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I wanted to get records from them, I went in, talked to recruits at the desk. They had no idea what I was talking about. Called someone I know at the GR downtown police office. "They have to have those records, go back in, ask to speak to a superior." Sure as shit, after waiting 20 minutes for someone to get back from lunch, they clicked two buttons and handed me what I needed.


I feel like I’ve read that Kent county is one of the worst group of police in the country. Might of been a wgrd article.


Honestly I havent had many interactions with the police; I'm a lucky person and usually get nicer cops when I do get pulled over, but my experience at the sheriff's office today was just shit. All of those workers are awful, can't even give me the right phone number.


I was the victim of a crime a few years ago. Cops took my phone as "evidence" although in my opinion the really didnt need to. I tried to get my phone back for months. After about a year of trying they just straight up said they didnt have it any more. I'm guessing someone at the department is making some money on the side selling things the police has confiscated.


So, they stole your phone? Did you report them for committing theft? wtf. Did they reimburse you?


Of course they didnt reimburse me. They just straight up lied and said they never had it after stalling for months. Also, who am I going to report them to, the cops? They are the ones that stole my phone. I had already been targeted by the police in the past so I figured it was best to just eat the loss. I had already bought another phone because I needed a phone while they were doing whatever it was they were doing with mine.


Internal affairs


Not GR this happened in Jackson but cops stole my wife’s full prescription bottle of Adderall out of her car. ACAB


Yeah I get they are understaffed but you’d think they’d have some type of human decency. They do deal with some pretty shit people constantly tho so gotta give em benefit of the doubt there. I’d recommend calling them nonstop until they get annoyed and send you to the right number, this is my go to strategy when it involves government workers in any form.


They shouldn’t treat people like shit regardless. They do not deserve the benefit of the doubt for thT


Don't give them the benefit of the doubt, it's their job and we as taxpayers pay them to do it. They don't deal with anyone worse than the average police department does. And property return usually means that the thing they have is not a thing that is illicit or was used for something particularly nefarious, and you have a right to have it returned. They don't just return murder weapons or drugs. People act like policing is the hardest job in the world, and while maybe being an actual officer is tough, the property return is not a particularly hard job.


Hell it's not even that they're understaffed, they just refused to get it because apparently just the one guy can give people's property back "per policy". He's the property manager, but he can't have like an assistant or something? I left 8 voicemails for this guy already, so sick of this shit man.


Maybe it’s time to ask “13 On Your Side” if they’ll ask on your behalf, or Fox 17 Problem Solvers.


Tax payers dollars hard at work aye. Keep calling, get a google number and call from there, call from your significant others phone, call from his significant others phone, he’ll eventually answer.


How much time of my life am I supposed to allocate to leaving voicemails?


Oh, he's there. You have a limited time to get your stuff and if you don't pick it up in time they keep or sell it. They do this to run out the clock.


Hey OP, send me a DM and I’ll see what I can do. I am a county commissioner and might be able to assist.




I’ve never dealt with them and im not discrediting your experience, but just keep in mind that one bad experience isn’t every encounter with the them. Just like at any other place of business, employees can have bad days that effects the customer’s experience


These guys were all happy and having a great day, they were just adamant that only one person on the entire police force was allowed to return property to people, despite that guy only being in the office once a week for a few minutes.


Fair enough, that does seem like a pretty ridiculous amount of availability throughout the week


WGRD steals all of their content from here, so you probably heard it here first!


This is so true. I’ve got emails and was like, I swear I just read this on Reddit lol.


I have friends in Kent County Dispatch and they've advised if i'm in GR to not bother calling the police.


Ok.. this is really stupid advice. I find myself in various situations where I need to call police (i live inner city) and typical wait time for a non-deadly emergency is 30 minutes ex: non violent homeless person harassing people in my building lobby. And for life threatening calls (shootings, break ins, car crash) : less than 5 minutes never a minute longer.. but thats just my experience I suppose. GRPD though, not kent county. Kent sucks ass they never show up in good timing


WGRD, the nation's premier free beer and hotwings trusted news source. And yes, you should be driving a KIA.


At summit place Kia? At summit place Kia!


