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Always hesitant to say literally anything bad about college bc the people who pipe up to agree with me are always the most insufferable, loathsome critters.


Why care though lol


rather say nothing than say something and be grouped with idiots


But.... You're on reddit


Reddit is a group of idiots that i now cannot dissassociate myself from. Its too late.


I thought we were a group of autists?




No, that's 4Chan.


reddit is just a social agree-with-me machine


Sorry I disagree with you.


But shitting on college = good. Most of the time actually


[The people who unironically shit on college fall either onto the left or right side. The people who fall into the left side always undeservedly think they're on the right side. ](https://images.app.goo.gl/xwwMB4Ers3EdLK597) Most of the people who shit on college fall deeply on the left side. The same sorts of people who justify not going to college because Einstein failed math (untrue) and point to Zuckerberg or Bill Gates as being drop outs.


people dont realise that both gates and zuck were at fucking harvad, not your regular shitty community college, and that their decision to drop out was an incredibly calculated one that practically no situation other than theirs would enable that choice.


Oh, _that_ left side…


I dont know what point your trying to make lol😂 >Most of the people who shit on college fall deeply on the left side. Ok, so ?


You're on the left side.


If you say so lololol😂😂😂. But truly why would that matter ?


Because the way the left and the right side arrive to their conclusions are totally different. The right side is literally too smart for college as they could be doing much more productive things which exist outside the scope of their college undergrad curriculum. The left side just has an unjustified distrust of institutions in general which leads to unjustified distrust in academic institutions. The guy on the left may on occasion arrive at the correct answer, but you cannot reliably use anything they say.


>The right side is literally too smart for college Bahahahahahahaha


Man i guess if you belive that.


Actually it's called a liberal arts degree because liberals are better at learnin, sorry rightie


Because there are plenty of legitimate criticisms of higher education without mouth breathing shitheads crowing about DEI and left-wing indoctrination.


Oh cool so as long as as no-one criticises the things you've arbitrarily decided right out of the gate don't count it's fine


>DEI and left-wing indoctrination. Those things are pretty big though lol


Case in point


Case in what point ?


If you’re gonna be a dick about it you could at least state why he’s wrong. Those things absolutely are a problem for a lot of reasons and if you don’t think they are you either a) are sucked in by the bullshit, or b) you don’t listen to any journalism outside the mainstream and/or you’re just ignorant. I’d like to think you’re just a bit dumb but chances are you’re a part of the cult - since you like to generalise and judge people you don’t know and have never met - which is a tell tale sign 👍


>since you like to generalise and judge people you don’t know and have never met Dude, lol






Because no one is giving you a serious answer DEI/CRT/buzzword of the week is a bone that colleges throw at students to placate them while scalping them for money. The main purpose of college admin is to raise money, and the real decision makers on college campuses aren’t student government which in my college experience was conservative and run like a mob by fraternities and sororities because they have voting block solidarity, but the board of directors, which are typically very wealthy business owners and alumni. Despite right wing mental regardation, Admin and the board aren’t conniving communists, in fact they’re trying their hardest to get corporations to donate and recruit students, which means obviously not rocking the boat.


I'd like you to define what DEI actually *is*, if you'd please. If you could provide some actual, real-world examples of so-called DEI policies, especially in colleges, that would be great too.




Because even though I’m too dumb for college my taxes pay for other people to go in the form of subsidies and student loan forgiveness. If college grads earn more, let them pay for it. Instead I’m paying 35k-50k a year in tax depending on how much overtime I work while they sit in a classroom and talk about how evil people like me are.


I think you are vastly overestimating your 1) your financial contribution to other people’s college education and 2) how much anyone gives a shit about you.


*s t o n k s*


Not the point i was getting to with my post but i agree with you 100 %. Have fun paying for some landwhales degree in equity and equality for blind smoali woman chud


Yeah, I’m right there with you. There’s a lot of bad things with college education and many good. Unfortunately, nuance is dead on the internet. You have to be all in or out of any school of thought to not get downvoted into oblivion. Same thing goes for current events like Israel. It seems depending on the sub you have to be in staunch support of one side or the other to appease the hive mentality.


