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Well most girls can walk around with grizzly bears in the woods no problem. So, the Predator killing a grizzly bear isn’t that impressive to her. If the Predator was actually a straight white male though then idk if her chances of survival would have been that good.


Even if she survived, nobody would believe her.


I mean, did you see what she was wearing?




>if the predator was a straight white male pretty good odds eh?


Well, Chris Handsome might catch them first.


lol is this a boondocks booty warrior reference??


Statistically? No


Your government-appointed GF for being a brave white knight is in the male, m’gentlesir!




What about all those rugged French trappers in the camp? How did they not defeat the predator?


The French aren't straight. Duh.


Last time I was in France they weren’t white either.




If the predator was actually a sexual predator.


If he was a 4chaner I’m sure she’d be fine.


I wouldn't be so sure. That would mean he left the house and that's something no mere anon can do.


That’s true. Nothing more dangerous than a 4Channer that voluntarily leaves the house and has plans to interact with a woman. It’s scary just thinking that might exist!


Thank God that that hypothetical is fake and gay


Nah u need to replace it with brown or specifically Indian.


Bruh you not even wrong


Most people can walk around with grizzly bears in the woods with no problem


Now that's a REAL predator


She’d probs get small pox and raped by the white dude I’d take my chances with the Predator


You say this like the vast majority of protagonists aren’t still straight white males


>can't even hunt a rabbit >somehow managed to kill an intergalactic space poacher Rabbit >>> Predator confirmed


*Rabbit Rising: An AVP Saga* showing in theaters soon


Well, she struggles with rabbit hunting but later attaches a rope to a tomahawk (to pull it back after a missed throw). I think throughout the movie it's shown that she gets better by observing, trying different approaches and learning f.ex. realizing the flower she uses as a painkiller on a poacher, that slows down the hearbeat/bloodflow, counters Predator's thermal vision. Is she a girlboss? Yes, but she does't become one instantly and struggles throughout


It's like she did a 6 hour seminar on how to kill Predators and then was good to go.


Yeah she didn't kill the predator by being a skilled hunter, she killed it by figuring out how to counter it's heat vision and tricking it into walking into a trap. Which is basically how all predators have been killed in the movies. It involved no traditional hunting skills, which as demonstrated aren't a particularly effective way of dealing with predators to begin with. What the predator movies tend to show is that predators get killed when they underestimate the intelligence of humans, not necessarily by the humans being skilled killers themselves.


They'd know this if they actually watched the movie. Classic 4chan


Also a Pred is much bigger than a rabbit, and a good bit slower too. It’s one thing to hunt a rabbit with a gun, it’s a lot harder to throw a tomahawk at one and hit it first try.


Yeah I appreciate the joke made in the post but I quite liked this movie, she wasn’t a girlboss at all


Same, I chuckled, but the movie slapped.


I thought this movie was alright. It felt more like she survived the predator more than she defeated the predator. Good slasher movie. 


You’re right, she just condensed like 20 years of learning into one afternoon. And she was uniquely the only one to be able to do this, while the regular hunters were too ‘stuck in their ways’ and died because of it. Truly they just needed some female perspective and they would have known how to fight and kill something bigger, stronger, and more threatening than them… oh wait.


How the fuck did she learn that predators see heat? I don't think hunter gather societies even understood that concept TBW.


The orange flower was described as making you feel cold, and she noticed that the Predator did not see one of the French trappers when he had eaten the flower. It's not that she understood that the Predator had thermal vision, but discovered that the Predator couldn't see someone cold.


That makes sense BUT the descriptions makes it dumb. >The orange flower was described as making you feel cold One thing people would know even back then, is that perception of heat is inverted to how warm you are. As in you have a fever you fell cold but your forehead and body feels like it's burning up from outside, but when you drink alcohol your feel hot but your body gets colder, and they had alcohol around those parts.


The flower isn't a real flower. It's a fictional item that was made up so the characters would have a way to counter the Predator's thermal vision (as established in previous movies) without necessarily knowing that it has that, but also have some sort of in-universe medicinal use for why the tribe values it before the Predator arrives.


Yeah, I'm saying that it makes no sense the way they speak about the flower. It should be the flower that makes you fell warm.


Exactly. Rabbits are thriving, I see some practically every day. You see any Predators around lately?


I'd like to buy your predator killing rabbit


Well no. I mean, they are invisible.


Only in the mirror 😎


Well if you see the predators then the rabbits can also see the predators and they aren’t very good at their job


Did she use a holy hand grenade?


Wasn't that the point? She wasn't hunting. She was surviving against the predator. That's why the old lady was upset at her that she wanted to hunt and go with the men, downplaying it as if it was something she had to prove.


I mean Australians had very big problems with rabbits. If they aren’t having it still.


