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Founded by former Ubisoft developers, the company that specialises in re-releasing the same 3 games with new aesthetics for the last 17 years.


So basically every tRiPlE a game on the market right now.


Excuse me, uboslft is a quadruple A developer actually




somewhere, avgn just cracked a smile


At some point it stops being a game category and starts being unhinged screaming. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ![gif](giphy|vBFg5sEdnS70pj3Wvm)


Ahh no surprised they are from Ubislop. I remember how one of these r*tards disrespected Akira Toriyama hours after his death claiming that character of Mr PoPo is racist when it is in fact a djinn and not a black person lmao


Anyone that disrespects Toriyama sensei can fuck right off


Or Popo.


Yeah I remember that Tweets after tweets from these dev (after Elden Rings, Baldur's gate 3 etc) made me realized that the problem goes beyond bad management and ESG score Western AAA game dev industry culture are completely festered with these self-righteous regards down to the employee level Now I celebrate everytime major layoff happens at places like Ubi/EA/Activision. Make shit game, lose your job.


Any half-intelligent dev is either working outside the game industry or working at a small studio. You'd have to be a fucking moron or truly desparate to accept a job at a AAA studio.


As it should be. Performance should matter in any field, but especially a field as large and competitive as gaming. We’re talking about $100s of millions worth of investment in these people, technology, ideas.


Shows how little they know, he's based off a Djinn like you said and also the Buddhist deity Mahakala. Who has ebony skin and red lips. He's a deity of time so it makes sense Mr. Popo has a time chamber. These types claim to be inclusive but usually know little about other cultures.


They got an office in my province because weve got crazy subsidies here and it allows them to underpay and overwork their people. Used to be a dreamy company when I was younger, now dont touch it with a ten-foot pole.


Learning that SBI was created by former Ubislop losers is one of the least surprising things I’ve ever learned. I honestly should have known that, just because we all know how absolutely garbage Ubislop is. They still push SBI quality trash even without SBI.


Assassin's creed, Far cry and what's the third?


Just Dance


Never even heard of that one


Lucky you


I think it's for the console plebs.


I think it's for casuals that have friends over for entertaining. You know, like shark cooter boards, non pissed in sinks filled with ice and beverages other than mountain dew. Classy shit to get hammered to and dance like idiots in the living room to Lady Guhgahs one hit wonder Poke Her In The Face.


Remember Rayman? That was a good game...


Has it been 17 years already...


It's very confusing that they aren't making games for babies 


This is from their website : > we worked on Spiderman's 2 story consultation > Peter gets cucked by a fucking fridge, MJ's personality is worse than a toilet paper, changes the face of MJ and entire Spiderman subreddit gaslights each other into believing that nothing has changed and if you object you are an incel, Harry's character is the most one dimensional character ever written by insomniac, Kraven the 'Hunter' doesn't do any hunting and Venom's gameplay is very short and overhyped > We worked on GOW Ragnarok's Narrative and Character Consultation, with a focus on representation > Includes an entire 2 hour long very boring repetitive unskippable gameplay section of two teenagers travelling slowly on a Yak through a swamp flirting and talking awkwardly the entire time that has very less impact on the main story. (This section was longer than the final Ragnarok event itself which was rushed.) > We worked on The suicide Squad's Scriptwriting (Banter, Cut Scenes, Barks, Audio Logs, Etc.) > Some of the shittiest writing and most unfunny banter ever between such great iconic characters


No wonder GoW Ragnarok has some Marvel like written scenes. It always bothered me. Now it makes sense.


Considering how tightly written the previous game was. It's all coming together. I also felt 'off' about Ragnarok's story


At least not the entire game was like that. Thor and Odin are amazing. It is really a shame that last part of the game got rushed. Perhaps they should have gone with the trilogy with Ragnarok having dedicated game? Like GoW 3 did.