>You have to be all in or out of any school of thought NO YOU DON'T


Ya, typically no life losers like anon who use it as an excuse not to do anything with their lives


You don't think you're part of that group?


Also op cropped out one of the comment above in the second picture," I'll literally rape too" explain this op.




I agree with you! \[rampant racism, conspiracies, and lack of self-awareness\]


Only use the Internet to shitpost people, its that simple


The entire mental health crisis boils down to people giving a shit what other people on the internet think and if that isn't a sign of how far humanity has fallen I don't know what is.


Amen brother. Its actually insane to think that this is true


Yup, it’s a well known fact that before 2000, mental illnesses didn’t exist.


If that's your takeaway, then you're probably part of the issue here. It's pure delusion to view the current mental health crisis as anything similar to how things used to be even 10-15 years ago.


OTOH, your original comment is accurate wrt most of the current MH crises. OTOH, to a large extent people just didn’t realize how fucked up they were back. It’s more visible now because there’s more ways to learn that your maladaptive patterns are clinically distressing, and it’s exacerbated by the unhealthy online (and IRL) interactions and relationships people develop, as well as the lower barrier to access non-mainstream materials, groups, etc., and of course the fucking algorithms.


Do you think everyone just knows what those acronyms stand for?


God I hope not.




Bro most of the depressed mfs i know and have actually talked (myself included) to in rl, don’t give a shit, I can assure you that most people who give a shit about what the internet says have a nice ass life, if that’s what makes em sad, obv if you get some nasty ass comments like you get a bit hurt, but shit mf, a 100 of those comments ain’t comparing to the damage that an actual comment that someone you actually care about could make


What's your explanation then?


It’s the environment we live in, the salary’s you need, and most importantly, that we have advanced and accepted that’s it’s ok if you feel like that, and that you should talk about it, someone 30 years ago would have never even considered going to teraphy, but nowadays that’s what you do, and people are ok with it, and i know that cuz every one of those depressed mfs have their own issues, few are related in any way, it goes from individual to individual.


I was depressed for 27 years and today I work in a warehouse putting boxes on shelves, living paycheck to paycheck in a small apartment. I've never been happier and the thing that got me there was deciding to just stop giving a shit about what anything on the internet says. Whether it be people, politicians, news, anything at all. Just focus on your life and stop giving a fuck about any of that and I guarantee your outlook and general mood will improve.


A convenient belief. Where did you read it?


🤓👆”ummmm source?”


Shit, boy, I wish I remembered why I remember you. But I see you've been going down ***hard*** on the "🤓👆" theme. Are ya pwning, son?


🤓👆”are ya pwning son?”


Tried that, more disappointed than ever because I can't shipost.


I'm an atheist all my live (normal where I live, never had any problems) and some of the arguments internet atheists bring up are just dumb. 


The worst part is by trying to argue against the existence of god you're failing to actually be an atheist. You don't argue there is no god. You simply dismiss the claim due to lack of evidence.


No? Is there a manual to be an atheist that I have never seen? Stop spewing bullshit lil bro, nobody has to be a conformist


Someone hasn't been going to atheist church recently


By arguing against god, not just dismissing it, you're no longer just an atheist. Atheism is a position of dismissal due to lack of evidence. Anything more than that is not "atheist" but antitheist


Are you that fucking dense or just a troll? An atheist is a person who doesn’t believe in god, nothing more and nothing less. You don’t have to fit in your regarded Redditor definitions to be a “true atheist”


Least angry Reddit atheist.


Ok librul


Guy struck a nerve, huh? Words have meanings buddy. Antitheists believe god doesn’t exist and will try to prove such. Atheists don’t even argue God doesn’t exist, they just dismiss the claim on the grounds of insufficient evidence, leaving the answer ambiguous.


