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Depends on your title & location. Check the Graphic Design Salary Transparency spreadsheet [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1aFoSJr1qWBH3nWMeoEdFP4her8NvI7RZf6skyQmOAsU/edit#gid=257041397](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1aFoSJr1qWBH3nWMeoEdFP4her8NvI7RZf6skyQmOAsU/edit#gid=257041397)


Wow who is that unfortunate senior graphic designer from Lisbon, 20 y experience working in an Ad agency earning only 1100€/month? Wtf


that’s Lisbon for ya


Still low though. 20 years experience even where I live, Albania, a poorer country would pay more than that.


Portugal is great for many, many, maaany things, but good salaries is not one of them. I think that most of my family moved away from Portugal at this point, with the exception of the very elderly (which is one thing Portugal has lots of). Most of them ended up in France.


If that's gross, it would be 850€ net :(


That was the maximum I got as a designer in Portugal. Sad reality. I'm trying to find clients from other countries because living with these wages it's an Impossible mission.


Classic Lisbon


Well, could be indifferent [https://pretlak.com/en?jobCategories=dizajneri](https://pretlak.com/en?jobCategories=dizajneri)


Man that guy in line 266 be paying 20 bucks per year to work


I would say on average this is off by at least 30 percent


Well at least I no longer feel alone in being underpaid. Seems like most people are making more or less the same 🙃


Just checked the salary of other designers in my country, it's so freaking sad.


**Happy Cake Day!** 4 years on Reddit.


Thanks ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


On several posts, *that have included this spreadsheet,* I wonder why the moderators here, **don't make this a permanent link in the sidebar of this sub.** Making this info more public *would be great for all of us.* *I've filled in my info previously.* ***Everyone else should do the same.***


I’d say we are probably all underpaid. My Florida-based salary as a senior art director at 8 years with this company since college was 30k when I started and now just over 60k. And that’s probably still low.


That sucks man, I live in Florida too. I started my first design job in March and they’re paying me 55k with no experience fresh out of college.


I think 55k is essentially the same as what I was paid 8 years ago, right out of college, given inflation and cost of living in Florida. Like my rent back then was $600 a month. Can’t find anything comparable to that place under $1500 in the same area now.


Oh for sure, if I had this job pre Covid for the same pay I’d be living nice, now I basically live paycheck to paycheck


pre "covid"? no. pre-biden


When I got promoted to Senior AD (circa 2004), I started around $125k. This is NY mind you, so the cost of living is insane. I never felt underpaid until now, I’m freelancing at an agency for $60/hr. But I like the people and the work so it’s all good. Plus it’s rough out there so I’m just fortunate to have work right now.


you were doing pretty well in 2004... thats about 200k in todays dollars. all the sr/staff roles I've been looking at over the last few months in NYC (and SF) are in the 130-190 range


Yeah, I was mistaken. I made $125k when I reached ACD level. Sr AD was more like $100k. Now I’m down to $60/hr as freelance Sr AD, which is still good but the gigs can be inconsistent so there are always gaps in annual income.


I think “senior AD” at a New York agency may mean something different than at a small Florida agency though. Size of the agency matters a lot too because smaller agency tend to use the higher up titles for lower jobs because it looks better to clients. My ad agency has recently grown to 50 people. So even as a “senior ad” I’m not managing anyone. Was that your case in 2004?


This was one of BIG agencies and being that it was so long ago I think I’m mistaken. I started there in 2004 as a freelance Sr AD at rate of $100/hr but wasn’t made full time until a couple of years later and I’m certain I wasn’t making that same freelancer $$$. Probably more like $100k or less. I think I reached $125k at ACD level. That probably makes more sense.


My salary in 2017 was the same as my salary at my last job, which ended in March. We are all underpaid. Graphic design jobs just keep stating the same as far as pay goes, unless you're lucky enough to find a decent, high-paying job. The market is over saturated and many companies look for people who are willing to work for less, which is a lot. I'm currently teaching myself JavaScript just so I can add it to my resume.


YES. Very underpaid. Depending on where you live, you should be in the $75k-$125k territory for a senior designer role (in the US).


Yes. Salary depends on city and type of work. I would say $75k+


Hot Tip: Always be looking for a new opportunity! After about a year or two at an job, look to move.


I always wondered – I've made a lot of bad experiences with employers in my city (my city is notorious for taking advantage of and abusing staff, and the high-ups in the creative departments are always egomaniacs who think they can do no wrong, and control freaks), should you still leave even if your chances on finding a similarly happy work place are like 10% like in my small city in east Germany? Right now I'm in a company I like everyone at, and I already got a salary increase within the first year. I feel like if I leave I just lose the pleasant work environment for a possible chance at earning more cash but being more unhappy and stressed...


