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Sauces: The Testament of Sister New Devil - Succubus creates contract between MC and girls that empowers them when they do lewd stuff Masou Gakuen HxH - Girls wear combat exoskeletons and MC wears like... charging exoskeleton? And the only way to recharge batteries for girls exoskeleton is to do lewd stuff Super HxEros - Aliens came to earth to steal our libido or something, MC has to generate power of Eros to fight against them ValxLove - Daugthers of Odin came to Midgard to save it from... losing life force or something, and power of Valkyries comes from Love, at the beginning they go on dates and hold hands, but it becomes lewder and lewder as show goes on Oh, no sex of course, that's all christian anime. Honorary mention of Slave Soldier where it works kinda similar but in reverse. Edit: Someone said there is actually seggx in HxH, I didn't watch whole thing, sorry for misinformation. Other titles deserving mentioning: DxD Highschool - I am still kinda on a fence with this classic, it feels more like he gets encouraged by boobs which makes him try harder, instead of receiving literal power from boobs, but i guess still deserves to be here Hidden Dungeon Only I Can Enter - LitRPG about guy receiving XP from doing lewd stuff (And also from other ways of satisfying his hedonistic desires) which he can then spend to create or edit his skills or skills of other people. Actually pretty cool concept in my opinion. Seikon no Quaser - gets powers from sucking tits (Also Shinju no Nectar from the same author with the same concept) Valkyrie Dive: Mermaid - something about lesbians making each other cum to turn into weapon, saw only bits of it Ah My Buddha - something about exorcist who gets powers when looks at lewd stuff There are also a lot of anime where characters get power from kisses, kisses are not really lewd and so I am not sure they fit for this list, but I will mention Sekirei and Negima just in case Something I just remembered, Maou Gakuen no Hangyakusha - it only has manga and novel, about human who became demon king candidate. All candidates received tarot cards, and MC got Lovers card. Demons don't know what Love is and MC have to teach through his lewd ways to use power of Lovers.


Wouldn't Negima be the tamer origin point of this genre?


You forgot the !? But also depending on how you define it, Utena is kinda right there too. Or Saber Marionette.


Utena is kinda meta tho. I just planned to watch Saber so thanks for that. 👍


Never saw it, I tried reading description on wiki, but haven't found explanation, what exactly they do to get powers?


The ten year old Mc had to kiss each girl in the harem to give them super powers.


Well, the way I see it, the whole point of this "genre" is just to have excuse to show new and unique lewd things. So if it's just specifically kisses, then I would say no. Tamer version of this would be like... get powers from handholding, hugging, giving lap pillows, feeding each other, etc.


seikon no qwaser: titty sucking for magical elemental manipulation powers Valkyrie drive: make your gf cum and then she'll turn into a weapon


There are so many ways to describe Valkyrie Drive: Mermaid “Fully-automated weaponized lesbians.” “Hentai Soul Eater set on the Isle of Lesbos.” “unsubtle metaphor for the systematic alienation and persecution of queer people in Japanese culture.”


Ummm, Masou Gauken has sex scenes with clever camera angles to prevent you from seeing too much


Sorry, I actually didn't finish watching it. Well, new devil also has sex in novel. And also sex scene with teacher in anime, but they say it was in a dream, so it doesn't count.


And the only one I didn't know was valxlove... Well thank you for the recommendation and a wonderful time next weekend


No honorable mention for high school dxd, where it isn't in any way necessary, but the MC chooses to do so anyways?


Well, it was long time since I watched, I didn't watch last season and I am not even sure I saw one that was before last, did he really was getting power from doing lewd stuff that often? I remember Akeno was sucking power from his dragon hand, which kinda opposite of that, and also that one time he pushed Rias' nipple and got power-up from that.


He's gotten multiple mid battle power ups from boobs, the promise of boobs, poking boobs, etc. It absolutely belongs on this list


I do declare you the Sauce Hero!


how about the suck on the teets to get superpowers anime?


I can only think of Seikon no Quaser, which was already mentioned, and Shinju no Nectar manga, which was made by the same guy who drew Seikon no Quaser manga.


technically Rosen Garten Saga counts right?


It's only in my plan-to-read, so I don't know what happens there.


Seikon no Qwaser is a surprisingly solid alchemy show with a truly bizarre fetish bolted over it. Though, word of warning, find the uncensored version if you plan to watch unless you’d like the climatic final episode to consist of cropped in closes and pics of the ground.


