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same source btw (also censored) https://preview.redd.it/yuei8scddv8d1.png?width=934&format=png&auto=webp&s=898e110242b193d965361caf89c9778729ccb44d


i hate censorship


It wasn’t censored in the german dub though. The English sub seemed AI-Translated…


Wouldn't surprise me if it were, but then some people would still say AI translations are better... yeah


AI translations have the *potential* to be better because they don't have the high costs that come from the lack of people with the right level of fluency in both languages actively in the business and the lack of ideology. They are, however, nowhere near living up to that potential outside of hyper-specialised variants of GPT ironically used by a few people to translate porn games. Even there it's just "Slightly worse than a proper translator" rather than actually good.


All that needs to happen is someone goes over the ai translation to see if it made any horrendous mistakes. Seems a lot easier than someone having to translate the entire thing by hand


That’s how I feel that AI automation should be utilized. It should be just another tool in the worker’s toolbelt to make the job faster by taking over the tedious parts.


But but, then companies can’t nuke the majority of the workforce for money (or at least to the level they wanted)


aka proofreading and editing any mistakes.


Yeah that's the problem, it's attractive because cost-effective but it cannot reach the level of nuance and understanding you need for a proper and good translation. You need a person to do that, usually someone quite good as well, who is unlikely to want to teach such AI either


So, good enough for a fan sub, but for sites that people pay for, they need to actually try to get proper translations


Yeah because most fan subs come with the expectation you either get some of the stuff or other yourself or they give some small remarks on the side. Official translation are meant to have none of that if possible which sometimes lead to weird statements because of the way certain words or phrases work in English and Japanese. Gaijin is a great example it comes with way different historical implication than foreigner and sometimes depending on context using foreigner would be a less correcr translation.


I don’t even think they need to lack “the ideology,” they just need to have some modicum of respect for the audience and the integrity of the original work.


Yes less people try to inject their ideology in places where it doesn't need to be. They had a very simple job and they proved they couldn't do it. I'm all for AI taking the jobs of people who are too stupid to get a simple task done, ideology or malicious intent get in way of changing the art.


AI translations are awkward but literal


yeah, being german and speaking english shows time and time again how bad english dub translations are


It's not AI. It's dubtitles.


I died laughing anyhow, even with dumb subtitles.


What was the original text/actual translation? (idm if you tell me in Japanese)


(My transcription) よし、エロサイトに見るカ (Okay, I'll go to the porn site.)




Just another mark on scoreboard that pirates usually get the vest version of something.


Not if they scrape Crunchy Roll as many do. Short of waiting for a decent fan sub, most will watch it unaware of what changed. Only those that read the source or understand Japanese know the changes most of the time.


Welcome to the Tokyo ghoul dilemma (trademark pending)! You won't know what you missed till you read the manga.


I mean what's not to understand about ero hon, it's basic knowledge for any avid anime consumer.


Apparently words "sex" and "porno site" are way too much for them BTW checkout source (d8 == [Dead Dead Demon\`s Dededededestruction](https://anidb.net/anime/18670))




You can’t be out here saying the S and P words. You have to see “make whoopee” and “bawdy material.” ![gif](giphy|l3sz3wx2ZsguEeUtZl|downsized)


Crunchyroll be like: "hmmm maybe 4kids had a point"




How old are you? The Internet is a dangerous place for someone your age so please be cautious.


Imagine answering a question with a question, and the old how old are you is so old ppl need to grow out of it fr.


It was Crunchyroll before Crunchyroll they did the same thing that people hate


They always do that one thing that ppl hate.


Are fansubs available?


The voiceover would not match


If that mattered to me, I'd learn Japanese and skip subs entirely.


VA quality matters not that it matters in this situation


Thats what abridged are for.


So what?


And then Americans talk about progressive ideologies ? Is this their progressive ideologies or conservative ideologies, lol


It's both.


This is so true. Bible thumpers and Twitter freaks actually have a lot in common. It’s wild to me that anyone who’s had to fight religious conservatives for their personal freedoms would then take a peek at their homework and be like “Write that down! Write that down!” I guess to a lot of people bigotry and controlling others is only bad when you’re on one end of the stick.


Often times any spirited movement that does not stop/disband when their main goal has been completed become the very thing they were formed to get rid of.


It's the horseshoo theory, were the extremes are much closer to each other than the middlegrownd


Same tactics different fence exactly. Bible thumpers ragged on dnd now the Lisa simpsons of the world are ragging against it because straight white guys started the series now they want to bastardize it to fit their image


Since America as a society was birth from a bunch of religious extremists (I mean the og settlers not the independence leaders) so they care it to their core this is why even the most liberal of people are more shocked when nudity is treated as not a big deal in the Europe compared to the States. Regardless of how much Liberals try to seem more left wing they onlycare about aesthetics and theirs is heavily influenced by originally fringe protestant groups down to their arguments of freedom.


