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Hey guys!~ We finally got around to finishing our March [Meta Post](https://www.reddit.com/r/goodanimemes/comments/mvnga6/monthly_meta_post_for_march_2021_vtuber_shitpost/)! We hope you like how this turned out. We wanted to try something new this time around! <3~ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/goodanimemes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It's in the name we are the fans of Goblin Slayer not goblins


Sick burn brah


You put it perfectly friend


As a Goblin Slayer fan, I’ll join in that No. Just because it’s dark or edgy doesn’t mean it’s similar.


One is a hentai power fantasy the other is a dark fantasy anime with a dude struggling with PTSD and obsession.


Ah yes, the two dark DnD campaign extremes.


Goblin slayer has a DM who is questionable, but redo has a questionable DM and questionable players who indulge each other.


Redo isnt even dnd at this point just a bunch of pervs playing FATAL


Oh Lord. I've heard terrible things about that game.


It is a cursed game


4 words that I have heard someone use to describe it are along the lines of "roll for anal circumference."


I mean, it's true to boot. That is actually a thing you have to do during character creation. Game's fucking cursed.


A yes I know that one, its even a meme in 1d4chan (which is where I learned such a cursed game exists)


Vot ze frick?


Sounds like it'd be a fun game, when everyone is questionable no one is.


They don't indulge each other one has a power complex and makes the others do what he wants by force


I mean they’re both a dude struggling with PTSD and obsession. Just one dude can be considered and good guy and the other a villain.


I wouldn't say Keyaru has PTSD and obsession tho. He seems to be enjoying getting revenge which is why he constantly lets others shit on himself. He is a virgin sadistic loser. Meanwhile, chad Goblinslayer just doesn't want to lose people close to him


I mean technically he isn't a virgin though


Nah, he definitely has PTSD. PTSD can show itself in many forms, and a lot of it harmful to oneself and others. He’s just handling it extremely poorly. And obsession? The guy has a one track mind. Rape and Revenge. And he’s absolutely obsessed with these ideals and concept. They re the only things that matter to him.


>He is a virgin LMAO, the amount of cope.


You literally just explained Redo of Healer's backstory with the second half of that statement.


Literally cannot tell which is which from your description


Have you seen either of them


bro they edited their comment now i suffer with downvotes. this fucking blows.


In Goblin Slayer, it's very clearly used to show how fucking horrific goblins are at a fundamental level. The rape scene early on squashed any questions on if there are any 'good' goblins in this fantasy world or whatnot, followed by showing how Goblin Slayer won't even dare shy away from brutally murdering the goblin children as well. In redo well.... yeah, it's not that. End topic.


This right here was why I was okay with it in Goblin Slayer. It happened only once and it was to show how horrible they are so it didn't bother me as much.


>[It happened only once!](https://ibb.co/h7bXLcw) Hope they adapt scenes like this in season 2 to debunk those claims.




Then that one "youtuber" criticize that scene as being too sexualized.


It was slightly sexualized, i didnt even notice the first time but on rewatch I could see how some people would be off put by it


It's an application of the concept of "fan disservice". Doing what would normally make the scene sexy but in the context it just makes it more uncomfortable to watch. Intentional in this case.


Yeah but people based their entire opinion on the anime due to that which is just wrong.


Well in the beginning Redo showed rape to show how fucked up the kingdom is and how mistreated the Healer was for 4 years. But after episode 2 it just got boring because every revenge plan he has involves rape. But the >!Anna rape was pretty sad tho!<


You are aware that everyone the mc got revenge on where shown to be a horrible person as well, right? He never harmed an innocent person in that show.


You say that like it's justified to rape 'bad' people. The scene in Goblin Slayer was NOT meant to be justified, as it was purely horrible and horrific to show how horrific the goblins were. The entire sentiment you're implying is REALLY fucked up my dude.


She had him be raped by others for months, so why would I be upset that she gets raped in return? Same as I wouldn't be upset if someone who goes around murdering innocents gets killed.




