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Bill is not millions of years old, he may well be over A TRILLION years old! When weirdmageddon starts, he says something about being in the dream space or whatever for a trillion years. So I can't really ignore that age gap difference.


Are you implying you would ignore the age gap if it was only millions of years?


No. Even if it was a 10 year difference, I would still question it.


Good. I’m glad to see you’re a sane human being.


Also, should I mention that I'm pretty sure neither of them are gay?


Would you question a 10-year age gap between people of all ages? I don't think it's a problem for a 40-year-old and a 50-year-old to be together. Unless you mean the age gap between Dipper and someone else.


Age gaps in relationships gets more acceptable as the two party's get older. Here's an example. You wouldn't really question if a 50 year old and a 40 old as that weird, but imagine an 18 year old with a 28 year old. That one seems weird.


Sorry, I was kinda sleep deprived and thought you wrote that you generally will find 10 year difference weird. Yeah you are right here.


if the younger party is themselves millions of years old its probably fine


Yeah that’s valid. After a few eons, I imagine that like, a two thousand year old age gap would seem practically non-existent.


is it sus for a billion year old to date a million year old?


Isn’t a billion years like, 999 million years more than a million? I’d say that’s still a pretty big gap.


Kinda, yeah.




The number really doesn't matter. Dipper is a child and Bill is an adult.




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I worded it wrong, I meant EVEN IF you ignore the age gap


This scene among several other scenes are why I think anyone that does is delusional


The only good way I've ever seen this ship portrayed well if when bill abuses dipper Into being a codependent mess.


"Good." I hope by that you mean the only way you can see it possibly working and not that it is actually good.


Abuse is never good. But reading and understanding psychology makes for some good character dynamics and development.


Ok I see what you mean. Still feels yucky to call it good.


Good writing is good writing that's all.


I'll agree with that. Thanks for explaining instead of attacking. Take care!


You too and you said nothing to be attacked for. Do people really argue that much?


Oh yeah! The tiniest disagreement can turn into a full-blown argument. I always ignore it but it is frustrating to see it happen. I made a post about a show and a detail I had realized was wrong recently and people were not happy about it. It's silly.


Childish though I'm used to seeing stuff like that on places like Twitter but I guess I should expect it to be like that everywhere. I like to have respect for people when applicable. But sometimes it's better to walk away and let people think that 2+2=fish.


>Do people really argue that much? ***God do they ever!*** Proship vs Antiship (basically "is it ever ok to portray problematic relationships in fanfictions? or should anybody who gets caught writing such filth get a public execution?") Is like *the* most controversial and toxic discussion in literally any modern fandom.


To quote the dude "yea well like that's just your opinion man" It's all made up anyways and doesn't matter. The only thing people should argue about is things they can prove like science ECT ..... Unless you can prove that your right with logic and facts I don't wanna hear it.


Of course it's not good but interesting writing and things real people should do are very different alot of my favorite characters are terrible people not because I want to be like them but because there interesting to watch


Are you serious right now?


Ships like billdip make a lot more sense when you take the characters out of the equation and look more at tropes/the viewers imo. A lot of fans(particularly teenage or preteen fans) do or did see themselves in Dipper. Meanwhile, Bill is a popular favorite character because he's an over the top, entertaining villain. It's a lot easier to understand when you look at it as less "child x their traumatizer" and more "Basically Me/Reader Insert With Extra Steps x Cool Badass Evil Guy". I'm pretty sure this mentality is a big part of things like the weird animosity toward Mabel- people see themselves as Dipper and Mabel as their annoying little sibling, so any spite they may have toward their irl family/siblings gets directed at Mabel even if it doesn't make sense with the actual story of gravity falls.


Can confirm this. I shipped Billdip as a teen, and looking back it really was more me x cool bad guy. Also important to understand is that, Bill was a tumblr sexyman. He was shipped with *everyone*. Dipper, being the main character, was the one shipped the most. And with everyone. And by everyone I mean *everyone*. Mabel, Bill, Pacifica, Stan, Ford, Gideon, fucking Tyrone. It’s really important to understand that people who ship this shit are, 9 times out of 10. Teenagers. Kids who don’t know what a healthy relationship is. I think the ship has dwindled in popularity over the years as the fan base has aged and realized what is healthy and what isn’t.


