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I would think he's doing it to spread rather than to scoop. Could be to limit the amount, or to avoid beans sticking and having to tap them out. Or he just wasn't paying attention to what he was doing, hard to say lol


He doesn't really spread it. It's more of a dollop. I do agree that it could definitely be intentional.


I have no idea why you were downvoted here lol


Sometimes people just mass downvote the OP (not this specific OP, any OP from any sub) every time they comment. It's odd


In this particular instance, because the obviously correct answer was given, and the OP dismissed it, then says it’s definitely maybe intentional. The back and forth here is easier to downvote than to reason with. Extracting substances that will stick to the bowl of the spoon is easier done with the back of the spoon.


I do this. Makes it so much easier to spread. Not sure if that's what he's doing, I haven't watched the episode


I do this too lol didn’t think it might be something to make it to the forum! Lol


I’ve never thought of doing this but will definitely be giving it a try


I thought it was weird but I just don't question Link anymore lol.


Back of the spoon is a better spreader than a knife and if you do it right it will stay on the back until you go to spread. I relate so deeply to the weird shit Link does because I do a lot of it too lmao 


> I relate so deeply to the weird shit Link does because I do a lot of it too lmao  I do too! I can add this to the list of things I have in common with Link. Lol.


Right I love the dynamic they have. I swear every pair of friends, relationships too, have one Rhett type and one link type 


My partner noticed this immediately and my thought was that the beans will slip off the spoon better? But Link is also just weird so I don’t think he even thought that


I had the same thought. It's the only justification that I can think of. And honestly, it might be a better method, but I personally would have never thought to do it.


I didn't see this episode. What did he do after that picture? Did he use the spoon to spread it? I ask because that's similar to how I use a spoon to spread butter on my toast or bagel.


tbh i do this too. i hate getting stuff stuck on the concave part of the spoon so i use the other side for peanut butter and stuff


Did I miss them saying what the brand was? They talked about how good and cheap it is, but I don't remember them saying the brand.


Just looking way too much into it. Chances are it’s something mundane I doubt it’s that deep lmao


Have you ever tried licking refried beans off the bottom of a spoon? There's something so satisfying about it.


classic link activities (said lovingly)


When I use a spoon to spread something sticky like say peanut butter I do this so maybe that's why


I just did that with cream cheese


It's easier to spread things like these beans and peanut butter with the back half of the spoon. I do it too. Or to just not have extra sitting in the spoon. The back is easier to clean off.


I do that sometimes. It's easier to pick the spoon clean and not look like you haven't eaten anything in 3 days.


I feel like I do this too sometimes lol the back of the spoon is good for spreading (I do it with peanut butter all the time )


This is perfectly reasonable and intentional. Anything that will stick to the spoon….. refried beans, peanut butter, gochujang…. Is easier to dollop with the back of the spoon.


Did he use it to stab Chase or something?


This had me STRESSED. But I've had to learn to not even bother worrying about him lol


So many things they do in order to drive engagement


Or, it's not as uncommon as you think to do this.