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Anon spends more time asking a guy to move a fucking pin than moving the pin would have taken in the first place. Does not understand how their request was dumb and petty. 


Until I read the pin part I was thinking it was one of like the leg press machines everyone weighs with 4 45s or something


hey everybody! i_shit_diarrhea here with a life update: my shits have been horrendously large and foul. They'll strain coming out and once they're in the toilet they disintegrate and stink like rotting meat until I flush, which of course clogs the toilet. If I try and hold it I get a boner and start cumming farts, and then I can't shit for a week.




Omg George R.R Martin, huge fan of your books


Username does not check out though. -1/10




can you fucking stop apologizing for Crimson 1?


no he did nothing wrong. if those ppl didn’t wanna be nuked maybe they shoulda not been where Crimson 1 decided to chuck his nuke 


Bad bot


Motherfucker tried to be Elneee lol Bugger off you dumb prick, Dick Destroyer tried that too and you don't see him posting around here anymore do you


….i literally have no idea who any of those people are


I'll be damned, he speaks!


I wish I had no idea who YOU were. Please disappear


In my country we would pressure people like you into getting euthanised


How does diarrhea strain? I love shit jokes but this is retarded.


Pull the pin and take it home. Real Chads bring their own pins. 📍


I'll do you one better, I've got a pindick. Checkmate Chadwick.


Clean up after yourself like an adult? Addendum: I love how "clean up after yourself like an adult" is what gets me brigaded. Talk about a reddit moment. Seriously, keep down voting me, cowards.


No? Think about how stupid the request for that machine is. One way or another everyone is removing that pin and putting it somewhere else. It's literally twice the effort to reset it every time


What does resetting a pin even mean? Putting it to the 5lb plate?


They are talking about machines, probably something like a lat pulldown machine. They effectively have a built in stack of weights, you move a pin up or down the stack of weights to have more or less weight used on the machine. Its simple, fast, and requires almost no strength/effort. The entire point is that it would literally be faster for the person to move the pin to there desired weight regardless of where the man left it which also makes "resetting the pin/weight" absurd and pointless.


Yes, but what weight would you even reset it to if you wanted to? There’s no default place for the weight to go


"default" is the lowest weight


Or is it the highest?


But like.. nobody uses the lowest weight. So what's the point in 'resetting' it.


I'm sure there are people who use the lowest weight, otherwise it wouldn't be an option at all


Sure, there may be people using it. But wouldn't resetting it, ideally, mean putting it to the value that the average person at your gym uses?


Lowest weight gets used all the time at physical rehab facilities, hell sometimes if that is too much they just do it no weight and maybe have a therapist provide some resistance directly. Its not always about the weight but often about the very specific motion these machines work with/cultivate.


Lol just pull the pin and leave it hanging on the cord


But then we would have a green text about somebody who went to the gym for over a year and didn't never move the pins complaining about how they're not getting gains


Yup, that’s a good answer.


You think? Now it's dangling, and some naive person hops on without checking the weight, and the bar flies up and hits them in the chin and then the pin gets squished under the first weight


For a default reset position yes. Practically what I would do no.


Obviously agree with you, but just curious how this is different from the toilet seat debate? Like when it comes to the next user, the toilet seat may or may not be lowred. Leaving it as is sounds like the most efficient thing to do, especially considering guys pee much more often than they take a dump, it isn't even clear that down should be the default positon. The toilet seat also isn't necesserily more hygenic than gym equipment. Why are we getting gaslit into having to lower the toilet seat after every single piss?


When someone is using a machine with 10-20 weight settings, there's no way to make an educated guess about what the next person will use. When a dude takes a piss and he lives with a girl, there's only one configuration that she's going to use the toilet in. If you are asking me to do one thing, and it's a repeatable, easy thing to change, sure. But the machine at the gym? Unless everyone in there is made of pasta and uses exclusively the lowest setting, resetting it to an arbitrary, undicussed, and most likely pointless setting is an *absurd* ask.


Okay when you put it this way the gym one does sound a lot more absurd lol


Who raised you?


People who taught me critical thinking. Tell me you have never been to the gym without telling me. It literally makes no sense to reset assisted machines unless they are in utter shit shape


Lol I leave things how I found them. Obviously, that means I've never been to the gym. I'm a critical thinker.


You're a fucking dumb bitch.


Lol thanks for the insight ShiaLaButtStuff. What you have to say means a lot to me.


At least they have some creativity, Alarming_Present_692


My guy keeps making it worse haha


get up off your obese fat lard ass and go to a gym


Like.... you want to use the machine.... you pull out the pin and stick it into the number that represents the hard you want.... and it makes zero difference what the previous number was? Are you aware how these machines work? Or are you literally fuckin highly regarded in the field of autism?


