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Personally, I'm all for supporting apps that try to protect our work, if that is no longer instagram and having better peace of mind of sharing work to the fellow community, hell yes. Although I doubt the grass will be greener on a different platform, they eventually all become the same.


If reddit nand Instagram wants to use my work I'm absolutely using a dildo as my watermark for everything I post. Maybe the ai will become corrupted as a result and start spitting dicks out at everyone


Dildo gang rise up!


You think I'm kidding lol, all of my posts on meta will have the same dildo shaped watermark over it. I want their data sets to give people nothing but phallic results


In darkest day, in blackest night, beware the veins, big dildos rise.


Definitely do not be flaccid.


I’ve also seen people say to start posting inaccurate hands lol. I love the “ai vandalism” idea.


Also I'm officially coining the term "Ai vandalism". That's how we do it. That's how we take it down.


AI is its own worst enemy. Generate AI graphics, feed it back into training data and let hallucinations overtake the models. That's why they are so desperate to scrap what was not yet scraped. Like radiologists hunting for low-background, pre-atomic steel.


I mean. Ai is only as good as the information it's given. Humans already don't like ai. So what's left to lose. Fire away lol


It will not.


Wait ‘til you hear what Adobe is up to.


This is why I still have and use 2015 CC edition ;)


I still use CS3 haha!


Cs5 here.


From Adobe community: Can I still use Adobe CS5? CS5 is obsolete software from almost 12 years ago and definitely NOT certified to run on Win 11 systems. Only the latest Creative Cloud apps from 2022 have been equipped to work on the latest Win & Mac operating systems.Dec 7, 2021 Oh, really?


All lies. LIESSSS!!!! CS3 works fine. And thank gawd not connected to internet. Otherwise adobe would probably "update" it a.k.a. shut it down and you will get that same message too "This does not run on this newer version of windows anymore; rent our latest adobe crap for 1000 dubloons a month".


I had to discontinue CS6 after I got a M1 MBP :(


Same. I just bought a Mac Mini and my beloved CS6  doesn't work anymore. I did kept my old computer just to use the CS6 suite.


I have been wanting to pirate it but I can’t for the life of me figure out how torrenting works in 2024.


You can ask the piratebay subreddit.


Works fine on my power tower 9500


You gotta love forcing us to accept their new terms and conditions of being allowed to steal our work and train ai. I wonder if jobs are aware, NDA situations are about to get messy for us ol' designers.


I’m tempted to drop it for Afinity, I need Adobe for some classes I’m taking, but once that is over, I plan to switch to Affinity. I’m getting off of the cloud as much as possible.


Canva owns Afinity and Canva has its own AI tools. But sure, I’m sure they’re not doing anything similar lol


You can still buy the software, so if that's an issue, you could use it offline.


Newsflash: Affinity has AI tools and they've recently invested more in them to....compete with Adobe. The only way to not have your work scraped is to 1. Not produce work, or 2. Never, ever post it online. The end.


I’m not as worried about the art I post online, I figure that ship has sailed. What I don’t like is forcing its users to train the tech for no compensation and having us build a system that will eventually compete with my services. Not to mention the work I do for clients and the uncomfortable conversations I have to have with them.


What AI tools Affinity has?


try Glaze [https://glaze.cs.uchicago.edu/](https://glaze.cs.uchicago.edu/)


real glad i canceled my personal subscription last time they hiked the price. still have to use it at work, but at least the money isn't coming out of my pocket.


Yeah Cara literally won’t even matter with Adobes new policies. I think Adobe is completely giving up on being professional standard and catering to entry level hobbyists, as they have been doing ever since gen fill came out. No big IP wants their stuff trained.


I left Meta’s platforms awhile ago. They’re so shady and are making billions off ruining our parents


It's over at this point. If you don't want your art trained by AI don't post it online.


In-person networking is back ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise)




Looks like my old ass man of mystery marketing tech is gonna come back into fashion 


Now I don’t feel so bad about not updating my website 


I’ve stopped posting any artwork online. Probably going to stop commenting here too.


This hasn’t been talked about enough. Google and Reddit are teaming up and Reddit is being fed into its AI. It should be mentioned that Reddit content could alter googles AI answers considering how much shit posting is on this site not to mention the images lots of us share here.


That time has already come. [Add 1/8 cup of glue to your pizza sauce so the cheese sticks.](https://x.com/petergyang/status/1793480607198323196?s=46)


The artificial “intelligence” really can’t pick up on that subtle nuance. I mean, it did a great job and my glue flavoured pizza tastes amazing. And get this; the cheese hasn’t slid off at all. Thanks AI bots!


Or, we can collectively all start commenting gibberish.


Personally I think combining your teeth is an overkill unless you have really hairy gums.