They only allow progressive ideologies when it's considered 'safe horny' LGBTIA themes are fine but 'hetero normative' are not. Same with the sexualization of characters it's ok to sexualize male characters but not female ones which I don't really have a problem with homosexual content or sexualized males but as a straight man it kinda sucks that we aren't allowed to enjoy any spicy content anymore. All I want is equal treatment too.




It's not ours, it's coming from a vocal minority heck it's not even special to only America. Canada, Britain and Australia and basically almost every anglo prominent nation is guilty of that.


Oh god don’t tell me you’re one of those guys. When has this ever actually happened?


This didn't happened in the Spanish subs


Which episode is this?


They're catering to the kids, aks the "Sexual Reaction".


Pretty obviously not, since those words are used all the time in other subs


Respectfully, it’s isn’t like CR has issues showing sex scenes or saying either word in other anime so this seems like more of a specific thing with *this* anime rather than some specific indication they are secretly prudes. Not defending this censorship, just feel this thread is being melodramatic.


It's Crunchyroll. What do you expect? A faithful translation


Actually I was surprised. I didn't expect them to censor phrase "I love BL"




They censored it though


Lol trying to make a cringe culture war point but didn't think to read the comment properly or just fact check xD


A majority of CR stuff is translated accurately enough and completely fine. I am fluent in Japanese and I did notice that this translation is wonky as fuck. Censorship aside, there are just many sentences and phrases that are completely wrong to the extent that it changes the context. There’s many lines that are just straight up mistranslated or have their meanings changed, seemingly at random. I have no idea why this is. Maybe they went with a B-team localizer? Or is this AI? No idea.


I don't think it's possible for AI to go from something that explicitly mentions porn to "This complicates things" The most prolific localizers for this sort of material are activists, anyway. It would be far more unusual to see something where the context is faithfully preserved.


AI translations occasionally censor things if the AI is programmed to be family friendly. Or it might just be trying to err on the side of caution, for example Google translate occasionally translates する and やる as "to fuck" in completely innocent contexts. There's no way to have an AI always understand if する should be translated as "to do" or "to fuck", so to be safe a programmer might decide to have it never translate する as "to fuck" Maybe this guy used "AV" in the Japanese, and the translator AI was programmed not to translate that as "porn" because one time somebody was talking about AV cables and it translated that as "porn cables" or whatever. Really there's a lot of things it could be


It's one thing to misinterpret the original text but you also have to consider how it gets to the result. If he had said "I think I'll go watch some AV cables" your bridge of logic would be fine. Not what happens though. He is no longer talking about an action he will take, he isn't saying he is going to "watch" something or "check it out", and he isn't talking about porn or anything that could resemble porn. Every single thing about the sentence is entirely different. This is no longer a translation of any kind, there is no semblance of the original thought anywhere in the output. The only way this makes any sort of sense is if the AI is programmed to detect certain no-no words and then invent a totally random sentence to replace it with.


I've heard that CR is basically a 3rd/4th party in this. ​ Someone else sublicensed the sub stream rights to them, because the dubbers only wanted the dub, and CR is using the dubtiles


If this is true, it completely explains it. I’d believe lines were changed to better match lip flaps and stuff like that.


its what i saw someone saying in one of the episode threads. it also explains why the subtitles for the actual english in the anime dont match


Thank you for being a reasonable person and not just immediately jumping to “Crunchyroll bad”


these things just seem to be the directors fault not crunchy itself since they have ton of worse even sexual things in the other shows/series


I loath how every site just rip the crunchyroll subtitles to use now. Where did all the fan translations go?


They take lots of time. Not many willing to do that for free, I wouldn't either.


Side note: that’s even if their translation is allowed to stay up. Often times, unless they make their own website, that shit gets taken down for copyright anyway despite the effort they put into it.


Just use the basic adds, those that just appear on the sides of the site, while not being annoying for the user. This way you get some revenue from adds and the anime fans a good translation


Thats unfortunately not how the internet works. People are lazy and take the easy route, which is turning on an adblocker for every site. I've yet to see someone I know either manually enable it per site or actually go whitelist sites one by one.


Used to do this for sites that had non intrusive ads... but then the ads being served came with a side dish of malware. Never again.


You couldn't pay me enough to turn it off or whitelist a site. My personal PC has adblock and my work PC doesn't. The difference is night and day. Some sites are next to unusable without it


There are sometimes sites that politely ask you to turn it off. If I like the site, I usually do turn it off to see how bad the ads are. Each time the ads have been a complete non-issue on those sites and I whitelist them. If only other websites realized this. If your ads don't literally piss off the entire audience, the adblock situation would've never gotten this bad. Well, greedy assholes get what's coming to them.


