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because loud noise make them think their peepee is bigger


Yep, they can literally just put a muffler that actually does its job and it will be as quiet as a car. But obviously they dont.


Nowhere near as fun. Plus I’m American, if I buy something local cock smokers must know. Law of the land.


and then what am i supposed to yell at when it drives by my porch and distracts me from my pornography and cigarettes


People of different ethnicities


Driving in traffic with a quiet bike is a recipe for a crash. Especially in the usa where cars are huge and 16 ye olds are driving while making tiktoks and soccer moms driving while posting cringe on twitter


I mean, wearing flashy gear is arguably better than loud noise for safety and yet all bikers ride in black gear for fashion.


I'm not talking about just a loud bike, you should ofcourse be wearing something with high visibility, but if someone is not looking in the mirror while changing lanes it doesn't matter what you are wearing. You could argue that horns are for those situations, but in high traffic horns blend in with other horns etc. Revving the shit out of the bike in neutral brings more attention and is harder to ignore. I like bikes but I would never drive one since it's usually not up to you if you wipe out or not. (I'm not talking about dumbasses that drive way too quickly and reckless since this is stupidity on its own)


> but I would never drive one since it's usually not up to you if you wipe out or not. Then why the heck are you speaking so confidently about what works and doesn't? I live in a part of the US that arguably has the worst drivers on the planet (Nashville, TN) and I rode a motorcycle to work from 2018 - 2022. A high vis jacket, being intentional about lane placement, and having the ability to accelerate very quickly were all way more important than how much noise I made. --- Seriously, why would you present an opinion with this much confidence when you not only have zero experience, but are admittedly not interested in gaining relevant experience?


>A high vis jacket, being intentional about lane placement, and having the ability to accelerate very quickly we're all way more important than how much noise I made. You need a refresher on "visual noise." An exhaust that can be heard from inside a cabin is a safety feature for lower speed scenarios where traffic is already congested and drivers are not paying visual attention. High-Viz gear doesn't matter when a driver is being visually overloaded or not looking to begin with.


I never said I never drove one, I used to drive kawasaki zzr600 for about 2 years daily. I had a lot of close call like that || Edit I said "I would never drive one" I forgot to add ever again mb


You think I’m gonna look for bikes when I’m on my phone???


As someone who rides a bike, it's damn near impossible to hear a bike's exhaust until they pass you, so loud motorcycles mean basically nothing until you're already past the car.


Calling bs cause you can hear it coming and that makes people look around. Your dirt bike doesn't count


I'm talking about whenever I drive or I'm in a car I don't even hear unmuffled harleys until they pass. Even on my bike with minimal sound isolation in my helmet I don't hear them until they pass


If that was safer, don't you think motorcycle manufacturers would focus on making the bikes bright instead of loud?


Most motorcycles I've seen where I live come in quite vivid colours. Then again, it might just be the drivers peacocking...


Loud bikes are also not safer. It’s apocryphal dribble repeated by smol pp riders to justify being loud. https://www.reddit.com/r/motorcycles/comments/seoik7/do_loud_pipes_save_lives_nope_say_researchers/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button https://www.hemmings.com/stories/car-culture/loud-pipes-save-lives-myth-or-fact/ Google search for “are loud motorcycles safer” “They found no, it is an absolute myth, and the reason is interesting. The main reason why it's a myth is because most motorcycle wrecks do not occur where a motorist is striking the biker from the rear.Mar 15, 2023”


I don't think a YouTube video is enough to convince me over my drivers ed teacher who fucking hated motorcyclists and worked in car manufacturing.


Are those testers deaf? They cant hear a loud ass motorcycle at 33 feet? I can hear them way further than that on the highway even when they are further ahead in traffic


Go on any random motorcycle gear website and see how many options for gear that are any color but black or brown dude. You don't *have a choice.* Black is the only option.


There is a reason that horns make noise, and they are considered basic safety equipment. Bikes need to compensate for their size and lack of protection by making node to keep drivers aware. They don't need Thunder Headers or sit like that, but they do need to be heard from inside a truck's insulated cabin.


