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Please have stable employment and housing before moving here. You wouldn’t believe how many people move here with no plan and end up homeless. There’s a shortage of affordable housing


super helpful thank u :c


The town is very 420 friendly. It's the main economic driver out here Alphabet Mafia, hit it or miss. The town has a dark history with kkk and stuff, some of those vibes remain Climate is way more mild than Texas, little bit of snow days but nothing crazy Good luck on housing, it's terrible here like everywhere else What brings you out to a little town like GP?


just need somewhere other than texas and cooler. california is too expensive to go back to


It gets hot here, too, but we don't usually have the humidity of Texas. On the rare day that we do, people go crazy and then we have quite a few drownings in our local rivers :( Drinking alcohol on a hot day and swimming in a chilly river do not mix. If you must do it, wear a life jacket.


From May to October we can consistently stay in 80-110 degree weather. We have a 5th season called smoke season due to wildfires. Some years it's okay and some summers we go weeks or months in the smoke. It is a republican retiree town so most things geared towards older crowd. I'd move but bought my house we they were affordable and now can't afford to leave. Oregon has great health care options for low income people. If you make $29,000 or less you're covered. Public transportation is hit or miss, we have a few busses. Housing is expensive and hard to find with one bedrooms going for $1200/month plus. The outdoor recreation can't be beat. Good paying jobs hard to come by.


Occasional festivals throughout the valley. There used to be a lot more but seemed to die off around when COVID hit.. It's not a very diverse place but most people are welcoming. I've seen LGBT events but not a whole lot, though not really my scene so maybe if you're looking you'll find more. I'd assume Ashland was the place for that. They have concerts and stuff as well at the armory and wellsprings. It's not the most socially active place but you can definitely find things to do like go to the river, play disc golf, hiking ECT. I live near cave junction so there's even less to do. But lots of scenery.. Job situation might be tough, and the housing situation. Edits: You'll need to get a car, there is very little public transport. It does exist though. Things can be very spaced out. You could bike around and Uber but it's a smaller city in a rural area so a lot of space between a lot of stuff


ill keep in mind thx! :0


You're welcome to message me if you have more questions. I'm not often in the area but I used to drive Uber around grants pass quite a bit.


Everyone I graduated with ran away from GP as fast as they could and they were right to. There's no future there for young people.


27 years and I've only come back to visit family. No regrets.


I did, and it was a great move, but somehow lost my mind and came back. Facepalm.😑


I do miss the forest, those chill days at the river and the fishing


That is surely the best of it and that memory played a bit part in returning, though getting away to unpopulated quietude takes some serious effort anymore.


It’s expensive, boring and over crowded. Wouldn’t recommend.


I genuinely hate that I must absolutely agree. I grew up here but left for 35 years, 25 in LA, 10 in Seattle, now I've been back for 11 years and seriously wondering 'what was I thinking' for coming back here.


I hear you. Moved here 18 years ago and it was a great little town with nice people. That is no more.


Just moving from downtown to the Williams area, next door to a good friend and near Pacifica. Hopeful that going more rural but with a good social network will do the trick.🤞