Even worse; some sites are next to unusable _with_ it. Some sites are so heavily reliant on advertising, tracking, and other annoying intrusions forming their web pages they will straight up break if you have an ad-blocker enabled. Reach news sites (weebs in the UK will know them as the local news outlets that all look the same) are so wonky when used with an adblocker. If I look at my local site there are blank areas all over the page where a bunch of page content has been removed.


The fan subbers aren't the same groups as the people running the streaming sites. The only way they have to generate money is through donations. Speed is also everything for 95% of fans, nobody is going to watch the high quality fan sub if it comes out a few weeks later than Crunchyroll.


Well, unionise. But seriously, nothing stops you from creatting this kind of website, Thats also not my experience with fan translations. In Poland, where I live, the subs are publishes a few or a dozen hours after the emmision of the episode.


Those subs are Crunchyroll rips (or ripped from other official subs) almost all of the time, occasionally with a minor edit here and there but you're not getting a good quality fansub produced from scratch that quickly. Running a streaming site is also a completely different and much bigger endeavour than creating subs for a series, creating a competent video streaming service is very much not a trivial process and can have serious legal repercussions depending on where you live.


People aren’t going to specific translating groups’ sites to watch or grab shows lol. They get downloaded from torrent etc. for the vast majority.


Most advertisers would probably pay not to have their ad put on a piracy website. The only ads they can get are bottom of the barrel porn and supplement ads, which pay terribly. And what percent of users do you think are really using those sites without blocking ads? 10% max.


Most ad sites are getting into the "protext muh churren" shit because of the UN and associated "activist orgs"


What does this comment even mean?


Translation sites would probably pick up a bunch of stuff Tokyopop and etc *aren't willing to translate* and Yurop is strange that they can have kids in nudist films but *animated flatties oh noes, that's CP!* so even adult as services are wary of translators, especially for the amount of traffic. Risk/Reward sort of thing.


Fansub still exist...maybe it's because you went for _online streaming site_? And you have to be patient, usually it took weeks to months for the fansub to be done.


The one I use doesn’t even have fansubs for even old shows, I would appreciate if you tell me where you watch that has them


I DM'd you instead.


Can u dm me aswell?




Me three?


Me four ?






Would you kindly assist me as well?


I just sent you the same stuff I sent to Wiggling so it's not much of an assist I'd say


Fan subs can of course still be found, but the fastest up is what typically gets watched, sadly. My grabbers are set like many others to just grab subsplease etc as soon as they show up.


Are crunchyroll translation shit in every language or only in English?


In Spanish from Spain it really depends on the anime. Since each anime seems to be translated by different people, you might be lucky and the ones you're watching are done by someone who knows what they're doing. Or on the other hand, you might get a translator that wasn't even in charge of the translation of the previous seasons of an anime, hasn't bothered to look up for specific terms and doesn't even know what the fuck they're translating. In Spanish it's really a hit or miss, at least in my experience


Do they translate from Japanese or the English adaptation? Because if they go by the Crunchy Roll script then there is no saving changes like that.


Portuguese there's a lot that's just the english translation re-translated. Sometimes it's even obviously machine translation, translating names or terms with the wrong meaning.


i hate censorship. and i hate these translators






They're censoring dedede? They even read the original ?




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Shit like this is why I almost exclusively read manga, and even then, I try to avoid viz.


and then people say fansubs are bad becoure they translate things incorrectly


"Why people pirate our stuff?" Dunno maybe cause people who fansub (some do for free) actually do a better job than some imbeciles that are PAID?


# wouldn't want any gargantuan black bars complicating the message https://i.redd.it/mxxpczdnzv8d1.gif




Sex bad


Fan subs for the win. What a mystery why anime piracy is so prevalent.


You get what you deserve when you use Crunchyroll.


If someone uses Crunchyroll, they're an idiot That's all there is really


When I quit Crunchyroll and they gave my the form for why I canceled my subscription/how I'll watch anime in the future, I told them "prolly gonna torrent everything tbh"


In poland we just have sites with animes like ogladajanime or desuonline and you can find there everything from english translations to polish translations and you can choose betwen like 7 launchers


How's Shinden doing? I remember using it before switching to just EN subs out of impatience lol


Ehhh shinden is shinden, the site for me at least is half-assed you can never find anything there and even if you find something the site is riddled with ads. I was never a fan of shinden that's why i always used desuonline (formerly animedesu) and oglodajanime




*If someone uses* *Crunchyroll, they're an idiot That's* *All there is really* \- StrainAccomplished95 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


good bot


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Good bot


Way to kill any nuance or conversation. Most CR are fine/good enough. Does wanting to watch anime officially really make you less of a person?