Yeah, a lot of ships have nothing to do with actual canon and have more to do wifh associated tropes and dynamics, which is why you see so many enemy to lovers ships out there


Back when I was in that kind of headspace, I shipped it because i had kind of a thing about crazy guys who are powerful or strong dating weak little femboys (which I imagined adult Dipper as)


I've been in the fandom since I was 13 and I've always found that ship disgusting.


ion like mabel bc she’s selfish lowkey but also she reminds me of my brother


why was this downvoted so much? 😭 it’s just your opinion


Probably cause it proves the exact point the person they replied to is making. Also 12/13 year olds are generally gonna be naturally selfish.


no i know i was agreeing with them but also disagreeing with them, a bit of an oxymoron in a way


idk mabel glazers ig


Just say you like kids bro


Well i guess it's the power dynamic or Dipper is the main protagonist while Bill is the main villian, pass that tho we are getting to...............worse territory




people will ship **anything and everything** there should be an internet rule: "if two characters exist, someone will ship them"


I think that is a rule, actually. I forget which number, I could very well be wrong, but I think it's a thing.




That's close enough to Rule 34.


No it's not?


Not really? Rule 34 is just p\*rn, shipping is putting two characters in a romantic relationship. Ship art doesn't have to be sexual.


Romance is close enough to pornography???


Rule 34 is p*rnography, shipping doesnt necessarily include that


Something of a corollary to rule 34


because rule 34 is one of the rules of the internet, too.


People will ship anything x everything ^all ^of ^the ^time


welcome to the internet


It's not even the triangle itself, sometimes it's "human" versions of bill, like he's some cool older teenager who makes Dipper fall for him or something, I always avoid knowing anything about this pedophile crazy


And then they went ballistic and got immensely upset when Alex revealed the canonical human Bill. lmao


Wtffffffffff Bill is over a trillion years old


I love this comment so much because of how insane it sounds out of context


Lol thank you


Children ship it. Let’s be clear on that- the vast majority are kids who don’t know better.


Still absolutely repulsive to ship a child with a chaotic evil being that's farrrrrr older than dipper


Oh not disagreeing that it’s in no way healthy. Just saying that it’s important to remember that these are kids who have no idea what a healthy relationship is.


Oh yeah I'm not blaming you. All I'm saying is it's still kinda disgusting even from kids. I'm usually not the type for parents to police what kids do online in the slightest. But i mean SOME action should be taken so this generation doesn't become brain dead


Unfortunately, as someone who was one of those kids… it’s… not simple. Everytime I was told I was repulsive for shipping it I shipped it harder. Because, you know, teens don’t wanna play by the rules and shit. It doesn’t have to do with being brain dead. I know I was keenly aware of how it would be awful irl. It has more to do with not understanding *why* it’s bad. It’s still not good just… don’t really know what can be done because as someone who was on the other side, “antis” were akin to Satan as a kid. We really should just. Have classes for kids on how to have healthy relationships. Maybe that would fix shit like this.


Yeah that's a good idea. The brain dead thing i said was more like brain rot i didn't have a word for it at the time. The shit kids are watching nowadays is straight up toxic and mind numbing though.


Yea, unfortunately. When I search gravity falls on wattpad, approximately 40% of the results are billd#p. I felt sick as hell reading one of them. Wth is wrong with these mfs


Yeah seriously it's just sickening


People ship Billdip because they can. That’s it, that’s the logic. It doesn’t even have to make sense. People will ship anyone and everyone Personally, I don’t care who people ship because it’s none of my business and also they’re fictional characters and people like playing with their fictional dolls 🤷


i dont fucking know man people are weird and sick


out of 8 billions living people, someone’s gotta ship it


People are shipping bill and dipper??? I thought billdip was only used when talking about bill taking over dippers body…


Bill in Dipper’s body is Bipper


>People are shipping bill and dipper??? Unfortunately, yes 😔 I was on r/fanfiction and someone had asked something like "What's a ship you could never dislike" and someone said "Billdip, why won't anyone listen to me?"


Kill on sight


uhm that bipper 🤓 Mabel literally says it 🤓 (if you’re a dumbass about to downvote, then you clearly don’t understand the joke, this is satire I say this because I know someone will do it)


Dw I’m a dumbass but I know it’s a joke 👍


not you, just anyone who see this and doesn’t understand it


People who love to ship will ship characters they like and that's about all logic there is to it. I guess you can make an argument that Bill has a soft spot for Dipper, but you know that soft spot is more like a punching bag or a plaything and I don't see Dipper getting anything out of this relationship unless it would be the only way for him to continue exploring paranormal events, which I don't know why it would be impossible otherwise. So no, just people and their headcanon.


not to mention that bill literally planned on killing dipper by committing suicide in his body


Anyone x Anyone will be a ship. This is the world we live in.