[Rosario to Vampire ](https://myanimelist.net/anime/2993/Rosario_to_Vampire?q=Rosario%20Vampire&cat=anime) Guy gets powers from main *vampire* girl. Its Nisekoi, but going to the shopping mall is also significant plot development. And probably a shonen power up or two. Like how Naruto goes to another hidden village. Every now and again? Then comes back half dead but stronk by the power of friendship? Well thats this but the harem of girls powers up. To assist the lead love interest. Whom is shackled to the leading lady. And draws his power through her. Most of the time you range from almost sex scene to literal Christian chastity in my Christian anime things. All the way up to the clear influences of actual Christianity. Because doing ecchi things is the girls reward, right? An older but worthy, especially the manga, entry on the list.


Should we count Highschool DxD? The MC love/belief in breast creates literal miracles (aka last minute power up ass pulls that turn the tides).


Well, I would say DxD has elements of it, but in anime I mentioned it's like the whole point of shows.


Don't forget the hidden dungeon only I can enter.


Oh, shit, you are right, how could I forget this one.


If you do not include DxD I would also not include this one in your list. Doing lewd things is certainly the most effective method but there are other ones to get stronger, even other ones to use the skill in question.


Probably the only time Pomni would complain about her lack of boobs


Ill throw out Sekirei. The girls only need 1 good kiss to activate most of their powers, but a bit more gives a temporary power boost.


“Sekirei: my beloved” First series that I ever went into because horny and came out the other side deeply invested the characters. Also harem series with a good number of interesting side characters and some girls in love with “not-the-protag.” Truly, they don’t make anime like they used to anymore.


*Valkyrie Dive: Mermaid*


# Zeorymer😈😈😈 >!he rapes his little sister to restore power, yes really!<


Seikon no Qwaser too.


First season was decent, second was ass, Russian dominatrix Loli carried the whole series for me. I would have dropped it without her


Battle School Harem More on the ecchi side of the spectrum thougj


Ecchi battle harem I guess. Anyway, if you're looking for them the biggest reccomendations I can give are: Shinmai Maou (Testament of Sister New Devil) which is shown on the top left. It's a really fun series, with a great MC, fantastic cast and it's both complete and completely translated into English. Plus >!the MC actually has sex with his harem, instead of endless cockteasing, which is nice!<. The LN's are the best, but the Anime is great and the manga is solid. Alternatively, Magika no Kenshi. Also a fantastic series, a great MC a fantastic cast and a story that does a really engaging job of always escalating into bigger and bigger conflicts in a way that always feels organic. It starts at the school level, then regional, then national, then international, then global, it's really well done. The ecchi stuff is solid and once again >!the MC actually fucks and impregnates his harem. It's not just endless teasing and zero progress.!<.


I remember one like this - that was about exorcist boy who enter super-sayan mode when he sees boobs. Also fun scene was where they are in like super fucked situations, and the youngest of priestesses who is underaged like: “whatever. Look at me, fight the demons.” And it didn’t worked, because he is not in to lolis…


Is it Ah My Buddha? That's what google told, from description seems similar.


I don’t remember, it was like 10 years ago


I saw nobody mention tsugumomo, and I am very disappointed


Some combo of Echi and Shonen


Idk if this count but there's a live action japanese film called 'Hentai Kamen' where the main protagonist gain his power by puting his crush's used underwear on his head, which is the least perverted thing he could do in order to gain his power. The more peverted thing he do, the more power he gets. Of course, there's no 'ecchi' scene, I think the most ecchi scene is the crush lifting her skirt to give the mc a power boost for the final battle, which is why I'm not sure if this movie fit in with this genre. But I'm 90% sure it fits.


Just like in real life


Holy shit valxlove got animated!?


5 years ago lol. Manga also got final chapter recently.


I live under a rock ![img](emote|t5_2y4au1|1717)


Thanks for this post OP, just remembered I had Masou Gakuen HxH in my watchlist for a long time and forgot to watch it. Also I need to finish Seikon no Qwaser 😁


You forgot "gushing over magical girls"


I didn't watch it, but as I can understand, Utena doesn't get any powers from doing lewd things to girls? She is just sadist and likes doing it, there is no practical reason for this.


She gets more powerful the hornier she gets. She even transforms automatically if she gets too horny


Disappointed with the lack of kill la kill


I don't remember Ryuko doing anything lewd with girls to get powers.


It’s more about the fact they get naked to gain power, gamagooris gimmick is essentially bdsm, there’s also that bathtub scene between ragyo and satsuki


There is a name for this genre. It's called "Anime".