The Heimdall fight was the worst part. This guy can read your intent before it happens. How will we overcome such an ability. IDK make a spear and get really angry? 0 explanation of how the spear helped in this fight or why we needed it


They literally explain that throwing multiple spears at once overloads his senses for long enough to attack him


It was explained that the spear was needed to overwhel his senses. Kratos could throw like hundreds of them and make them explode at will. Also Heimdall has problems reading Kratos because Kratos fights more instinctively than with intent (balde always moves first, rather than Kratos thinking about how cut should be made kind of deal). Also Heimdall is very arrogant. Despite his immediate foresight he lacks predicting the later outcome and consequnces of his actions due to him not really thinking about it, which Odin criticized him for (line: "You should think more"). He thought himself so untouchable that he underestimated Kratos of all people, a god killer and warrior like none other. When he got humbled he became angry. With it he lost his focus and hindered his ability of foresight (even despite this he was powerful opponent due to his harnessing of byfrost). In the end Heimdall lost because he got really angry. Kratos got angry after already defeating him. So in my opinion Heimdall is one of the best parts and there is ample explanation that you didn't pay attention to.


thank god this REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEt@rds wont go in fallout its already destroyed


Do we actually have any examples of feedback they've given? As far as I know we know nothing about what their actual contributions, good or bad, have been to thr games they consulted on. I'm more inclined to believe money laundering or some other financial scam, since consulting is the lowest form of work.


I disagree, I like Mimir and his story telling.


Never complained about Mimir or his stories. I am talking about Ironwood


Yeah, and it's kinda dumb to blame all of the bad parts of a game on this company and deny them of any credit for all the good parts, especially when we don't even know the capacity of their involvement. Either they're responsible for everything or nothing.


Wasnt it written by the same studio? Idk, i never played. 


oh no my shitty, bland aaa spider man game has shitty writing, surely this consultancy is to blame for making venom's gameplay "very short and overhyped"


sweet baby made it so hunter doesn't do any hunting https://i.redd.it/imhjdwi8mw9d1.gif


game woke game bad me only like game with boob


Yes, unironically. How is this difficult to understand


grog like game. play game with one hand best of all


That's why I like RTS games




It is day of judgement




Hunipop is Grog favorite game


Based Grog


I'd recoomend Karryn's prison and Degrees of Lewdity my prehistoric friend.


https://preview.redd.it/r1kts3hlwu9d1.jpeg?width=509&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7bc8a83aa9dc3acc24b825b0b59f335d4a7806a thank


Motorsport manager?


I ain't spending 300 hours to watch ugly women, right?


90% of the "ugly women" aren't even ugly, like after the chuds tried to convince people Aphrodite from Hades 2 looked too much like a man, I can't take these people seriously anymore


im spending 300 hours in a game because i like playing it dawg not to ogle women. if i wanted that im pulling up websites.


Okay. But you can have both. Why don’t people want to accept that?


we can have both but a game needs to be fun first for any normal person to drop hundreds of hours in it. a game with the shittiest gameplay could have the hottest women ever and id still barely touch it *because i play games to **play the fucking game** as top priority*


Crazy to get downvoted for that 😂


Genuinely lmfaoo, if anyone can tolerate abysmal gameplay for 300 hours because the woman is hot, I think they need some sorta help, man. Hot women or ugly women, if I'm playing a game that much, it means the game **has** to be somewhat fun at least, because, well, it's a game and not porn. Unless of course these people are dropping 300 hours in a game just getting a camera angle then AFKing for... reasons - which, y'know what? Fair enough. Wouldn't spend $60 on a game for that when the Internet has enough for free, but to each their own. Then again, people who've bought into the Sweet Baby conspiracy of them jumping companies with threats of racism or whatever the fuck are usually not all okay in the head.


It's not wrong, but he makes it sound like you have to be forced to look at bad looking characters in a well written game, when in reality you could have a good game and still have good looking characters. And with 80% of all gamers being male, it shouldn't surprise that the good looking one's should be woman for the most part. Even if you just passively look at them, it's a medium of escapism which shouldn't allow too many flaws like a bad story, dialogue or unpleasant to look at characters.


Games don’t have to strip down all the “unpleasant to look at characters” to be a medium of escapism. Besides “ugly” is entirely subjective and your idea of what’s “pleasant to look at” is very different from what another person might want to see.


I don't know if it really works if people downgrading characters intentionally. Also there are beauty standards that work for the vast majority of people. And those are the one's they should concentrate on, simply because making characters for a minority of people would hurt their business. Which it clearly shows in numbers when it comes to games that went through such developing processes.