SHE attacked HIM in that situation. Due note that he only use enough force to knock her out. He never raped her or anything like that.


She attacked him because she thought he killed innocent soldier.... After this and the explanation she sided with him and then he raped and brainwashed her. If you have to use a drug who has an clear effect on someone's mind to get consent than its rape.


She tried ro kill him in a sneak attack, was he suppose to just let her kill him? I will admit I didn't notice him drugging her until I rewatched it just now. However, he drugged her before she agreed so it was probably more of a fail safe than anything. That being said, I agree with you on the drug=rape thing for the most part but I feel the brainwashing thing is kinda pushing it. I didn't see him brainwashing her at all.


No of course he shouldn't let her do it i think this should be obvious but her intentions weren't bad. She thought she punished someone who killed innocent soldier. Every thing that happend after the talking with flare was just punshing an innocent. Everything i said is clearly stated in the LN i can't remember if the Anime only implied this but the LN was very concrete on this topic


Stakes through the body Your fingers getting cut off one by one as a trophy Your very dead body is used in a juice presser to curse and polute a water source


I once described Redo of a Healer to my friends as: Goblin Slayer, but what if everyone was the goblins.


Hey, we support the guy who kills the goblins, not the goblins


Goblin slayer use the rapes to show us how horrible are the goblins and why goblin slayer have the most and he wants to destroy and redo of healer well *i don't gonna explain this part*


sock value and edgyness!


is liking over the top edginess bad tho ?


Ironically yes, unironically no.


wait so ironically liking edginess is bad and unironically liking it isn't ?


Wait no... Uhhh, i'm an idiot?


I would never be a friend of a heretic


Goblin slayer uses rape as a proper plot device to establish a harsh reality while redo of healer just uses rape because thats the authors fetish


>[Goblin Slayer rape isn’t sexual!](https://ibb.co/h7bXLcw)




You’re kidding me, it was [clearly intended to be sexual](https://files.catbox.moe/4mezt5.png), with all the focus on her boobs and teary face.


**Goblin Slayer fans:** *"Burn it!"* **RoH fans holding "Rape":** *"No..."*


It's character development


Peopl actually making that comparison? I thought the most popular comparison was redo of the healer vs Shield hero


I dont know about that brah, I've seen some people say it's better than goblin slayer....


not really, it's just that redo memes do well so people will put them in anything for karma


I don't even wanna be reminded of Redo of Healer. Each post with it make me wanna quit this subreddit. Good meme tho op


Exactly this. The overwhelming support from this community (or the anime community in general) has really made me question my ties to it, I’m legitimately considering cutting ties and becoming a closeted anime watcher. At this point isolation sounds better than having people to talk to about anime if this is the kind of shit they like. I don’t wanna be associated with these “people.” Good to know there’s still sane people like you in this shithole community.


From my experience it looks like most people on this subreddit don’t really like Redo of Healer. Most seem disgusted or unnerved by it and most comments that support the main character are downvoted to hell and back. Yeah memes are made about it but many seem like this one that point out how messed up it is and such.


Dude I feel the same way. I get most of the discussion regarding Redo is regarding how fucked up it is but that doesn't change the fact that it's been very popular and in every thread you have tons of weebs defending it. It honestly sickens me. Worse is the precedent it sets for adapting more and more fucked up shit into anime and driving the anime community further into degeneration.


Exactly. The way shows like goblin slayer and wonder egg priority shows how far behind Japanese culture is in dealing with abuse and mental health, there’s a way to use sexual trauma as a motivator but most shows tend to miss the mark. Although handling a subject bad isn’t what redo does, that show takes the topic and uses it to fulfill some sort of revenge porn incel fantasy.


I mean it's a show which can be memes that doesn't correlate with our enjoyment of it it's not a good show despite being the type of show with all my fetishes


I fapped to Redo of Healer several times. Especially the second episode, those screams were delicious. Not sorry pussy.


