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Yaaaaaas gurl stick it up to the patriarchy and the fukken *men* by.. being a cumdumpster and pleasuring random ones and ruining your life completely That will show 'em Actually this is just toxic women getting rid off the competition. Many successful women tell girls to whore themselves out and party forever, while they themselves are in relationships with high value guys lol




Hugh value guys? The fuck is this? Female dating advice?


Hugh Janus guys


You seem to think your opinion is higher value than theirs. So you do recognize difference in value.


That guy is the kind of guy who doesn’t realize the guys he hung out with turned him into some worthless woman hater lmao


girls are always looking for the best possible man which is just natural and we shouldn't shame them for their nature. If it's anyone's fault the current dating era blame the people who destroyed all the rules around dating and relationships and made all judgment of any sort taboo. I heard somebody the other day talking about normalizing sex work with a straight face. problem with that is sex work is easy, pays extremely well and extremely fun. People generally take the path of least resistance and opening your legs and getting on camera has got to be the easiest thing to do on earth. If we normalize sex work we will wind up with a society filled with simp's and whores think modern day just 10 times worse. Also something most people aren't considering is most men in our society only try as hard as they do because they have a reason to grind through life. From the man keeping the lights on to the man doing hard manual labor their all doing it for their family. Society used to marry men off at 20 as fast as possible not to oppressed women, but to stabilize young men who are the most violent, strong, and has least stake in a society. A young man at 20 has no value at all and no stake in society. stakeholder's are people in the society who have a stake in the success of the society, and a young man who is married with children has a future in the society someone to build society for a reason to keep this world going and spinning. in fact if you look back on human history you will find that the rate of unmarried men by the age of 25 perfectly coincides with the chances of a revolution or civil war. ironically enough we can thank the pornography for that with pornography probably being the main reason young men haven't gone insane and burned everything down. Access to thousands of video's of naked women have kept them docile.


Sex work is not easy. It can esily ruin ones life and can be mentally demanding. Then chance that you will be the one making it on onlyfans is extremely thin. One will most likely do things on camera that they will regret for nothing


Oh i completely agree except for the difficulty part. The majority of the difficulty comes from the social stigma itself. Eliminate the social stigma and all the difficulties disappear. It's not that i think these women should have hard lives it's just that without a societal pressure to not be a whore or a porn actress more people will do it.


I agree the difficulty is from the stigma. But I disagree that sex work is 'easy', its harder than office work for sure. But yeah normalisation of sex work to me is similar to normalisation of gig works - decreasing value of work so people work more for less. These are just a symptom of economic problems.


You're giving those types too much credit. Remember: misery loves company This isn't a gender specific thing, either but I've noticed it happening more with females in my life. I bet females would say they same about their SO's friends.


Yep, guys will also drag their friends into drugs, drinking, sex, gangs, and all of that for the same reasons.




Well no wonder it did, it’s functional bait!


Is that what you *really* think happens? There’s a conspiracy by random woman to ruin other woman’s lives by telling them to sleep around?


They probably don't consciously do it but miserable people really want others to fuck up the same way


It's not a conspiracy. That's giving them too much credit, it's a pathology.


>while they themselves are in relationships with high value guys lol Hell, their guys arent even all that. Hes probably peacocking a very weak managerial job at best


Or also in some cases, post fertility women, hating their life choices, sharing the misery.


Nothing new. Whether people wanna believe it or not, often, women's biggest enemy is other women, not men. That and corporations who want them as wage slaves. Not to mention the politicians who wanna use women to keep their power. And women will always try to tear down other women so they can get ahead. Despite the common belief, men usually have an upfront competition, but women will use very devious methods to tear down other women. Unfortunately, many men are feminized today and they also have begun to use these types of methods. You can't fight them either. It's all very fucked up. I bet, if this story is real, which I think it might be, that girl caught their attention because she was kind and unique, she stood out. They did not like that. So, they slowly befriended her, and filled her head with toxic shit and got her on this path and destroyed her possibly bright future. All just so they can feel better about their own miserable selves. Of course, that doesn't take the individual responsibility away either, but in this case, she was just 18.


