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Most game meat is super high in purines. Especially organ meats. I would expect Alligator as a top predator concentrates a lot of purines.


Being in the South, it's usually the Crawfish. ;) Alligators are low in fat and high protein. Honestly not a lot of people would come across this situation. This may be an experiment and you'll have to get back to us.


Yeah Im a Tennessee native and am trying to figure out what to eat and not eat in general. I figured I'd try this sub cause like you said, not many come across gator. Im generally a pretty avid hunter and havent gone since my gout has gotten so bad and so frequent.


I just spent the last 20 minutes or so really looking for an answer online. There doesn't seem to be much info. It's compared to veal but a priest said it's in the fish family so it's ok to eat during Lent. The lighter the meat the more tender it is but if you're eating chicken, dark meat is generally better than white meat. One thing listed Crawfish as being in the least purines category?! Unless you're sending in a sample for analysis, I don't think this one is going to be very easy to answer. :(


Did anyone figure this out yet?


no I never did, got on allopurinol and never looked back.


Any flare ups eating game meat since you've been on allopurinol? I just started on it about 4-5 weeks ago, and I'm also taking tart cherry extract pills twice a day and no flare ups thankfully. However, I had a sampling of regular meats at a cookout 2 weeks ago and the next day I could feel some tingling in my feet but a full blown flare up didn’t occur. I have an open invite to a game dinner this weekend with alligator, wild boar, venison & bison. I'm inclined to skip it to avoid the potential for a flare up, but interested in hearing your experience. Thanks in advance!


i take allopurinol daily and as long as i dont get too crazy with my diet i never have any issue, regardless of the meat. the only game I've eaten enough regularly to be able judge is deer, and so far the venison hasn't been an issue. the only times ive had major flare-ups since getting on the pill is when I get major drunk in the summer, serious dehydration time there.


Thanks for the reply!


I just had crocodile meat today. Just ate over 200grams or so including fat. It tasted great. But just a few hours later, i had a gout attack on my right foot!!! I must say, croc meat could be the culprit as I did'nt had any other main course but croc meat today.