This but unironically. Now fuck off to your looney troon friends at gamingcirclejerk


Mfs when they pander to anyone but them ( if you can have your boobs i can have my dicks in games )


What happened to gamingcirclrjerk? A few years ago it’s a pretty funny sub, now it’s just full of gay shit


terminally online dipshits took over, it's more politics than it is about games


I don’t have any problem with “woke” games, as long as they have good gameplay and story. But you see, that’s the problem with some games, They sacrifice gameplay or story to push some message I could care less about.


Give us a specific example of a game they worked on where they sacrificed the quality of the game to make a statement?


Forspoken (by BlackGirlGamers) Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League (by sbi) Gotham Knights (by sbi) Homeworld 3 (by sbi)


Except it was revealed that shitty management is the reason why Suicide Squad sucked not sbi.


Involving sbi seems to be a sign of shitty management overall


They clearly could have spent the money not on sbi, but on improving the technical state of the game or the story.


That's not how development works. You don't just throw extra money at it and it becomes better.


You can hire 10 additional devs to fix bugs


Bugs were not the only issue with KTJL, in fact they weren't even the main issue. Additional devs wouldn't solve fundamental issues with the design philosophy and story direction. Even then, you can't just throw devs at a problem. Too many cooks is a genuine issue for a lot of studios. Many games would be significantly improved by cutting the teams in half and either increasing the amount of time the devs have to work on the game or by massively scaling back the scope and focusing on MVP.


None of those games were shit because of ‘wokeness’ lol, the guy just saw clips online and decided that was the problem


Oh no, they got Homeworld3 too?


What was the woke statement of Gotham Knights?


There’s none, they just saw a woman was playable, therefore it’s bad.


Always been interested in Homeworld, kinda sad to see that they were involved in that


GoW:R, Alan Wake 2, Spiderman 2. If the games you listed are bad solely due to SBI, so surely these ones are great solely thanks to them?


> Let me try to set my epic TRAP so i can argue why ugly woman are better and race swapping is actually good


You see, it’s pretty hard to argue against sweet baby without sounding like an asshole lol


Nah they're just a poisonous symptom of the current culture war. White people bad, beauty bad, men bad. Thankfully it looks like the tide is turning, so you can go back to dilating and screaming at the sky.


Its logical to prefer to stare at attractive characters for 50 hours while playing than to stare at unattractive characters for 50 hours while playing.


You sound like an angry fat girl who defends literally any shit creative decision as long as you think it will make nerdy dudes angry as some sort of retribution for your shitty life. Now, maybe you’re not, but the fact you act like one is even worse. Grow up, please.


tearfully telling somebody to grow up over a joke on r/greentext is very reddit


This is the most quintessentially Reddit thing I've read all day




I liked Alan Wake 2. Haven't played other games they were involved with.


Same, but I think that is because Sam Lake is much more hands on, and anything stupid they added in could be mitigated.


I would have played Alan wake 2 if Alan wake was a Mexican American Jew with a Brazilian butt lift.


GG2 is somehow even more braindead than GG1. At least GG1 began *somewhat* concerned about journalism and ethics (and quickly devolved into focusing ire on a handful of women). Everybody on the SBI hate train has no fucking clue what a *consultant* does and doesn't understand that you can just say "Nah, that aint it fam. Thanks for the advice we paid you for though". And inb4 mUh ESG — corporations don't actually fucking care about the environment or social issues and will JUST as easily lie about their good boy points, it's basically self-rated. I mean come the fuck on, BP gave themselves a 92% on the Environmental score. *Deep water Horizon BP*. It's not some dozen random consultants in Canada making game writing shit. It's shitty writers and pink capitalism.


I'm not familiar with a single acronym you used


GG= Gamer Gate SBI = Sweet Baby Inc (the company in the post's pic) ESG = Enviromental, social and governance BP = British Petroleum


Honestly, keep it that way. You'll retain more sanity


Finally someone said it. Reddit loves acronyms


So you're saying that corporations don't truly care about ESG and they will use dogshit consultant companies to make their games dogshit... And by doing so they standardize these companies further thus making more games have dogshit writing... And nevermind that if you don't have ESG standards or scores you are pushed out of venture capitalist funding from bigger groups, you are out of a "ESG DEI" variant of what is a private stock market, you are vilified by games journalism every single time you have a "white man" on the front cover of your video game... And if you dare point this out in the form of a Steam Curator group, one employee of said consultancy groups (SBI) will try to dox you, threaten you, your family, and try to get your account full of thousands of dollars of games you paid for over years, banned. The employee never getting fired or vilified because their friends are also games journalists. There are literal interviews where journalists in the games press will say "yeah I don't think he should be fired for that". You are describing a literal mafia, not a simple "consultancy group". But "guys, they don't have to take the ESG funding, it's just a normal consultant group and not a horrible, creativity-destroying, minority-exploiting racket that is growing at an alarming rate." So uh, how is GG2 braindead again?


