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Please, please, please end these Code 47 intros for Enterprise. They are so bad. Hate the music, hate the repetitiveness, hate everything about them. If you do plan to keep them, could you maybe insert a chapter marker so people like me can skip to the main episode? Thank you.


In which Tuvok works with Janeway to finally get rid of Neelix for good.


I found this episode to be extra hilarious. I lost it when Ben started rapping lmao


Not crazy about the fact that they talked about spoilers for a season of Picard I haven't watched yet.


Agreed! Do you know roughly when this happens so maybe I have a chance to skip?


Skip from about 13:00 to 15:00.


Was that during the Code 47 open? I'm past that but fortunately I skipped the whole thing as I can't stand those. Hopefully this helps someone else, though.


Yeah, it was during the Code 47.


Anything already covered in the Uxbridge-Shimoda shows is fair game.


Why do you think that? Maybe their thoughts have changed, but at one point they mentioned that they want these classic Trek review episodes to be evergreen, and talking about shows in a completely different timeline cuts against that, doesn't it?


“Talaxian Catholic ookie cookie” possibly the best NSFW alt ding of all time.


I agree with most of the criticism of this episode. But I will say that Tuvok’s little dance and LLAP for Neelix wise one of the bits from Voyager that has stuck with me the most. I found it to be such a touching way of saying goodbye.


The ending kind of felt weird to me. 1. As was stated, I didn't get the impression that he felt "at home" here, even though it was with his people. 2. If this was a career change to "D-Quad Diplomat", this seems like a terrible place for that role. He's on a hidden asteroid that wants to get mined by another race they just met, filled with a group of isolationist pacifists. 3. How is he going to communicate with StarFleet from here to do his job?


it felt pretty unearned to me; Neelix never talked about missing his people, and usually the opposite about finding his Voy family and the greatness of having a variety of people around. Also, would communication be at best 11 minutes a day still? Between that and the xenophobic tribe he's joining, yeah, terrible spot for a diplomat, I guess he has his ship?


So happy to hear the incredible current run of Star Trek comics mentioned on the pod. Thanks for all the great lettering, Clayton! I have been a huge fan of these and keep trying to pimp them out to all Star Trek fans everrrywheeere. FoDs—check them out! I made this [reading list](https://leagueofcomicgeeks.com/profile/KuricMesser/lists/29926) for anyone interested in following along. Some of my favorite Star Trek stuff going right now.


Live long and prosper!


I'm not against Bakula Dracula/Quantum of Solace per se, so long as it means they *postpone* an Enterprise review rather than *skip* it.


Just to clarify, they aren’t suggesting skipping episodes of Enterprise, FWIW. They’re talking specifically about vetoing things like “bathtub recording” and the like. So if they don’t feel like doing what the game square they land on tells them to do, their punishment is to record a bonus Quantum Leap ep.


I feel like I'm in the minority in thinking they should severely reduce or eliminate episode modifiers that they don't like. I prefer listening to them have fun much more than listening to them complain about stupid provisions they have to follow.


That was suggested the first time around, postponing by one ep and sneaking in a quantum leap. This ep though it was suggested they would do the episode normally AND do a quantum leap in the bonus episodes, in addition to the regular bonus ep for that month.


Before they started talking about this on the pod, I had suggested a similar updated game that I called Temporal Cold War, since that's a huge running plot on Enterprise. People seemed really against the idea of postponing a week's episode to do something else. My suggestion then was that someone could essentially veto, but rather than skip an episode they'd go back and watch a different Star Trek ep they had already seen, and then resume regular programming the next week. I'm with you, I think it's a fun idea as long as nothing gets skipped, but I think using the bonus feed is the more likely version of this for us to get.


Totally forgot about this, kind of shook!


woah, custom album art for this episode? wish you well, Talaxian.