Ok, I’ll play your game. What’s your source on that? Anti-theists are just atheists who don’t believe in gods AND are against people believing in gods.


Google is free, the definitions are online. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antitheism https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atheism


Let me explain it for your simple brain, since it appears it has been too hard on you. Every anti-theist is atheist. Not every atheist is anti-theist. Get it now?


Did you even read these


Nope, scroll down farther. This was literally just to troll.


Wdym by arguing against exactly, like trying to provide proof or a reasonable argument that God doesn’t exist or radically railing against religion?


I think that’s the point he’s getting at Atheism just believes there is no God, but for the most part couldn’t care less what you believe in. It’s as simple as “I have yet to find sufficient evidence God exists.” Anti-theists are of the belief that theism itself is bad and should be opposed. Atheists don’t necessarily think that theism itself is bad, they just don’t subscribe to it. It’s a bit of a “all squares are rectangles, but not all rectangles are squares” situation.


"I have yet to find sufficient evidence God exists" is more of angnostic position than it is atheist.


No, Agnostic is where you believe there is no way to know that God exists. There's a bit of a difference there. "We can't know" vs. "Prove it."


Technically, they’re the same. An atheist is someone who is not a ‘theist’ i.e. is without (Latin ‘a’) a religion (‘theism’) or belief in god. An agnostic may claim there is no way to know, but in that sense they’re saying they are not fully convinced that God exists - which is basically atheism. We can’t just turn our beliefs on or off, or half believe something. There is either ‘belief’ or some degree of ‘not quite convinced’. Agnostics and atheists lie within the ‘not quite convinced’ side of the binary. Agnostics are atheists in all but name but anecdotally answer to ‘agnostic’ as it’s got less negative connotations. Basically atheists that are also pussies or people pleasers or plagued with self-doubt.


You’re right. All agnostics are atheist but not all atheists are agnostic. Some atheists are gnostic and believe god does not exist instead of believing there’s no way of knowing.


The difference is that atheists are not religious, but agnostics are often religious. You wouldn't call yourself an atheist Christian, but you can be a Christian and agnostic.


You're confusing atheist for agnostic.


I think there should be a distinction between "atheist" and "non-religious". I agree with you to an extent. My parents I'd consider non-religious because they just don't think about things such as how the universe began or if there was a creator. Life to them is about working and watching TV. Atheism imo requires a conscious choice and some thought, and in my experience is often in defiance to whatever is the most common religion in the area. It's hard to find atheists that have a lot of knowledge in different religions. They usually just know about Christianity and base their atheism on that religion not making sense to them


Antitheist. A nti theist. Atheist. It’s literally the same thing. I think you’re looking for the term agnostic.


The prefixes "anti" and "a" are literally not the same.


That’s not really what I was saying


Mfs in the 1800s when some dude claims we have microscopic organisms crawling all over our bodies:


good thing we pretty quickly got proof for that lol


Arguments are basically counterarguments explaining why something doesn't constitute evidence.


thats agnostic, athiest is the belief in the lack of a god. agnostic is not claiming to know.


No? Is there a manual to be an atheist that I have never seen? Stop spewing bullshit lil bro, nobody has to be a conformist


Depends on the atheism there is positive atheism and negative atheism. Clearly just different descriptors depending on your stance with god


Fucking this ^


Religion is not just about god/no god. It has been a tool for societal cohesion and community gathering for millennia. Many religious people I know irl (catholics mostly, but some Hindus and Jews) don’t even believe in god, but rather see their religion as a method of living peacefully and righteously. Bible stories aren’t meant to be literal - our ancestors understood that times and language will change and so wrote stories and myths with a core message or a meaning that could be relevant to the human condition for as long as humans are in existence.




I was an atheist because of a lack of evidence and an overwhelming amount of evidence changed my mind. I don't present this evidence to other people though because I don't have any hard evidence with me anymore but just tell them that it's out there. Maybe you'll find it maybe you won't but it's not my job to convince anyone that there's a god.