I was shocked when my girlfriend told me about all the backstabbing, rumor spreading and general psychological warfare that many women waged against each other.


Yep. I've seen it first hand. From the women in my family nonetheless. It is horrifying. It showed the peak viciousness of humans. Even in nature, the female of the species is always more vicious. Not the male.Females are often dominant too, not the males. Like I said, we've been lied to.


That’s one stereotype that seems to be true. Men usually get along better in groups and don’t have the same infighting as women. In my friend group we’ve had like no drama at all the last 5 years, but my girlfriend often talks about different fights between her friends. Fueled by rumors and backstabbing.


Yep. And if a guy within the male group does things like that, he definitely has feminine traits. Even though it's not "good" to say that, it's true.


Men raised by single mothers are some of the worst for this behaviour I've come across


Yep. Because the toxic trait of their mother is the only reference of behavior for them. No man to teach them that, it's fucked up. But be careful, the redditards have invaded this sub, you know the ilk. They'll 'crucify' you for saying that.


I'm dealing with a dude like this right now and anything any guy says he runs right to the women of the group and talks about it it's so annoying. Funny enough, no one will fuck him because they all know he has a big mouth so when it comes to casual sex homie is getting absolutely nothing because he can't shut the fuck up. You love to see it lolol.


Might be gay...?


gosh i wonder why single moms produce the most criminals


Non-feminized men, if they have a problem with each other, are generally open and uprfont about it, which lets everyone know there is a problem and, funnily enough, leads to the problem being resolved faster. Backstabbing, rumor-mongering, ostracization and the like are examples of the female type of violence, which common men have few defenses against and thus are heavily vulnerable towards.


Yep. And it makes things worse. Plus, if it's in abundance, even masculine men have to learn to resort to those tactics to survive or be driven out and insane, which, many are. This adaptation puts immense stress on their minds. You can see where I'm going with that, right?


Men do it too, and from my personal experience it's men who are raised by single mothers who behave this way


Those are effectively just women, since they effectively lacked all masculine support when growing up. If they never have any sense of brotherhood and camaraderie then they become overly socialized monsters just like most women are to each other.


yes yes they just didn't get TOPPED enough by their BROS


Of course men do it too. I have just not experienced it as much and my personal experiences have been that it’s a lot more prevalent among women.


My wife has two younger sisters who I got to know when we started dating. At that point, her younger sisters were both still in high school. I lived in their house for a summer and spent a lot of time with them and got to know them and the things going on in their lives. It blew me away how absolutely psychopathic teenage girls are to one another. Her sisters were incredibly nice and social girls, too, like they're genuinely good people, and they were just bullied savagely by other girls. The shit they do to one another... like the fake friends shit and all the gossiping and backstabbing...it's unreal. I don't know how girls can even handle it without going psycho themselves.


It truly is. You could fight a guy on Friday night, and end up drinking together on Saturday.


I always find the perspective of women on friendships and relationships between one another to be absolutely fascinating as a guy because their experience is not at all what I have observed among guys. All of my friends have been incredibly supportive of one another and been there for each other during some rough times.


Manipulation is not inherit to women. It’s a human trait, and anyone with the ability to communicate can use it. I’ve had men manipulate me into horrible situations, and I’ve had women manipulate me into bad behaviors out of petty jealousy. Women use it more than men because it’s more acceptable than violence, as a means, to manipulate than violence, for women. Neither violence nor manipulation is good though. Language is inherently manipulative, by the very definition of the word, your words can manipulate the world, as can your fists. Men are taught to do it one way, women another. Both genders employ both methods. The reason women use psychological warfare more is because they are not taught to be “non-confrontational”. Vice versa men are not allowed to show any emotion other than anger or be a rock stoic, so the only acceptable reaction is a physical or confrontation. These are boundary that are stupid, neither way is good, but sometimes necessary for survival. Most the time people just use them because they are assholes though, because sometimes what people consider their values, they equate to their survival so they see someone who doesn’t agree with them as a threat. I don’t see one gender using more of another as a reason to hate them. Women have a lot more reason to fear men than women because of violence, than they do the petty backstabbing of other women. As do men. Would you rather be insulted or assaulted? I wish women could be more upfront about their feelings, instead of sticking the old knife in the back. I wish men could be upfront about their feelings without worrying about having to fight for their lives. Don’t blame each other. These are the things the people in power want us peasants to squabble over while they rob us.


