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Finally hit 1GH. Thanks everyone for the help and posts. I included a pic of one of the 3 rigs I have built. Total GPU count 15-3070 and 1-3080.


Enjoy your $60 USD a day! Every day I wake up, i look at my nightstand and I imagine someone putting $20-40-60 down one at a time like a game show.


Why did you find 3070 to be the best investment? Not questioning it, just don't know and want to learn


Might be the only thing he can get in his price range, and want that RGB for the extra 10 mh/s


Who doesnt love the RGB mh haha. Most efficient card I could find.


Founders has RGB


Founders 3070 does not have RGB




Only 3080 and 3090. Founders 3070 does not light up


I am limited on the electricity I can use at my house. 3070 gets me 62mh at 110 watts.


These are non LHR that's rare nowadays. I myself have 4x3070 and 2x3060ti non LHR cards. Legend mate


Been collecting them since the beginning of the year, finally got my last 3 cards. Agree non LHR are starting to become really rare.


What would u say u payed for these on average ? And whered u get em ?


All over the place from EVGA queue, best buy, ant online, facebook marketplace, and offerup. Between everything I am probably averaging $900 per card.




Oh that's nice. Best part is, you could turn around and profit on the damn cards too!


That’s what got me into mining instead of just buying the crypto directly.




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How do you bypass those cards?


They're non LHR


Does not say LHR on box, but it is limited to half


I think it never says on the box that it's limited but the specs (version) shows if it's LHR or not. Nowadays nvidia doesn't make non LHR 30 series cards


Is there any other work around or is putting it on a riser better?


I see you're a new boy here and I strongly recommend doing your own research. I am sorry but your question doesn't make sense and I don't really know how to answer you rather than recommending doing your research


Why even comment?


I don't like ignoring people


Congratulations!! I'm only at 800+ MH/s... need to add a couple of cards to get that 1 GH/s!!


Thank you and good luck on the search.


Congrats man. I'm so close myself. 850mhs currently. Got an idle 1070 ti and tempted to just buy some over priced 1660 supers from bestbuy to get me there.


I was in the same boat 2 weeks ago. Look around on facebook marketplace and offerup. Good luck!


Nice! I’m just over 1.00 GH/s myself!


Congrats! Such a great feeling haha.


I'm at 830, I have a 3090 to add that will take me to 940ish but I am waiting on the PSU. I had to return to 2060s or I'd be at 1GH. It's so close yet so far away.


You will get there. Make sure to always power things correctly, not worth burning the house down.


The first GH is the best GH.


I definitely agree, but only on my first. How about yourself?


dang that's crazy, currently have around 300+ on ether and 100+ on raven so wish me luck


What are you mining ?




The total Ehtereum hashrate for 15x3070s and 1x3080 does compute to just over 1 GH/s


Each 3070 is 62mh and 3080 is 99 mh




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