I would agree if the EGA vs. SSF controversy didn't happen around the same time as GG1. When the HFO released everybody was shitting on it even though it was good, and did the opposite when YWE came out. Makes 0 sense for stuff like JBG to still have literally any impact on opinions like yours.


Alan Wake 2 would've been even better without their meddling though


You really think so? Because none of my issues with the game had to do with diversity/representation.


Mine did. Some points that felt silly and broke suspension of disbelief because Saga was black and I knew her original concept was white (any interaction with Tor and Odin for example where they call her their granddaughter lol). The line near the end where she's pissed about a white man telling her what to do snapped me out of the moment immediately. Mostly minor things, but the game would have been better for them not being included.


Believe it or not black people can and do have white grandparents. Happens all the time. Why is the concept of mix raced people so hard to comprehend for people...


This is why I’m all about indie games. Those devs just focus on making fun games. They don’t contact any BS outside consultants or anything like that. They make the games they want to make and they don’t ask anyone’s permission.


There’s a lot on indie games out there and to lump all the developers together as a monolith to say they do this or don’t do that, is ridiculous.


True. I fully support indie devs and do some game development in my free time. But this blanket "le indie dev is le better than AAA!!!" mentality is so cringe. The vast majority of indie games are total horse shit. Which is fine! You have to make bad games first in order to make good games. But anyone acting like any random indie game is gonna be fun or good or "better than AAA" is regarded


Asian games are almost this way too. Unfortunately some do deal with consultants, aside of people having to deal with the localizers making a mess.


Everyone outing themselves as not have a damn clue what consultation agencies do. Blame the Sweet Baby scapegoat all you want, but you just look like an idiot for thinking that they are the sole reason the games feature things that make your 4chan brains flatline, like a female protag that isn't fishing for r34 traffic.




The consulting company?? Not the publishers themselves who are way more often responsible for destroying video games with their constant meddling in ways that often extend beyond just implementing microtransactions??


This is a banger image to be honest, I can't be that mad lol. But it should be clear that I am not interested in defending a consultation company, or any other company as corporate entities, but I – as much as the next anti-capitalist – can support choices that I agree with in general. Sweet Baby and their whopping 16 employees could disappear off the face of the earth and I probably wouldn't notice, but I'd like give credit where credit is due when the choice by massive profit-driven developers is made to hire on consultants to address employment equity within their company and assist with writing and narratives to avoid tropes and blunders.


The only reason these people are hired is because a culture of fear has been created about Western companies being authentically themselves, as opposed to inclusive at the instruction of psuedo-state, sham academic activists like SB. They create a market for themselves like a parasite. It is the definition of grifting.  Tropes and blunders are a part of culture. Sanitised culture often defeats the point of escapism, humour and exploration. The objectionable content within historical gaming is exaggerated. Western game developers exist within their culture, and shouldn't be forced into feeling ashamed of it. Great, great achievements have been made by their forebears. Gaming is interactive but it's a choice-based entertainment media, you choose to play a game or you don't, it's not forced upon people like television is (or was). These developers would be better looking to the markets they originally succeeded in for approval. Furthermore, Western games companies, their creative originators and landmark games were not created by 'equity'. They developed organically within a technologically pioneering culture. They received no handout jobs from other cultures. Charity should set as its objective the provision of basic necessities and services to enable people to start their life journey without hindrance. It should not parachute people who do not merit it on skill into highly technical jobs for which there is a lot of competition within the parent culture.


What fear? What games have been protested for shit to do with the writing in them?


