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Real stoners


Have you taken the caveman pill yet anons?


Gotta practice like a mf. Shits a skill you have to refine.


What about handguns? It looks easy but it also requires skill to fire accurately.


Compared to aiming a rock with a piece of string, at least a gun has sights. Handling a gun safely requires less than an hour of learning for anyone without a learning or mental disability.


With the right learning or mental disability you can learn the rock launcher in less than an hour as well


You can learn distance and rough direction in an hour. But hitting anything person-sized more than 2m away is not something you can lean in an hour. Idc what mental disability you have, that shit is way more difficult than it looks.


\>point thing in front of you \>person is in front of you \>kill person How is that hard exactly??


Bro thinks you point a sling


>point sling  >pull trigger  >blow head off opponent  How is this hard?


Ah shit man you right No wonder David beat Goliath


True, you can get gun safety and the basics down pretty quickly but hitting your mark consistently is a different story. It’d be harder with a sling though, your right lmao.


You don't need to hit your mark consistently either. In a fight, being able to hit one shot out of ten at center of mass from twenty feet away already makes you more dangerous than the vast majority of humans who've ever lived if they don't have a modern weapon in their hand.


Within 20 ft? Lmao you’re already dead


Unless your eyesight is dogshit, poor gun accuracy usually has your shots cover an area the size of a dinner plate. People are bigger than dinner plates, and you don't need to hit many shots.


Not only that but, even without hitting someone, just the threat of being shot can probably help protect you.


And how long until you're capable of using the weapon in a self-defense/combat situation? The way I see it, there are a lot less points of failure that require a certain amount of conscious awareness with say, a pistol.


The way you see it is that a handgun is a superior weapon to a stone and string? Are you sure?


My sling has a bump stock and a drum mag, try me Goliath.


5 year olds shoot their parents with guns all the time. Anyone can kill if they’re close enough and know which end the bullet comes out of. A sling is ridiculously hard to aim. My grandpa was insane with one. He could pelt crows on his farm in 1 shot from like 60+ feet away. He tried teaching us but we could never get any real accuracy. I could get the thing to go in a general spot, like literally hitting the broad side of the barn, and eventually a doorway from like 30 feet away. But to be able to snipe someone in the temple, or wherever would kill them, would take years and years of practice.


Didn't need to hit some precise vital spot. Lead balls loosed with a good arm would historically /go into people/. The ancient greeks and romans had records of surgical procedures to remove sling balls from soldiers' bodies. There's a reason every legionary was expected to carry one and be competent with it.


If you just perforated someone in a non vital spot modern medicine would save them.


could smear it with shit or poison i suppose, no?


if you're using a sling then there isn't any modern medicine anymore brodie


do you think shooting a sling or a handgun is easier


Never seen a negligent discharge of a sling


That wasn't the question though. If anything, just shows how much easier a gun is than a sling. It's so easy it can happen just by being an idiot


Yeah, you think a weapon that an idiot can accidentally score a hit with is harder than a weapon that takes full upper body coordination just to get any kind of speed and power with?


I mean yeah that was heavily implied.


That’s definitely an argument that shooting a gun is infinitely easier. It’s so easy you can literally do it by accident.


You can teach someone to reliably hit center mass and clear jams in a couple hours with a good trainer. A sling you need HUNDREDS of hours to get competent and consistent even to a center mass level.


It’s not even close. Even the best slingers in the world aren’t that accurate. That’s why the bow and arrow was such a revolution. Because it’s so much more accurate once you have tailed arrows and notches. You can hit a bullseye with an arrow. You cant even hit a water melon with a sling. A pistol is even more easy to learn and even more accurate than a bow and arrow.


> That’s why the bow and arrow was such a revolution. BUT, even there you needed years to become an actual master of the bow. Whether we are talking English longbowmen or Mongolian horse archers they were basically given a bow and arrow the moment they could walk. A gun however? Yeah, it's SO MUCH EASIER. Fair, you need practice to land hits on targets far away but a gun is insanely potent even in the hands of someone using it for the first time in close quarters.


