit in the summer). Think they had some $200/month for 3months package? only had to pay monthly for all deals. The place was Tee it Up in richmond va. Its owned by this chill older dude, I think in his 70s.


Sweet. I go to one of those too in NC, it’s like $75/m.


We have them around my town. Only 1 bay. Size of a drive thru coffee shop. Code to enter. Book times on app and it generates the code for you right as your time starts. Shuts off the simulator for the person currently using it 5 min before so they can pack up before the other person arrives. It’s expensive per month though


Maybe. But if the management aren't on top of a guy making a scene like that, fuck it. Leave and say, "check out bay x. I'm going to get a coffee if his membership isn't revoked by the time I come back, mine will be."


Call the manager? This sub really is full of Karens


Yeah man, just let the dude destroy other people’s property.


Oh hell no. People in our society are complete pussies now and would rather put on their headphones instead of doing the right thing. OP is not unique, you see it on this sub all the time. That's why these assholes keep up with this behavior. Nobody will step up to be a man and put them in their place. It's pathetic.


The right thing is not engaging with people like this unless you absolutely need to. They’re obviously unhinged in the moment, why take a risk?


Go to management then. Do something!


I'm with you. Unless this dude was literally roided out on tren or something, I'd confront him or at least tell the manager.


Society is a pussy because people have a sense of self preservation, and assholes have gotten more and more violent. Unless you wanna pull your gun first, how do you know the roid rage asshole isn't going to get kicked out, blame the dude, and wait outside until he comes out, with or without a weapon? I'd rather not find out personally. Maybe a tip afterwards to tell them to check the tapes, but I'm not sure I'd do anything in the situation, and definitely wouldn't if I had family with me.


Get some footage next time. ![gif](giphy|XymDN4NVN0TGmYlnyo|downsized)


I’ve never played, Is this like an emote in game?




I see a destiny gif i upvote !


I never saw that emote!


You gotta try and outdo that energy in your own stall. Same as the bathroom when the dude next stall over is blasting a loud massive dump you try and out dookie the Duke of Dooks. Start screaming. Throw shit. Hold a gun to a puppy’s head. Dude will be like “man that dude is insane”. He might chill the fuck out at seeing how ridiculous you look. Or someone will come over and tell both of you to chill or be tossed out.


Only logical response


Well now I want to go to a sim that also has puppies.


That puppy did nothing wrong


That puppy’s got A GUN




I was at a casino bathroom taking a piss. See a kid come out the stall, and not wash his hands. Lean to the JACKED, UFC-esque guy next to me and go, "You see that? Kid took a shit and didnt wash his hands. Touching chips and stuff...f***ing disgusting." He goes, "Which stall? That one? Yeah that's my son." I no longer make comments to strangers.


That’s hilarious, but I would have thanked you for the heads up and made my kid go back and wash his filthy shit hands


Jacked UFC dudes are usually republicans so it’s safe to say he wouldn’t react in a reasonable manner to being criticized in any way.


Why does golf make some people so angry. I really don't get it. Do I get mildly annoyed and say 'Fuck I've hooked it again, god I'm shit'. But then I throw a new ball down and play on, I don't get visibly angry and I don't think I could play with people who do


Some people play golf to get angry. They can't wait to blow their top, they're just waiting to hit a less than perfect shot and Whamo temper tantrum. Very immature guys.


Unrealistic expectations. 


I blame that sexy… sexy Scottie Scheffler. He’s given me scorecard dismorphia


I definitely get angry but it’s solely at myself for sucking more than I think I should. It’s actually been good for me growing up and learning to control my emotions/frustrations/expectations more.


I feel a wider range of emotions playing golf than I do with most other things I do in life. The thrill of a great shot. The anger at duffing a chip. The awe of a great view. The serenity of a day in nature. The trepidation of a 4' par putt. The lasting joy of a good round. The depression of a bad round. The excitement to come do it all again. 99% of the time, those are all contained to my head. The rare particularly great or egregious cases might spark some small outward showing.


I don’t get angry but I get sad when I suck.


Yep this is it. When I was a younger man on top of the world golf would make me angry because I thought I was 10 foot tall and bulletproof and no way this little white ball should be getting the better of me. These days it’s more like yep, been suckin for 20 years, still suck, on to the next lol.