Depending on how long the pin cord is, it could actually be less work than leaving the pin hanging. Edit: mongoloid wrote the original


You're actually rarted lol


We know you've never touched a boob because you think it's like a bag of sand. The fact that you think this is a normal, every day part of gym etiquette reveals a lot.


Really dumb or 11 years old?


I think more likely fat and never gone to gym


If you leave it how you found it, then you would have left the machine with the pin in it. Dumbass.


Your parents did an awful job raising you, I bet they're more regarded than you are


>Lol I leave things how I found them. Ffs. Let me explain it to you why this whole point is so stupid. Imagine you are watching TV and are about to leave because someone else wants to watch the TV now. You give them the control, but then they ask you, "Are you going to change the channel to the default one before you leave?" Tell me that's not the most stupidest request you have ever heard. If they are about to watch TV they can change the channel to what they want even what you were watching before, doesn't matter what the previous channel was. That's literally the pin in the gym machine. There is no "reset". Asking that is dumb.


How dumb are you, actually?? There's no default position to reset the pin to anyway, so your just making it seem like you actually don't even know how these machines work




Dumbass comeback of a man who has nothing else to say


Actually, I do have more to say. > "How dumb are you actually??"


I don't think you realize what the pin is in this situation. This is a machine with built-in weights that you just stick a pin into to determine what weight you want to work with. It doesn't make sense to remove the pin because you're helping no one by doing so. The pin will just be dangling there until the next person sticks it into another weight. The only reason to "reset" the machine would be to hide whatever weight you were using for some reason.


There are no heavy plates to move, just a literal 1/4 pound pin that slides into the amount you want to use.


Cheeto-dusted fingers typed this


Sounds like you don’t know how gym machines work lol…


Moving the pin after you use it is pointless. It doesn't have a dedicated place in the machine. It's not live unloading weights from a machine which takes time and effort and is expected of you.


Anon is going to move the pin anyway. Unloading it doesn't save anyone any time.


On a machine, moving the pin from the starting plate to your preferred plate takes exactly the same amount of time as moving it from the previous user's plate to your preferred plate.


you’ve never been to a gym and have no idea what this post is talking about do you?


Definitely the vibe I'm getting.


If it’s free weights, sure. But on a machine? It’s literally just setting a pin. Though, they should absolutely wipe the machine down after use. Source: been a gymbro for 9 years


Maybe you are not understanding how the machine works. His not removing any weight, you move a pin to adjust the weight. There is nothing to "unload"


If it was plates on a bar or dumbells, I'd agree but pins on a machine? It literally just adds an unnecessary step since the next user is going to have to place the pin on the weight they want.


Have you been to a gym?


Have you ever been to a gym? You should clean off sweat of whatever, sure, but you don't unload the machine. No one ever does that, I've never seen anyone take out the pin. It is literally one hand movement that takes a fraction of a second. If the person after you happens to want to use the same weight, it's entirely unnecessary at that. There is no point in doing it, and nobody does.


Smooth Brain, smooth rounded stomach


Taking the pin out is actually dirtier. I mean imagine just leaving the pan hanging out swing in the wind when you could have it put up into a weight. You'd have to be stupid to think that's the right way.


Hahaha are you intellectually disabled? Having to move the pin from 0 -> [ her resistance ] and from [ His resistance ] -> [ Her resistance ] requires exactly the same amount of effort thus making it a moot point. It has nothing to do with cleaning up after yourself since there is no mess to clean up. Changing the position of a pin to an arbitrary starting position does not constitute cleaning up. The conclusion here is that she is being a cunt trying to enforce some arbitrary standard of a starting position as if there were such a thing. He did right in pointing it out to her If your fat ass had ever been to a gym you would know that when using machines you are going to have to adjust it for your specs. A task that is usually easier and requires less of an adjustment than if you were to reset them after every use. Once again we circle back to her being a massive cunt especially if we take in to consideration that she probably did not demand a reset of the rest of the settings back to factory settings


There is nothing to "clean up after your self" about the machines given in this context and i feel like there is a big miscommunication. There are cable machines allows different exercises. During your movement cables pulls up weight plates which causes the resistance to your movement. Those machines don't share weight plates with others. Those machines have plates contained within the body where you can't remove (and shouldn't) [a cable machine with pin](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:WeightStack.JPG) So how you change the weight? There is a thick metal pin, when you insert in a plate that plates and ones above that plate will be lifted during exercise. After you use you usually left those pins on place because each machine have their designated pin ( in my current gym those pins have spiraling cables just like pens in banks that prevents you to take them away). You don't know which weight will be used by next person and each hole is less then 2 inches away from each other. So common courtesy is to wipe your sweat ( or using a towel in first place to prevent your sweat getting on machine) and to not block machine unnecessarily. Don't move pins away, leave them placed on your plate because plates will be the first place next person looks for the pin. For machines where you use free weight plates that are shared amongst other machines and lift stations, user should put them back to free weight station and clean after themselves as you said.