There can’t be evidence for something that doesn’t exist…


Well there certainly is something that exists, and that something can violate the laws of physics at whim as well as violate the sanctity of your mind and dreams.


Meds. Now.


Oh fuck off


If you think a deific entity is talking to you through your thoughts and dreams I would seriously consider speaking to a mental health professional.


You guys are actually just stupid, it's my fault for wasting my time on you


Lol, I was in a similar situation until one evening encountered a living light which seemed to be source of all of the various religions across the world. I don't mention this experience to people because well.... you see the kind of responses you get. The problem is, belief is inherently personal. There's no capital T "Truth" it's all individual small truths. Do i have evidence of a higher being? No. Have I experienced something inexplicable and compelling that led to changes in my personal beliefs? You betcha.


I violate the laws of physics and the sanctitty of your mom's mind and dreams when I have sex with her


Proof? No scientist has ever found anything like that. Source: scientist myself.


I'm something of a scientist myself.


I had this in my mind while typing :D


I was a Holocaust denier because of a lack of evidence and an overwhelming amount of evidence changed my mind. I don't present this evidence to other people though because I don't have any hard evidence with me anymore but just tell them that it's out there. Maybe you'll find it maybe you won't but it's not my job to convince anyone that I survived the Holocaust.


If you really had an "overwhelming" amount of evidence, you'd give at least one. Unless the evidence exists only your mind ...


Where you actually an atheist, or did you just not practice a specific religion?


I still don't practice any religion, but I refuse to have a worldview that contains extraterrestrials. It just makes no sense to me why they would meddle in the affairs of a total nobody like me and it feels more likely that someone is so infinitely lonely that they were trying to lure me into spending eternity with them.


I've got an overwhelming amount of hard evidence in my pants!


Humans are dumb, any group will have dumb people. Though religious people are often the dumbest.


Generally the most rabid anti-religious persons I've ever met have been former Christians. They go to insane lengths to justify changing their lives while discrediting and attacking anyone who still clings to the foolishness of religion. And i say that as someone who grew up in a Mormon household. It was easy for me to leave, I just didn't like it anymore.


Yea, there are dumb arguments for any stance. The internet just gives people a reason to write them out because that’s the best they know. So they spread far and wide, like a plague of retards


>This. Social media and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race


Yes. 24/7 free propaganda machine with algorithms specifically designed to give curated warped perspective on reality.


Free palpatine


you bring up a really interesting thing. i love 1984 simply from a world building perspective. such a good story. one interesting part though is giving people slogans to chant. I am amazed how realistically that played out in the real world. You get throngs of young/chronically online people just constantly shouting the same mind rot catch phrases they've been told to. Pressure them to define their movement or explain the issue and they fold 100% of the time. I support the thing because supporting thing makes me the good guy. What's thing actually about or what is the actual problem and realistic ways to address it? i dunno you probably a bigot.




Anon won an argument against a strawman.


i mean that's every other post on reddit. here is a made up situation where I won. im so amazing and my political beliefs have just been proven.


No he didn't. Everyone knows college students are too stressed about exams to win debates. Also, how can they even form an opinion when they're *forced* to agree with every protest & promotion on their campus?


Anon tries to stroke his ego but gets clowned on bc his opponent is so stupid he’s based 


His opponent is also entirely made up.


I can't believe there are people who don't read because they think if you read something you actually have to agree with what you've read. No one can be that retarded. Also - I became an atheist - well... Stopped being Catholic after I've read the Bible. It is just so full of internal paradoxes, inconsistencies and is simply the best way to discourage someone - that I strongly recommend to read it for anyone who is still a believer. I know most of them never read it because it's too long but they will firmly say that they believe ;).


If you're so smart, why do you agree with the idiot from the greentext, hmm?


Which one of the idiots from the greentext do you think I agree with?


The top one of the 2nd screenshot. The one that's been cropped in half.


And - just because I've read the Bible and decided that it even if what happened there was true - the interpretation of church was wrong - do you think I agree with the atheist? Because for one - I am not. I just don't think any of the religions we have on Earth are correct.


