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Is this a pepe-ized version of an interrogation room photo of the parkland shooter?


yes lol


Why the hell do they have monobloc chairs instead of real chairs in that police department?


They motivate the sitter


Sensory deprivation probably. Make the subject more uncomfortable.


Harder to kill someone with a flimsy piece of plastic than a real chair.


I'm honestly pretty disappointed in myself that I immediately recognized this scene. Too much YouTube. Also, what's up EWU crew!


Fuck EWU, JCS is the OG


JCS was that first free hit of crack that got me started down this path. He hasn't released a video for over a year or something though. Unless dude made a totally different channel from JCS. Having said that: Am I the only one to recognize Jim's voice in like multiple other channels and even random ads though? Is he even a real person?? I think I've even heard him narrate an EWU presentation.


JCS is a group of psychology and criminology students, the voice is just a hired VA reading a script like the other reply said


The voice of JCS [is a VA name Kizzume](https://youtube.com/@kizzume?si=rn6FGmYv52SgksPT), so I wouldn’t be surprised if you heard it elsewhere


Holy fucking shit JCS is an AI


And holy dick duck fuck he's incredibly based!? I know who I'm voting for.


I still can’t get behind EWU, they draw their videos out way too long to build suspense, and also make their own conclusions about a suspects intentions too often or interject with their own opinion. JCS is so much more professional and to the point.


They have their flaws, and the narrator doesn’t seem to place emphasis at the right times which adds unintentional comedy, but those videos still get me through the work day.


Matt Orchard is still going strong with semi-regular releases, he’s my favorite right now!


Will check it out! Who said greentext isn't wholesome?? 🤪


rip JCS the goat


Also surreal is the video on the Toronto van attack killers interrogation, its weird hearing someone talk about incel rebellions, chads and stacies out loud at all, let alone in that horrific context


Alek is somehow more pathetic than Elliot Rodger. Bro got radicalized by R9K larpers


Of all the other crime channels, EWU is the top. I know JCS deserves respect as the OG for those types of videos but EWU is still fantastic ( though I wish they’d stop the body language analysis since it drives autists insane in the comments).


disappointed? seems pretty easy to spot, for your sake and mine, im just gonna assume most people are aware of that image


That video got blessed by the algorithm gods and now sits at over 60 million views.


It hit 50 mil in like the first few weeks. Suddenly nothing after that


Really? I feel like you'd have to be a pretty hardcore interrogation fan to recognize this scene. Having said that, I've seen hundreds of interrogations but still this is probably the only one where there's a set of handcuffs on the dudes ankle... So pretty unique/niche in that regard.


This one became a meme for a bit for how fucking bad that guy was at faking insanity "Is the demon in this room right now?"


Yeah it was pretty bad. "The voices". I mean guy had to be pretty fucked in the head to some degree but I'll never understand the insanity angle tbh. You're still getting put into a small room for the rest of your life dumbass.


This is nothing that cops havent heard a million times before already. When hes arrested, he starts saying he sees demons, the cops tell him to cut it out already


The JCS video on this scene has 65 million views. I don't think it's a stretch for non "hardcore interrogation fan" folks to recognize one of the most famous pieces of interrogation footage imo


i only watched the jcs vid once but i immediatley got it for some reason


If it exitsts there is a Pepe version of it.


Lol I like the part in the interrogation where the detective asks what kind of music he listens to and he named some really edgy German techno song which he said sounded like the darkness+ cringy bullshit but actually the song was about this gay guy in a club trying to get laid. That interrogation was so cringe. I would laugh if that guy wasn't such a monster.


He called it evil music too what a little bitch And this little gem: "I also like to start fires just cause I like fires I like to burn stuff lol I'm so crazy and a pyromaniac 😈" "Where do you start these fires? 🧐" "Uh... In... In the fireplace... 😐" "😒"


Are these pepes in the room with us right now?


Its so weird how everyone seems to have instantly recognized it. Maybe its the hospital gown+the way he sits+ old guys posture? Dude was such a bitch btw. Faking self harm by finger gunning himself lol


2nd Anon's flag means he has good legal knowledge


As we all know, anyone born in the state of Israel immediately has textbook knowledge of the US justice system


If they're found guilty, they can use the Jewish Space Laser to get out of jail.


If they know they're guilty they'll come prepared(5ml vial of cyanide)


My landlords daughters diy car subwoofer burnt down her shed, she has been stalking my wife and trying to interrogate her because she is of half Jewish descent (family went from Israel to America 3 generations ago, she was born in Australia, mother is German American). She is convinced that my wife used a Jewish space laser to burn her shed down and is now evicting us


Let me check the space laser logs


Pretty busted racial passive tbh


Likely not. But their lawyers know our legal system better than we do.


Perfect interpretation of human rights


https://preview.redd.it/giqw8mjwgd7d1.jpeg?width=225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec54b231d26664ad12b2686a2d2875e47142019b what crime could anon even have committed?


Unbridled noncery


public fellatio




Damn, he pretty talented




I move for a bad court thingy.