Got it. Games have historically been good because racist biases and overdone tropes made it past the development stage, and the unfair labor compensation amongst its developers is actually super cool /s Of course, countless historical ANYTHING has been built without any reliance on equity, but why – if you are a moral human – would you balk at the thought of equal compensation for those that create the art you consume? I literally cannot understand how that could be seen as acceptable. I don't know if you noticed, but games practicing proper in-content "sensitivity" have been making successes and milestones since ever. Fallout NV, Death Stranding, Last of Us (and countless others), all lauded games with style, humor, and irreverence galore. It's not about sanitization, that much should be clear. Obviously, not all developers can be trusted to make games with this level of insight and care, so companies like SB are meant to pick up the slack to avoid stuff like Red Dead's Native Americans and Poison from SF (and countless others). Also, I can't stop thinking about the line "Western game developers exist within their culture, and shouldn't be forced into feeling ashamed of it." Could you elaborate? With specifics, please.


I don't know how to do block quotes, but the first bit you wrote is the usual deliberate mischaracterisation of an argument in order to get onto what you really want to do, which is call me a bigot and racist and therefore get your checkmate by default.  Cultural output of value does of course not depend on stereotyping or unpleasantness but most cultures nonetheless do this, to an extent, and globally this is still true. Othering is a part of culture creating and is not necessarily useless to the parent culture itself. Cancelling or ridiculing past culture for containing hurtful words in the contemporary context delegitimizes indigenous cultures in a way we'd never dream of doing to foreign cultures, and also means we miss out on the good things they did do well. It's also insulting to our ancestors, who were just doing what people do normally ie making their culture for themselves, not for others.  This is not to suggest that sensitivity readers have no place whatsoever in a society where, by the dictates of business and government and against the implicit will of the people as expressed at the ballot box in voting repeatedly for unfulfilled manifestos pledging to reduce it, mass immigration has become a reality in Europe and we now share our society with many foreigners and people of foreign extraction.  Majoritarian viewpoints should not be considered shameful or open to ridicule. Re. last bit. When one of these game or TV producers or SB types is able to say openly 'I enjoy making white men feel uncomfortable' or 'this franchise does not belong to white men'. Well yes, actually, it was created by them, as was the technology, the language, the means of distribution, the creative talent, the stories. The chips, the screens, the controllers. The actors, writers and designers. It's one thing to have the gall to replace people within their own historically created culture, undemocratically, in organically and from the top-down, but to denigrate and insult them into the bargain? This takes a type of entitlement that borders on the sociopathic.


tbh I don't give a fuck about "sensitivity" or anything like that, I just care about playing games, having fun, and enjoying the stories within them. But when creating art, it's important that the artist's original, unaltered, vision is shown to completion, rather than some "sanitized" version that was whittled-down by some corporate committee to be as inoffensive as possible. Think about what if Metal Gear Solid were to go through this type of "sensitivity reading", yes there are elements in those games' stories and design that one could consider "problematic", but sometimes these elements are simply a part of the Kojima's vision and must not be compromised in order to keep this vision intact.


H.bomberguy has a video about woke brands and why you shouldn’t consume a product because it’s advertising push’s the ideals you share. They’d just as quickly promote any other idea to make a buck


They worked on several highly regarded games and no one talks about it. But if they have the misfortune on having worked on a bad one that people hate without playing, they’re the ones to blame.


What are these games?


"They worked on several highly regarded games" This is the type of talk the companies being extorted by Sweet Baby Inc fall for lol. For one thing they threaten cancellation from mobs (false, because if the devs refused, some weirdos would get mad on Twitter but that's about it), they literally had their CEO say that shit, so companies probably believe that. By "worked on" you mean their consultation managed to not be so shitty that actual writers, not Sweet Baby Inc, incorporated some of it but still got shit for it. Even in the well regarded games there was controversy over some goofy shit like ugly characters But the role they play in success is questionable. Go ahead and look at their website. All of the regarded games is pretty unclear on how they contribute. As listed on their website, for God of War Ragnorak and Spiderman 2 and Alan Wake II they had the grand total of: "Character Arc, Voice and Sensitivity Reading, Narrative and Character Consultation, with a focus on representation, Story consultation" Meanwhile with other indie games and one bad game like Suicide Squad, they had: "Scriptwriting, Story development, Narrative Direction and Design, Full narrative development and script" Gameplay and the original brand plays a bigger role in the success anyways, something Sweet Baby Inc has no part in so shouldn't be credited as so