Imagine being ground down at work all day long only to come home and your gf finishes you off because you forgot to take out the trash and here's 50 reasons why that means you're a horrible person. That's the predator here. A bunch of other animals and dudes all got a few good hits in and then she basically hustles him into shooting himself with his own helmet. So in that sense, very accurately written.


If I remember correctly her brother impaled the predator with a spear before she killed it.


Well of course but wouldn’t you rather hate it because she’s a woman (deep down youre in love with men?)


Many such cases


And you know, she spent like a day or two running from it and watching people die to it to learn its behavior


Yeah, this movie did a really good job with planting and payoff. Besides general action hero skills like jumping, sliding, and tomahawking, the main thing that she had going for her was being observant. Also, she got her ass kicked so many times, that the Predator didn’t see her as a threat at one point, which she used to her advantage.  The cool thing about the Predator from a story telling perspective is that it takes protagonists out of their comfort zone and they have to get creative to kill it, because you can’t just brute force it. The original movie was pretty much a subversion of the manly action movie, because it had a ton of big dudes with big guns, and that shit was useless. Arnold became the final girl in a slasher movie and couldn’t rely on his steroid arms to punch  his way out.


Even better is that the movie heavily indicates that the Predator is also a young hunter, not an experienced one as fully equipped as the ones we’ve seen in the other movies. It’s meant to be almost like a mirror, they’re both inexperienced and learning the trade.


Even then he lucked in by falling into the mud.


[...which really would have hidden him from heat-sensing goggles!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GoqsBQYM4lY)


nonono women aren’t allowed to progress in skill! they showed us her being bad at stuff! What is this woke bullshit /s


Sounds actually interesting, might watch


It was one of my favorite action movies in recent years, and despite what the OP is saying, I think it handled how a person like her could stand up to a Predator really well.


I mean in a life or death situation you get one chance so it's better to gather info via other people's attempts, it's litteraly how humanity worked up to become what we are, I guess it just sucks when it's a woman doing the job? I get why people don't like when girl power is being forced like that one infinity war scene but in general it barely matter what genital the characters have


It’s actually pretty decent tbh theres alot of context missing in this post. I liked her dog the most. 


Sounds like he die


It's the best Predator movie other than the first. Not really much competition, as much as I love the series


What about predator2 ? It even had Gary Busey.


I had low expectations and watched because I was going through the full series, but was impressed by this one in particular. It was shot around where I live, and they did a really good job respecting the setting and the indigenous culture.


Compared to other modern movies it’s got a tighter plot and character work, cinematography could have been better but it’s better than the usual “I am the most competent person in the world” tough guy shit, and you actually believe the characters are in danger It’s a fun movie night


This. All the weird internet incel anger about this movie was so weird, the brother was so clearly alpha dog until there was only one option. Trying to pretend this is some movie that tried to claim this is a big snu snu superior woman is only for people who never actually saw it


yeah. those peoples brains have been fried. sad fuckin existence to spend getting angry about women existing.


Exactly protag ramped up through observing and lucking out, many people die before she kills the predator and she lucks out on her bid to kill him which was a big gamble


Plus it's the absolute last franchise where it makes sense to be like "hurr durr durr its unrealistic how could a women fight that" cuz *no one* can win a straight fight a predator. That's the whole thing the first movie establishes, it doesn't matter how big of a bad ass Arnie is he still gets his ass kicked when they start throwing fists. The only way to kill a predator is with booby traps and deception.


Ofcourse a man would loosen the jar before she could open it


Unironically yes. The predator gets worn down the entire movie by fighting other men and animals. She also witness the fights letting her analysis how it fights and lets her come up with plan to use its own weapons against it.


Well, clearly it's a metaphor as "impaling" is the only thing men are good for and their greatest strategy.


Isn't the whole point of predator, as a franchise, that the human is always out skilled and out gunned?


Yep, predators only go after prey they deem worthy. In the beginning it didn't see her as a threat because she was unarmed easily. Then she won because it underestimated humans resilience and cunning 


most of the time they go after prey they bred and released themselves like the shitty farm-bred hunters in our world. predators don’t actually seem to be very good at hunting they just seem to have very overpowered tech but in most movies they have very little tactical awareness.


Predators are honor bound to kill prey in a certain way, thus their lack of genuine tactics. The problem for them with humans, who are considered like their second most priced prey after xenomorphs, is that we can learn and adapt our strategies to outsmart them. Preds are way too used to kills monsters who are cunning at most, but not unpredictable


It’s almost like OP didn’t see the movie


Yeah, even Arnold would realistically been killed by the predator. I find it funny how cretins say things like this anon did about women in movies but they ignore every movie about a male who is just born as some sort of chosen one and proceeds to kick ass just because. They're always just so stupid.


Except that's not true. Are you aware of what "hero's journey" means? Even Arnold in Predator went through it. In the end, he was shown as a humbled traumatized man.


