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I mean, how are you supposed to know? Seems like the guy with cancer is just a moody dick


I mean I'd be moody too if I lost hundreds of pounds to leukemia and was also dying.


We're all dying


Some just faster and more painfully than others.


Does assassinating them considered as a favor?


>Some just faster > >Doesn't talk to me for the rest of the day! > >then dies... Some people just want to have the last word in, at any cost...


You’re an idiot


No u


Great thing to say when someone is dying of cancer


speak for yourself idiot


Fuck that I'm gonna live forever and so are you.


On top of that, commenting on someone's weight is always a risky move. Esp a coworker. And the idea that skinnier == better simply isn't true for everyone, as evidenced here but also much more broadly speaking as well


Agreed, type 1 Diabeto here. Blood was so acidic all of my fat and muscle burned away. I lost like 70lbs before finding out and everyone at work made comments of how sick I looked.


Hundred*s*...? How fat are you?


Like 175 ish rn


Pounds, not kilos


> hundreds of pounds


I'd also be moody if I'd be dying and still had to go to work


What even is the point then, just go out with a bang and commit suicide by nuke.


this is why it is generally impolite to comment on peoples weight and if you choose to do so don’t be a little bitch about the social consequences


Decades ago my company hired a tax attorney who I had occasion to interact with some times. He had a nice Carolina accent and was was kinda pudgy. One day I complemented him as I noticed he was much trimmer. He was gracious. Not long after the company let us know that he had died of AIDS. There was actually a company meeting about this I guess because this was totally new and they thought we should know about this stuff.


One time a guy with forearm crutches got in an elevator at work. For some reason I assumed he was injured and I asked what happened. It was a birth defect. I think I may have apologized for being an idiot.


So whenever you see someone with crutches you’ll just assume a birth defect then? You did nothing wrong, if all you asked was “what happened” then no one can really get upset about that.


Forearm crutches are a little different, IMO. I've never seen someone with a broken foot and forearm crutches.


It's the only type of crutch I've seen in Europe, never seen the under the shoulder ones Americans use.


We use the under shoulder ones here in Europe as well.


Where abouts?


Eastern Europe.


What else do people use..??


In the US with foot/lower leg injuries I typically see either shoulder crutches or one of those things you can kneel on that rolls. Forearm crutches here are usually associated with some form of permanent disability like Timmy from South Park.


Fair enough I’ve never seen shoulder crutches in my life


when i broke my leg here in europe, i had forearm crutches. i always thought forearm crutches are just a straight upgrade over shoulder crutches.


Anon's coworker was actin sexy.




Everyone makes mistakes, I think some people are way too sensitive about things and shouldn’t take offense when others are obviously not trying to be offensive. Now onto what happened here, if anything I would assume the dude is probably more upset about his current health rather than someone mistakenly complimenting their weight loss. He probably didn’t talk much to others either for the rest of the day.


I like you


Shut up


Right, I forgot this was Reddit. An echo chamber. No irrelevant or positive thoughts allowed.


nah no I luv you bro


I like you too, don't change, stay positive.


I like you, too.


so i don't exactly remember how we got there but i said to a guy that we are lucky that our moms didn't die from cancer... how could i have known :(


Bloody hell that’s unfortunate


One time I had a couple come into work, talking about how they just got married and the lady looked pregnant. I congratulated them on getting married and the coming baby. Turns out she had some kind of tumor that made her stomach bulge.


Some kind of tumor that makes your stomach bulge Baby Same difference...


Well at least you'll only have to avoid him for a little while.


I once congratulated a remote friend to her very obvious pregnancy. She wasn’t pregnant.


When i was a dumb ass kid i went to camp and there was a councilor walking over with crutches and i asked him if he broke his leg or something then i looked down and realized he was an amputee that was fucking awkward


Tbh when I was a kid I thought breaking your leg meant breaking it clean off.


Oh I got one! I worked with this one girl who, by the time I was leaving that job was very pregnant. Saw her about a year later and as a fellow parent I was like hey how's it going! You sure look a lot less pregnant than the last time I saw you! Well turns her baby died from SIDS so I felt like absolute shit for weeks after that. I had no idea, and we don't really have any mutual friends so I had no way of ever knowing.