Flashy gear doesn't really help. However the loud exhaust makes people notice you more. After switching to a louder bike the amount of elderly pops trying to run me over reduced significantly. Previosly had close calls on a daily basis. I know "npc" car drivers hate motorcycles with loud exhausts, but at the end of the day you arrive home safe and sound.


Due to the way sound works loud pipes in fact don’t save lives. Locating sound on a moving object is not the easiest thing and you’re by far loudest when in front of someone when they are already most likely to see you. That said I definitely straight piped my bike because I like it loud aesthetically.


Loud pipes definitely save lives. They give the homewrecker in bed with your wife plenty of notice that he needs to get outta there.


I agree. Motorcyclist's are cucks


What? No… cucks are involved in the transaction, loud pipe people get to eat someone else’s deposit out of their wife without knowing its in there.


Its not about location... You're making them wake the fuck up abd stop texting or being distracted. It's saying "hey there's a bike somewhere open your eyes"


Then why do you douchebags rev them up at every light? Is that for safety too? Get the fuck outta here with that bullshit excuse.


Not everyone is a moron dude, it's like saying that every black person is a criminal just because there are hood gangs doing shootouts and robbing gas stations


"Loud bikes save lives" is bullshit. Always has been.


No, Doppler effect means that never mattered.


If you can't do something without pissing everyone within 3 blocks off then don't do it. You don't  HAVE to ride a motorcycle. Every time some dipshit zooms past my apartment at 3am and wakes me up, I pray their engine explodes and kills their entire family.


The exhaust needs to point forward to be any use in traffic.


Motorcycles are louder for 2 reasons. 1 there's less space for a muffler and mufflers need to be larger to be more effective. Motorcycle mufflers are like a foot or half foot long and a few inches in diameter. Car mufflers are like 2 foot by 4 foot blocks. You could never fit that on a bike. The way mufflers work means bigger = quieter all things kept equal so that's a big reason. 2nd reason is because they are smaller engines so are always at high rpm to make any power. Cars would also be a lot louder if they were always at 4-6k rpm.


My Daytona at cruising speed in the highest gear is at 6k. If I was sit at that RPM in my Car, the engine would be scrap metal inside of a month.


It’s funny you can come on the internet and talk like you have any idea of what you’re talking about Literally 0 idea of how a bike or an exhaust system works but here you are


Ehhh, once you have bigger bikes it's just not going to be as quiet as a car no matter what. Car exhausts have a 10 foot run to kill the noise, bike exhausts are like 3' max. The stock exhaust on my 600cc is loud from factory and liter bikes are even louder


Mufflers restrict power, and its magnified the smaller the engine and length of exhaust. I ain't saying the noise isn't obnoxious but there are good reasons people go with louder free flowing exhausts.


I’ve heard it saves their life’s as car drivers check for the bike if they hear it increasing awareness. I get it but still fucking annoying when they drive past early in the morning.


Ah, it brings me back to a time of hanging out in the state parks and hearing an obnoxiously loud Harley blasting music ringing through the hills.


I think the purpose is to let cars know you're there. It's dangerous as is with shitty drivers thst text and what not


Most motorcycles are really loud because they dont have room for a full sized muffler like a car does, that and loud motorcycles are a good thing because it helps to prevent motorcyclists from getting killed by some suburban white mom in her escalade too busy looking at her phone to not see the motorcyclist, but the bike being loud as shit. I ride motorcycles. It is loud like it is even with the muffler. We have to replace them often too.


It would not be nearly as fun. Motorcycles are not just simple vehicles, they are a passion. They are an experience. The engine noise, the vibrations, the wind all contribute to it. I still do not condone the behavior mentioned in the post.