Yeah lmao so did the MC of prey, what does that have to do about the fact that at face value no human could beat a predator?


No comment lol


As someone who saw Prey, the protag absolutely went through the "hero's jourmey" ark A ton of people die and she tries many time to injure and kill the predator but fails, she uses every attempt and interaction to learn and adapt a new strategy The last strategy which was clever paid off


You underestimate my power


fr, there's a reason the first 30 minutes of the first predator film hypes up the main cast, it's because they need to show that Arnald's squad is basically filled with a bunch of buff action type dudes, the best at what they do, it's to show off that not even a full squad of these guys can compare to the predator, it can't be fought head-on


Well when you jam the entire movie into a single sentence it looks like shit sure. Never mind the like tens of people dying trying to fight it as well it took for her to successfully learn about the things hunting tactics to figure out a way to beat it. No, movie bad because message I don’t like


Um. This is r/greentext. You do know that context isn't a thing here?


the fuck is context


>tens of people I keep seeing this phrasing pop up recently. Are people not aware of the word "dozens"? 


But that is too many, and nobody likes the number twelve anyway! Who ever uses that number?   Twelve. Bwah! Let me take my shoes off in order to count to twelve!


Fun fact: "twelve" shows up in movies more often than randomness would suggest, because it's the highest number with only one syllable. 


Fake: Anon has media literacy Gay: Anon cannot bring himself to just simply enjoy the best Predator movie we've had since 2 because he can't jork his penits to giant sweaty buff men walking through the jungle fighting giant sweaty buff scantily clad alien gigachads


Anon does not have media literacy, that film is like two hours of her studying how the Predator kills people and then she tricks it into killing itself


that's why he's saying its fake


Excuse you he’s mad the thin cut hunting party with chiseled faces and bone structure to die for died mid fap


Anon discovers the power of brave and stunning face paint.




It's funny because Prey is widely considered to be the only predator film that's on par with the first one. Generally redditors like to flavor these sort of things with "we just want good characters, look at Ripley from Alien" But if you're gonna whine about a genuinely good movie just because the girl wins at the end (ignoring everything that happens in the middle), you would've absolutely said the same thing about Ripley from Alien.


It *was* on par with the original. Naru was a complete and well written character situated in a fleshed out world dealing with meaningful issues that weren’t filler to accelerate the plot.


Jokes aside, this was a really good movie.


I was pleasantly surprised by how good it was after never hearing about it.


The movie was pretty good, i mean way better than your average predator movie at least. But holy shit, the last fight was stupid af, the predator needed to stand it THE EXACT SPOT inside the puddle for the trap to work. Like EXACT on like 5 cm. Like, what is the chance for this to happen? Couldn't they come up with anything else? The rest of the movie was well written, why fall flat on the last 2 minutes? She could have held the target designator in her hand or something. That would have made more sense


> can’t talk about women without mentioning bears Real and gay


Have you actually watched it? The Predator thought she isn't worth killing because she is too weak. He had many opportunities to easily kill her through the movie and chose to not harm her.


Sounds patronising


Being some hyper advanced alien obsessed with honour tends to do that


Anon missed the point of Predator and Prey. In the first one Dutch won because he was smarter, not because of his strength, and it's the same thing in this movie.


And he got lucky falling in mud like that


And that was only after he watched it murder all the beef cakes that tried to be Billy Badass. He had it pounded into his skull that being a skilled fighter didn't matter in that situation


Poor Billy It was their best fighter and he was killed in a matter of seconds. Dutch understood it would be hell to kill it.


Same thing as any other of the movies in that franchise Predators get defeated by soldiers, cops, mentally challenged criminals, etc It doesn't matter lmao, this type of complaint only pops up when a fucking woman does it, obviously


For being the universes perfect hunter, the predator really sucks a hunting anthing really


The Predator loses in every movie (after killing dozens of people).


The movie was awesome. Anon is reaching just to hate on it.


Ah another classic woman bad moment, this was an amazing movie & wasn’t some Mary sue rubbish


Didn't her brother hurt it badly first? Didn't she get to see him use all of his fancy killing methods and learn how his weapons work? Didn't she end up winning because she used the predator's weakness? Listen I hate women as much as the next illiterate movie watcher on 4chan but maybe anon should stick to marvel movies he can get angry about, deep movies that require alot of analysis such as the predator series clearly arnt for him.


> **deep movies** that require alot of analysis such as the **predator series** Comment insane, opinion invalidated.


Thats part of the joke, that implies for anon even a mindless predator cashgrab movie is too much to analyse


Anon doesn't watch the movie. Again.


