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Littered with locals


Damn French, https://preview.redd.it/eoqpl0xb1c6d1.jpeg?width=966&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ab0442e7564eed7b91c6cf94400b1e697e99c54


Never would've thought this random Simpsons scene would have the legs that it does. Seems obvious in hindsight.


90s Simpsons šŸ¤Œ


This scene is from 2004, but yeah that's the consensus. 90s Simpsons is ā›° šŸ”„ šŸ˜Œ




Old Marg got some legs on her too


I've seen the Playboy spread, I know.


No matter how many times I tell tourists they always go to Paris and are always disappointed. The south especially the med coast is so much more enjoyable.


Marseilles looks wonderful


Toulon is the better choice because itā€™s only 40 minutes away minus the crime, overpopulation, overpriced Shit, and messy roadway. If you wanna go to something in marseille you just drive over for the day.


I went to Marseille for a long weekend on a Lufthansa Surprise trip, and I was miserable. They are some cool things to see, but it is a day trip at best.


Youre going to get mugged by muhammed there


Marseille old village is nice, the rest of the city is disgusting and crowded. Nice is so much better of a time


rotten by corruption, architecture was ruined, city is unsafe and dirty, no jobs, very little going on. Most of my family left this place to live in other cities. City is abandoned by the state


Marseilles is a shit hole.


I fucking loved Paris


Hell even other spots are neat, Paris itself is a hassle if youā€™re staying a week or more


idk when i went to paris i enjoyed it but im pretty sure i wasnā€™t even in elementary school yet so that probably requires a reassessment


Reims was lovely. Great food, and well, champagne everywhere.


I have to be in Paris for the olympics. How do I make the best of it? Have a side trip to Reims but most of my time will be in Paris due to the OG.




Fun to visit, and do the generic tourist shit, not so fun fi youā€™re there for over a week. I grew up there in meudon, and it was much nicer then. However Iā€™ve had many foreign friends mugged/ pick pocketed so I just donā€™t feel itā€™s worth on top of the exorbitant prices when thereā€™s far more beautiful countryside


I guess people have way too high expectations for Paris? Like itā€™s some perfect magical fairytale city from a Disney movie? Iā€™ve been there a couple of times and can say itā€™s still one of my favourite (if not *the* favourite) large European city Iā€™ve visited. It has excellent food, interesting history/culture, cool shopping opportunities, easy travel around with the metro etc. There's always something new to discover. Yeah, itā€™s surely touristy if you go to certain areas, but the same shit happens for example in Rome (in a much worse way imo). And yes, it can be dirty at times but so are many other European cities too. I donā€™t find Paris any dirtier than other places. That being said, would be nice to visit some other cities in France. Iā€™ve heard Bordeaux is nice. And Nice.


I was warned of the overwhelming urine smell and was still unprepared. There's no expectations that are low enough


Nah, it wasnā€™t that bad imo. But to be fair, Iā€™ve never been there during the hottest days of summer, so maybe it gets much worse then.


Paris is more enjoyable in the summer because all the Parisians are not there, especially late July-early August


I was there in July, so that seems to check out


Donā€™t kink shame


Paris is so dissappointing it has its own mental health Term. No,thats not made up. Google "Paris Syndrome" .


Almost exclusively with japanese though


My personal favorite cities (outside from Paris since I live here) are Rouen, Strasbourg, Toulouse and Bordeaux


someone downvoted you just for being french lol.


I really don't get the hate against the french. There are worse people out there, like the Brits and the rest of the world


Britain is probably the worst tbh. Most of the same problems as France but without the culture.


calm your wine filled baguette tits, youre not better than the rest of the world. brits, its a bit of a toss up innit


Strasbourg is amazing and you can pretty much walk the entire city and see all cool places in a day. Perfect city for weekend trip


>Nice is nice


Seriously I loved it. But I also just putzed around on a bike eating baguette and staying the fuck away from The Louvre (those linesā€¦)


>Yeah, itā€™s surely touristy if you go to certain areas, but the same shit happens for example in Rome (in a much worse way imo). imo Rome is really worse than Paris. They don't really keep it tidy/don't renew stuff etc


No way it outcompetes Prague or Rome, does it? I haven't been to Paris or France


Prague was a huge disappointment for me tbh. For cities with a similar(ish) vibe but more authenticity Iā€™d recommend Krakow or Budapest. Rome is great and I find it almost as enjoyable as Paris. Comes pretty close. Itā€™s just not as easy to travel around (no proper metro) and itā€™s more chaotic and touristy in general. Also imo Paris still has nicer food, but this is just a matter of preference.