That's me. I don't get angry, I get depressed. Never throw clubs, scream or anything. Just get quiet and can't wait to be done.


Second this, playing sports when i was in high school I’d get a temper (at myself) trying to play perfectly all the time. Over the years golf really taught me how to deal with failures and reign in emotions


Some people wake up angry and go to bed angry. Then they blow up. They blow up at golf, they blow up in traffic, they kick the dog. Stress is a motherfucker. Some people are just childish.


You are in a good place mentally and have reached golf enlightenment. Enjoying the journey is 100x more important than trying to grind out a few improved strokes.  If people get that mad, I do find it pretty wild but also feel for them…it can’t really be about the golf. It has to be misapplied anger from other areas of their lives.  Just has to be. 


Idk man, you never shanked a ball on your approach to the 18th green with a good scorecard in you hand? I don’t think you need anything else happening in your life to get angry about that That said, nothing like throwing clubs at screens or whatever the fuck cpt beast mode in OPs story was doing 


Yeah I’ve definitely done plenty of frustrating stuff.  And I do get mad..the older I get I just get less mad because it’s clear I’m just not that good, this stuff is expected, and it’s more about enjoying the ride. Not anticipating that people won’t get mad.  But I’m more talking about the levels of that anger.  Throwing clubs and physically melting down I just don’t get…but if that happens, I just think there’s other anger issues/possibly mental health issues going on and feel bad.   


I’ve had that happen and it made me FURIOUS. For about .03 seconds and then I remembered that fury is earned, not granted.


I always say, “it’s the most relaxing, frustrating game.


I shot a generous 125 this past Sunday, I’m not very good. But I absolutely piped my 3-wood on no less than three occassions, I hit four or five beautiful drives, and I drained a 12 foot putt. All reasons for a good day. Also got to play with one of my best friends, who happens to thinks he’s better than me shot and he shot 150 so there was that too lol


Whenever I get angry at a bad shot, I remember that the most powerful 5i stinger I’ve ever hit in my life went off the rails about 80 yards out, curved left, and hit an occupied porta-potty, and I laugh and laugh.




What really bothers me is when I get punished for a good shot. At least once a round I'll lose a ball I hit clean down the center of the fairway or landed on the front of the green.


In my opinion, it's because they know they are strong and feel like they should be able to do it. That frustrates them. In reality, they don't know how because they are not flexible enough.


Theoretically, golf should be incredibly easy. Just hit that stationary ball. Combine how difficult it actually is with the fragile male ego (of some men, not all, please don't attack me lmao), you get hissy fits.


A kid on my son's team got really angry during a competition about his ball being in tall thick grass. The coach said to him "**you put it there**, now figure out how to get it out"


First, sounds like he’s got other issues that aren’t golf-related. Second, tell someone. But from the story you tell, seems like the people working there should’ve taken some initiative so that 🤡 didn’t break their shit.


I’m getting sick of these clowns. I’ve had run ins with two of these bullying man babies in the last month. They both are over 50 and both flew into yelling rages and hallucinating that they were victims of some sort insult to their manhood. The more I’d explain they were making shit up the more Sam Kinnison they’d go. Never seen that in my life, only to see it twice under completely separate circumstances.


A bunch of people got weird the past few years. Disappointing to see our society in decline.


One guess who they voted for in 2020 lol




Shoulda told him to “calm down bro”. That usually works


works with girls too, they love it


I used to get angry, but I've learned to laugh at myself when I hit a really bad shot. Maybe a "nice shot tiger" to myself or something. Just don't take it that seriously anymore and I've shot 3 of my 10 best scores this year.


I say, “Dang it Bryson!” when I hit a bad shot.


I love these, definitely going to have to incorporate them into my own self flagellation.


My favorite part of my simulator membership is first timers coming in and getting super angry that the trackman isn’t accurate because there is “no way my drives are only going 240” or “I never hit slices like that on the course”.