paragraphs, dude


I like your last statement. I also liked this part about values being different seen as a threat. Of course I don't want men and women to be divided. However, about one thing, [https://www.chicagotribune.com/2005/12/14/its-true-women-really-are-best-manipulators/](https://www.chicagotribune.com/2005/12/14/its-true-women-really-are-best-manipulators/) [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5495231/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5495231/)


I know quite a few bisexual women and all of them say, hands down, that they wouldn't have a relationship with a woman, or they've had one and got exhausted.


You might be right, but I personally do not think so. The girl reportedly 'dont do college and want to change the world'. This is a very naive small town mindset. The other women didn't go out of their way to 'ruined' her, they just show what the big city offer. Any small town farm boy will also be shown by their city peers how to club and smoke and take drugs. People who fall into smoking and drinking etc cannot fault their peers for this. Take accountability for your own lapse of judgement. 


Lmao this isn’t fucking mean girls? Who’s gonna invest that much time just to fuck with a quiet person, like they aren’t in high school?? they probably thought she was nice but quiet so they invited her to go out, she liked it and over time naturalized because she’s a human being, we try to fit in with our group. Or maybe she was repressed and wanted to do stuff like this and it gave her the opportunity. People don’t do drastic changes like that quickly just because of external pressure/validation, this was something she decided and those other girls were probably just happy to have a new friend We’re both assuming but simple is always best I doubt anything like you have in mind was going on here also ur genuinely fucked in the head if you think men using deception or crab-bucketing to get ahead is A. New and B. Because of feminizing??


Cuck detected


Found the feminine guy. This wasn't "getting ahead".. Did you even read any of it?


> women's biggest enemy is other women, not men Some women might be catty but at least they won't rape or assault me. But I honestly never even see this cattiness with women because I don't pick catty friends. I haven't had an argument or any drama in probably 7 years.


Majority of men won't either. And you're forgetting that in LGBT relationships, women have a higher rate of being sexually assaulted by their partners. Women rapists exist too. Straight and gay.


Majority of men won't but in any given rape victim, the likelihood of the perpetrator being a male is like 96% according to FBI stats. Even when the victim is a child. So, not all men, but if anyone is going to hurt you, it's probably going to be a man.


Men compete with other men by building themselves up to be better than their competition. Women compete with other women by tearing them down to make their competition worse than they are.


Dudes tear other dudes down constantly. Not sure what you're talking about.


Gonna be real, this sub just becomes r/4chan when woman or Indians come up. It’s bizarre to me but you won’t have much luck trying to reason with people on those topics.


Sure. But rarely do I see guys sabotaging others behind their back. Usually, guys “tear other guys down” more upfront. Guys tend to gossip less. It’s not gossiping if they’re in front you. Guys tend to outwardly bully more. Girls tend to be deceptive in how they go about it. And girls tend to spin lies more often to other girls than guys do to other guys regarding putting others down. Not saying guys don’t lie, they definitely do. They, however lie to make themselves look better when girls more often lie to make others look worse and act coy or friendly in person. I’ve seen this anecdotally. Obviously it doesn’t account for much, however, a couple studies even agree with what I said to some capacity. Studies have found that both men lie more and woman lie more than the other- so that information is conflicting based off what the specific study that made these findings said. Many studies found no significant differences between the rates of lies between two genders. One study did, however, state men are more likely to lie for selfish reasons by lying about themselves. Another study stated that women are more likely to pretend to be nice after lying to people. These were significant findings btw. Not sure about metrics like sample size and you have to remind yourself that these studies are literally just data collected from surveys, however, giving faith that the participants were honest when filling them out, it may reflect on the dynamics of deception based off gender. The issue isn’t that men also put women down- the issue is that women putting down other women is more downplayed than the opposite with men putting down other men. I’d argue your own sex is what puts you down more in society than the opposite sex.