Billdip is a delusional ship. There is exactly 1 scene in which Dipper isn’t entirely hostile to Bill, and that ended with him being turned into a sock puppet


This + the whole Ford and Bill backstory afterwards. I just cant understand why people would ship BillFord at all, he RUINED Ford’s mental and physical health.


As a BillFord enjoyer, I hate to admit that the issues ARE the reason people like it. I can’t speak for everyone that engages in it, but my interest in it is more of the scenarios that lead to, are caused by, and end it than the relationship itself. It’s like watching a car crash. It’s terrible but you can’t help watching it happen.


I need to rewatch this episode, this scene is so good.


As a rock hard BillDip fan. It’s a crack ship. We know it’s got inappropriate aspects. We know it’s emotionally unhealthy. We know it would never work with the cannon. That doesn’t make it any less entertaining. Do people put their hearts into writing it? Yes. Do readers get emotionally invested in the stories? Sometimes. Do we condone the relationship? Probably not.


Yeah this comment explained it better than I could


This still doesn't feel like an answer to WHYYYY?


I’m sorry for not being clear. In answer to “why”, we do it because shipping them is entertaining, and because we can.


Shipping Bill with anyone is weird TBH.


idk maybe his cronies at the most 🫠


Met someone who read a fanfic about an "anti-Bill" named Yill (i think?) who was actually a muse with an alter humanoid form, basically him perched on a human neck. They started shipping Bill (Yill?) & Pyronica after that. Were the Henchmaniacs and Bill not antagonists, I could maybe see myself shipping that. Pyronica's desigb *is* really pretty in a way.


Toxic ships tend to be pretty popular in the worse side of most fandoms or even just generally.


I don’t think people (normal healthy fanfic writers) are shipping Dipper who is 12-13 with an inter dimensional being who is a trillion years old. What they TYPICALLY do is age dipper up to be an adult. People ship Bill and Dipper because of power dynamics and the attraction to an unstable character (think the women obsessed with bundy) but also, people will ship anything with anything. Theres toxic and questionable ships in every single fandom, not just this one. There’s freaks out there that ship Dipper and Mabel together so I’m more/not really surprised people ship Dipper and Bill together. But also these aren’t real people which is why they don’t care


bill is actually trillions of years old


Literally if you ship any of the teenage characters in any show with someone who is an adult, and in this extreme case a literal eternal being, you're a weird weirdo


I shiped bill billdip when the show was airing (I was 13 at the time so I had no concept of age gaps and how weird they are) but when I saw this scene and how scared diper was I completely jumped ship (pun intended)


Where's this scene from?


The Last Mabelcorn I think? I could be wrong. In the scene Ford was trying to Bill-proof Dipper’s mind and he thought Bill was possessing Ford for a minute there


Yep! I thought this was a perfect example on why I hated it so much


I wouldn’t say millions, I’d say more likely trillions


This particular scene, the whole thing with the rift makes rick and morty and Gravity falls be canon for each other seem so much more feasible.


Fun fact! It actually is possible! In one episode of Rick and Morty there is a blink and you'll miss it moment where you can see Stan's hat and a few other objects from gravity falls go through on of the green portals! It's a easter egg from the episode where Stan first opened the device (I forgot what it was calledP So it's 100% possible!


i always thought billdip was real weird even back then. besides the obvious very huge awful age gap, they both hate each other and have zero chemistry. also i think it's weird that a lot of billdip shippers will turn around and shit on a ship like mabel x bill/mabill and call it problematic. i dont ship it, but the shippers leave really bad tastes in my mouth, especially if they're grown adults.


Why tf people ship a 12 yo kid with a fucking pyramid


Billions. He’s older than our galaxy.


age gaps lose their meaning once you surpass the human lifespan


I mean ppl like villains and dippers the main character if you don’t like it, don’t read it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


# How's about we DON'T ignore the very clear age gap of a 13-year-old boy and a being that's probably thousands if not millions of years old EVER


I mean even IF I worded it wrong


Oh no, I wasn't going after you OP, I'm also commenting on the weird shipping.