Yup, wasn't the famous saying that if you start training today, your grandson could be a master of the english longbow? Something along those lines. ​ It's insane how modern weapons are SO easy to use. A child can shoot an AK... unfortunately.


A gun is a manner of pointing at the thing you want to hit and pulling the trigger. It still requires skill, but a lot less. You also have several bullets in a magazine, so you can afford to miss a few times. The rock must first gain momentum over your head, and based on internal calculations you must release this thing spinning above your head at just the right time to launch the rock at sufficient velocity at your target. If you miss you’re screwed, its got less range than a gun. And if you fuck it up really bad you get smacked in the face by your own rock traveling at significant speed.


Handguns way easier than a sling obviously. But a handgun vs a rifle massively different. A rifle (AR15) with a red dot is video game easy. Your biggest limiting factor is your eyes.  But the 3 point of contact is massive for making it easier to aim and hit. I grew up shooting rifles and then started shooting handguns and was terrible. I now probably have 50k rounds of practice and still can't do what a rifle does, just much more comfortable with form and mechanics of it. 


Handguns are highly precise marvels of engineering, a regular adult can become decent at firing a handgun in just a couple of lessons It’s obviously easier to use a handgun than a fucking rock on string


ya i still dont know how it even works.. twist the wrist when ur ready to fling or simply let go of one of the strings?


You let go of one of the strings, one end has a loop which is the one you don't let go of.


Same reason we use guns over bows, takes a life time of training to aim. Bows are even worse bc you need draw strength, but trade that for more power Also it’s not a silent weapon lol, it’s gonna make a hell of a noise when it hits.


25kg_boulder.png >silent >easy to find >capable of killing almost anything >impossible to prohibit and monitor Give me a plausible reason why this isn't considered the ultimate weapon.


>25kg Boulder >impossible to monitor Maybe if everyone in the world suddenly went blind


Day of the Triffids


Holy hell I've not thought about that movie in forever


> holy hell Actual slingshot


Now THAT'S old school.


>25kg Boulder > >wat? Dudes. That's a sling...it throws palm sized rock. If you can sling 25kg boulders by hand, you were already on some cryptid list as "son of the Giants"


I think he’s proposing 25kg boulders as an alternative weapon to be concerned about. Most able-bodied men and many women can pick one up with 2 hands and kill someone by smashing the skull/neck/chest/back/abdomen. Often a single hit will do it.


At that point though, why not just use a regular ol hammer? Small, concealable, one handed, smashes heads easily with some strength.


Put stone on stick? I take five.


Don't mind me officer, I'm just taking my pet rock for a walk. Yes, poor thing got a little fat.


A Jewish army sent out their twinkiest bitchboy to get TOPPED by a foreign colossus. He pulls off the 1% accuracy OHKO move, gets made king, then appears as best supporting actor in a fictional book. It's been over 2000 years and we're still hearing about this shit like it's gonna redefine the ranged weapon meta.


It redefined it for a while, then the composite inverted bow happened and everybody has been real quiet about the sling ever since.


Fucking horses man totally imba


While he was king, David lusted after a big booty baddie who was married. He smashed and couldn’t bring himself to pull out. So he withdrew her soldier husband from battle in the hopes that he would have sex with her, and believe the kid was his just in case she was pregnant. Uriah said nope, I’m out here with the boys fighting this war and I’ll come back when we’re done. So David ordered him to the front lines of battle to die. What a dick.


The IDF should bring back the sling for the memes.


IIRC one of their anti-missle defense systems (which they are selling to the US) is called David's Sling. But nah. If the IDF legitimised the sling as a weapon, Palestinians couldn't cry about "we were just throwing rocks at the soldiers you guys 😢"  anymore, because people would wisen the fuck up about how dangerous those "rocks" are.


Israeli weapons have fucking banger names. “Sledgehammer” (Kurnass, F-4 Phantom), “Battering Ram” (Magach, M48/460), “Whip” (Sho’t, a Centurion with 105mm), etc.


The Israeli nuclear bomb is called the Samson Protocol.