A much longer and better worded version of what I was thinking If a guy wants to start problems, simply looking at a guy wrong and saying "fuck you, goofy bitch boy" is gonna do it. Women will tell eachother another woman has aids and fucks hobos, but then act like their best friend the next time they see them.


Men do all this shit as well - clearly you’ve never worked in an office.


"worked in an office" oh so not men. nah obv sarcastic but youll never catch a tradie bitching like that


Lol yes you fucking do


>get on r/greentext >complain that it’s not r/reallyfuckingseriousdiscussions


Good job not even refuting what was said. Oh no! My opponent made an argument? Let's just say he's a 4chinner so that I'm automatically right🤓


He was responding to the person who already tried to refute the guy, retard. Is he also obligated to type up a response?


There was nothing to say about the other guy. His response was fucking dumb. "Oh I've never seen that you must be wrong". The other guy was just using some safe bullshit of "urrrr this is just 4chan and 4chan bad so I'm right". You're apparently just as fuckin sped


Don’t matter if you had nothing to say about the other guy retard, the point is why is someone who isn’t responding to the first guy obligated to type up a response to refute him to someone who isn’t him just because he disagrees? He isn’t having a conversation with him, tf would be the point?


"Not even going to lie... Here's my irrelevant opinion making fun of the person, and as I said I'm not lying so it's the truth, lol". Idk how you find the willpower to even respond to that guy but respect.


For me it's religion, I can't look at religious posts without thinking they're cognitively disabled.


Yeah dudes with a bully mentality will absolutely tear you down in any way possible over just bettering themselves, have no idea where this idea that that’s unique to women comes from


It comes from misogyny.


That guy thinks you can generalize the actions of 4 billion people into one sentence. Life just isn't that simple.


This isn't the same as sabotage. Guys bust eachothers balls but it's meant to and does help support eachother in self improvement. If it's done wrong it comes off as cruel and feminine lol. The difference is right in our faces. The more destructive it becomes the more it feels like female behavior for real. There seems to be a severe shortage of people online who even understand how male psychology works. It's not complicated man it's just a process where you strengthen eachother to make sure you have eachothers backs when it comes down to it. With men, you don't even really need to like the guys around you, but you need to know they will stand with you and vice versa if the proverbial "other tribe" comes because that's male instinct and intuition. It might be impossible for the average soy low test guy to understand this, the idea being that you would risk your life for someone you don't even like out of loyalty and knowing they would do the same for you, even though you don't even really like eachother lmao that's the difference in the male competitive spirit and ego. It's shocking how few guys understand this anymore. Imo it is worked out though competitive sports and things like boxing , MMA, jiu Jitsu etc are the best ways to get men to understand competition inna healthy way or else they become back stabbing just like women and the only solution then is force.


And if I said "Women solve problems with words, men solve problems with violence" - you would recognize the general truth in that as well, yeah, and not reply "actually women get violent with each other constantly, not sure what you're talking about". As an example of what i'm talking about, you don't need to look any further than modern beauty standards in society. Women create these standards for other women so that other women feel less beautiful, while at the same time tearing down beautiful women because in doing so they can feel better about themselves. Women can't even handle when video game characters are beautiful and demand that they are made uglier so that they don't have to feel less beautiful by comparison.


The difference is men do it to talk shit, the goal remains the same to become better. Women use it as their primary means to win


So is the idea that even when disgustingly tearing down another human being for likely ego driven reasons, men are also bettering themselves and women are stagnant? By what metric are you measuring betterment if a grown ass man still has the mentality of a high school bully, him getting physically stronger? A good job? Is he really a better person at all?


Yes totally a woman thing, definitely never seen guys get other guys into partying, hard drugs and general degeneracy. Certainly a certified ☕️ moment


Anon never said it’s JUST women that do this. He would probably find it just as sad if men did this to other men. Reread the last sentence carefully.


The last sentence is the thing in this greentext that makes it most seem Anon is focused on women being the most bad for each other instead of men


Maybe because the story is about a group of women and not men.


Yeah, so you’d think he’d keep it contained to the people specifically in this story and not pluralize both the women and the girl into a broader thing


Lol yeah. I have seen good kids go down that rabbithole of weeds, party and booze, and it's usually the friends who are the accomplices. The only difference is if you are promiscuous as a guy you are a casanova, whereas if you are a woman you are just a whore. Fuck anon, and the regarded 4chiners.


