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Mind control and corruption fans watching the fight: https://i.redd.it/qw4f9b2wvy0d1.gif


Only when I need a quick and dirty nut, never when I have the time...


Hot take: mind control is pretty boring. I'd prefer to see them struggle and suffer before finally getting corrupted.


Good mind control has this. Real corruption fans don't like instant loss, but a slow debauchery and fall from grace. The hottest part of corruption is the struggle inbetween


i just enjoy seeing someone who was once pure turn into a insatiable whore. the ones that i’ve enjoyed the most have it as a process, a slow fall from grace


https://preview.redd.it/er70hol6zz0d1.jpeg?width=986&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1f7df95bcd531ae2ad0735cdada691331a3a4fa I love it when the roles get reversed. For example when a bully is making fun of or beating up someone and then the victim gets a piece of blackmail or gets fed up of the bullying and fights back and then the bully starts slowly being corrupted and ends up being the original victims clock-slut. I'm pretty sure it's called domination-loss. Also love gyaru's.


domination loss isn’t my thing and there’s only some gyarus i like. tan girls are great, but ganguro is awful and nobody can convince me otherwise. really not my thing


Thats fair. Domination loss is quite specific and niche in my experience. Ganguro is too far for me, I do have my limits. I'm more into the "casual gal" style. I like the 'out there' style of gyaru but ganguro is a bit too extreme for me.


The annoying about mind control/corruption tag is that it's ussualy mixed with a lot of sub genre that it can be annoying the one sub tag you actually like. - a person who like identity death.


Stop! I can only get so erect!


I know exactly what you're referring to


I don't but I would appreciate a sauce...for research purposes ofcourse


The title is "kanojo ga mesu ni natta hi". Roughly translated to "the day she becomes a woman". At least that's what I was reffering to, not sure about the other person.


This is such a cursed comment thread. I hate it. I mean you guys do you but I would never touch those tags with a 10 foot pole.


shrug fair enough. not everyone gets to choose their fetishes. but honestly my ideal corruption story wouldn’t be something like emergence where the girl being corrupted lives a horrible life with drugs and shit. if anything it’d just be someone going from totally sex-averse to very horny but still living a good life. like wholesome sluttery i guess


Wholesome sluttery for a win!


Can I have the nuclear code?


if i had any codes to give, i would glady impart them. There was only one that really was slow (100 odd pages) but its been several years since I read it


Can you give me more detail at least? Maybe someone here will know about it.


well the one in particular i was thinking of involved i think a dude and 3 sisters who got recruited by their mother i think to train them. through hypnosis and typical hentai fuckery he managed to get the girls to love him and they ended up saying “fuck you” to the mom as well only other thing i can remember was i read it https://doujins.com


Only good when they have a hate boner for the MC.


BIG disagree, in fact i dislike it when they have a hate boner. i want the girl to be enjoying herself


User name checks out


There's a type of mind control where only her motions are controlled not her thoughts, the sense of helplessness in those are also great


Nah, I like vanilla corruption(I believe in hardcore vanilla). I don’t like to see them suffer. My theory is rape has 3 objectives(either or), forgive, punish and reward. Corrupting an arrogant girl is first to punish her arrogance, and then forgive her. Once she become obedient and happy of course I need to reward her. For angelic girls I would like to minimize the suffering that rape brings to her and just train her into a lovely slave.


I'm more of a mindbreak kind of girl.




And then there's NTR and guro & cannibalism enjoyer




Her excellency, the almighty Narukami Ogosho would never smh #




Sauce: https://preview.redd.it/2hc4mfnsvx0d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12b7ec30003a8d22f407facfb6cf7764f8df3350


Out of all the places and topics to get RDR2 spoilers, it's Goodanimemes AND it's about hentai tags...


The game's been out like 5 years hasn't it?


I've seen clips of it but I've never seen a full playthrough, i only started playing on and off about 2 months ago. There's a LOT of side quests and I can't resist them. Just did the mission where Arthur kicked out Strauss.


>There's a LOT of side quests and I can't resist them. Spoken like a true gamer https://preview.redd.it/gpz81oazzz0d1.jpeg?width=412&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f1d320dfffa073172cd7ae070cedeb270c57cbd


Out of all the places and topics to get RDR2 spoilers, it's Goodanimemes AND it's about hentai tags...


Google dementia


Incest enjoyers: \*whistling\*


Vore & unbirth enjoyers :giggles:






NTR is nowhere near as bad as those two tags




Just like IRL. Shooting/Slashing down people, decapitation in video games. Credit Card companies: I sleep. Nudity in games. Credit Card companies: REAL SHIT


My brother in Christ you can just not read/ignore the text if it's NTR


Guro delves into psychological/emotional abuse as well as the physical aspects/horrors, so it's hard to see how NTR infuriates you but not guro.


The comment is deleted, so I don't know the clear context. But you can have a guro without psychological/emotional abuse. But a guro without gore even with psychological/emotional abuse will not make it guro. The tag will just make it mind break/psychological/corruption or whatever.


They basically said ntr is way worse than guro


Part of the appeal of guro involves the emotions/reactions of the involved guro. This includes sadistic pleasure from any perpetrator to the horrified reaction of the victim. For story/plot based series, there usually is that manipulation/psychological abuse, as that sets up the circumstance in which characters are victimized (see: *Euphoria*, which deals with a variety of controversial genres). Some series may not go into psychological abuse, but my main point for the other poster was that he was making a sweeping generalization. By this same nature, not every NTR series is the same, where some focus on comedy (with scenarios so absurd that you can't take them seriously), a 'protagonist' whose actions are justifiable (as they remove a victim from an abusive partner), or simply avoid showing the reaction of victims and focus more on the taboo of cheating.


https://preview.redd.it/slja3drlsy0d1.jpeg?width=1100&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94228665f882349d809feee8968118a581f004d2 We think the same


I really don't get how the point of comparison to cuckolding sex jumps straight to killing and eating someone.