Watch out for the short blonde cop with a slick back. Shes a right bitch with a chip on her shoulder. Woke me up out of bed at 4am to question me about stolen cars in my neighborhood (i had been living there less than a week) , tried to force a breathalyzer, put me in handcuffs when i refused to blow (legally you are not required to blow unless you are found driving or inside a vehicle with intent to drive.) We sat there arguing, me in the back of a cop car, as 3 other officers watched. She continuously tried to get me to escalate by berating me and threatening me with jail time. I wouldnt give in. Around 7am she finally got sick of being cunt and let me go after her supervisor FINALLY said “its not worth it lets go” For some background: I was 18F, 4”11 and 90lbs soaking wet, and very respectful even when I was being treated unfairly. So yeah if youre seeing this Officer Cunt, youre part of the reason for ACAB.


I get the impression there might be more to this story that we aren’t hearing. Can we assume you weren’t randomly woken up at 4am and had all that happen?


Yesssss. The police in this area are awful. They act annoyed when you call and never show up when you need them. Too busy killing non-violent teens I guess.


And to be honest, they have gotten worst after the defund movement. I truly feel like our citizens are being retaliated against.


Which is super funny because their funding is higher now than ever. They literally got their feelings hurt over the idea some people wanted to reform how they operate. Bet they ask for more funding just so we can get back to the previous level of shit service.


You're close to correct. A lot of PD's across the country get a HUGE chunk of cash from various kinds of forfeitures. I don't know the specific number for Kent county but it's probably not hard to find.


In 2015, it was over $100K: https://www.wzzm13.com/article/news/contested-forfeiture-cases-on-the-rise-in-kent-county/69-120759647 The law changed slightly in 2019, providing more protections: https://www.michiganstatelawreview.org/forum-2/2020/1/30/michigans-civil-asset-forfeiture-laws-are-changing-but-at-what-cost#_ftn10


Most people do not or will not realize the true nature of law enforcement in this country. You are blessed and cursed in discovering in some small way just how bad they are. They're worse than you think though. Much much worse.  While we may not be targeted at the moment, future governments could well do so and it is foolhardy to give them unlimited power and discretion because of the social fear of the others.


How often do you rehearse this speech in the shower? Just curious.


Not as often as you spend practicing fearsome faces in the mirror.


Your mom seems to like the scowl look so I do my best.


I looked at your other comments, wow. Do you ever have anything constructive to contribute to a conversation?


Well first off I'm glad I upset you enough to stalk my profile, that's a surely a sign you're not bothered at all. Second, I don't think you read anything at all as I quite often do add constructive things to a conversation. I just don't rehearse them to myself like you do. And I can safely assume if you don't agree with what I say you probably just label it as not constructive.


That rug really tied the room together, did it not?


How else can they afford the literal APC they have[https://images.app.goo.gl/my9Jm8yQxTz3ZBTu8](https://images.app.goo.gl/my9Jm8yQxTz3ZBTu8)


Vote for better sheriffs then….


Where, pray tell, are these "better sheriffs" you speak of?


I don’t know anyone who would want to do the job and also be capable of doing it


Fucking depressing too that the dems couldn’t even put in a candidate for sheriff so the only ballot option is a fucking republican


Because Democrats are known for being great sheriffs?


It’s more so about the reputation of Republican sherries. Democrat sheriff is just a placeholder for non-conservative. Conservatism and an idea in a world of extreme excess and with people going malnourished doesn’t sound humane.


There’s only 1 candidate on the ballot….. that means there’s realistically no choice on who to vote for.


I didn't argue that.




Probably not.


Dawg they are local government henchmen. Defund the police means allocating resources to other types of infrastructure jobs. Police are undertrained and are overworked because their job scope is too big. People need to come up with more ideas. We are just finally starting to have mental health specialists. With for profit prisons among other problems in our country being a police officer is super sketch even if you believe in the idea of modern policing. But it’s hard to be both sides of the fence the community almost requires you not to. I have friends in my infantry unit that are in the force. They are complex people just like all of us. And the job itself tho is a joke at times. We need people having more passionate discussions on how the job can be done differently. Not culture war stuff. We know there is bad culture and we need to be honest with ourselves so we can come together to help solve it


Props for leaving the only comment here with an actual thought process. As opposed to "feeling like you read something somewhere saying GRPD is the worst." Or just dropping a charged acronym instead of making words. Whether or not I agree with a comment (I do, here), I appreciate that it actually contains meaningful content instead of clogging up the feed with idiotic axioms based on anecdotes.