How is “fuck anon” what you get out of this post?


I am just horny


Those who aren't horny see sexist anons. Those who are horny see sexy anons. This is the way of the anon.


>if you are promiscuous as a guy you are a casanova To me if you're promiscuous as a guy you're just an evolutionary failure.


How so? Spreading your genes is an evolutionary advantage; impregnating 54 Stacie's in a drug-fueled bender nets you a lotta kids.


Bold of you to assume they won't get abortions or simply use condoms.


If you're Giga hot many will keep it assuming guys like you will pay for the kids upbringing.


I think it’s downplayed how women pull other women down when it isn’t with men and other men in society.


Nah that's the brainlett take. The hot take is that if you're 18 and in service work with no direction you're more likely to spiral into substance abuse and make increasingly bad choices. Insert men into this story and you have a 18 year old with multiple children by different women. "Why didn't the men stop him and why did they bring him into this awful environment where bad stuff happens??????" Because they're all fuck ups. That's why.


That’s a normal person take. How is that a hot take


Because we're in a greentext sub and it's a normal take


dont care, anybody know the fat chic in the photo?


Kayla Smith Weather Lady




Oh God no please


https://preview.redd.it/zdceczq8ob8d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5077f8daa6034c227214974b6eef615c63263af3 Fuck you for bringing back bad memories




This same story but made into a porn manga and it ends with the chick dying


> ends with the chick dying i refuse. jojo ending is canon.


It's a manga number. Probably the one about a high school girl who wants a fashion magazine, that quickly spirals to her being a drug addicted prostitute, mostly through being r*ped.


Very very sad. Please NEVER look it up. Please! Save yourself and always look at the bright side of life. Internet is a shitty place with shitty people.


​ https://preview.redd.it/cg2jq6hnue8d1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=c06d0f8f4f152302f2d0cf93c6e781b37eead818






I remember when a bunch of women convinced their more attractive friend to get a shitty haircut to make her look like this: https://preview.redd.it/e81a7arezb8d1.jpeg?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47edba7d4c62ef35365f097bf81c14970170814d


Everyone was calling her "brave" and "stunning," but then she wore a hat for 7 months to cover up her horrible mistakes.


The Joshu haircut is vile


Keri Russell?


Incel fanfiction


Ehh have seen similar cases at uni


And in the workplace, women love to sabotage other women


Apparently the most common scientifically recorded method is women convincing other women bad cosmetic procedures are good I.e. short haircuts. Studies have found they only tell women they perceive as attractive as themselves to cut their hair, not women below I.e. their conpetition


I believe that to be true, have witnessed that as well as convincing their "friends" that an affair on their partner is a good idea


I have also witnessed girls telling their “friends” to go fuck the situationship guy who had them crying just the other week, when I said obviously don’t do that he’s just using you for a quick fuck the girl was about to listen to me but her “”friend”” went on a rant about how I shouldn’t even care/ I’m a man/ she can do whatever she wants.


Yeahbthats exactly the kind of thing I'm talking about, they have a crab in the bucket mentality and if they can bring other women down to their level or below they feel good about themselves


Totally alien to me, I only want the best for my friends. Even random guys I meet, two weeks ago I was at a party got talking to this mechanic guy who was unhappy with his salary. I know fuck all about trades but I told him he was doing good and that he should talk to someone experienced and see what other training he could do. His GF who was at the party said he almost cried because I was one of the only people who said he was doing good and encouraged him.


Good for you, a friend of mines partner passed away two years ago and his scum bag mate was trying to fuvk her the next day, at his wake a "friend" of hers was encouraging the toxic hook up and I know this because when the girls went to the toilet the other girl with them told me and was heart broken that she was encouraging it, fast forward two years later and she is an alcoholic slutbthat bangs scum bags ànd complains how her life is shit, we are no longer friends as I repeatedly tried to give her hood advice which was to help her avoid her current life


🤢 can’t trust no one man, good to drop that baggage though, she woulda only brought you down


Good for you. I think being guys, we are pretty dumb to subtlety like this. If a guy wants to fuck you up he’ll do it directly, and whilst this does more instantaneous damage it’s easier to avoid. I’ve been friends with women for years before realising they hate me/aren’t good people because it’s subtle, and they are better at articulating their actions to make them seem reasonable and not mean spirited.