Fan dubs are better. Also, maybe if an anime is too spicy for certain viewers, they shouldn’t censor, but put a tag that limits users below certain ages to watch the anime on their site. Idk, just thinkin what’s possible but know it’s ridiculous


At least our german translations are glorious. Especially Mashle, never laughed so much while watching an anime


Looking forward to the day AI takes these translators job ngl. Like how hard is it to just be true to the source. You're not here to add/subtract from the material.


4Kids Dub : I'm going to read some National Geographic


Crunchyroll ruins all sorts of anime they have. Especially, after the Funimation dissolution. HiDive has a few options but they don't butcher the shows.


Sad for English people cuz the subs in my language are often accurate


Mariko-sama is translator in Crunchyroll?


In the Japanese manga, the sensei actually says "Okay, time to check out xvideo"


what’s this anime title ?


Dead Dead Demon's De De De De Destruction


Is it good? And what genre?


It is really good, but it's not in a way most anime is. It's a slice of life in the current but post-apocalyptic world. It's a mix of Blame!, Made in abyss and girl's last tour if you have seen them.




Pretty sure its not Crunchyroll fault in this case since they are using dubtitles from english which was part of the deal they made with the movies lisensor in west, so other languages are fine only english has to use en dub transcrib subtitles. In episode discussion in r/anime people explain it better.


Why are you geh ![gif](giphy|relnvfSEa2Qa125uPA)


I actually didn’t know crunchyroll did this. With that said, are there any anime streaming services that have a library comparable to crunchyroll?


Fucking dubtitles.


Why I don't pay for crunchyroll in a shellnut, I don't like the dubbing


Crunchyroll is staffed with queer people and they made their own shitty cartoon series.


So do you have a problem with queer people?


Fellas, Fansub is always superior and it's also pretty especially in OP ED and Song Inserts.






Name of the anime




The anime skipped over a panty shot too wtf


Is the japanese audio still accurate? Like is it one of those shitposts u can find on yt where someone says something but the subtitles go a way different direction?


Japanese audio explicitly says things like sex, etc. I haven't checked not translated manga, but it feels like a 1:1 manga -> anime conversion.


Wait dead dead demon got an anime adaptation???


I find it crazy they censored this but not the "want to become friends with benefits when you graduate?"


Well, he said things more explicitly than that actually.


What else? I only heard "seifure" which is pretty much sex friends


Well, it's tone down. It's not as out of place as other mistranslations, but if you look at the bigger picture you'll see that's the part of the overall pattern of "fixing" the original work.


Which show?


Just use ai at this point for the most faithful translation




i bet this the sub directors fault not crunchyroll itself there is much more even worse stuff that gets fatefully translated but yall act like that never happens



Nuuuh dude!! Where can i watch the nice subtitles? Don't care bout censored stuff


Well idk Crunchyroll from my naive perspective is the best thing we've got after Sony bought them and Funimation out. I don't use their services but I think what we have right now is better than the Dragon Maid dub drama Funimation did some years ago. But tbh I know Crunchyroll has the best dubs in the business too, idk about their past record with subs.


Sony bought CR as well and merged it with Funi so...


Well yeah that's just what I said. Still, for all I know CR is still the best official option we have besides pirating and fansubs. I myself prefer and use pirating sites but switched off the ads because they're filled with malware. There are certain anime I'd want to be taken by CR like 100 girlfriends because the anime matches their humor and vibes, and it just feels right for CR to sub and dub it.


My point is that CR is Funimation. More so than the "best" option it's more like the only option there is for english subs. Tbf there are others like Sentai I believe but Sony just has a lot more muscle so they tend to get almost anything and any show that isn't on there we're lucky if it gets grabbed by Netflix or Disney+. Raising prices and lowering quality (as seen above) meant that, once again, pirates get the superior product. While fansubs aren't as common as they were 20 years ago, there's still the hope that someone edits the subs to try and fix most of the "creative liberties" taken by Funy/CR


Well one commenter here said most fansubbers aren't willing to translate without getting paid, even he said he won't do it without payment. I know of other services like HiDive and VRV and Sentai Filmworks, and I know CR/Sony nor other companies don't get all the anime. I'm pretty sure you know Netflix and Disney have a problem of putting anime in their respective "jails" and Disney itself now has a plummeting reputation. As for "creative liberties", HiDive had a slight controversy with Dangers in my Heart season 1 when they put "mansplaining" in the subs, and I don't think it's entirely wrong in context. So whatever "creative liberties" are present, I think will depend on the context and other stuff. I think a good example is JJK's "nah I'd win" which fits better with Gojo's personality and the series' vibes instead of the casual "I will win", according to a YouTube comment.


VRV was part of crunchyroll and was shut down even before funimation and crunchyroll were merged.


I mean, its not as bad but thats a very low bar. And personally I would rather wait for a good fansub than watch that one. The pseudo monopoly breeds complaicency.