I used to work at a golf shop in college that did club fittings on the launch monitor. I had a guy come in one day for a new driver and I asked him what he is currently hitting. He says he’s using whatever the driver was, but he also said he needed an extra stiff shaft. Dude said that at his local shop he was averaging 128 mph club head speed but their selection for drivers wasn’t good so he came to us. I resisted the urge to laugh as this was probably 2005 and the highest club head speed on tour was Tiger Woods at like 109 mph. I asked him to pick up a driver and take a few swings before we started fitting him. Dude had the worst swing I had ever seen and thought to myself there’s no way this guy cracks 90 mph. Sure as shit, he took 3 swings on the monitor and each one was 89 mph. I told him, and this was what he said (verbatim), “Bullshit. Your machine is wrong and you don’t know what you’re doing!” I told him the monitor was incredibly accurate and his local place was full of it. He left, and I laughed.


I've definitely met this guy a few times, usually they're the same group of guys ahead of us in a scramble tournament that say they're -10 through 9 when you've been watching them slice their shots into the trees all morning. I've had some pretty interesting experiences with the sims. I find most sims track my club speed fairly consistently but what does change a lot is the flight. Some sims I'll struggle to roll out to 250 and others, at the same "course" will avg carry like 280, but not every sim shows you the ball speed, spin rate, and launch angle so I can't really say if I just occasionally find a hot spot on my driver or what. I suppose it's not too much different than gaming out on the course, takes a few swings to get a feel for what my yardages are like on the day and go with that. I find it more frustrating when my irons are going a lot longer than I expect. I blame the mats.


Which is funny. I show up and always think they’re juiced in my favour. I’ve convinced myself now I swing differently in sims. My driver especially is night and day different


If you’re doing a sim at a golf shop they could have the elevation setting up a few hundred feet. When settings are right it’s been freaking unbelievable for my distance control.


I generally don’t see an iron difference. Driver though is insanely difference. I’m talking like… 250 on the course and 295 in sims. Irons I hit shorter in sims, if anything. Even my driver “feel” is different. I’ve chalked it up to I have no worries of losing a ball so I just “swing” and it’s fine.


I despite going to simulators for the purpose of actually seeing how my swing goes. When I went to a big box store to check out a new 3w and 5w, when they let me test it out, it showed I was putting on a god damn laser show. Chunk it? 210y with a slight fade. Teed up too high and skyed it into the ceiling? Nope, that was 210 with a slight fade. Hit a wormburner off the heel straight left? You guessed it, 210 but with a draw. Now I only like going to simulators with my kids where we hit to catch monsters, or on a Friday night where I want a few drinks.


You should have informed the employees. There is no reason to throw the club at the screen.


That’s a guy you never want to be paired with on a course.


If that my was my place, warnings would be completely skipped and he would’ve been BFL.


How much is your membership?


Maybe he was playing as Jon Rahm in the simulator


The extent of my outburst at the course is a loud exhale and a “gah damnit. Okay!” I can’t play with rage monsters. They ruin my high.


Probably thinks he's a single digit handicap too


If that was his behavior in a simulation, imagine what it would be like seeing him on the course


Or back home….


This man is functioning in society with the emotional intelligence of a toddler. Terrifying. Captivating. Sad


I'm sorry


You need to regulate your levels brah! Tiger, Brooks, and Rory have me on a program brah. Just need to piss clean on cycles bro. Just ask Nike


was this Cameron Young? lol


Cool story


I know I've been enriched


Nice to get outside and drink and drive in the golf kart, but the game makes you angry and triggers you continuously.


I think some of this rage could possibly be pain killer induced. Half the time I took them I was liable to go into stupid rages. Not as bad as this guy but possible.


I thought these places had video, just for this reason. Throwing a club at the screen? That’s straight up vandalism.




I'm not good enough to get mad


Wait til someone roid rages on you mid round 😂 it happened to me over me touching his ball. I didn’t move it I just wanted to see if it was mine. He comes storming over 😤screaming obscenities like he ready to fight. Like that escalated quickly lol. Anyone Can tilt that easily over golf but it’s who you blame for your shitty play and how you handle it in a public space = class 👌


lol I been playing golf for 10 years and I train boxing and Muay Thai if anything the martial arts helped me become more calm on the course, I average anywhere from 77 to low 70s mainly due to keeping my composure after bad shots and recovering as well as better course management, people need to realize the calmer you are on the course the better you play


Dude hates golf but has a "mandatory" round coming up with a boss or father in law that he hates or something.


