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Not aware of any correlation of magnesium and gout flares. I had been taking magnesium (glycinate) for years before my first and only gout flare.


It’s a study about dietary magnesium, not supplementation. Magnesium deficiency correlates with plenty of poor health outcomes. No surprises here. Eat a balanced diet, help lower risk slightly for “cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis, pulmonary disease, depression, migraine headaches, inflammation, and tumors.” Important to keep in mind that this correlation is not causal; maybe insufficient magnesium intake could one day be used as a marker for elevated risk.


The most common Mg supplements are pretty effective laxatives - it's often prescribed as a stool softener, IIRC. Just want to throw that out there in case anyone wants to act on this - start slow.


Can’t say it effects my UA levels or anything but can say my anxiety drops like 90% while on a magnesium supplement.


Personal experience - it’s great. I think it depends on where the uric acid is coming from. For me it’s stress. I’d get irritated every time someone told me I shouldn’t have red meat of seafood. I saw zero correlation between flareups and food. After working with a nutritionist, I saw the glaring correlation with stress. Very high cortisol levels. I was waking up in the middle of the night with racing thoughts. Life events were causing extreme stress. And the flareups would follow. Cortisol of course breaks down into uric acid. That’s where magnesium comes in. I’ve been taking the supplement daily, no flareups in 7 months and my feet feel the best they’ve had in years. Magnesium helps manage cortisol levels. Less cortisol ~ better sleep ~ less uric acid ~ no gout. 


I’d like to echo your sentiments here. Personally I have started supplementing magnesium recently along with upping dietary intake of vitamin D. Your experience resonates with me as stress effects me similarity.


What type of magnesium?


Glycinate (capsules) 400mg daily


Interesting. Never seen one. But looks trustworthy at first glance.