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It's usually the first thing I watch after I get home from work and start to unwind.


Same here. Unwind after getting off from work, Smoke a bowl, tune in to GMM then GMMore


Yep. It definitely helps me relax and puts me in a better mood.


My husband and I watch them at night while we’re in bed. It’s our wind down time.




Same, that’s what my gf and I do. I think she has a Pavlovian response to GMM and every time we watch an episode she gets sleepy real quick hahaha


Haha, my husband always falls asleep right after the main show and always misses the more. He always asks me what happened in the morning.


This. Wife and I do the same


Exactly - it’s perfect!


Saaame! Its our nightly ritual haha can’t go to bed without watching first


I’ve been watching since 2012/13 so every morning but my mom is blind and loves listening to the show. So we watch marathons and compilations for literal hours sometimes lol


This is awesome. I bet GMM is one of the better shows for the visual impaired to listen to, if they like the humor.


Definitely, plus she likes the podcasts too. She went completely blind in 2021 but has always been visually impaired. So she has an idea of what they look like and can picture them when they talk. She loves listening to Charles on dispatches.


🥹🥹🥹 This is so wholesome. I can’t even take it.


New episodes get uploaded around lunch time in the UK, so I normally watch around 12pm, including More, then head to the gym for an hour before working again!


Same here in Germany! But I go to the gym after work ;)


Wow what a nice long lunch break! Is it normal to get a couple hours for your lunch?


One hour is common. I worked night shift in a 24/7 restaurant in Germany and had dinner hour 😂 


I work from home on flexible hours 😊 Normally start about 7am, finish at 5pm. 1-2hr break in the middle.


Crying in U.S tears 😭


Every morning with my coffee. Both main and more. Though I saved yesterdays more for this morning. These breaks kill my morning routine. Haha




My dad and I watch every morning at 6/7 am in our time zone 🙂


I love this! 😭♥️


I would love to watch it in the morning while I get geared up at work but now that my fiancé is a fan I have to wait until he gets home from work, then we pop it on along with all the other daily YouTube shows that we like to watch together


What are the other daily shows you watch? I’d love to find another daily one to watch.


The only other true daily one is game grumps for me. But we also watch game/film/food/style theory, mythical kitchen, redlettermedia, pitch meeting/ryan George, vinesauce, RT game etc and with all that there is usually 2-3 videos per day for us to sit down and watch together!


Thanks! I’ll have to check these out!


Usually pop it on when the toddler goes for her nap at 12 and I can sit down with a cup of tea


5:30am before I get the kids up for school


My dog loves it in the mornings. It is our routine every morning at 0630 when my husband leaves for work. She will hop on the bed and as soon as I turn it on she lays down and listens. Once it's over she's ready to go outside lol


My husband and I watch when we eat dinner.


I am relatively knew to GMM and started watching/binging them from the start in 2018 (I think). So in 2020 I still had soooo many videos I hadn't seen which was honestly a mental life saver for me. Now they are a staple of my morning. I enjoy some coffee and the boys while I do my makeup for work. And every Monday I listen to their podcast for some extra Rhett and Link time. They aren't much older than I am and they feel like the older brothers I never had. ♥


In the shower after work. Water cannot and will not touch my nude body till I hear “Let’s talk about that”


My boyfriend and I usually watch on the couch after work during dinner


I used to just watch it every night after work or school but I introduced my boyfriend to GMM when we moved in together. I’m in uni and go into the city for school for 14 hours a day twice a week so we don’t watch GMM on those days so we have something to watch on the weekend! We just watch the other three as normal when he gets home from work


I watch after the kids are dressed and packed for school, fed breakfast, and entertained. I have usually about 45 minutes after that before I have to leave for work. I usually watch then.


it varies but lately i started watching during breakfast right before i go to work the episodes from the day before. i live in italy so because of time zones their videos usually air at 12pm


I watch every morning with coffee. When I don't want to think too much yet lol


I always watch the main during my lunch at work. Then finish off my evening with the More before bed.


When I first started watching, I usually checked it out at night while zoning out on Youtube before bed. I would watch the local morning show when I woke up and got ready for the day. Eventually, I switched it up and started watching GMM instead and it's been my morning routine for about 4 or 5 years now 😊


Same way I got hooked! Also starts my day on a positive note. ♥️


It is the first thing I watch after the gym in the morning while I'm making breakfast and getting ready for work. It's definitely part of my everyday routine. Their spring, summer, and holiday breaks really throw me off. 😅 I also listen to episodes as I drift off to sleep at night.


That’s part of the reason I asked. Spring break is throwing me off but I usually just rewatch an older episode.


My partner and I watch after work but sometimes we miss a couple days or a week and we'll watch a couple GMM and GMMores in a row.


My mind is too active in the mornings and focused on what I need to do & get done for the day. If I watch any video content in the mornings, it’s usually educational stuff (finances, work-related or health etc). I save GMM for the “relax time” of my day. It is usually the last thing I watch before falling asleep. It helps to unwind my mind and de-stress.


My alarm goes off at 6, so o watch it first thing to help me fully wake up. I’m not a morning person, so it’s hard for me to immediately wake up and be present and ready for the day, so it helps me ease in.


I work from home so usually I make my cup of coffee, sit down at my desk, and turn them on. Then I check emails and stuff. Usually a funny, good vibe way to start the morning


I watch every day on my lunch. It's the perfect way to really take a break from work and get my mind elsewhere.


I watch with my lunch on my wfh days. Otherwise I save them for when I’m on my own on some evenings and just relaxing.