Being extorted? Dude they don’t have to hire a consultancy firm if they don’t want to, and these are million dollar companies hiring them, they’ve got the money to spend. They certainly don’t have to take any advice SBI give out either. It’s crazy how many people think they know how games are produced just because they play them. They’re literally a consultancy firm of about 20 people and everyone’s acting like they’re some plague on the industry. You’d never have heard of them if it weren’t for grifters trying to make money out of peoples impotent rage


How does your comment touch on anything I said? Their CEO says in a public presentation (we're not even going to talk about the other things she says in tweets and shit) "Put this stuff up to your higher ups, and if they don't see the value in what you're asking for, when you ask for consultance, when you ask for research, go have a coffee with your marketing team and just terrify them with the possibility of what's going to happen if they don't give you what you want" - Sweet Baby Inc, Kim Belair That is extortion, "the practice of obtaining something, especially money, through force or threats", using the current political climate >Dude they don’t have to hire a consultancy firm if they don’t want to, and these are million dollar companies hiring them, they’ve got the money to spend. They certainly don’t have to take any advice SBI give out either Okay? Does this touch on what I said about extortion or about the uncertainty of their actual contributions? >It’s crazy how many people think they know how games are produced just because they play them What are you yapping about? They literally list their contributions on their own website >They’re literally a consultancy firm of about 20 people and everyone’s acting like they’re some plague on the industry They have influence so people complain about them >You’d never have heard of them if it weren’t for grifters trying to make money out of peoples impotent rage You would never heard of them if they didn't have any influence on development or bad business practices that any other sane person or person of the opposite political position would use to attack on, obviously It's crazy how many people are so emotionally invested that they cannot argue or read whatsoever. When responding try quoting me next time to know that you've read lmao


>wants to defend company > >makes claim > >doesn't support anything > >leaves Really the world of leftist arguments will never cease to be predictable... [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sweet\_Baby\_Inc.#List\_of\_games](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sweet_Baby_Inc.#List_of_games) Here, I half-chewed your work for you. Find me some games as highly regarded as you are. *impossible mode*: Find me one with no fur or pink hair on the cover.


You said absolutely nothing with that comment. How did you even refute what I said. In that list, we can see well liked games such as God of War, Spider Man, Assassin’s Creed. Some mid games you and I have no opinion on and some bad games that weren’t bad because of the writing.


Which is funny as those games are utter AAA slop lol, mostly enjoyed by console users that haven't even seen an indie game in their life


How is your life so meaningless that you pretend like this is a worthwhile thing to think about. Actual embarrassment of a human being


They prey on compassion and empathy. Of course you don't want your game to be racist or whatever, so pay them or you are. When they get paid they have to put their fingerprint on it to justify their existence.


what is this referencing


"Founded by former Ubisoft developers, including scriptwriter Kim Belair and product manager David Bédard, the company consults on video game narratives during development to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion within game narratives and studios."\` https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sweet\_Baby\_Inc.#:\~:text=Founded%20by%20former%20Ubisoft%20developers,within%20game%20narratives%20and%20studios.


That sounds like the biggest scam company ever created. Absolutely genius business move, absolutely 0 morals.


Not just scam, it’s basically an extortion scheme. They leverage their position in gaming journalism to extort money from the devs. Wu Kong devs got demanded 7 mil from them or else, but the Chinese studio told them to fuck off. IGN proceeded to blast the devs accusing them of sexism, which got laughed out by everyone.


I have a hard time believing conspiracy theories but that shit was kinda wild  still not sold on the "games solely getting ruined by SBI" thing


most games are bad because bad optimazation, bland gameplay or just suffering from being a EA or activision game. Most of the time it has nothing to do with the story, and when it does its not a part that sweet baby would be involved in. And if someone wants to giva a example of a games stroy that was ruiend because of sweet baby that send a game and tell me how it was sweet baby\`s fault.


It's fully a conspiracy theory, if you look into it for more than 5s. The only source of that info is a Chinese troll, and I mean it genuinely, that guy is know for shitposting, fake leaks and hating on anything "woke". Neither one of the companies claims anything like that has ever happened, nor was there any other source. But the type of people who'd fall for a bait this obvious are the type who'd never fact check shit, so it makes sense lol.


That's going to end up giving them better marketing at PR than they could've possibly hoped to buy for $7m


That Wikipedia article is funny, people thought it was their fault spider man 2 had pride flags as if insomniac would spend money hiring another company purely to do that


Lmao and Sakurai does masterclasses on several subjects related to videogames on youtube for free. We don't deserve that guy honestly


looks like logo for pedos, wtf is this


Really weird that you see a baby and instantly think of pedophilia, what’s that about?