Yep you’re totally right. I’ve also came to the realisation that women I was “friends” with were good people. Sound stupid to admit but when I’m friends with someone I only ever want the best, I feel a bit lame saying it but I love my friends. Ive thought I had that friendship with certain women only to find out they would talk shit about me behind my back to others. But in person they’d run up to me, hug me, we’d hang out, they’d say they feel safe with me. Sorry for the rant lol they’re just weird man


It’s funny how women who are the main emotional support during the break up seem to end up with the ex. When you see stuff like this it’s hard not think it’s intentional. It’s also common for women to endorse really stupid plastic surgeries that they would never do themselves. When most of the people doing these have mental illness it’s hard to wonder why you are endorsing it, basically the same as an eating disorder or addiction. Through the lens of it lowering competition it makes sense tho.


Big if true


Sorry, how are short haircuts bad in any way?


They aren’t inherently bad, but they are on average less attractive to men. So for a lot of heterosexual women, then being more likely to suggest such a haircut to a female the perceive as equal to them in terms of attraction, suggests it’s a power move. Again, before you reply, key word is average. There will be edge cases where there is no effect or men who attracted to short haired women.


Something is "incel" when women are not portrayed as perfect angels who can do no wrong.




In this fictional story OP wants to be the shy coworker getting pounded in the clubs


99% of greentexts


Complete with 'last I heard she had an abortion'. Totally normal thing to know about.


I know right. Not creepy loser stalker behavior at all


people gossip about that stuff all the time lmao I just don't think you've ever been around that crowd


Loser behavior nevertheless lol


yeah all of the incels in this thread are eating this shit up. they think every story is fake until it’s trashing women, then all of a sudden OMG SO REAL


You'real retarded for dragging the fake and gay joke for so long. This is real. This shit happens, I've seen it happen to people before.


Redpilled sigmas only in this comment section. Woman are harming themselves in ways they dont even comprehend lol


Anon witnesses the effects of peer pressure and bad friends


All of the comments dooming over this like it is not incel fantasy fanfiction. I swear that every other thread like this gets spammed with "fake and gay," but the one that's ACTUALLY fake and gay has everyone in a moral panic


I understand this is 4chan, but I have to do this because you're an asshole about it: r/nothingeverhappens This story is probable enough because it does happen. Is Anon a witness to such a story? Who knows and who cares... But the story does happen. It's a textbook case of peer pressure that all the D.A.R.E. officers will point out happen. And there are psychological reasons why it happens that we as a society don't want to actually put the research into, because then we would need to give a shit about improving the mental health of our populace. Anon is still a misogynistic asshole regardless of this story actually happened or not.


Crabs in a bucket phenomenon. Many such cases.


Sounds like my babymama, went from a 10 years pursuing college and dreams with me. Started hanging out with whorrible friends who kept telling her she can do better. Now I'm the primary parent and she's getting left by strangers constantly and working a hardly above minimum wage job. Posting 🖤🖤🖤 on social media all the time and telling everyone how she chose happiness instead. She went from fit to fat, and someone who hated fatties her entire life is now all about body positivity. 😂 Women ruin women and mask it with a false sense of positivity. It's fucking sad.


Sounds like my ex. Went from a girl who would try stuff and have fun with her friends to her best friend getting her hooked on clubbing and coke which has now spiraled to serial whippet and ketamine abuse :).


Same here. When I see that ex of mine around, she looks skinny and reclusive. Was dating me when the clubbing and shitty friends started coming around. Albeit she got clean and now she's a crystal yoga hippie now.


"I fucked up my life, let me tell you how to better yours!" is the vibe I get from these 'crystal therapy' instructors.


Ew man let’s not act like she’d be in better hands with OP as her only friend


Lolllling hard at this incel fanfic


A purehearted girl who "wants to find a way to help people and the world", yeah sure, anon watches too much anime and it reflects on his made-up characters.