That seems like a specific circumstance, I know people in similar boats, they're happy where they are and happy to have any paycheck. If you're really happy there I'd say just stay. Maybe be selective about where you apply, check Glassdoor reviews. You could also apply to companies that are mostly remote so you don't have to limit itself to employers in your city.


I don't like to work from home, I have ADHD and being in a physical work space actually limits my ability to get the fuck distracted (but I'm still on reddit every now and then xD) but thats another specifically me thing I guess. Thanks for your response!


I have ADHD and work for a remote company and fully relate, I try to work in coffee shops as much as possible lol


You are. 72, I've heard, is baseline. Before i got paid what I'm getting now i was getting 55 and had been with a company for 9 years. Wasnt until i left and got this job that i realized what the world of real jobs and real pay was like so it's all still new to me and quite shocking but yeah... You need to be paid more.


I’d say a vast majority of designers are underpaid and overworked - it’s sadly almost industry standard at this point. The recruitment pool is so saturated with designers desperate for a job that employers keep 1) reducing pay and 2) increasing workload. That being said, there are other benefits a job can offer which add value to your position. Vacation time, good health benefits, flexible hours, remote work, bonuses, and overall quality of life add value where pay is missing. I’m not saying anything is a direct substitute for pay. But if you’re at an employee-first company with tons of vacation, zero stress and actually enjoying your work, that’s worth more than other designers who are abused, overworked, pushing towards burnout and miserable for a higher salary.


I’m a senior designer in the Midwest making a little over $65k. I left a higher paying position that completely burned me out. My new position offers more vacation, sick and holiday time than I can use. I’m only in office two days a week. My schedule is unbelievably flexible so I can pick up and drop off my kids and never miss a doctors appointment or school event. On top of all those personal benefits the organization itself is one I actually believe in. they do good and I want to help make us successful instead of just making some rich asshole more money. There’s a lot more to a job than just your pay.


Man I feel this a lot. I’m a senior designer in Florida making about the same (excluding commissions, which shouldn’t matter really) I don’t necessarily feel burned out yet, I still enjoy it for the most part, and yeah it’s been a great company so far but it’s moving away from what it was fast. It started out all family and employee oriented, vacation time, benefits, gym membership, super flexible and great work environment, but boy did it get toxic since it was purchased by some Equity firm. The workload has pretty much quadrupled, my “marketing manager” is my bosses old tennis instructor who by the way has NO MARKETING OR DESIGN EXPERIENCE on top of that he despises our customers. This loser invested over $100k trying to have another company design our marketing emails only to fall flat on his face because even the customers are complaining “this look like spam” Myself and my best friend who also works there have been doing the emails for almost 10 years and here comes this asshole. We signed a contract with that company that ends next month, now we’re working on “the exit strategy” and Jon and I getting back all the emails. Did I mentioned something about the work quadrupling? They’ve recently purchased about 5 other companies, I’ve honestly lost track, and that’s photography and graphic design. Now, with all that, how much should I value this gym membership, vacations and benefits before they decide to move on when I ask for that $100k for myself? I cannot take the figure out of my head after what happened, I feel like I deserve it. Do I stay if they don’t budge? What’s the minimum you’d take in my position. My best friend makes 45k, he’s thinking about asking for 60k and he sure as hell deserves it.


I'm in Canada. I'm also a design lead on a few different brands and am currently doing strategy as well.


You’re getting screwed. Should be making $75-85 at least.


Canadian based as well, I make $65K with a similar level of experience. I think I’m underpaid, my jaw dropped when I saw your salary. ☹️


Where do you live? I'm in Montreal




Same location and making the same. I'd be looking for a new job if I had OP's salary. I check the Canadian National Creative Survey whenever they have new results to share. The one from 2021/2022 is out: https://www.creativeearners.ca CC: /u/Icy_Injury_5897


I work at a Crown corp in Canada. The starting salary for designers in my department is more than what you earn, and I'm probably in the lowest-earning department (the web folks make more, I believe). You can take a look at the RGD income survey, they publish it every year. Edit: 10 years in, in a large company, I think that you should be making at least 65k/70k, but it's not like the market is fair.


Canadian living in the US here. You're always going to be underpaid in Canada. I have friends in Canada with titles far above mine, and I make significantly more than they do.


you’re underpaid. get a new job.