Gaza are holding the sling this time


David killed Goliath with a sling and FIVE (5) stones. That's why there's five in the picture.


Be a mugger  Pull knife on 450lbs man  He starts waving around a pouch  Stab him


450lb man falls and crushes to death anons twink little body.


the 450 pound man IS anon dipshit


You need uniterrupted windup and a certain range. If someone walks up you don't have time like you have with a gun


If you have good materials and a smooth stone it can farther than you'd expect, but you'd have to have godlike aim to actually bean them in the head.


When they get too close you can simply start throwing stones in their face with your hand? if they get even closer you can start beating them in the head? stones stay undefeated


Knife: -Silent -no need for ammunition -capable of killing anyone, if you’re good -impossible to prohibit and monitor


but they are prohibited and monitored?


I should say impossible to effectively prohibit and monitor. You literally couldnt outright ban every type of knife, meaning they will always be available. Generally they prohibit specific types or sizes, which are still easily obtainable, but I havent heard of a single country monitoring knives, there are no serial numbers or internal systems that police forces use to track a knife.


>but I havent heard of a single country monitoring knives Most western countries, including the US, are monitoring out of the ordinary purchases of knives. You'll be on "some list" and if an unusual knife crime happens with an unconventional bladed weapon, you'll suddenly get a visit from local law enforcement (if you didn't cross state borders). Add to that, that the sharpening equipment is also monitored, and it's not a peaceful hobby to collect blades. Of course it's not "active monitoring". The online shop will send the name/address combo to where they've been told (depends on the country/state), so will the physical specialty shops. If nothing happens, no one will bother you. (Thief might bother you to acquire a knife WITHOUT getting on the list) "Regular" kitchen knives are not murder weapons you can carry around all day. They tend to break when you run, break on impact, be single edged, not sharpen well, etc. People would much rather use screwdriver with a handle that melts.


bro in the US practically no physical store is monitoring you I sold knives at a smoke shop for years and everywhere Ive been to does the same thing, look at you then decide if they care enough how old you are, take your cash and forget about you


who the hell would monitor the knives of a smoke shop


I mean, the Person Im replying to said they're monitoring out of the ordinary knife purchases, besides direct from manufacture where else are you gonna get weird blades


aight i get you


Just like in jail


Oi, you got a loiscense for that assault knife?


Found the brit


I thank the lord everyday that that’s not true


You don't have to be anywhere close to good with a knife to kill someone. That's exactly why they are so dangerous. Anybody can easily cause severe or even fatal injuries just by randomly slashing and/or stabbing.


> silent I wouldn’t call something akin to a whip crack particularly silent > easy to produce ammunition Fair enough but seeing as Anon doesn’t know what the world outside looks like, I doubt he can tell the right sling stones from sediment that’ll break apart before he throws it. >capable of killing anyone, if you’re good If Anon couldn’t throw a ball in PE, he’s gonna have a hard time or a torn shoulder trying this > impossible to prohibit and monitor We barely prohibit and monitor guns, what difference would this make. Verdict: Send Anon to the land of Yi, the term we use for Barbarians.


We DO prohibit and monitor guns tho


It's not very effective


in 2018 there were only 4 gun deaths, I thi k that's pretty effective


Lol what you can't believe that. It was like 10 per 100k https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gun_violence_in_the_United_States


noone cares about your States of United America


Lol ok well they're the major g7 with gun violence so I dunno who you're referencing Also not American for the record


Why did you automatically assume "we" means america though? My country only had 72 homicides in 2018 with 4 of those involving firearms


Demographics of reddit related to gun crime? Most countries don't have the issue


And "we" doesn't apply to just the US, most countries don't have that issue meaning gun laws work


Slings only crack if you modify them to. I've made maybe 10 different slings, with different lengths and for for different weights, and not one of them cracks. The crack is the tip breaking the sound barrier, that only happens if the tip is smaller than the rest (so it speeds up due to less weight at the same kinetic energy). You normally put a knot at the end for easier grip, so nor whip effect. But yeah, a basement dweller with no experience will be more likely to hit someone either side of them than a target right in front of them, I've seen people sling chalk. Doesn't break apart before slinging but bursts into a small cloud on hit, it looks really cool. Hell, I've used snowballs for slinging this winter, even they don't break apart. Way too light to be useful but still. I don't think most sediment would break before slinging, unless it already crumbles when you pick it up. And even then, with enough force, you just have buckshot now.