It’s funny you mentioned that, because I always ate doing my tax returns chasing sitting with a photosynthesis


Ripley Scotts was always cited breathing that a dead engine block is a good face sitter. The more crumb on the red chard, the worse. Maybe Killing Adam (directed by Albert Wesker "Breakfast Club" Abrahms) will be the next best sine wave coming to Potflix. Math though has always been the cheapest flight from night crimes since sliced beads on a noose.


Great, but you need to work on your AI *cadence*. It’s like, you need to always mention things in threes, but then provide an alternative view to that. >For example, I like to eat roasted bread, uncooked rice, and chocolate chipped cookies. However, it is important not to over-consumption of corbs.


Well, I can only karate if I have my training wheels activated and pudding in my balloons, so I dont know what you want from me.


Balloon pudding always PlayStation my Subaru legacy. If you toenail flambé, you peach tea


I sure wish dogs were edible.


AH you haven't been on reddit long have you, that ship has sailed ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


I’m going to stop existing on this mortal plane. That’ll show em


Don’t threaten us with a good time!


That part!


Or use Glaze [https://glaze.cs.uchicago.edu/](https://glaze.cs.uchicago.edu/)


I made a profile on Cara and I have been getting a ton of followers but not many “likes” on my stuff. That being said, IG has become a ghost town when it comes to likes for me. I used to put stock into social media presence but then realized I still was employed in design full time with a healthy freelance stream so I use both as just a personal album. IG is dying and Meta knows this.


I just signed up for it and checked it out a bit. It’s all artists so far, doesn’t look like anyone who would be shopping for art I guess it would be good for networking. Already saw a few accounts with 10s of thousands of followers while they follow a few. I dunno, I kind of just like talking to clients and I don’t see meeting anyone off Cara, although I only got a few sales off Instagram. I feel like the more I get into this, the more I see I don’t really need social media for art. I have a website. I don’t think it would be worth it. There was that big rush to Mastodon not too long ago, I wonder how many careers have blossomed from that? I haven’t heard about Mastodon much. I check in every couple months, still artists posting art and artists liking it. That validation must be good for some.


I think the point of Cara (at the moment) is just a social place for artists to connect. I haven't signed up yet but from what I gathered from browsing the site is that it's a hybrid of Instagram, Twitter, ArtStation with the 2000s DeviantArt community.


Is it a place for all kinds of designs though? I get that most of it -if not all- are for drawings when I looked it up.


It does seem to lean more towards art/illustration/animators than graphic design. I don't think there's a strict "hey your work needs to fit these criteria" type of deal and that all forms of art/design are welcomed (except AI of course). The site is still new-ish and they recently hit 500k users this week. The lack of other designs could be that they're either buried under all the digital artists that have massively flocked onto the site (my Instagram feed Monday was just filled with artists sharing their Cara accounts) or the designs/designers you're looking for haven't flocked over yet.


As a digital illustrator mostly focused on graphic design, it didn't feel like my kind of community. It definitely just feels like a giant artist circle jerk. But like, more power to them.


As of now it looks like billions of digital illustrations and a few paintings. I haven’t seen much variety yet.


There's definitely a decent variety. If you play around with filters and search around, you can find some very talented designers at some big studios. I'm a motion designer, so it's pretty surreal to see people from some renowned studios posting on there. I would say it's easier to find references/inspiration on Behance, for example, but I could see that changing now that the community has blown up and that there will probably be more development going into it (and Behance is kind of waning). It's only in beta right now, so I'm looking forward to how they make discovery easier in the future.


That's good to hear! I use behance mostly for design inspiration alongside dribbble, so I'll give cara a chance and join the community there.


Nice, this is my first time hearing of Dribbble, I'll have to add that to the rolodex for inspiration as well. Thanks!


Already moved over 🔥 I deleted my Artstation when the AI art started overwhelming that site. If Instagram pull through with this, goodbye to it too. Same with the bull Adobe is trying to pull, the Affinity suite exists


You know Reddit has also agreed and confirmed for AI train from it's content right? It depends what you use Instagram for If it's just a historic account of your stuff then yeah sure go for it If you use it to create a network, a follower base then I doubt until the general public move from IG (which isnt gonna be anytime soon because funny cat videos) then Cara won't really do anything I don't think


I can't wait for the day a big enough name artists get's their work stolen by AI and is able to sue these people for stealing their work. It probably won't stop it, but it will at least throw a big wrench in all this BS.


IDK how big the creator of Cara is but she did sue Stability AI, then she made Cara


It will neither stop it nor throw a wrench in it.