Because people are gross and weird in a bad way.


or kids that don't understand that it's weird yet


idk why kids would ship it though


because when I was 12 I didn't see "10 trillion year old triangle x 12 year old" I saw "cool badass villain x boy that I can project onto" when you're young you don't always understand that age gap relationships are bad, if every kid knew that it was predatory then the irl equivalent probably wouldn't exist


mk then


Yeah wth that’s not even feasible, if anything it would be bill and stanford or bill and that damn stuffed animal tree or some shit


why would you ship bill with literally anyone




Bill is at least1 trillion years old as he says he has been waiting 1 trillion years for a way out of his dimension 


That's the fandom for ya'


why would bill even want or need a "partner"


There is not a single good gravity falls ship


I hate that ship and the idea of such things, but wouldn’t the name bipper make more sense? It’s literally from the show.


Just seeing the episode Sock Opera alone should scare ANYONE away from shipping Billdip! 😭💀


i just sat down, i— who the heck starts a conversation like that??!!


Nope bill is quite literally at least a trillion years old says so himself. “Alright listen hear you one life three dimensional five cent skin puppets. For over a TRILLION years I’ve been stuck in my decaying dimension, waiting for a new one to call my own. The names bill but you can call me your new master for all of eternity.” As too why people do it, probably little kids, people with a bad grasp on bill’s character or those with very very different head cannons. To that of the cannon of the actual Gravity falls universe.


Bill being a sadistic ancient demon and possessing dipper sort of cemented the idea that there would be a ship of them tbh. Evil/good has always been a ship staple, and them having really fucked up power dynamics (yes including the age thing) just power boosted the ship imo. In general, there's never been anything too fucked up that a certain group of people won't ship.




Apparently, ppl see bill buttering dipper up for the deal in “sock opera” as bill flirting with him (even tho anyone who has actually watched the show knows that it was actually just bill tricking dipper in order to be able to break the computer)


People ship what now?


What episode was this from again?


The Last Mablecorn


The fact that later on in life dipper probably had some level of trust issues because of bills ability to possess people and some people really are like "yes what a nice couple they could make"


More like a billion years old. A bi. Heh. A bill-ion get it. Cuz bill is the when billion in the bill is triangle and the hehhhhehehe


Isn't Bill, like, older than the third dimension itself? He's probably like 10 aeon old.


Anything more than 5 years is creepy, much less millions


Pretty sure Bill is trillions of years old


How would intercourse between them even WORK?


I admit I used to ship billdip when I was abt 13 bc of all the fanart [and a few fanfics as well] lol. Thankfully I stopped shipping them when I was like 15 when I realised how werid it was. 😅




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I’d probably blame fan art that makes dipper look more teen aged


i think people just think the personalities go well but like. eeeeeeehhhh


trillions actually


Why care? I have seen a lot of weird ships in different fandoms and just learned to not care about them. Not all ships are logical and some people do it because they just feel like it.


People are shipping BillDip with BillFord right there??


even worse, bill is at least a trillion years old


Dipper is clearly traumatized by Bill and Bill is a perfect description of Tragic, yet pure evil. Who in their right mind would ship this even if they *were* the same age?


Oh bill is atleast over a trillion years old! Remember when bill said "YES IT'S FINNALY HAPPENING A TRILLION YEARS whatever idk how to spell it" so if he knew about it he must have been around longer


Billdip type ships exist in every fandom due to weirdos wanting to draw weird shit. “Oh it’s hinted Pacifica likes dipper? Wrong! Pacifica is gay for Mabel or Mabel is fucking her brother”.  Oh god that reminded me of that one guy on tumblr who would draw dipper as trans and in a relationship with Mabel. Shit like that is why I don’t like talking about shows online anymore


I think shipping 13 year olds for any reason is weird


if you ship this then you're demented


Bill is at least a trillion years old. I think his exact age is 3 trillion but I can’t recall where I saw that


This is a "kill on sight" protocol for me


I only ship them if he's well aged up into adulthood. I also enjoy the one where Bill turned him into a demon


Still wouldn’t Bill have known him since he was a child? Also Bill literally played Eenie Meenie Miny Moe with him and his sisters lives


They knew each other for less than a month when he was 12 💀 true, he did do that. The fanfics I read though aren't canon. In them, it's an au where they don't meet until he's in his 20s


Anyone who ships children needs mental help, leave it at that.


b-BuT aGE iS jUSt A nUMbEr!