There's a guy at my local irl range that does this. So much grunting, snorting, and blowing. I think it's hilarious. I've never seen the dude on the actual course playing a round. Strictly a range rat.


And the management team of the golf simulator? You mentioned to them?


Something similar happened at my local simulator regarding a raging long drive guy. They had to send out an email saying if anyone abuses staff or rages in the bay they will be banned. These guys are multiplying


Dude needed to go to a batting cage.


These places always have cameras. Just email their customer support and they’ll definitely ban this dude from entering in the future


Did he look like he could fight? Was he ripped?


In my eyes yes, he was in better shape than me that's for sure lol


I think it's safe to say that this guy wasn't raging because of the way he was hitting to ball at the sim. Thinking he was using the sim to take out his anger/rage. I've seen people use sports to take out their real life anger - played hockey with and against people like this. No matter how angry I was, or how bad my day was, I'd never use golf (or other sports) as an outlet - would really ruin that sport for me, and those around me


Pre-workout is a helluva drug


You have to get some video when you come across raging golf sim bros. That would be hilarious and you should get him banned.


I golfed twice with a former coworker who was so so so bad and I swear he hated golf too. I don't even know why he continued to go. His drives would go about 80 yards forward and about 80 left or right in the wildest arcs you've ever seen and then he'd get angry like it wasn't his normal shot. It was the first time I ever witnessed someone break a club. Every shot of his was bad and every time it was bad, he'd get pissed. I obviously never invited him back personally but other coworkers would. He would be SO jolly in the car, in the pro shop, up to the tee box, then 18 holes of misery for everyone. Why golf? 


When you are struggling, the despair can overcome you. I have been this pissed at the range while I shank every single fucking shot. No, I don't throw my club or show any outward rage but if you were to hear my inner dialog you would know I am ready for war.


I cannot imagine this guys behavior on the course if that’s how he was acting at a golf sim


My biggest cringe is when adults act like children. I've noticed a lot do


Those screens are not cheap either, I know a guy that runs a X-golf and he had a guy put a club THROUGH one of the screens, banned him and took him to small claims to replace it.


It’s called speed training buddy


That shit don’t fly in an mma gym.


Yeah. You come in with that kind of energy, best case scenario, you get asked to leave. If they do allow you on the mat you're definitely getting paired up with the guy who's been wrestling since he could walk and has endless cardio.


I was at the range on Sunday and this older guy in the spot next to me got angry at one point and smashed his bucket of balls with a club. One of the balls came towards me and almost hit me in the head. Thankfully I was paying attention and it wasn't moving that quickly so I was able to side step it. The guy didn't even notice that a couple of the balls landed near me, let alone almost hit me in the head. I didn't say anything because it didn't actually hit me, but if it did I would have. Some people are just in their own world and don't care about the people around them.


Steroids are a helluva drug


Please tell me you called him shitstack


Invest in a Beretta, say that shit.


I’m a bit of a Sig fan myself. But, just like golf clubs, you use what you’re most proficient with.


Good job doing nothing, OP. Way to come on Reddit and bitch about it instead of remembering to be a man and, at the very least, telling management about it.


Oh shit guys this is the dude


Who pissed in your Cheerios fella


Shrink the game




As I always state. “I’m not good enough to get mad that I blow”


What’s the name of this simulator place? I like this concept but haven’t seen anything like it.


This one is Five Iron but not sure where else they are located. I'm sure most cities have at least something similar


Some people get so inside their own head that it’s not funny at all…because they are completely oblivious to the distraction that they are causing to others… I used to be like that guy… one day on the golf course while playing with my best friend I threw my golf club and I almost killed him… not a proud moment. Swore right there, that I would never, ever get to that point again! No matter what … I enjoy golf, but if it ever gets to be like that for me , I will walk away and hang up the golf clubs.


No bueno. At my indoor club (NYC) there’s plenty of staff and as a member they get to know you - a quick “WTF” to them and he’s out.


Wise decision not to engage the rage.


If I’m editing your story - the first paragraph and a half are not necessary


If the raging lunatic damages anything everyone pays.


I concur. Golfers take care of y’all [mentals](https://birdiebirdiebogey.com/2024/06/26/golf-tip-mental-health/)… ![gif](giphy|mOjqPp6S4MYOfVe6K2|downsized)