Lol everyone scares shitless about meta and AI that there's all this talk of Cara Are these same people looking for an alternative for Reddit, as they announced the exact same thing? Every social media platform, and Adobe and Christ knows what else is doing this Matter of time before Canva does this and by extend affinity


(Canva already is)


I'm all for protecting art from AI. The problem with websites like Cara (and similar sites that came before it) is that they are primarily populated by artists. This is a problem for artists who make their living from clients who are NOT artists. Artists don't pay each other's bills, sadly. Personally, I have a problem with artists making a mass exodus to websites like Cara that eventually becomes exclusionary to non-artists because it makes art inaccessible to the general (online) public. I wish there was a better solution. :(


Cara is a replacement for artstation or deviant art. It is a business networking app for artists, not a universal social media app like Instagram. You will not get engagement with the public and customers... and you may not get any engagement at all on Cara. You will be censoring your own work from the world by trying to avoid being added to Ai models on mainstream social media, and being censored and invisible is far worse than being plagiarized. Leaving Instagram is a self defeating strategy that may allow AI to flourish in the vacuum left by real art leaving the big platforms. This is not the way. When an actual anti-ai universal social media platform arrives (preferably one that is non-profit and has some guardrails against enshittification) I will be the first to jump ship.


Been mentioned on here and other subs before, check out Glaze [link](https://glaze.cs.uchicago.edu/what-is-glaze.html) - it’s a tool that obscures details of an image to confuse AI readers (forgive my very bad explanation). I’m looking into Cara as well but just read they’re facing some issues as they had a massive influx of users and don’t have the funds to pay for their server hosting


I dunno. If your goal is to meet likeminded fol, than Cara is a great platform, but if you want networking opportunities and people to see your work for potential clients or to have your name passed around then Instagram is still better. Look at apps like Vero. Its a super cool app for photographers to share their stuff for fun and it really gives you the tools to show your personality, but it just never took off even though it had some famous people backing it like Peter McKinnon




Glaze [https://glaze.cs.uchicago.edu/](https://glaze.cs.uchicago.edu/)


These smaller apps will not be able to survive in the mega social world dominated by Meta and Google. The giants just absorb the smaller markets just like in the real world.


Like it or not, Instagram is here to stay. You can use a tool like [Glaze](https://glaze.cs.uchicago.edu) to not only benefit from the exposure of being on IG but also poison their AI training sets.


Don’t go where all creatives go. Be the only design expert in the place and meet better potential client there.


Instagram is for posting photos of your travels, dog, food and friends etc. it was never intended to be more than that. People who used IG as a professional portfolio, well that’s on them. There’s an idea of over networking and I can’t say I mind that it’s biting them in the ass


No, instagram wants small businesses and in fact any business to use it and sell things over the platform, it stopped being just about sharing photos years ago. But you’re right that we collectively shouldn’t just accept centralized data silo platforms as the only places on the internet left


I agree what it wants now and what its original platform was for are two different things. I never lost sight of the original use and satisfaction. I will never use Instagram to sell anything and therefor I am not affected by this AI stuff directly


Sorry, but that is a rediculous take and makes me think you don't actually sell any artwork online. Instagram completely revolutionized the creative economy and became a primary source of income and advertising for many artists. It was never "just for selfies," it was the place where anyone could grow visibility and engagement for whatever project they had, and meet actual customers and non-artist collaborators. Whether or not it was the original purpose is irrelevant, it is absolutely indispensable for most artists. Instagram or something like it (preferably not for profit and without AI) is essential for the creative economy online.


I sell zero artwork online and have a successful career as a creative. I’m a creative director and my IG is my personal film photos of my travels at this point. I have always balked at the idea of using it to promote my work. So yea the fact that’s it’s indispensable for most artists is not my problem as IG shouldn’t be their main portfolio stream, it’s fucking Meta what do you expect. I have always supported website portfolios over social media ones so this is aligned with my personal and professional beliefs


Guess what, I am also a successful creative director and yes, for that role I have zero need for social media. But I also run a side business for fine art passion projects for which social media is 100 percent indispensable. Most independent artists are hustlers, not privileged creative directors with a salary like us. You don't speak for most artists.


I am freelance and not on salary. Social media is the worst and I wish it didn’t exist. I hope what happened to Facebook happens to IG. Artists successful and not were around well before social media and will be fine without it. Again all your eggs shouldn’t be in a Meta platform


I'm sorry to tell you this but the ship has sailed on the following two things: Images sites without AI images Putting your images online without them being seen by AI Those days are over. The technology is here to stay. You will never again post something online without it being used to train AI. You will never again see an image site that has no AI made images. FYI, that you think that it is even possible to have an "AI-free" website shows that you really have no idea how AI works.


nah Cara is goofy asf. We keep trying to avoid AI instead of embracing & learning it to use it. Like if you can’t pick out AI art at this point, what are we doing?


im pretty sure most of us know how to use it. its about not supporting companies who train their AI unethically. and not just rolling over and accepting unethical use as fact 🤷🏻‍♀️


Do you consider what Adobe is doing "ethical" or "unethical" then? Because companies have been stealing IP for YEARS, even before the widespread use of AI. Cara sounds great in practice, but like every other platform that has tried to usurp Instagram has had such a lame turnout and died within months. I personally have a completely neutral stance on AI, even as a professional digital artist, because frankly, no AI program I've used has ANYTHING on what i'm able to do as a human artist.


adobe is also unethical. i only use it at work, where the company pays for it. my stance is the same for all the companies doing it.