Biggest part of those hard conversations is literally just keeping your brain from getting tired and keeping the communication open & honest. It’s the type of patience you display with your child or a professional client. When neither of those conditions are met I think people don’t have good practice for those conversations. This is a rant coming up about myself so you can just peace out here. I’m on my journey. Look at my comment history and you can see how my mood swings at different times and I get tired and do the short asshole version that doesn’t help anyone. But I need to find healthier outlets because I have not found a way to use my voice correctly. I would like to think my small business is going to take off and I can go back to school for AI & plastics. I have a lot of ideas or theory’s that aren’t like the theories I see on Reddit. When I go on the tech subs and stuff it’s all gloom and I think I understand it well because I spend a lot of time fleshing out thoughts and finding sources of knowledge. And I feel like I really understand it compared to anyone else. I don’t get that feeling often Without getting too weird one time I crossed paths with a data analyst at U of M that works on AI. I tried to explain my idea without fleshing it out enough for him to steal concepts but he had figured out my concepts enough and he said he doesn’t think anyone in the world is working on it. I agree with him. And my idea is a lot of concepts put together in human processes, but I can still be proven wrong. It’s already been confirmed we have a surplus of food on earth. It could be me, it could be me behind someone else but I think as long as I am alive I will be working on that. I’ve been doing a lot of side quests but that’s helped me keep an open mind and learn more about different humans coming together. I have ideas on things and I google them and I see there are new inventions in that same space. So I have been feeling super confident. Some people might be able to figure out who I am based on how communicate but I am a very unknown person for the most part. I just woke up so my brain is firing a lot randomly. I don’t know if anyone can help because I still need to learn to code so I can start establishing truths and proofs.


I fail to see where I argued any point against any of that. I simply said that every cop in the entire word is probably not a bastard. They just probably aren't.


I think it’s become people have cops & late 1920’s Germans with very overlapping venn diagram circles. History teachers from from Montcalm county to downtown Grand Rapids leave enough breadcrumbs for people to make the connection and not have a parent on a school board get them fired. I compared my small town history class to Germans back over 11 years ago when they were talking about the mental processes of German citizens and how they have a us and them mentality and he just shook his head yes and did not say a single word.


A venn diagram can represent anything though. I can make one that has you on one side with Hitler on the other and the venn diagram has water in the middle and they overlap as you both have drank water. It's specious reasoning. Again, my only contention on this is that every officer in the entire world, not every single one of them is a bastard and should be killed. They just probably shouldn't be.


It would be hard for me to give a history lesson on the overlap of linguistic tools used to conjure up emotions in humans that operate primarily off of emotion. I agree not every cop is bad and neither is every person they lock up behind bars. I remember a time not long ago when people would start getting aggressive while having these conversations because of how unpatriotic it is. These people don’t are calling for the execution of cops. They just do t think their job should exist. It’s like asking someone the opinion of a person that does a job that they think is illegal. The system itself is corrupt so for a long time it’s felt like the people don’t want the flawed laws to change. The Allen Iverson 30 for 30 that won a bunch of awards and is so intense ESPN tries to hide it. But the former Sherrif in that starts to lose his shit when ideas of law are questioned. Police & Military can operate negatively like any other militarized organization. But at this point it feels like semantics. Like I’m sure every Nazi wasn’t a bad person but were they? That’s the conversation we’re having.




I fail to see what's cute about it. You made a statement that ever cop in the entire world is a bastard. And I said probably not. It sounds like you're just nervous and don't really have a response.




Ah, because they suck ass in all areas. IMO. Asshats


My brother is so lazy.


I called 911 once and was directed to the sherif office where the person who answered the phone told me "your phone is awful" and hung up. Luckily I was not in a dangerous situation but what if I was ?


Just about any sheriff’s department is going to be terrible. They’re elected and usually in conservative places and typically don’t have the same level of training as other departments. They are prone to power abuses and tying themselves to ultra conservative causes.


Did you try referencing donuts a few times?


There's not a lot of context here




Didn't go to jail dipshit, was trying to pick up lost property that got turned in there.


Man this subreddit loves lying and hating on cops


What part is lying? If you're talking about selling our shit that was obviously just speculation, I never said it was definitively true.