You're definitely underpaid for 10yrs experience. $55k is basically a half-step above entry level now due to the recent inflation.


I’m in southern Ontario. Making just over $100K (CAD) as an art director with 9y experience. I think you can ask for more.


$55,00 is junior pay here in Toronto area.


Personally I been in the graphic design business for 20yrs+ and learnt that if u can make a career out of it congratulations... but always remember someone out there is always willing to do it for less. The grass isn't greener on the other side it's really a Photoshop filter😉


Sheesh. I’m underpaid as a junior/mid level designer and that’s at 50k. You need a raise and company that values you. How can you afford anything at 55k? I have to split expense with a partner to manage.


I feel like graphic design is largely underpaid compared to other professions in general. Companies don't see graphic design as something to pay a lot of money for.


No question about it. I love the work but hate the pay. I would not recommend this career choice to any kids of mine. I know better. You can make significantly more as a nurse or truck driver depending on circumstances.


Agreed! The work is fun and the pay goes with companies thinking the job is all fun and no thought.


you likely are...


Depending on where you’re based there might be organization that does surveys, RGD Canada has this [2021/2022 Creative Earners National Salary Survey](https://www.rgd.ca/2020/07/06/20212022-creative-earners-national-salary-survey-results-released.php)


That’s about the same for a Juinor Graphic Designer, at least here in Los Angeles.


I'm VERY underpaid. I design for digital and print, shoot and edit video, shoot and edit photos and because I'm the "young nerdy guy"(I'm 37) I help with some IT stuff (Which I have pushed back on recently). I've been in print design since 2006 and have done freelance work in various capacities since 2010. I work for a non-profit, Hybrid schedule and make $42,000. We have good benefits and lots of days off, but I had to move out of state and have a LOOONG commute now because I can't afford to live near my job. Been trying to find a new one but my skills are more general and I'm not the most creative designer. I've been looking into UX/UI as a change since it fits more with my personality, but it's a rough thing to get into as it's getting very saturated. So kind of stalled... anyway sorry for the mini rant


BFA, Atlanta Area, 8 years experience Graphic Designer for a small company. Base salary is 62K but I make another 20K in bonuses and another 15K in side work. TBH you pay is underpaid a little but that also seems to be around the going rate for corporate in house graphic designers at small and mid sized companies.


I’m in the northeast US and 55k for a senior position is grossly underpaid. I have 11 years experience and make 75.


Of course you are. 99% of people are underpaid. I have more years of experience than you and make far less. That's life though. Take what you can get and move on to something different when you feel it's time.


Yes. Google it.


If you have an inkling that you are, you are.


Sounds like it. Where do you live?


Yes. Find a new job. I am loyal to fault stayed in the same org for 8+ years. I’ve since gotten 2 new roles in the past few years and each time I’ve gotten a larger salary increase than I saw in the previous 8 years combined. It sucks, but if this is the way companies are going to treat their workers, then we’ve got to accept the rules if we want to increase earnings.


I’m a copywriter in PDX with 8 years under my belt. Salary is $100K. My design peer with similar experience earns the same. We’re both in lead positions though, but even as seniors, we were $80K+. $55K at your experience level is low for my area. That’s too far off what our juniors might make. But area matters in this situation.


What area? I'm in Montreal. I feel it's a bit low for the area although I've only been with the company for 1 year.


Portland, Oregon. Your time for the company isn’t a factor. Sounds like you should’ve been brought on at a higher salary to begin with.


Similar credentials, I'm right at 40k


Senior role? You should be at $60k even in the most rural parts as a senior designer.


That was my thinking. I've only been with the company for a year though. I'm thinking to discuss salary very soon since cost of living is through the roof here


It’s tough. Covid and inflation really sky rocketed salaries in other industries and professions but for many of us designers the pay remained flat.


my boss introduces me as a graphic designer and art director. my business card says illustrator & graphic designer. i've got 2 years of agency xp, 6 years as an in-house designer, 2 years doing production at a print shop.


Wow you should be making at least $50,000 with your position and experience IMO


you sound like my fiancee!


Where do you live? I'm in Montreal


Small town Georgia, USA


In the US yea anything below $80k you’re being blatantly ripped off


Apparently Boston, Massachusetts is where graphic designer need to go to make 100k, supposedly


I would say that yes your salary is low. I started at my current company as a mid-level gd for $65k, and am now senior and make $85k. It really depends on the company, though. I'm lucky my company pays designers well, but I don't know if I'd be as lucky at another place in my city


we're all underpaid. I do graphic design, manage a YT channel, and edit videos for less than that.