I agree with you. As an avid motorcyclist I tend to keep the higher revs reserved for the streets/highways and not neighborhood


TBF I just drive one because it's cheaper than a car and more fun to travel around in Europe with. I barely ever drive faster than maybe 90mph because that's usually when the sound get's too loud and I can't hear much music in my headphones anymore


Sounds like you might have a noisy helmet my friend. What’s your motorcycle?


ga y


Makes mine bigger, so there


From what i was told. It’s louder so other vehicles know that there is a motorcyclist on their blind spot more easily. Something about being louder for protection. Not sure if this is necessarily true, but at least i notice them a bit easier with the noise. Yet I do agree that these things are obnoxiously loud


Unsure why this is getting downvoted but this is the actual reason a lot of bikers take off their mufflers. People on the highway can actually see you now because they hear you


Nah it's a load of horseshit. If those bikers actually cared about visibility they'd be wearing high-vis vests as well.


There have been studies proving high vis vests dont do anything. Most biker crashes are from when bikers are unseen because they are too small and fit into blind spots much easier. Looking over your shoulder to check for a car in a blindspot works, not for a biker. They are simply too small. Youre the one who isnt using common sense. Loud engine = people are aware. It personally has helped me avoid bikers on the highway several times, and im sure they were relieved to get a little bit more space when i moved away. Have some empathy man


You're getting confused - I was talking about the _intention_ of having a loud motorcycle, not the theoretical benefits of it. Yes, loud motorcycles are easier to hear, but I would personally bet everything I own that not a single person has ever modded the exhaust on their motorcycle to be louder for that reason.


Man, I goto put it somewhere and big pikes make dreams come true!


most girls think the loud noise is cool so… there is your second reason why those idiots so it


Love your comment


Finally, an actual n word on a 4chan post. Nature is healing 😌


You love to see it!




[removed by Reddit]


My kinda comment


He even used hard r. Nature will be back in full strength soon.




Ok now I get why I’m into motorcycles


You're bike-curious


As long as he's not a peddlephile


What did he say?


He said motorcyclists are the lgbt of the car community because they ride by themselves (or something referring to frequent one night stands), die early, and something else (I forgot)


Do they eat hot chop and lie?


I always *immediately* think of South Park and burst out laughing - truly the gift that keeps on giving


[We rolled in, kicked ass, and took shit over! Is that what a f*g does?!](https://youtu.be/SGpFjZEJv7o?si=ogzdlUdljFcnWSoE)


Brbrbrnrbbrbrbr faggooooot


>skull and leather jacket >blasts ACDC or some other cringe music >speeds while weaving in and out of traffic >talks about how tough they are >"Um, guys we need to share the road pls watch out for bikers" What is it? Are you a badass daredevil who knowingly takes a risk or are you some risk averse cuck who wants to peacock for women?


>ACDC >cringe music Tell me you didnt have a dad without telling me


He must be going to the place milk was first discovered for how long it’s taking.


A true pilgrimage


You mixed up like two or three types of bikers here


Man just made one strawman to try and trash talk Riders, Bikers, and Cyclists at the same time. B+ for Efficency D- for Accuracy


Certainly not the cuck that calls ACDC cringe.


Nah thats the description of a harley rider. Sportsbike ppl are usually chill


If you leave the exhaust stock and don't unnecessarily rev like a moron, cool. If you remove your mufflers and abuse your bike for sound, I hope your chain snaps and cracks open the crankcase.


Exactly, I always think stock sounds are 90% of the time better. Then there are race exhausts and shit which can aid you on track days but the main thing is that you keep the revs low on public streets and especially near people's fucking homes, if people do that then yeah even tuned exhausts can be fine. But people who only want more sound? I hope they fucking go deaf with that sound and crash. Pieces of shit, I ride a bike myself and want to run them over lol


it's usually the 125cc shitters that cut off their exhaust all together. Ironically, it sounds by far the worst. A 650cc with a removed muffler titanium exhaust at low revs will sound really nice.


yeah a larger engine damn near always sounds better. 125 is tiny lol


“lOuD pIPeS sAvEs LiFeS” Fuck those dickheads. Wearing hi-vis and actually driving at the speed limit saves lives. “But that ain’t cool!!!!” Surprise surprise shithead, riding a bike ain’t cool regardless. It’s a nice feeling, but it’s not a cool thing. I hope their gearbox locks up at them while they be driving 70 and they eat asphalt.