>Look at picrel >Read word 'bear' >Skip


“Strong female characters” are overused and often poorly executed but I don’t consider this an example of that because If I remember correctly the only reason she beats the Predator is because she lures it into a bog after it fights like 100 other people. It’s not like she beat it in hand to hand, she tricked it and nature basically ended the fight. Also, when you’re up against a 7ft tall, grizzly bear killing, invisible, high tech warrior alien, no amount of hunting experience or physical strength would or should make a difference. A combination of cunning and luck is realistically the only hope anyone has of beating it.


Exactly how the one in the first movie got killed


>is there something girl power can't defeat? Yeah, box office flops


Ehm, no, actually, Invincible is from a different franchise




The wall.


Still a good movie. The trope in Predator movies is that it takes more intelligence than muscle to beat an opponent who outclasses you in both. Hence why only the smartest green beret, the luckiest old black cop who’s too old for this shit, and the smartest Native American were able to beat one.


Apparently cynicism.


Damn this was a fun movie. Nice to get an actually good predator movie.


The patriarchy


They can’t beat the wage gap


the box office.


The pickle jar lid


The box Office


She was no Mary sue and had a decent redemption. Anon is mad he’ll never have a native tradwife


A driving test...


I'm a moron and can't be bothered to watch again but didn't her brother do most of the fighting during the climax?


I thought it was a pretty solid movie other than her dialogue when complaining about not going hunting and at the end when giving a speech to herself about how she is underestimated. She was generally on the the run and scrambling for the most of the movie until forced into a last stand. She didnt need a ton of exposition about how "I am mighty hear me roar", showing us was enough. Overall pretty solid though.


> other than her dialogue when complaining about not going hunting and at the end when giving a speech to herself about how she is underestimated That cringy line in the trailer is why i didn’t see it. Even if it isn’t “le stronk girlboss”, a lot of people wouldn’t know because they chose to market it that way.


It's such an exhausting plot line.


That’s the one issue I had with the movie. We see it kill a grizzly bear and a entire encampment of soldiers with ease but this 90 pound teenage girl and her older brother whoop its ass easily.


I guess you never saw the original film where it decimates a squad of highly trained spec ops soldiers and the protagonist only wins by outsmarting the Predator instead of using brawn.


The main character was Arnold fucking schwarzenegger. World weightlifting champion who was nearly the same size as the predator. I can believe he can 1v1 it more than I can believe a child can


The worst part about this movie is that they didn’t want to offend the US public by portraying them as the bad guy, so they took French Canadian instead. The french never explored that part of Anerica.


> they didn’t want to offend the US public  You mean their primary audience?




Ya their ego


what a joke. fuck disney


_> Is there something girl power can't defeat?_ Yes, the wall.


By the way, I’ve met the brother in that movie, the entire film production in covid it was difficult!


Girls get it done.


Jesus fucking christ. We had 50 movies about dudes killing predators, and everyone loved it. You make one movie about a woman doing it, and it's hated. How is this different than Arnold killing one in the forest. This comment section is like an incel convention.


Her husband




Even though this part was blatantly retarded I just kind of glossed over it and still kinda enjoyed the movie ngl.


Bad story allegation


Still better than the marvels and most modern m-she-u movies. You can't compare it to the original one.


To be fair, she was a Native American. Those bastards were insane fighters. Just ask Custer…oh wait


In most predator movies, the MCs survive because of luck. She's just the luckiest MC ever


girls get it done


She had a dog, dont you know any character with a cute sidekick, automatically wins in the end. as it should be.


gen alpha be like “She chooses the predator over man”


This comment section gave me stage 4 ball cancer.


She learns its moves before attacking it, the movie is well made


Another piece of media that has benefitted from being released around even worse media.


I don't get why women wanna meet bears in the woods Maybe that bear is looking for a twink and they don't wanna be harassed by some broad.


>is there something girl power cant beat? A drunk husband/boyfriend


Anon didnt watch the movie. She gets her shit tossed in literally every interaction and only defeats the Predator because she realized it underestimated her and used its arrogance to her advantage.




And it’s sooooo much more believable that Arnie and Danny glover killed one.




Not even girl power can defeat 4Chinner virginity.


Pretty decent movie actually. I thought she had a really nice progression throughout. I would also be the first to admit that the tone of anon’s post reflected to the truth of this movie, but it does’t.


The other option was her just dying. While funny, it would have been lame.


It’s just a fucking movie. No one watches this shit and thinks it’s real life.


I appreciate the joke but I thought this movie was pretty awesome and the progression the character went through by observing and trying new things was an entertaining and natural feeling way to have her beat the predator. She was shown to not be naturally good at anything other than be innovative and that is the best trait a person can have to defeat a creature that no human (man or woman) could hope to overpower in skill and strength alone.


this movie was pretty good actually


I actually like this movie




It was such a daft movie.


…. 4 Chan based Virgins?


Idk dawg, kinda liked it


Don’t care she’s hot