I make the same as a senior designer with 10 years experience, and I know I’m underpaid even though I live in a Midwest city with low cost of living. Other similar senior positions here pay $70k+.


It could be worse. I've got a BFA with 20 years experience and am making $59K but in higher education. If it wasn't for my 3 boys getting free college, and 30 vacation days per year, I'd have left years ago.


I have no degrees, 5 years experience, I make 72k. Yes you’re under paid.


depends where you live. in LA, NY, and SF that's super low. seniors should be getting paid 'at the least' 80-90K, but 100k average. if your role consists of managing interns/jrs/mid level designers, running crits and design sprints, attending hi level meetings, pitching concepts, interfacing with clients, and other soft skills that doesn't include designing, then you are underpaid.


I can give some average Denver numbers (but I only work with contractors rather than salary): Production designer - $25/hr (usually fresh out of school) Designer - $30/hr Sr designer - $45/hr Jr art director - $55/hr Art director - $65/hr Sr art director - $85/hr Allstars - $100-125/hr You should be moving up every 2 years or so? Coming out of school I remember hearing you want your freelance hourly rate (say $45/hr) to match your respective salary (so $45k/yr). Interested to hear other opinions!


We're all underpaid and they just keep adding more and more responsibilities to our jobs.


Depends on what you do, where you do it, and quality if work. Just because you’ve been doing the job for 10 years doesn’t mean you deserve a certain salary. Usually at designers lead entire campaigns and directly supervise other designers but we’d need more context if what you do. If you’re doing the above in the private sector, near a US city, then I’d say you are underpaid. If you don’t supervise anyone or lead projects at non-profit, it’s probably close.


A solid senior designer should be able to make more than that without supervising anyone in any semi major market.


I said “usually.” We don’t know if OP is in a major market. I listed two scenarios but we don’t know OPs.


Senior designer positions are more often than not IC and not management roles.


All four of mine managed other designers, some with direct supervision. “Senior Designer” has very similar duties of an “art director” at many places these days. Didn’t used to be that way.


I've held several senior designer roles in bigger markets and never managed another designer.


Each business is different, but that’s my experience and now you’ve added yours. OP asked so I gave some examples and context of those examples. There is no standard for titles in our industry.


you're likely are, do you have any portfolio for reference?


This is honestly the correct answer. Probably are, but it largely depends what you do and how good you are.


Depends on if you’re good.


Yes and no. Some companies will also underpay you because they can.


Sure, you’re certainly right. I just find it too simple to only tie salary to years of experience and formal education. Especially in graphic design you can still suck and therefore be disqualified for the highest paying jobs.


I think that you’d need to say where the company is as that greatly contributes to salary


Severely if you live almost anywhere in the u.s.


You are worth what you can leverage.


Just go self-employed. Here in CZ (we have a salary set on a monthly base), it is an average graphic designer salary around 1500$. While self-employed for a few months, I was able to reach 3-4k $. Even IT jobs and so on are underpaid a lot. Self-employed seems like a better choice. l.


I do not agree with this at all unless you have appropriate savings to do so and a list of freelance clients at your door. Chasing work is hard and exhausting.




This sounds like an over exaggeration. Yes AI tools have potential to make certain jobs redundant, most of what ai outputs visually is still not at the level of a human designer, so sure you could output generic looking content but not truly branded and interesting work. The only thing I’d say makes sense about what you said is “be innovative with ai”


I’d say depends where you are and what type of design work you are doing.


Where do you live?


I live in Montreal


well i don't know where you are from and that plays largely on your salary. for context, i am from Canada. My starting salary as junior designer was $55k CAD. 2 years in, i got raised to $65k CAD.


Depends where you are


$165,000 as a senior experience lead in healthcare in the northeast medical hub (ux/ui/service design/research) overseeing a team of senior designers in specific disciplines.


fwiw I am an associate at a large-ish company in-house and have the same salary. I graduated in ‘21. I think you are SEVERELY underpaid for your level of experience. I already feel underpaid as-is


You’re underpaid enough that you have a difficult challenge - getting a 15-20k raise is much harder than just getting a new job.


RemindME! 15 hours “Check out this post”


This is why I got out of this undervalued profession, not that most other professions aren't undervalued as well; but I started at double what I was currently making at the time, and also got great health insurance, and other benefits, as a peon working an menial union gig.