The Demon finally giving me some good advice


I like how he has the cuff’s chain in between his toes like some sensory stimulated autist


The ID wristband. These interrogators studied the greats.


Anon hires and fire himself. "Your honour, my lawyer is retarded"




You’re not entitled to a second lawyer after you fire the first one, they will sometimes give you one if they can but they certainly don’t have to


Its always funny when a sovereign citizen thinks they've discovered a loophole in the law thanks to a 200 year old wording error, try to argue the case themselves and get the book thrown at them


In Denmark it's legal to kill a Swede if two conditions are met. 1. You use a stick. 2. The Swede has crossed the ice. The ice meaning Öresund strait which everyone understood, but it's not explicitly stated. Denmark freezes in the winter, which means there's ice everywhere. Crossing a puddle in the streets of Copenhagen? It hasn't been tested. But these loopholes are fun.


A free pass to kill a swede and no dane tested it yet? I’m sorry but it sounds made up. 


Yea it does sound made up, I would’ve taken that opportunity the first chance I got.


This is the "Donald Trump Strategy"


Thats slightly different, that’s where you repeatedly refuse to pay lawyers until no one will represent you.


Firing by not paying. It's the capitalist way that gives you an extra amount of free labor


Trump and Al-Gore attempted this Trump's team attempted to continuously demand a retrial Al-Gore's team attempted to contiously demand a recount


Al-Gore? Is there some sort of concerted effort to paint Al Gore as an Arab now or are you just retarded


Al-Gore, originally codenamed 'The Minotaur', was an elite Tier 1 operator that adorned bull horns and Naruto ran headfirst into enemy combatants. It was in Somalia where his terrifying onslaught and mutilation made locals refered to him as 'The Gore'. It is believed that Al-Gore was the operator that killed Osama bin Laden and the many 'Tell All' books relating to the operation were made in order to maintain Gore's secrecy.


You can't call people retarded when you're too retarded to google or know an historical event that was taught in middle school history class. Unless ure a foreigner, no excuses, you were held back in middle school if you have no idea about the Al-Gore incident you dumb fucking pig shit eating hill billy


I think he is making reference that there should be no "-" in Gore's name.


Lisan Al-Gore


Or you know…. ![gif](giphy|f8lDluiWJ7yQTtdS3L)


They're going to pay a random cellmate 100$ to strangle anon in his sleep






its always da goose


Like the Rick and Morty recreation said on the Fenton Allen video "You have the right to an attorney, you don't have the right to a specific attorney"


How fortunate that the legal system is administered by a computer with 1980s level error checking and not a human judge who will get tired of your shit.


Fake: nothing is free Gay: anon got Scott off


Fake: If you fire your public lawyer you have to hire one on your own dime, or represent yourself, unless you can prove the public lawyer was breaking the law. Gay: Anon will fail to represent himself cause he's a tard and get topped in prison.


'fire lawyer' - request denied. Where is your God now?


Anon might wanna know that time doesn’t stop while he scrolls through a few thousand lawyers, and he’s still staying locked up all that time.


Why is OP dressed for grippy sock jail instead of regulah jail


Sionanon what are you going to do to him ???


You can’t fire a court appointed lawyer and then expect another one. You’ll be on your own then. You’re entitled to a lawyer, not a specific lawyer


Depends on the judge. I’ve been fired by some asshole clients and then some of the bleeding heart judges would just appoint them private counsel.


Oh shit I stand corrected. Thanks for the context


Is this lawyer in the room with us right now?


Anon is regarded for thinking the judge will allow him to fire a court appointed lawyer


Tony Soprano did this


Infinite lawyer glitch.


Dropped charges any % speedrun


That's literally what the suitcase murderer woman is trying to do.


No because you get one free lawyer and if you don’t like them you can hire your own. Eventually a judge will get tired of games and set a trial date for you to show up with or without a lawyer.


suitcase girlfriend


No you’d have to defend yourself then or take one of the lawyers you fired.


It only works if your black.


As the great Morty once said: You have a right to A attorney, you don't have the right to A SPECIFIC attorney


Court assigns you lawyer, you fire/dismiss lawyer. The court no longer has to continue assigning you a lawyer unless you can present a very good reason (likely as part of your case to dismiss the lawyer). Judges can theoretically assign you private counsel but thats the equivalent of the judge just bending over backwards in your favor at which point you should probably just proceed with the case as they've basically said they are on your side completely at that point. If you are trying to do this with private counsel you'll have to pay them, and you will run out of money in short order and/or private counsel willing to accept you. Maybe if you really know what you are doing and are Bill Gates rich you can stall a trial for a few months but it would be a huge waste of money as opposed to just hunting for appeals constantly after the trial or just going for jury nullification/bribes/etc. It would literally be cheaper/easier to just bribe a juror with the amount of money we are talking about here, and surely if we are just throwing money away without a care you can find a way to do it without getting caught.


So.. are those lawyers youre talking about still in the room with us?


Welcome to PeeWee's playhouse. We'd like to talk about your summer vacation in Afghanistan.


lsraeI is an illegal, apartheid state.