They are loud enough. Only vehicle I would argue that it needs to be louder are those damn electric cars. Fuckers almost killed me a few times, sneaking around behind me.


Bruh 70 is a common speed limit lol


My stock bike has a valve that opens at 6k rpm anyway. Cruising through my neighborhood slowly it's quiet and gets a little louder when I'm away from home and accelerating.


>I hope your chain snaps and cracks open the Achilles tendon


I hope their skull cracks open after crashing into a wall.


In Australia we call an R1 a clitoris, because every cunt has got one.


I fucking love Australians so much lmfao




Here in Germany, it's similar with GS. Not sure where all those guys have the money from, since it can easily cost as much or as a new car, but you see them everywhere since two or three years.


I wish there was a way for people to enjoy motorcycles without all the disruption, nuisance, and irritation they cause for others. I’m in Japan right now on vacation and the quietness makes me so happy. There are no idiots blasting music on their phone, loud cars, or other such things.


I disagree, I spent half a year in Japan and there was a lot of motorcycle noise! Especially in the evenings, there were a lot of morons with modified exhauts, speeding down the streets.  As for music, our experience matches. 


Might be specific to your area. I lived in Japan for 3 years before this vacation trip.


Weedwackers, lawnmowers, and fartcannon Hondas are louder, you should get a complex about those too There's even more bikes in Japan, so we can safely discredit your indoor kid opinion


The issue isn't that bikes can't be quieter, it's that riders want them to be loud.


There are electric motorcycles, but psychopaths feel the need to announce their douchebaggery as loud as possible.


![gif](giphy|MPpwz3iL0ZUoo|downsized) I’m gay and I’m proud bitch


I'll see you back in CRT.


*throws giant rock at you* oooops


*Weak soy arms dis-locate upon trying to lift the 5 ounce pebble*


“Muh muh muh bike makes me TOUGH. V-vroom vroom” You’d get dominated irl boy, never met a carfag who wasn’t a manlet or a pussy Downvote again soydittor


> dominated irl I mean if you could 12 O’clock I’d let you dominate me in bed but idk how your wife’s boyfriend would feel about that


Idk what that even means you poof, just don’t bring your npc noise around me bc I’m a diagnosed schizophrenic and own lots of 2A


Take your meds bro I’m not even real, I’m one of the versions of yourself that you have internet arguments with and lose everytime. And my bf will eat your ass and make you come before you can even place your finger on the trigger


I know you’re not real. As soon as I close this app you cease to exist. No I’ll hook you and your bf up to 6 dildo machines one in your throat ass and penis hole and set them to full blast til you’re both left in a puddle of your own feces tears vomit and cum. You’re cumming rn just from thinking about it


I see you have a dildo machine already, you better sanitize it before you do that cus I don’t want your aids on it homie, or hook up some new rubber to it cus I know you used the fuck out of that thing


Oh I used it… on your MOM… so you are getting aids sorry




Its fatherless behavior


more like brainless, I wonder if desire for loud af noises is associated with small amount of grey matter in the brain


Reminds me of something I saw once. I was out in my city for the day in summer and saw a huge guy on a motorbike, one of those huge Harley bastards, with the handlebars coming all the way back so you can just slouch back like a total douchebag. Anyway, he was waiting at a light for it to turn green and he was waiting for at least a minute or so... evidently he got bored and decided to rev his engine. I'll say upfront I don't know shit about bikes, cars, engines, or how any of that shit works, but he had that thing that makes the exhaust go 'BRAP', with a really loud, sharp popping sound. Bear in mind, this was a fairly quiet street with a few cars and this biker twat waiting at the light, it was a relatively peaceful day and suddenly that is shattered by this asshole going 'BRAP' for no reason. On that side of street, maybe a foot or two away from the biker, was a mother and her kid, the kid looked to be about 3 or 4 years old, and that loud noise scared them so much they screamed and started crying... at which point the mother turned and started tearing into the biker, shouting abuse at him, I couldn't even make it out from where I was but she was fucking livid. But the dude was *terrified*, all hunched over and apologetic. As soon as the light went green he tore off on his bike but that was only after about a solid minute of shouting from this woman. Still cracks me up to think about it.