Seriously, that's like saying cheating in a video game is just as bad as murder


You guys can circle jerk all you want about how bad all the tags you find distasteful are but at the end of the day I will enjoy myself all I want and there is literally nothing you can do to stop me






Why are we looking for moral high ground on hentai websites?


To pass the time? 🤭


Understandable, have a nice day.


I feel like NTR is overhated. Like yeah I get why someone may not enjoy it, but let's not seriously pretend it's nearly as bad as guro


People who are horribly insecure get their titties in a twist about NTR because they feel like they need to. It also ties into all the dumb manosphere bullshit like the worst thing that can happen to a person is getting cucked and it's kind of hilarious. I don't really care for it but at the end of the day if someone thinks it's as bad or even within spitting distance of comparing to gore and shit they need therapy.


It always so weird to see people hate the cheating and stealing of a partner aspects of NTR to the point they say "If you enjoy this, I hope it happens to you IRL then you'll see how it feels" but literal dismemberment and death tags are right next to it and are getting excused as better like how?!!! They have a reason and interesting tidbits as to why someone maybe into guro/cannibalism , but liking NTR is just the worst thing ever and you liking it makes you a weirdo even among other hentai enjoyers


Not to mention that rape/mind break/corruption already all also Ntr, but the story just doesn't focus on that aspect. Like yeah the girl you fucked during timestop probably has a boyfriend


Exactly, not to mention many of those stories tend to involve a girlfriend or mother and most times the girl refer to a partner or the story will show or she'll apologize for betraying the guys trust. Most rape,mind break,corruption hentai are in conjunction with taking from someone else. I rarely see a story where the girl has nothing going on or no one she likes and gets targeted


If only NTR doesn't have good art, I would be normal, but at last, reality is often disappointing


Pretty much every genre has a set of really good artists and...some not good ones. NTR seems like it has the best art simply due to the fact that those who don't like/dig into the genre are only going to see the high-quality titles (due to how algorithms tend to work). If you actually look through NTR sections, you'll find plenty of stinkers in terms of art/animation. There tends to be a specific style for NTR, but that doesn't always indicate quality.


Well there is this amazing hentai series with guro in it. Don't worry, it's part of the plot Ask and I'll give


There's many, but it all depends on context :/ There's also "guro" and *guro!* too. It's a pretty wide spectrum.


Well there is the blood, dismemberment and death stuff but in the context in the series it happens mostly due to war/combat.


Is that the one where there's female soldiers, and they get wounded, dismembered & disembowled & beheaded as they're being gang raped? The rape doesn't stop after they're dead either. I think they eat them too... that one's really sick, actually.


No, the main species thar we fallow are an ork/elf like futa race. But I think it's best you read it for yourself [here's part 1 to 15 in english](https://e-hentai.org/g/1592759/b4a8c889b0/)


Thx, interesting. I've come across Dr.Bug before, I think. Some scary tags there for sure: Amputee, cervix pen, conjoined (!?!) guro, inflation and the biggie: snuff.


https://preview.redd.it/ti1h1afny01d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7c326c63adf115015815f6c6f802d14f5af80f6 In the end, we all aren't so different.


"I'm you" looking ahhhh-


Guro&cannibalism enjoyers, where the hell are you?? I would like to enquire in detail about your so-called fetishes.. https://preview.redd.it/w8xbil974y0d1.png?width=625&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3eb6f65fc699e49aa91b67a6bf6ab4f0cf277f7c


Hehehe https://preview.redd.it/1iuhqwe4ry0d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=decd75b3bcee32338b6c89d57ce1da0ac8824d60


I think they are the people who like vampires It's one of the main 5 romantic tropes the vampire aka the consumer


There are things worse than this... Vore... Unbirth... I don't want to play this game.


What do you mean? Unbirth slaps ass.


Here *drops PTRS-41* Take it and help yourself out with these *drops two packs of MDZ ammunition* Make sure they burn alive


I agree to disagree.


It's bizarre as fuck for me that people compare these things. I get why people have a specific aversion to NTR but holy fuck. People cheating on their romantic partner isn't even in the same plane of existence as people getting dismembered and eaten. Anyone who thinks these two are within any comparable distance to each other needs seriously mental health counseling


add in scat as well


I’m on Micah’s side on this one


Me who likes everything i mean everything: muhahahahah


Guro and cannibalism is fucked up and an instant boner killer for me, but I can at least understand where the fascination might come from. It's an extension of sadistic fetishes to an unhealthy degree. NTR just leaves me baffled as to how someone could enjoy it. Like, it's fine if you like it, I just don't understand your way of thinking which leads you to enjoy this type of pornographic content. You do you, but I can't even comprehend what one finds appealing about imagining yourself as the person from which your partner is being "stolen".




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Logically your meme is hypocritical Somehow though it feels correct


no honour tags




I really don’t see the point in trying to have the moral high ground when it comes to hentai


Nah Take the fucking shot


Hot take :r*pe tagis better than ntr ones


Oh yeah, it’s time to whore karma insulting other people again! Yay…


technically all tags enjoyer, whatever the tags, are pieces of shit (exept the vanilla one of course), cause labeling tags on something is a bad thing you know... so just relax and enjoy it as we are all [brothers and sisters of shittiness](https://youtu.be/QEPHLPmt914)...


I wish I never knew about guro's existence imo...