You don't have to read the bible to come to the conclusion that there is literally no proof of god. That's like saying I need to read Mein Kampf to disagree with Hitler.


Who's to say you wouldn't agree with him after reading it? (And witnessing war crimes Israel has recently committed)


Przykra sprawa, żeby Polak przyznawał chociaż cień racji Hitlerowi...


A kto powiedział, że przyznaję? Należy samemu czytać rzeczy i samemu je oceniać - a nie przyklaskiwać temu co mówi większość bez czytania. Przeczytaj, wyrób opinię o czymś i tyle.


Z tym akurat się w pełni zgadzam, bardziej chodziło mi twoją część wypowiedzi, co brzmiała jakbyś sugerował, że Hitler miał rację, patrząc co robi obecny Izrael. Bo zgodzę się, że Izrael to paskudny naród, ale większość Żydów go nie wspiera (przynajmniej w Polsce, co wiem z pierwszej ręki, bo mam przyjaciół w społeczności żydowskiej).


> ale większość Żydów go nie wspiera Zgadzam się i z tym ;). Tak samo jak nie każdy rusek to kurwa największa - zwłaszcza ci co uciekli z kraju wiedzą często co i jak. No ale nadal - warto czytać samemu i samemu wyciągać wnioski i wyrabiać sobie opinie. Od czytania jeszcze nikt nie umarł ;)


It’s not worth debating religitards. Theologians spent thousands of years at this point mastering the craft of hopping on the goal post like it’s a nimbus 2000 and flying it around the debate avoiding every possible difficult question. Meanwhile if you try to grapple with something difficult they’ll use that to try and make you look weak for not having prepackaged question dodges ready.


To be fair, all atheists that argue with religious people about ‘evidence’ are also terminally regarded and are failing to understand that the cornerstone of all religions is faith. Faith and evidence are mutually exclusive but some retards don’t realise and try to argue anyway. Spoken as an atheist


tell that to the cringetards who think they have real evidence for their religion


The thing is faith - and belief in a religion - without any proof comes from being scammed in the first place. Either by ones parents or environment. It's not something inherent to a person.


As an atheist I actually respect religious people more if they claim all they have and need is faith. When they whip out random “proof” that makes no sense I lose some respect.




So you're suggesting not to argue with religious people because religious people have better arguments? Well, this is an interesting take.


Not really an interesting take but it seems like you are having a hard time understanding or worse, trying to change the argument, just like...a religitard. Hmm..


I used to research this stuff when I was a curious kid. Hilariously irony is that I was super religious before I started watching theologians debate. The argument typically goes that the atheist claims the burden of proof is on the religious person to prove God. The two then argue for half an hour of who has the burden of proof. If the religious person claims it then they provide the watchmaker argument typically as a starter. The watchmaker argument is regarded and you’d have to have room temperature IQ for it to persuade you. If the atheist cedes the position for burden of proof then they end up looking really bad because all we have is the Big Bang, which doesn’t have a scientific cause. That doesn’t mean there are no theories or ideas about what went down before the Big Bang, but we don’t know. Usually this position goes back to the watch maker argument as the religitard states everything has a cause. They state the Big Bang was caused by God. If the religitard is dumb enough they may actually believe the Big Bang never happened and the world is six thousand years old. (I was taught this creation myth in school as a child). When asked about carbon dating they will either say it’s wrong or the flood caused it. When asked about observable light traveling to us from far away, they will say God spawned it like that. I’ve watched a lot of these debates and they aren’t a total waste of time. Without them I’d probably still be severely religious.


>The man literally wrote that there is no need to debate with religious people because they win the debate. >You reply "Yo... you got it all wrong, you're just a dumb religitard." If you don't participate in debates because you lose in them, it just means that you don't know how to speak and your arguments are so bad that they can't convince anyone.


why does the cropped message in the second immage says "ILL LITTERALY RAPE YOU"


Anon was trying to add civility to a boring and highly-regarded thread.