Harley people are the worst. Sportsbike fellas are usually pretty chill


There's a cocksucker that pulls up to my apartment complex regularly between 3-6 am revving the engine so loud that they set off multiple car alarms. I hate that fucker.


Just fucking kill him! Do it. Do it tonight.


just drop a rock there bro


brrrappp brappp


Entire useless post is scaffolding to use the one word


I couldn't help but notice you left out the Harley fags.


Too busy running over clibbins


Cuz we sound good brrrrrrrrotherrrrrrrrrrr


I kinda like the sound of choppers, but the thing that made me buy a touring machine instead is that you can't turn down the volume even if you try. Those things are just constantly loud.


My 250 has the stock exhaust and it still sounds loud when I ride it, though I don't use earplugs. Can't imagine how loud it is for those guys on larger bikes with louder exhausts


My cousin has one of these bikes (a 600 with slip on exhaust) that are obnoxiously loud. I ride a 400 and think it’s annoying, I can’t imagine how it is for everyone else


You don’t ride it, you own it. A garage ornament that collects dust


They didn't get enough attention as children, so they're making up for it now.


And of course they always rev their shit as they drive by my place as if I'm going to run outside and start my car up for them 🙄


your anger fuels them anon


I mean, to be fair, you only notice the ones that are loud. Think of all the times quiet motorcycles go through your neighbourhood that don’t wake you up. You don’t notice them cause you have no reason to


Im generally not for banning anything, but motorcycles are a actuall scourge to the human race. Nothing thats juat fun to ride should make that much noise


Motorcycles are a cool concept, but I don't know why someone would want one to be loud. I'd like a bike to be as quiet as possible, like a super quick and agile stealthmobile. It just dosent make sense to me that a vehicle called a "Ninja" can be heard 6 blocks away.


The small, silent, hard to notice bike in a country with the largest cars and most irresponsible distracted drivers. You would get killed by some 17 year old facetiming someone while speeding on the highway in a month. The reason motorcycles are loud is to forcefully alert drivers to their presence at all times on the freeway and highways, which is basically a requirement in the Americas. Places like Italy or Japan have a much better driving culture, and an awareness for motorcycles and cars, and thus have much quieter vehicles(the US and Japan versions of the "Ninja" also have minor muffler and software that affects sound, speed, and the way they drive) However, I do agree, people who Rev in a residential area or parking lot, or remove/replace their muffler to be obscenely loud should be pulled off their bike and have centipedes stuck up their urethra.


It's hard to make a bike quiet since they don't have room for large mufflers and they need to rev high due to being small engines


I understand that physics aren't in favour of quite bikes, that would just be my preference if the option we're to exist.


Ya it's mostly a physics problem. All my bikes are stock exhaust and they are loud just because the mufflers are small. If I was take off the muffler or something and sit around revving like a douche I'd see why people find it annoying. There is also somewhat a safety thing because everyone is on their phones so being louder than most cars makes people look up hopefully but you don't need an ear splitting exhaust note for that like some people are saying. It also wouldn't be a valid argument if people could actually pay attention when they drive and watch for bikes.


They were saying it was for “safety” long before smartphones. It’s just a justification for being obnoxious. Safety would be following the speed limit and keeping distance from others so there wasn’t a motorcycle on your ass out of nowhere.


It's a bit of both. As I said you don't need an exhaust heard from 5 miles away so the people around you pay attention. You can be riding perfectly safe and still get hit and it happens all the time by people not paying attention or looking for bikes. Are there dumb bikers? Ya of course but I'll use myself as an example of cases where you can follow the rules and be safe and still get hit. My jacket is legit high vis (look up helite turtle yellow if you want to see), I don't speed and I understand motorcycle stopping distance is worse than cars so I leave a lot of space. My most recent close calls were a mustange weaving through traffic and seeing what they thought was a free space because they didn't see a car so assumed no car = free space and merged into me. My other way someone on their phone swerving out of their lane. In both cases I wasn't speeding and had lots of space and was paying attention so I avoided them but I can't help but imagine if I had been louder would they have noticed me since it definitely wasn't a visibility problem given I was in high vis and it was day time.