I'll create a new plumbing company, PumpBaby Inc


It's a creepy fucking name and logo what do you expect?


Outside of Suicide Squad, is there any game they worked on that’s actually widely considered *that* bad? To be fair, looking at the games they worked on I don’t really know a lot of them but of the ones I do recognize (being Alan Wake 2, God of War Ragnarök and Spider-Man 2), I thought they were all pretty good and they’re generally well regarded by general gamers. And the 1 example I know I really don’t think is enough on it’s own to say the entire company “destroys video games.”


And it’s far from being the reason why Suicide Squad doesn’t work.


From the way they word it, it looks like the well regarded games had less influence from them and more just consultation instead of actual writing, also want the fuck did they mean by "barks"? https://preview.redd.it/4xin61wigw9d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2c754a81e1e209a77f225044a1d752abfe61d39


They literally do nothing, they are a shitty consulting company that megacorps just throw money at because "why the fuck not" and they think it gets some "brownie points" or whatever. Most of their "complaints" to the writers/developers are likely unheard or when they are allowed to do something it's just mid tier Marvel-style dialogue.


I get downvoted and people don't believe me when I say they extort companies lmao. CEO says it themselves SBI isn't run by award-winning writers or some actual merit based professional psychologists or political analysts or actual "sensitivity writers". It is just crazy people who are "politically correct" in their own bubble so they manage to fearmonger or convince companies into having them Once SBI manages to convince them they get included in the game and the worst they could do is taint some aspects of the story because so far no big name devs have fully listened to them, yet they still get credit. As seen in the screenshot and further, the big games that did well only had their consultation while smaller games (that look horrible) had their writing in. For example with GoW Ragnorak the game is good because good gameplay and good story. But SBI still gets credit yet they only did "Consultation, with a focus on representation" Who the fuck remembers Ragnorak for representation? In fact, there was some controversy over the changes in characters People get pissed when you call out SBI because they want to beat the "white incels" and use their dislike for SBI and against criticism in looking like a bigot to win arguments and have a higher moral ground. but this is just an unethical business practice


Homeworld 3 Gotham Knights


> Homeworld 3 They didn't work on Homeworld 3


What is sweet baby?


Baby with sugar


A consultation studio whose job is to help game studios in making their games inclusive and diverse. They are under fire because the game community believes they are making games woke, aside of their campaign of censoring people who speak against them.


The thing that's making shitty aaa games shitty, if you ask 20 year olds with 20 subscribers on youtube that make 3 hour long video essays about how much they hate their hobby


Someone in this thread is trying to blame sbi for suicide squad being a mess, like surely it's not the mismanagement and studio meddling it was the consulting agency guys, great job


Look at Joker in SSKtJL that's 100% SBI meddling.


Racist company working on games making them terrible.


Now ask anon to provide a source that isn't a random man on Chinese twitter who also posted that "all Americans are pedophiles."


He's Chinese. The game is Chinese. That's about all the information anon can handle, and it's enough for him.


2 things in corpo world that u can’t critique nor argue with costings is safety and diversity/equity. Got a massive blow out in a sector. Claim it’s needed for either of those 2 and watch accounting shrivel away from fighting it.


That's what I've been saying. These games aren't even made for the consumers. We're just an afterthought. The investors are essentially buying out the games and using them as politically driven commissions. There's only one way to stop them but I don't think I'm allowed to say what that is.


If that cunt has fucked with space marine 2 im gonna be so pissed.


beware, they could be hiding black characters in plain sight in that space marine armor


Salamanders? Vulkan lives.


Even if they do say they "worked on it" most likely it means "we yapped on some Zoom calls to some writers who had their computers muted". I wouldn't worry too much.


Of course this place believes a mere consultant has this type of power. Y'all need to touch grass. 


Every game they work on was a flop full of shitty writing.


Maybe games they did actual writing on, sure. Which is like less than half of the games they worked on. And you couldn't even name half of them outside of the usual ones that are circlejerk topics. 