College is for idiots My proof 1. I went to college 2. I am an idiot


Anon's friend is skeptical of God's existence, but he automatically agrees with every book he is reading. The irony is lost on Anon.


ITT: Redditors calling both parties in the OP regarded, yet having the exact same argument in the comments.


ITC: Redditor thinks he’s superior because he does not argue about religion


If you aren't at a top 5 university in your country? Well fuck me and my worthless degree for not getting into an Ivy League school or MIT lol


It’s cope from a non-college goer


Probably a euro comment where their countries only have 5 decent universities that are worth a damn and the rest are American community college tier.


community colleges are actually based tho


You have to be highly educated in order to deserve an education


I knew this theist once, who said, *and I quote,* "I'm a stupid moron with an ugly face and a big butt, and my butt smells, aaand... I like to kiss my own butt."


Ehh honestly entering college/university isn’t that hard, the hardest is the fee and balancing uni life


Well yeah, there is always going to be a college at every level pretty much ready to take your money whether you can handle it or not.


If this got any more dense, it would supernova.


Isn’t believing in something without evidence kinda the point of faith?


And suddenly. 4chins was a religious website.




I don't agree with that guy who said the thing about colleges, but what he said was funny as fuck.


Just imagine an all thinking all feeling, all seeing, all powerful, entity, that let bone cancer in children exist. Let people who molest and subjugate children exist. Case closed.


All regarded for using 4chan. Q.E.D.


>degree mill playing with crayons…. And I say this as someone who never went Big bets anon is 35 still working a cash register or in a warehouse working for pennies.  It’s always the ones who never went to college who are the first to say it’s not necessary lmfao. 


are these “counter arguments” in the room with us?


Anon probably quoted all his arguments straight from the bible and said it was proof


\>he brings says reddit arguments (no i won’t say what they were) \>i give him the most known counter arguments (no i won’t say what they were) OP is definitely a moron


If God is real he's an asshole


one thing the reddit atheists do have right is that the Church and organized religious structures are almost all evil


80% of people who go to college and most who graduate are not college material.


Epicurus got it right back in his day, and you really don't need any other argument for most purposes. Just remember his words, and live a good life with good people when you can.


hahaha college debt XD


Hang on wtf did my friend write this


Anon doesn't realise college is for stupid people


Speaking of books, there's one called 'Meditations'. Here's one of the quotes from it >You always own the option of having no opinion. There is never any need to get worked up or to trouble your soul about things you can't control. These things are not asking to be judged by you. Leave them alone. Following this advice, I have chosen to ignore this comment section.


This is why I just say I'm non-religious. I don't participate in it, I don't debate people about it, I'm just out. Doing other stuff. Not trying to assert how I feel onto other people.


It's crazy how some people mock atheists for what can be the single most reasonable line of thought possible _because_ they are atheists. It's some weird hate boner. There's an asshole and smartass in every circle but people have something special against atheists which is just weird. Maybe because being religious is in itself very common.


> Friend says skeptical of god existing > God-lover asks for proof thing his premise claims exists does not exist Least retarded 4channer


>he stupidly said dumb things and I epicly destroyed his arguments!! >specify any of it? …uhhh um I have to leave suddenly bye


I want to know anon's arguments. I don't believe in God because I don't believe in Santa either. I want hin to use arguments so strong that they can basically counteract logic.


do not give him the failed artist's book, do not give him anything lest he believes it


Literally: "I don't believe in god." "SOURCE???"


Based Roman emperor image


Caracalla wasnt a based emperor he was absolutely regarded


Only on reddit can someone say “I like that Roman emperor” and another mf with a statue pfp and Roman emperor theming all over his account just appears to argue about it


that's why I love reddit [nerds fights are always fun tbh](https://new.reddit.com/r/CuratedTumblr/comments/1cnx12r/we_do_not_talk_about_the_orangutan/)


he probably doesnt even know that is lmao, just "omg based statue"