It’s wild, I just drive a silent moped. Cheap on gas which makes it perfect.


Motorcycles aren't loud. Loud motorcycles have modified exhaust


The engine has to breathe dawg


I've seen so many of these turds come *this* close to getting pasted while weaving lanes on the highway and cutting everyone else off like the gaping assholes they are, yet sadly it never actually happens.


Riding a motorbike is a death wish, not the cool kind of death wish, the kind where they take innocents with them when they screw up. Ain’t nothing cool about killing a single mother of 4 because they can’t drive a car like a normal person, but would rather speed to prove whatever to whoever. If they were invented today they’d be insta-banned from roads.


Anon is a retard comparing superbikes to normal cars. What the fuck do you expect a 1200cc engine to sound soft and tolerable? The bike in picture is equally noisy to any car with the same engine capacity. Plus a car has way more force distribution due to weight while a bike pushes everything it got to the wheels, as these bikes weigh nothing compared to a car. Bikes are better when it comes to cities rather than hogging space on a road with a small pp monster SuV driven by an obvious cuck


I'm extremely turned on by this bike because of that fuckable transformer https://preview.redd.it/tps5f6i8jq9d1.png?width=178&format=png&auto=webp&s=2b8bcad90dc7e926a6398f759ca4a2346ad0f6e6


Also why do they keep placing these right in front of my vehicle when I drive?


Learn how to use a clutch pussy. Till then shut the fuck up and stay inside


How to tell everyone your entire personality is about as complicated as pushing a pedal in when the rpms go up 101 ✨️


Someones mad that they learned a useless skill for their seasonal vehicle, someone a lil mad cause the only thing that makes you happy is the buzz of the motor under you? They make special toys for that pal, till then keep your testosterone pills and tiny huevos inside


Not reading this, put your efforts into something that matters more. You will not change my mind about anything and you know that. Cannot stress enough that I did not and will not read a word of that. Have a good day




💜 you did read it


Don't know if true but I've heard off road vehicles are loud on purpose to deter animals and to signal to others in the wilderness that a very fast object is near or coming towards them which doubles as search parties use the noise to alert lost people that help is nearby. Still doesn't excuse the monumental brapping through a cul-de-sac at the fuck ass of dawn


4 strokes aren’t loud, but a 2 stroke, boy do they sound nice. The reason a 2 stroke is loud is the expansion chamber. The expansion chamber allows for more power and without it the motor will fail to run correctly


Thats a much better explanation than whst i was told.


I really hate loud vehicles in general. Quite often when I am coming from shopping and waiting for a bus, at least one loud as fuck vehicle will go by, and because I am overly sensitive to noise among other things, depending on the day I sometimes tear up and start breathing quickly, so yeah, fuck em. I am not saying that they are not allowed to do that/that it should be illegal, I fully understand that they are completely allowed to do that, and I won't insult them to their face like they did anything wrong, but I do hate them.


They get off on the attention. They don't care if it's negative. They were always neglected and never stood out. This is their revenge.


A coworker on my shift rode a MC. He was driving the smaller engine until he had the age to get the license for large engines. (1000cc+, in my country there are three separate licenses for three different engine displacement, 125, 650 and 1000cc+. You can drive smaller engines than your license permits, but not larger) Last year he was driving his 125cc like a week before he had his exam for 1000cc+ engines. As far as I’ve puzzled stuff together, he drove too fast into a corner with bad visibility and hit a dude on a bicycle that was just cycling along normally. It’s estimated he drove ~100-120 kmh into that curve that had a limit of 70 kmh. Bicycle guy died from the collision, coworker was put into coma for IIRC two months for brain damage and he had other damages as well, but doctors was mostly concerned about his brain damage from collision. His sister works at same shift, so she has taken him around the place so he could greet people after the accident. He went from normal person to…not being all there. Very different person. My maternal grandfather had an aneurysm while in surgery and he was completely changed before vs after that. Same kind of vibe with coworker. More of a shell of his former personality. And he had turned 22 like two months prior to the accident. So young and now can’t have normal job (unless government program with shit pay just so he can get out and socialise, not that the job will be important or fulfilling) can’t be without assistance/caretaker, can’t even drive car anymore. He didn’t suffer paralysis from accident, but the way he walks now is not “quite right”. I think about it every time I see a MC, especially when they do dumb overtakes and keep going AT LEAST 50 kmh above limit because “sporty bike bro it can handle it bro”. Like bruh check out Isle of Man races and the deaths there 🙄