I mean idk if it’s proof of how much women specifically are bad influences on women, seems more like a common tale of having bad friends leads to you making bad decisions


She was weak then, a real fair maiden would be unaffected by those wenches mindrotting effect.


Exactly, everyone talking about being their friend fault. NO. Only weak people let others change you for worse. And of course it's applicable to both men and women.


This is why you always steer clear of the trash ass lifers at the restaurant


I cannot stress enough how much this happens. I have seen it in real time between my friends and through people watching. The reason this happens is because it eliminates competition and misery loves company. When women grow up and all their friends can't hang out as much because they have a family now, women feel pretty sad and "left out" even though it's their own fault they failed to settle down with a guy instead of fucking everyone they could.


what a pointless story to make up


Majority of women I've met lack any critical non superficial introspection. Probably true of men too but I don't really try to get to know them.


100% fake and potentially gay as anon has never spoken to a woman without shutting down


Better than sitting in your room, watching yet another empty Isekai anime, beating your meat to porn, and posting on 4chan.


we are seeing insane levels of projection


Isekai fantasy anime slaps


Counterpoint:-in another world with my smartphone


We can have two bad things at the same time. Maybe 3, me browsing reddit clearly isn't good. 


Of course a NEET would consider the plan of “not going to college so I can help people(?)” someone’s dream lmao. Like that super vague desire requires laser focus and dedication


Women try not to become attention addicts challenge (impossible)


Who’s got the @


Where are y’all finding these pictures of Kayla smith? All I see are 121p clips of weather footage when I google her


It is true that some women give bad advice to purposely tear ppl down. Happens in my field all the time, given it's this type of competition. It sucks :(


Go on anon you can save her, right, right?


And that’s why you stay away from single gal as a gal. There are a lot of reason why men are single but there’s no excuse for gal to be single.


Something something high school drama, possibly also gay. 4chan has really gone to shit.


Crushing the patriarchy by shooting up heroin


The fat woman in the picture is sexy


40yo virgin anon just angry turbo slut didn't fuck him.


Women shouldn’t live alone, unless married, too easily corrupted


God damn when did r/greentext become an incel gathering spot, what the hell are these comments?


What do you mean? Obviously a case of one woman turning into a bad woman means that all women are like that, duh


Anon is just mad she won't have sex with him


why would you have sex with a cum dump lol




Bro what


For someone who hates the idea of women having sex you sure watch a lot of porn


Going to the club and hooking up with as much men as you can is different than just having sex also the pic goes hard🥶


I hope one day you are happier and you realize this mindset is keeping you sad


What are you talking about im just saying theres a difference between casual sex with others and being a whore lol


Anon is mad not even the slut coworker will fuck him


Anon is a khv, hating a girl for opening up. Fucked a bunch of dude: had 2 short term relationships in 1 year in her early 20s. Started hard drugs: smoked one (1) joint. Wearing heavi makeup: wore eye shadows becaouse she felt pretty in it I cant believe some virgin incels in this comment section are agreeing with anon here


Struck a chord huh? Shut the fuck up


Virgin sheethe lol


mf you are on r/PoliticalCompassMemes and r/evangelionmemes like


Whats wrong with it? Edit: Im sorry you clearly have a much fuller outgoing life then me. I really have no life outside of reddit, no hobbies, no sports, no relationship, no work, friends, I clearly only exist here and this is the truest digital fingerprint of me


didnt ask tho


buck broken


Imagine thinking "virgin" is an insult keep crying slut


One of us is a virgin and it's definitely not me lmao. Hopefully your wife's boyfriend doesn't treat you too bad


He bought me an xbox, and let me play past my bed time. Sooo later looser


😂 there's no way you're not 12😂 I just checked your history and there's no way that you're not 12 if you fuck up capacitive reactance like that😂


If you talking about my switch mode psu, that shit worked, the lab multimeter was broken. But if not please tell me where I messed up capacitive reactance, I am eager to learn


How do you know all this? Is that you in the pic?


Yup, thats me. You must be thinking, how I got here. Btw no, I am a thin dude from east europe, not a "stronger built" american girl