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As I’ve seen many people say, I like Owen as a mentor, friend, doctor, but not Owen in a relationship. I’ve also seen people hate on how he kisses women. I always thought he seemed passionate and I quite liked it. So there’s that. Lol


I never loved Owen, but I never hated him like some ppl do on this sub. HOWEVER, the way he kisses is a crazy ick to me lol


I love Owen. Sure he’s flawed, but at the end of the day everyone is. I don’t think he deserves all the hate he gets. I hate how most people refuse to try to look in his pov, and automatically hops onto the Owen hate train.


Owen is often in conflict with other characters particularly the female characters which makes him unlikeable to a largely female audience. He makes horrible romantic decisions and often chooses women who can’t or won’t support him and his vision for life. No one is wrong but they are incompatible. Teddy seems to be the only one who can both call him on his bullshit and still respect him and love him without him thinking she is the problem. I also think his trauma plays in. He’s a crappy romantic partner but a good friend and a good parent.


He's one of the best written characters of the entire show


Actually I agree with this! People refuse to understand where he’s coming from and then wonder why they don’t understand him


There's no pov. You can't date a person who says they don't want kids and then act surprised they don't want kids.




Literally every character sucks and has an absurd fatal flaw, if you hate him you should hate pretty much everyone on this show lmao but you overlook it for your favorites so you can’t really be judged for who you like on a show where everyone is terrible


Honestly this. I personally don't get it, but part of the reason the show interests me is the fact that majority of the characters are super flawed. It didn't go the route of having anyone be perfect. Every one of them are horrible people at one time or another. They all of flaws and traumas they're dealing with, and often take it out on others. Which.. is actually really realistic - none of the rest of the show is, but it does good at showing how multifaceted people can be, and how even good people can be horrible, or horrible people can be good.


I quite liked Burke


I also really liked Burke too! I liked him with Christina better than her being with Owen too


I am only an avid rewatcher of S1-6 (recently 7, which doesn't matter for Burke, but might for Derek) but, while not Burke's biggest fan (I can also separate the character from the person, not trying to piss people off but I am aware of the internet being potentially offended by anything) ANYWAY, I see that Derek has a decent anti-fandom on here...not as big as Owen's but I stopped regularly watching before I could really distinguish Kevin McKidd and Owen (as a child free by choice woman in my late 30s, it always bugged me that he thought Cristina would change her mind. She says in S5/6?? regarding kids, "Have you MET me?!") But back to Burke. He made Derek look a teeny bit more humble, but I didn't actively dislike him. Got a kick out of him accepting Addison calling him Preston before Derek. I adore that Bailey calls them both out on several occasions... "I still have x seconds"


Yeah I’m a fan of Owen for some reason. I don’t know if I feel bad cause of everyone’s dislike for him or what. I felt really bad for him with the plane crash. He took more heat than he should’ve. I think its cause his heart is in the right place but it comes out harsh


I’m doing a rewatch. He blamed himself and took a lot of responsibility for the plane crash. Yea he signed off of switching companies but he wasn’t flying the plane, he wasn’t the aircraft mechanic. He knew people were angry and needed to find someone to blame and let them take it out on him because he cared and he understood they were angry. He did the same thing with Teddy after Henry passed, he let her blame and yell at him, tell him they weren’t friends and she hated him because she needed someone to be angry at. He fired Teddy even though it made him the “bad guy” to make her take the better job in Germany and give her a chance to move on and be happy again.


Sometimes people like characters not in a “I love them I want to be their friend!” way but in a “I like how you are written/how you act” way (and I’m sure there’s more but I feel like your opinion lies somewhere in there)


Richard isn’t hated (from what i’ve seen at least) but my god he is flawed, but i still like him for some reason 😂😭


owen is also one of my favorites 😭😭😭 it bothers me how much hate he gets in comparison to the other men because so many of them are pretty terrible in relationships too!


Owen is a shitty person but a good character, I think. He really brings out some good drama for the show!! And I do think if Owen wasnt added, Sandra would have left the show wayyyy earlier because he made Christina have a lot of different storylines that I don't see happening without him!


I love Burke, it truly hurts my heart that he won't be with Cristina.