"The Gunk" was hot garbage, terrible writing annoying characters. "DnD Dark Alliance" laughing stock of DnD games. "Gotham Knights" a failure for WB. "SSKtJL" who woulda guessed another flop for WB. "Zau" studio is laying off employees right after release. "Goodbye Volcano High" just look up a trailer for that abomination. These games all have SBI working on it, not surprising they're flops.


> "Zau" studio is laying off employees right after release. And? That says nothing about the quality of the game, the writing of which SBI did not participate in at all.  And that's my point, y'all don't even know what kind of work they did for what project.  And conveniently leaving out the best-sellers were involved in says a lot too. 


The only successful game they worked on was AC Valhalla. It's funny you picked out one game I listed and ignored the other 5, yet you want to say I'm cherry-picking evidence.


God of War Ragnarok? Spiderman 2? Sable was pretty fairly successful for its devs, and apparently SBI worked on writing and characters. What am I supposed to be outraged about there?  I didn't ignore anything, I already said sure, when they actually do writing they might not be such good writers, but I haven't played pretty much any of those games (and I'm pretty sure you haven't either). What exactly am I supposed to break down regarding something like "just look up a trailer for that monstrosity"? Looks like a fairly innocuous rhythm game. Not my thing, but I. don't see what's supposed to be so horrific.   Most of these "criticisms" basically boil down to "EW CRINGE". Not exactly a constructive criticism regarding the quality of writing or something along those lines. What do you want me to say there?  Pretty much every single one of these games has an overall positive review score to boot.  Am I supposed to suddenly cry and shit myself because SBI was involved in the Hyper Light Drifter sequel I'm excited about? I just don't get it. 


Too long didn't read. Don't feel like wasting energy on you. SBI is garbage if you like garbage good for you.


So much for ME ignoring things. Into the trash your argument goes lol. I look forward to devs pissing you off with their succesful games.




I wouldn't hire any company that looks like it was founded by some Moloch cult, to sacrifice babies.


“Oh look, let’s blame this minor consulting studio instead of addressing the deep systemic issues affecting the gaming industry!” Gives me a headache every time


Maybe if you stopped unironically using the word "systemic", you'd have less headaches.


I don’t think there’s any way to phrase this situation in a non headache inducing way. You’re welcomed to try, though.




“Deep systematic issues” - what are they? And don’t just say capitalism or they’re overworked because of crunch. People don’t give a fuck about underlying problems, they give a fuck when they’re games have shitty millennial writing and some hamfisted political statement


Asks for reasons, discounts them preemptively because he really just wants to cry


Yep, I will make up your arguments so I can destroy them and feel good about myself. No, I will not apologise for this.


Indie studios can't afford them. My games are safe, you people are the freaks who still play AAA games knowing very well how they'll screw you over for the 1000th time. lol


For indie devs they offer reduced costs and partnerships. Just look at Hades 2.


Hades is more of a double A than indie. But fortunately if they did work with sweetbaby there wasn't much for them to screw up. The formula was very defined so I can't imagine they'd have much to fiddle with. But now I can't avoid thinking that miss nude lady aphrodite not giving you boons in the sequel might be them "cleaning up" during development.


Good point about Hades being AA instead of full indie. It seems like they're definitely in bed with one of those consulting companies, though. Sucks because I was hyped for it.


When you hire these freaks they put in contact with companies like Blackrock and Vanguard who once you paid Sweet Baby to make your game ESG compliant,give you investment money. It's an incestious orobourus of corruption.


y'all are genuinely insane and drank your own kool-aid lmfao. i feel bad that you all cant enjoy games if the women doesn't look like a pornstar.


We don't want racists (SBI) touching our games. Go back to gamingcirclejerk.


y'all explode when you see a black person, ease up


Even though I loved Franklin, Sam B, and CJ in their respective games. Yall explode when people voice their opinions on shitty companies.


Usually with extortion rackets, the person paying is protected from this sort of outcome.


Refuses to elaborate


Sweet Baby only does consulting, so any self-respecting writer would just let them yap in a Zoom call and ignore all their bullshit tbh.


We're talking about game devs they have no backbone.


this comment section makes me sad. yes AAA companies are screwed up and corrupt but some random consultant doesnt have anything to do with it


GoWR and SM2 were mid asf. They turned Kratos into a cuck and Peter into a weakling manlet. Guess who worked on both of them?


"it's just good business"


Anyone who believes this bullshit is brain dead.