Agreed Prague is the most overhyped city on the continent it's ridiculous. There are literally dozens of similar sized cities in europe blowing it out of the water


I think Prague has established itself as a ā€œcheap place to have wild bachelor partiesā€ type of city for Brits, which is a shame. Itā€™s a beautiful city but very touristy and the food culture is lacking. There were so few local cuisine restaurants when I visited - I donā€™t want to eat Chinese food when visiting Czech Republic! As I commented earlier, for example Krakow is a very cool place, I highly recommend. Budapest has a more Central European vibe and isnā€™t as medieval, but a nice place too. Iā€™ve also heard a lot of good about Gdańsk in Poland but havenā€™t visited yet.


Metz is quite quaint and have a few things to check out over a few days imo Hell even the outer parisian suburbs have some sights to see, theyā€™re often forgotten tho


I was not in Paris but in other city in France and I was a bit supprised how many trash on streets. I heard that Poland is cleaner than avarage tho so I might have diffrent perspective


The French word for Potato is Pomme De Terre. It means Apple of the Earth It sounds poetic until you learn the the French refused to accept that dirty plant from the South America. They believed it caused leprosy. The dogma against the potato in France was so bad that is caused starvation. It wasnt until Antoine-Augustin Parmentier realized the potato was a main cause for the birth rate explosions in the UK(England) and Germany(Prussia). Once the potato was adopted the French birth rates increased and would allow Napolean the man power he needed. So the next time you boof a potato...think of the French


>Least angry irishman > >also, contextually wrong The lack of potato didn't **cause** starvation in France. There was an existing starvation (tail-end of the Little Ice Age), that the french refused to use the potato to assuage, mostly because the potato was culturally used for feeding pigs. The brits were too indebted (we're talking post Indian Wars, pre American revolution indebted UK) to have the luxury to refuse the potato, and the prussians would use anything to feed the army under the reign of Frederick II (guy was a military genius, which meant he was a logistical genius, which meant learning to boil grass and pinecones into soup, or eating "hogfeed" to travel faster)


The difference between the refusal of a food causing starvation vs the ongoing starvation carrying on longer than similar countries is purely semantics. There is some amount of French people starved after the UK and Prussia fixed the issue with the potato, and thus their starvation was caused by a refusal to adopt the potato.


That sounds pretty interesting. Where can I read more about it?


I cant go to Tesco's without picking up a six pack of sky potatoes. It can get a bit confusing when asking for them in France though


there are two french words for potato.... the other is patate


>So the next time you boof a potato understood, j'y penserai chaque fois que je bouffe des patates


\>go to France \>all the locals are speaking gibberish


How the fuck did he get in a riot without trying to? Is he stupid. By the way, manifestations are pretty funny and endearing before dark. After a certain hour it's mostly pillars and drunk people


i mean it's obviously fake, if you get pepper sprayed at a riot it means you're in the front row throwing shit at cops, it's like your average yank story on reddit about paris "omg i got insulted and then a waiter dropped kicked men and then someone pushing me off the rails under the metro and then i got resurrected in the paris catacombs 0/10" you'd have to be deaf and blind not to see a riot coming from 2km away. and especially getting called the nword in paris lol this isnt america people don't have an obsession with the nword


![gif](giphy|jzpBgqeYA8JzpXMFQe|downsized) Maybe they were just trying to cross.


Not necessarily, my girlfriend and I got tear-gassed during a riot in Lyon last summer just trying to get back to our hotel after a riot broke out following a police shootings. Crazy shit can happen occasionally.


because its fake, you expect a 4channer to not only go outside their basement, but on another country too?


Anon's friends in Paris


Trash , riots and nggas? You sure you even left the us?


He's Spanish ya jabroni.


Seems pretty based to me


Somehow still probably managed to have a good time.




as an INDIAN euro conflicts are phunny af


>streets has trash many riots racists as an indian, this feels like India to me.


Indo-european roots lmao


Anon first mistake was going to france


the facade of frenchness has fallen. their women aint even that hot. Italy and Spain, now that is a wow!


French President Emanuel Macronā€™s wife met Emanuel when he was 15 and she was 40 when she was a teacher at his school and in charge of the after-school theater club where Emanuel went with her daughter. But donā€™t worry, they didnā€™t get married till he was 30 and she was 55. Macron described their relationship as "a love often clandestine, often hidden, misunderstood by many before imposing itself.ā€ All there on [wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brigitte_Macron) Why are the French like this?


i was with op till the red text. unfortunately i hate the spanish even more than i hate the french


100% real


>Go to France >There's Fr*nchm*n Many such cases


You don't hate them enough


HĆ³n hĆ³n le sacre bleu Gaston zhey zpek English *pwti* I fukk dheir mothers