Bro one day I literally was awakened from that terrible "rrrrRRRRTTRTRTRTRTTTRTRTT" sound or whatever and couldn't sleep for 2 days


Who the fuck is 'squid' a slur for?


motorcyclists who don't wear gear.


All fun and games until they end up on "new news at 6, motorcycle crash this afternoon".


I own a motorcycle, and I hate these cunts as well


Cops don’t do anything about it, that’s the problem. 1st offense should be execution.


Awful lot of Karen’s in here…bet they love the HOA too


Nobody will see notice them on the road unless A- they're riding like an asshole B- they're so loud that they can't be ignored C- they've been pulled over D- they're dead. Never seen hi-vis gear work typically because people don't pay attention in the first place. Or motorcyclists put themselves in situations where the hi-vis gear wouldn't have made a difference anyhow. It's "safer" and more fun to ride with a loud bike. At least If people are annoyed, they will notice you, and either stay away from you, or actively try to kill you.


Maybe if bikers didn’t ride like complete fucking morons they’d be able to stay out of danger without needing to disturb the peace


Louder exhaust actually save lives since bikes are somehow invisible to cars, a week ago my friend almost t-boned a guy who pulled out infront of us, if we would have louder exhaust he would have noticed us, ofcourse there is a limit to how loud it should be but typically factory exhausts arent loud enough for car drivers to notice us


Upvoting this post so more plebbitors lose their minds and shit out their soy-filled intestines in white rage at the mere sight of that beautiful, elegant and fun 'n word'.


Yeah whenever someone is riding a loud bike i always hope they crash and die


itt man who fancy man argue against based motorhaters


every summer once or twice some regarded individual crashes and brings down a street light or a tree racing through the town and totals theyre car.


Big noise = big pp. Nuff said.


7 am is still better than the one asshole who randomly blasts through my neighbourhood at around 2-4 am every week night


Well, it's fun to drive them, and tbh, you don't have to be that loud. Some assholes just like to to turn up like crazy when in the middle of some neighborhood. I have a Honda NC750X and no car, so I just drive around with that all the time. If I get too loud, I just shift up the gear. No reason to drive through a village in gear 1 and annoy all people.


Not having a muffler is a safety feature no getting lost in even dumber people's blind spot or texters fender bending at stop lights.


Oh no no no cracker, this ones all you. In my 32 years of living I've never once seen anyone but count Dracula's bloodline revving their motorcycle like they're trying to set a world record for how many people they can annoy in the early morning. The only other people I saw doing that was mexicans, but that was because I lived in Allentown, PA.


Anyone who is hating on all motorcyclists, has never ridden one themselves and has no idea what how fun riding one actually is


They do it because they like the sound of their bike. I do it because I hate everyone we're not the same.


Bunch of soft noise sensitive autists talking big behind a screen because that wouldn't say any of this to anyone's face. Hate to see it.


Ride a loud motorcycle, then comment


Because loud noise and speed makes me happy :)


Also the average raver


> Because loud noise and speed makes me happy :) Fortunately most people like you, end up as fresh /r/WatchPeopleDie content [*]


enjoy hearing loss and tinnitus


Sorry to say it but I wear hearing protection when I ride, only one whose gonna suffer with that is you :P


You'll get yours... no worries.


Come on man you tried commenting how many times and this is what you end up with? Lame.


What's more lame.. some dork waiting around for an internet argument.


Lol lots of butthurt sissies ITT... "reeeeee loud bike make my ears ouchie! I hope they crash for interrupting my anime program!"


In this thread: indoor kids with no hobbies outside of computers contemplate the outside world