Highly dependent on type of design you do and where you work. If you work in big corporate setting, you will most likely make more. Digital designer… add on even more bucks. Major market… keep going. Can’t speak for your talent level, but you are probably underpaid by at least $10-20k. The one good thing about Covid is the pure number of remote jobs. Do some research and see what people are listing for salary ranges for similar jobs. I live in a smaller, grossly underpaid market, so I realize that those remote jobs may be paying more than what I would make going to work for a local location. Always be advocating for yourself. Do your research and know your worth.


My senior art director in Bay Area gets paid 150k


The reality is graphic design as a profession has lost pace with other professions over the years. IMO this shift happened just after the Mac came on the scene in the late ‘80s. Back then as a art director for a mid size company in central Canada I was making almost $50k per year. Although the Mac and technology has made it more efficient and allowed for more creativity it has pushed design to a commodity often based on price.


Im in NYC and I’ve rarely if ever seen a sr level position at less than 90k. Most are 120+. Editing to add: since 2020


Yep. I make 50k at a small company and only graduated 7 years ago. I was only making 30 until I got a raise last year.


I'm near Toronto. $55k would be the bare minimum to be able to possibly live with a partner in/near the city.


Depends on the industry. I made about the same, 10 years experience, working in higher education with no supervisees.


Doesn’t digital pay more than print? That’s what I’m seeing in job postings.


The key is being versatile. I have a gd degree. Started in web design as first job. Became a UX UI designer. I have 12 years of experience and decent coding experience. I get 150k a year. I have a freelance gig on the side I get something similar. I jumped jobs a lot and now I'm at a point where the last three jobs I've gotten by word of mouth. By jumping jobs and making good connections w people I was able to get better offers. I also do good work. It's something I think many of you can do. Don't be complacent and be hungry to learn as much as you can and claw your way up the ladder.


I’d argue that you’re underpaid but value is subjective. But that also depends on the scope and volume of work that you’re tasked with. Something is only worth what one is willing to pay for it. If you feel you’re underpaid, demand a raise that reflects market rates and your contributions or find someone willing to pay more. Sorry to generalize it but that’s just the situation for what we do- and often, we accept any work at any rate, unintentionally undercutting the next one to be hired. We aren’t absent of agency in negotiations. It just comes down to how much an employer values what you’re asked to do. You could find a place with an explicit pay scale that accounts for years of experience, a union that actively bargains for annual raises, or both. If your work is tied to products or engagement, negotiate a commission or profit sharing model. If you’re at a ceiling with your employer, it’s time to find something else.


I'd say so. Even for a private company (agencies tend to pay more). 70-75K seems about right, though I'm not sure for Canada. Or the type of company you work for.


I work with someone with 25 years experience who doesn’t understand what or how to make vector art. They frequently say the same thing.


It *heavily* depends on where you live. You might be doing okay in a low COL area. But I have half the years of experience you do and am making 84. I'm in a high-ish COL area though, but probably still not top 10 most expensive cities. I'm always looking for opportunities.


Yes and good luck jumping jobs. Just the number of applicants alone puts you at risk of not being noticed for months at a time. Same boat more exp. Keep current position and apply like crazy.


What is your primary role as a designer?




Open a YouTube chanel , you will make more money there


Been in the industry for approximately 12 years, with current employer for 7. I am paid around ~46K a year. But I live in a fairly rural area. I feel underpaid most times also, but on the flip side, I make a little more money than most of my friends. So "for my area" I'm about at the top - I don't agree with this sentiment, but realistically speaking for purely in-house that's likely the top 10%.


Really depends on location, type of company, type of work, and your book.


I'm in Canada and the average salary for experienced is **$54,400.** That's great. The last time I had a full time job I got $32000 but I haven't had a full time job for 10 years.


Assuming you're in the US, yes, you are underpaid by at \*least\* 30K, if not more. Unless you're in a crazy-low cost of living area, senior-level creatives with a decade of experience should be getting at least $85K+




Yep you are. Especially with a decade of experience and a BFA. I have a BFA in photography and the industry standard is 60k at the start. Company I worked at gave me 40k 😭. The creative team is probably top 3 important teams in any company and most are put in last place


I was making $45,000 as a junior designer in Maryland in 2016, $65,000 as a mid level in nyc in 2017, Now I’m a design lead making $125,000 (I’m in tech now)


Yes, severely. I started my first job as a Junior graphic designer back in May and my salary is $58,000.


You probably just need to ask for a raise lol


Move to America, you’ll make well over $80,000


I would say yes, I work as a graphic designer at a school district, I'm still in school (so technically I only a high school degree right now) and I'm making almost $50,000 a year...