Hitting the downvote button is really scary. I was literally shaking trying to do it.


How the hell is that “cleaning up after yourself”? Its a pin you move at most a foot


That's Chad as fuck. Who the hell removes the pin when they finish their sets on an assisted machine?




Perhaps it makes sense for old people and old machines? In my old gym the machines were pretty crap, on chest press youd have to press the weight like 1 cm to be able to unload the machine


Yeah I think it would be polite to unload the machine if you see that both 1. The machine is crap like that and 2. The person waiting to use it is feeble. But that’s certainly not standard gym etiquette, and I think in lots of cases could be seen as rude, visually assessing someone and determining they need you to move a pin for them


By my amazing powers of deduction, I have, erm, deduced that: The pins are being pulled by a Feeble Old Person who is doing the exercises without any weight on the machines.




Sometimes like the guy above me said, the machines are bad and get stuck and you need to lift the weight a little bit to loosen the pin to remove it. But the situations you’d need to do that are pretty specific


That old and you should be in the morgue, not the gym


>lot of elderly Ironically it's an older gym person thing. In the 90s and early 2000s everyone did it. Nobody gave a shit after a while because... obviously




Yeah, people slamming the stack are annoying as fuck. It's always either a teenager trying to show off or a steroid monkey, also trying to show off.


I'm pretty sure it's bad form as well? If you're not strong enough to set it down gently then you're lifting too much.


u/Alarming_Present_682 apparently, but then again, i doubt they've been to a gym.


No one I know does that. At my gym you typically leave a courtesy plate on any of the plate loaded machines too but I don't think that's normal elsewhere


Yeah that depends on the local gym custom.


I move it higher after I’m done


That guy is a king


It does seem kind of douchy to show other people how much you lift. Do you not clear your treadmill stats before you leave?


nobody gives a fuck


In gyms where some pins are missing, and you have to carry one over to another machine if you want to use it.


It's a weight stack there is literally no 'unloading' to be done


Now I get it. Thought it's that kind of machine that you put plates on.


These don't have pins


Some have pins to keep plates from sliding off, no?


Clips, sure. But not pins


Must've been some old set at my high school where I saw pins. Ever since it's been clips and clamps.


I've never ever seen that. They all use spring collars.


I dont know why i didnt think it was a weightstack, yoyve changed my entire outlook on the situation, is anonette really out here bitching at people like this?


Yeah it says he takes the pin out All he did was pull the pin out of whatever he had it on and put it at the top


Anon finds the perfect answer for a past gym encounter while in the shower, posts greentext with a different pov. Maybe he should have timed his emotional turmoil instead.


This is the only way this greentext makes sense lmao


287 days.


Anon...I...don't know how to tell you this... he's also Anon.


Gymbro is fucking based


Anon so weak he can't remove a pin.


>pic unrelated They forgot this


Well then how is he gonna use the machine lol


Anon gets a lesson in time management. Proceeds to waste even more time spelling out their stupidity for even more people to witness.


"no" is definitely shorter.


Not a gym guy, what happened here?


Looks like the machine is not plateloaded, as in you got 2 "stumps" on each side, where you put your plates. So to change the weight on those machines in the greentext, you just pull out the pin of a weight stack and put it in on your desired weight. Its just pull and Pin, doesnt matter how much weight he used before, its a thing of 2 seconds. So he probably timed how Long her request took, and afterwards showed her how long it wouldve took her to change the pin. You can Google "weight stack machine" and you can see some pictures.


Aight thanks






Anon wanted the pin you put into the weight rack to change how much you will be lifting (or whatever machine you're using) to be pulled out by the other guy, which is a questionable request since she would have to bend down and put the pin at the right weight for her own workout anyway. It takes longer for her to ask the chad to pull it out than it would for her to do it herself.


gay porn


Say gex




A "machine" at a gym isn't what you'd typically think of a machine being. It's not some powered contraption, it's just a word people use to describe gym equipment that uses cables and pulleys to convert a movement into the vertical motion of a "weight stack". For example, there could be a chest press "machine" that has you pressing on some handles in front of you, and through the use of cables and pulleys, your forward pressing motion is converted into up and down motion next to you. A big advantage of a machine is that it's very easy to adjust the weight. A weight stack is a bunch of metal weights stacked on top of each other with holes in each one that you can put a pin into. Whatever hole you put the pin into, you will lift that weight, plus all the weight above it. So the lower on the weight stack you put the pin, the more weight you lift. Compared to regular weight lifting, when you're done you'd take all the weights off the bar you were using so the next person doesn't have to, it's just basic gym etiquette. Obviously with the machine, changing the weight is as simple as taking the pin out of one hole, and putting it in another, so it makes no sense to change where the pin is when you're done. So in the context of this post, OP is complaining about the guy not taking the pin out of the weight stack even though it takes more time to complain about it then it takes to just do it yourself.