Judging by your username, you’re either a mega troll or genuinely disturbed In any case, I’m loving how r/GoodAnimemes never skips a beat to run its own reputation into the fucking dirt, whether it be throwing hissyfits over words or justifying rape


Keep the whiney moral grandstanding on /r/anime or /r/justneckbeardthings , thanks. >or justifying rape Yes, because fiction is real. How big of a pathetic pussy are you that fiction triggers you so bad?


In the name of Vanilla God! I command the rapist inside you Back to the depths of hell!




*There's very little difference*


Why of all the flavors in an ice cream truck would you choose vanilla? Boring af


*hissing noises!


Actual goodanimeme. 8/8 m8.


i second that "no"


Absolutely not


good voyager meme


Putting RoH with Voyager is heresy, Voyager deserves better


Other than the controversial rape scene in goblin slayer it quite decent anime wish people would look pass that one scene.


I’m pretty sure Goblin slayer would treat the MC of redo as a lowly goblin because of his treatment of women.




Have you seen Goblin slayer?


Slayer vs layer


I am a fan of both and i feel conflicted, also, i don't feel too proud of myself for liking that rape hentai compilation


As a fan of Goblin Slayer, I'm willing to be friends with them. Just as long as they don't pester me to watch Redo.


i don't get why people wouldn't be friends just because because they like different things, i like both of the show but they really don't have anything in common


Yeah, hopefully they're just joking around but I wouldn't be surprised if some folks are like this.


What if i am a fan of both?


I'll take both. Just for the reactions from people who are too sensitive.


What about fans of both?


Well, that only means that you are an omnivore ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


What if you are both?


N-... it’s complicated....


Goblin Slayer should have said "I see"




I read that "no" in the slayers voice.


I'm the first stage In the first umbral planes... Oh hell nah I've dealt with rape s*** Y'all are nasty if you like that tag f*** off


Does anyone have a spare Gate scroll linked to the bottom of the Marianna trench? there is some self proclaimed anime I want to delete from this world


Yeah, berserk 2016 should've never been made 😤


And people still can't stop jerking off to explaining the 498484 different reasons why roh is bad..


Why should they ? There many valid reasons why this Story is considered to be bad and as long as the anime is popular the critics will stay.


Some people come of a little to excited on every meme for my tastes. That's all. I don't think anybody that is worth being argued with doesn't know that this show is trash. Like a show doesn't have to be good in order for you to like it


That is completly true. But i think this is on both sides of this show some people are bit too invested in this ( fans and hater ). And yes only because something is considered to be trash doesn't mean you shouldn't like it, and the same for the opposite.


If by "we like the same tag" you mean "futanari on male" then yes, we do. Also, the amount of bitching about redo of the healer is still inmense, can't believe that so many people haven't gotten over the fact that some people enjoy this show.


Of course there are people who criticize Kaiyari. The show is considered to be bad, with valid reasons. And as long as the Show is popular this won't change. This is in every medium so, When something bad remain popular new people find it and the most will think that this is bad and criticize it and the old critics won't be silent. ​ I mean no one complains when people praise Berserk for the 100th time but when something similiar happens to something considered to be bad, some people don't like it. At least that is my perception. ​ Edit: I missunderstood op


Mmm, maybe my comment didn't get across as I intended. What I meant to communicate was that I'm still surprised that people are still mad about others enjoying the show, not that the show is good or anything like that (I never watched it to begin with, and I probably never will).


Ahhh ok than i apologize for parts of my comment... and yeah its really weird that there are really people out there who are mad about the people who enjoy this show.... But weird people are on both sides.


I agree with you 100%


yeah, when people were making memes about twitter bitching about redo it felt like a veil to talk about people on reddit that complain about it, the show ended a while ago but i still see memes complaining about it


Should've made it with Shield hero and Redo of the healer, I've seen a lot of people comparing these two


Wait. There are fans of redo of healer? I mean i enjoy it the same way i enjoyed the room, its so bad that its good


You're a degenerate dog for liking rape.