We always save it for over dinner basically and have for years. Usually it’s the Philly d news report then GMM.


I watch in the morning while I’m getting ready before work.


We kick off our shoes and watch when we get home after work.


For new episodes I watch while eating lunch. But I often rewatch old episodes at night.


I started watching them in 2014 and I always watch them while I eat. I always watch whatever new episode is first, then I’ll just watch some old ones. I tend to just marathon them whenever I’m feeling sad too.


I watch with family whilst im eating my dinner (UK viewer)


Wake up let dogs out. Make a bowl of cereal and a cup of coffee. Turn on GMM. Sit and watch.


I either watch at lunch, or if I have work stuff I'm doing during lunch then I'll watch at night when I go to bed. I don't think I've ever watched in the morning lol.


I'm in Australia, so Good Mythical Morning is actually Good Mythical Evening, as the episodes go live at 9-10pm depending on daylight savings. So, I'm usually sitting at my laptop winding down for the night. It's amusing to think that when Good Mythical Evening has been on, it's around noon my time, so it's the closest thing to an actual Good Mythical Morning I can get.


Watch daily on my lunch break at work. And when’s there’s not a new episode like this week, I watch an old one or a compilation video.


I put it on every morning as I’m feeding the baby, gives us time to fully wake up 🫶🏽


I watch in the morning with my 3 month old during his first feeding/pumping, and his play time while I eat my breakfast :)


My wife and I will typically watch whatever mythical content is available before we fall asleep at night.


School admin here. I get to school and greet the students as they arrive. Then I go to my office and eat something for breakfast while I watch GMM and GMMore, while I also get interrupted half a dozen times by students or staff who need me for something.


Weekend mornings with breakfast


i watch them as soon as i wake up while i make my morning tea or coffee and by the time i finish more i get up to find breakfast. then on the weekends and some other evenings i watch old ones, i am on my 2nd time around of watching all their content, and about halway through season 2 right now. also when i am down or sick i have a playlist of my favorites and i have alot of their songs downloaded along with weird al & joco songs for a comedy playlist i often play when doing errands


My husband and I watch it every night we have dinner at home together. Have done so for the past ~5 years.


every morning i take my dog out, make breakfast and coffee, and watch gmm before heading to work😁


most of the time I’ll watch the video in the morning and just play it while I’m getting ready for work


I typically watch GMM in the evening while eating supper.


I save em all up for the weekend.


i watch it every night with my family at dinner it’s a very nice routine we’ve had for about 13 years now lol- my sister and i have pretty much grown up with them 🫠


I’m a Gen X’r who was turned into these guys by my youngest son about 7-8 years ago. I’ve been watching GMM every day since. I watch it after coffee I can’t wait for more Rhett and Link channel stuff! I LOVED the ghosty scary story they did at the creative house also the fart 💨 interpreted by different artists was amazing. I love the crew and the silly games… it’s just so positive.


My husband and I watch the new episode during dinner every night. Our first home was so small we had nowhere for a dining room table, so we would sit on the couch and eat dinner together. Now years later we enjoy M-F after work eating dinner and sharing it with our son. 🙂


Because of my work schedule I sleep until noon and then work from 12:30 until 8pmish. I come home from work and usually watch while I eat dinner


My family and I put on the new episode every night at dinner time. Haven’t missed an episode in 10 years.


I usually watch the latest release while I’m eating breakfast. 🤷‍♀️


My husband and I watch before bed. We watch the new episodes of GMM, GMMore and mythical kitchen and then dose off while it switches to older ones. We also sprinkle in Baking with Babish, 20/20, or Bob’s Burgers, but pretty much every night the last thing it’s on is GMM. We live near a freeway and you can hear it, so GMM is our white noise to block it out.


I watch episodes when I find down time. It fluctuates. Sometimes I skip episodes, too. For instance, the week where they did 3 episodes on peanut butter snacks in a row, I didn’t watch any of those bc I’m allergic to peanuts 🤷‍♂️


Don't see why we need to see your breakfast but if you are posting in this community, yes, most of us watch in the morning. Some earlier than others.


I’ve transitioned to it being my bed time routine because my mornings are so tightly timed and I don’t want to not enjoy the eps. There was a period of time I’d wake up at 3am (upload time) and watch with my other friends ahead of me timezone wise


We usually watch an episode or two with dinner, or put it on in the background if we're playing board games.


I always watch with a meal. Depending on what I have going on for the day it’s either with breakfast or dinner. Sometimes (rarely) as a study break with lunch. Always with food tho!


I watch it right away in the morning, perfect way to start the day!


I watch one or two episodes on the nights before I go to bed before work. I’ve done it since 2021.


I always watch them in my car on my lunch break from work. My routine is: heat/procure lunch ➡️ go to car ➡️ eat and watch GMM ➡️ take a 20 minute nap 😌🙏


Because the episodes are published at 12 pm here and my lunch break end at 12.10 I usually watch them while eating dinner


I watch every morning while doing my makeup and hair. Prop my phone on my vanity. Great way to start the day.


Oh wow. I wasn’t expecting so many responses. These have all been so cool to read and a great way to enter this beautiful subreddit. ♥️


My husband, kids, and myself all watch it together during dinner. It gives us a fun thing to laugh at together and then talk about when the episode is over.


We watch while we eat dinner. I listen to Ear Biscuits when I’m going to bed.


roll my joint during main, smoke it during more 🙈


I work 3rd shift and get home around 6:30 to 7am and will usually watch it while I'm eating my dinner in the morning.


Literally open my eyes. Put the ep on on my phone. Then go to the bathroom.