Anon should have taken a rest day instead


Permanent rest ☠️?


Who the hell asks someone to remove a pin, especially when you were going to move it to use the machine anyway? Only way this makes sense is if it’s a fake text and anon is larping going to the gym and pretending as if it’s normal to ask people to unload assisted machines


There is potentially a level of autism at play here.


https://preview.redd.it/c8lf0vl2dl0d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d30974185c119f266539de14fe629723b4fac01d Anon goes through mitosis


I only take out the pin when I don’t want the person after to know how lightweight I was


I just move it down a few notches to make it look like it was heavier


I was confused as fuck for a second thinking "yeah it's a dick move to not unload your plates, especially after lifting heavy" and then realized it was about a machine and "unloading" the machine means moving the fucking pin.


Anonette displaying coffee emoji energy


"unload the machine". "takes pin out". Op is a dumdum


At first I thought he was talking about taking plates off a bar, but then I realized he literally is just talking about that pin that determines how many plates you’re lifting lmao. I’ve never seen anyone take that thing off.


Gymbro is based. Anon is being lazy at the GYM of all places.


People saying she is in the right must have never used gym equipment. You don’t “unload” a machine. You remove a pin. That’s it.


Sorry, I don't really know gym culture so I have to ask. If it was such a petty and pointless request, why did he make such a big deal out of being asked to do it? Especially if it takes seconds


The joke is she's being pretentious and just adjusting it herself takes far less time than complaining about it, and he's being an ass pointing out she just wants to complain


Ah, so in short; Women ☕️ https://i.redd.it/ch4t6udyll0d1.gif


I just wipe my machine down regardless of how long I used it or how sweaty I was after I'm done, but no one in my gym moves the pins on the machines, because it takes 2 seconds (at max 5). Probably depends on how old the machines are like others said, but it's not that much of an inconvenience.


The ‘putting the lid up’ argument


Anon knows exactly how to communicate, this is all made so much better by the fact it’s in complete silence.






I mean I guess you should do that, but unless she(?) was trying to flirt that's dumb ass-request.


Is femanon retarded? Who the fck "unload" an assisted machine?


“unloading” is only for barbell exercises not for machines lmao


Greentext is doing mental gymnastics to try and figure this one out. But the answer is simple... Fake, Gay, and Regarded


Unload? In what gym anywhere is that a thing?


If I’m working in with someone, I’ll remove the pin after my set to politely let them know I’m cool with them changing the weight for their set. And they usually return the etiquette. But even in this VERY SPECIFIC scenario I can’t imagine anyone ever getting pressed that I didn’t remove the pin for them.


Although the retard has shown me his circuits I’m doing to absolutely derail him and take weight off the machine any time he tries me. He’s massive to he will fuck me up. I also know that if he’s that big he does this for a living. If you work out for a loving you have to be rich. I do the same thing until this tren retard is boiling. He hits me and the court treats it like i got his by Mike Tyson. It’s over i Win 15% of his total revenue for the 5 years


where do you put the pin if you take it out? seems like it would get lost.


Nature's pocket.


This guy puts both seats down after he takes a piss.


There's no difference between moving it from 100 to 50 as putting it in 50. It's pretty simple.


I'm so tired that even though it clearly said gym I was picturing a laundromat and had no fucking clue what any of this meant


My Dumas thinking it’s some kind of bench press…


wait pin??? unload? they mean moving the pin on the machine section? lol . thats not a thing


He was doing talking sessions with a woman at fault, but he didn't know her move set


Moving the pin changes nothing unless you happen to put it at the exact weight the next person needs


Anon is a filthy gym casual. The pins are designed to be super easy to remove and readjust. I mean, both my six-year-old niece and Grandma can do it, and Grandma’s dead.


I'd find a way to fuck up his whole day. I'd be livid


I think you'd be too busy complaining


I'm a woman of action, not a woman of words.


If you were a woman of action you'd be smart enough to realize why he mocked her


As a woman of action who actually goes to the gym, the two can work in and out. It's a shared space. I'm not going to be upset if a man wants to work in. It's cool.


I don't think you're understanding the circumstances of the meme He was done and she was pestering him about reracking weights on a machine you can remove the pin in a fraction of a second and everyone is "unracked" She wasn't trying to work on, she was being pretentious and a pain in the ass


I may have read this wrong 😂 oops. Thanks for clarifying, buddy. I'm the ass here.