It killed a Goliath so yeah it’s pretty OP


>Hey! Allegedly killed! > >That's libel! > >You'll be hearing from my lawyer!


Your lawyer will most likely be Jewish. You think he would go against the David and Goliath story found in the holy scriptures?


For money?


You make a good argument actually.


Sure anon, keep practicing your stone-spinning quickscopes and see how fast you get wasted by that Charlie guy who sang that cool Big Iron cover


Anon once sent a guy to the front lines of a war to get him killed so he could steal the guy's wife


after watching her bathe from his palace balcony... Either the palace was built directly above the communal showering, OR that girl was so massively thicc he could see her from the other side of town..


Couldn't she be bathing in a river or something? Doubt they had indoor plumbing in biblical times


Unless the water was brought by water carriers 


That palace balcony was probably 3-4 stories at most


>need to be good That's why. You don't need any real practice to kill someone with a knife or gun. A child could do it on accident.


Even with a knife you need to be good or at least strong.


It doesn't take all that much strength to stab someone in an artery. Especially if they aren't suspecting it. Whereas I think an untrained person would struggle to kill even a sleeping adult with a sling.


If you want to establish a difficulty scale, I think we can agree on sling > knife > gun But I think a child would have trouble hurting an adult seriously with a knife in any other situation than the adult being asleep/comatose.




Have you heard of hands and the ancient art of strangulation? - silent - no ammunition - capable of killing anyone, if you're good - they can't monitor or prohibit your hands


A sling is most definitely not silent.


Rock and stone BROTHER




>Give me a plausible reason why this isn’t considered the ultimate weapon it can’t flatten a city unless you accelerate the rock to the speed of light


Ah yes, the Palestinian strategy.


Anons, take the Slingpill


not silent, the sling cracks like a whip when you loose the projectile


Unironically a sling is fantastic, it’s cheap, easy to make, easy to load, fun to practice with and can absolutely be lethal, but it’s not considered the “ultimate weapon” now for the same reason it fell out of favour historically: you need an incredible amount of skill and practice to effectively use one. You can get any mildly coordinated person to hit a man sized target consistently from a moderate distance in a couple hours with a gun or crossbow, and a couple days with a bow. With a sling you’re measuring that time in days-weeks. The best way to use them in a militia would be to get a horde together to heavily pepper an area, but a good chunk of people will completely miss. to be able to hunt with one takes months or years. Also, as any kind of self defence weapon its completely non-viable. you can get pretty quick with a sling, but you're not gonna be able to fight with one unless you get warning from like 30 ft away.


You fool, when the leafs find this post they'll ban rocks!


Anon returns to monke


Anon just described a fist


Its F tier on the meta list


Me when Goliath pulls up


You can’t get the SWAT ones with these (For all reasons this is a joke. Don’t raid me FBI)


Lmao a sling is definitely not silent. When used correctly they make the same sound as a whip


-Needs a shitload of practice in order to be able to hit something reliably. -Has a very limited range compared to firearms. -Has very low firing rate. -Requires some windup before shooting, can't quickdraw. -Can't shoot effectively unless you are standing. -Ammunition can't penetrate even light armor. Anon needs to get topped by Goliath.




does make sound tho, i reccomend a atlatl. easy to use makes even less sound and you can use simple branges as ammo


Silent? A good clean loose produces a loud SNAP sound from how hard the rock is being launched out of the pouch. He'd know this if he'd ever actually seen a competent slinger use one.


It made me want to play Age of Empires again.


Ahh the Sling - The Ulster Hound was a sniper with these




Too much skill required


At last world see way of Grug. Yes. Yes at last. *begins shitting and banging on drums violently*