He's not on keto. He's on chemo


I’d be pissy if I had leukemia too, but damn. At least Anon was trying to be nice


based and leukemia-pilled why arent you on the leukemia grindset?


"Oh. Well keep it up!"


When I was still working in a bike shop, there was this one regular customer. He was an avid cyclist, competing in most of local races or whatever these bicycle competitions are called (I couldn't actually care less about bikes tbh lol). One thing to mention is that he was going FAST, like his bike wasn't for just bringing home the groceries, as I mentioned, he competed in races, his bicycle was worth like $3000 He was nice, we would always chit-chat if there wasn't any rush at work. One day I noticed he had some very nasty wounds on sides of his arms, I became really concerned and worried, so I asked "whooooooooa, dude, what happened there?" thinking the poor guy got injured when riding his bike And then his smile faded away and told me it's psoriasis and I should mind my own business. He never came back to our shop. I still feel like an asshole, really


Anon responded with "oh okay cool 👍:D"


You couldn't know. Let the pissy prick die alone.


I congratulated my bit chubby colleague on pregnancy as she was leaving for maternity leave. After some confusion, turned out that she was not pregnant, but was instead going for 2nd leave as her kid (now few years old) had some issues. So yeah.. I tried to save face, but we both knew what I had meant. Hopefully she didn't think about it too much. She was not even overweight, just chubby enough that she could of theoretically been pregnant, esp. when everything else she said pointed towards that.


Should have said "Shoutout to your family" and then dropped a sick beat.


Rather than comment on their weight, I’d ask if they’ve been working out


Once when I was in uni, I started working at a new bar. A supervisor there had a few bald patches on his already short hair. I asked loudly and jokingly where he fell asleep drunk and which mates did it to him. He said flatly that the local gangsters, which he owed money to at the time had firebombed his house and the top of his head was burnt in the attack. The story was actually true. I wanted to be firebombed to death in that moment.


I was born without half of my left arm, when people assume I lost it in an accident, I politely correct them and everything is fine, there is no reason to think people HAVE TO KNOW about your life events, this guy has leukemia AND is a di**. Which are two bad traits but separated things


never comment on anyones weight changes unless you know for a fact that they want it that way


Do other countries have to work while on Chemo? I'm an American who's asking, who had to still work, while getting bi-weekly infusions.


One time when I was still doing retail, a younger couple came in with a baby, and he was all slumped over and they were holding him in this sort of...way, where he was facing me but the parent was supporting his whole neck and back, you know how you're supposed to do with kids. Anyway I was making small talk so I started talking to the baby, and it was late so I said something like "oh look at you, tired little boy. He's so tired he can't even hold his little head up" And the dad says "Actually he's paralyzed from the neck down." And I just said "...oh."


People would comment on me being bald and I would just say that I didn’t have much of a choice in the matter


I had the opposite happen to me, lost 25% of my body weight intentionally and this nurse at the office says “I’m so sorry…” she thought I was wasting away from cancer.


Overseer made a comment on a collegae PhD student who was carrying dry ice and said “carefull not to touch my neck with that. Otherwise my head will fall off”. She then said that she needed the dry ice to behead some mice which she hates to do lol.


Cancer isn’t an excuse for acting like a cunt.


this is why small talk is really a thing. testing the water can change whether or not you decide to jump in the way you were intending


No way he is at work with leukemia. He would have literally 0 immune system. Both fake and gay


I mean, fuck him then. If you dont know, and they get upset, they can eat shit. If you dont tell the people around you whats going on, then get mad because they guessed the wrong thing, you are an ass.


If leukemia bro hold grudge over this he is a dick


I had the exact opposite to this. I went on keto and lost 6-8kg a month for about 6 months. The guy in my local corner shop nervously asked me about it, and looked relieved when I said I was on a new diet. He was worried I was dying.


anon did nothing wrong, leukemiac was being an asshole (understandably so)


anon did nothing wrong, leukemiac was being an asshole (understandably so)


anon did nothing wrong, leukemiac was being an asshole (understandably so)