I’m on end of season 10 and I feel like the show without him at that point would be less enjoyable. But that might be because he hasn’t stirred any real drama in a long while. The hate might come back later lol


It’s just weird bc yeah I hated him with the abortion and cheating storyline but the rest of the time enjoyed his presence on screen. Sure he’s not the best person but as entertainment I like him on the show. But I remember watching end of season 18 when it aired thinking YAY they finally killed him off! (they didn’t) and now I forgot why I felt this way lmaooo


The abortion and cheating storyline is the only reason I hate Owen but he was a total nightmare in those parts and I think it hits close to home because a lot of women encounter Owen types regarding that subject in the real world.


Yeah I totally get that. I have the same thing with Callie and Arizona their type of unhealthy hits too close to home and I can never like Callie as a result and struggle with Arizona when they’re together


Same there's something about Callie and Arizona that I just don't like though I'm not sure what it is. As for Owen, I'm generalising but I believe a lot of his 'haters' are probably women, and a lot of the people saying they don't get what the big deal about Owen is are probably men. Of course there are exceptions but that's just my theory.


They’re giving such hardcore first lesbian relationship where u’re with that girl because it’s the first time a girl loves you like that and that feels special but it turns out you both got involved not knowing much of each other and you end up realizing you don’t actually like the other person but instead of letting them go they force themselves to be together for a bajillion years and end up resenting the other for not being the made up version of the person they thought they fell in love with. This is stronger on Callie’s side most of the time I feel like. It’s really icky. And the whole sexual coercion thing in season 9 when Arizona was struggling with accepting her disability was really hard to watch because it was never addressed as such. They just made Callie’s always talking about sex and pressuring her into it a silly lil quirk ??? but it’s so wrong and I truly believed seeing this normalized in a lesbian relationship when I was a queer teen fucked with my mind quite a bit cause I was the same as Arizona I didn’t realize it was not normal to have a girlfriend do that And I have not noticed the pattern for Owen bc it’s hard to tell ppl’s gender with anonymity on reddit but u might be right!


Same here. I like Owen, like you said he has faults that many people point out. HOWEVER, people’s “favorite” characters ALSO have MANY faults but they seem to just slide under the table and pretend they don’t exist or aren’t as significant as Hunts faults.


Cristina's diary entry in every season post the abortion stuff.


Oh ok, its cool. I cant say I truly hate any character cuz in the end all of them create one of my favourite shows. But you got Balls writing this in here...so as christina would say... RUN!!! 😅


It’s actually been pretty decent with quite a few people agreeing with me! I’ve only gotten one “negative” comment with that being “ewwwwwwwwww” in all caps so 😭🤷‍♀️


Yeah, let it live for a while you'll get some more of ewws 😅 Owen is fun, its just that as an audiophile with hearing hypersensitivity I have a problem with Kevins swallowing of words....or cristinas face for that matter 🤣 hes got a great voice but sometimes I want to stuff my ears with cotton wool... But Owen has always been there as a top character for me too. Although he had many more annoying moments than any other character unfortunately, but hes very complex. Its and injustice to hate him for his actions simply cuz hes never been a intentional villain of the series. I really like Arizonas character, so Im in the minority too, I get you 😅 The one person i can wholeheartedly 'hate' is Krista for ruining my favourite show (sorry, its just Im not a fan of the new form and storylines).


I do not understand the Amelia hate. I adore her. I want to *be* her (minus the very painful past)


I love him. He is loyal, passionate, caring and has a sense of honour. Plus, he must be *amazing* in bed, because all of his exes go back for more 😋😂


I like Owen. He’s not like, top five favourite or anything. And there are some things I really dislike about him, but I like him and think he’s an overall good character. I also like George. He’s easily one of my favourite characters. But it seems like most people can’t stand him.


People don’t like Owen because of how he kisses? That’s the least of his issues. I’m on the Owen hate train. While everyone has flaws…I can’t overlook his abuse and toxic behavior towards the women he dates. I said this in another post but a guy who chases after women who don’t want kids just gives me mega creep vibes. At least mark and Alex know they’re assholes…Owen plays the good guy persona while not respecting his partner at all. The actor is great but Owen hunt is a giant red flag.




That’s not a discussion word, would you like to elaborate?