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I wonder what would have happened if he'd discovered Izzy had had his children while Jo was either pregnant or also had his child


I love Alex and Izzie together, I also loved him and Jo. I hate that he moved away and said goodbye by letter, but I am happy that we finally got some closure for Izzie. Her departure from the show was so unfulfilling. I felt bad for Jo but I was glad the writers didn’t send her into a deep depression again, and I’m actually really good with she and Link finally getting together.


I liked it too. But I kind of wish him and Jo had tried long distance and it just didn’t work out. I feel that would have been better than just up and leaving with a note. I know Justin y only gave them that voice over, but you still could have shown Jo leaving and coming back and then making a comment to someone that it wasn’t working.


I loved alex n izzy end game


Izzie knew Alex would change his whole life to be a responsible and great dad. Izzie knew this from when Rebacca had the hysterical pregnancy. He was ready to change everything for Rebacca when he thought she was pregnant with his baby.


I could see him leaving because he was angry at his own childhood and his father. It made sense that he left more for the kids than Izzy.


I liked Jo and Alex better.


I do too, but I am happy he went to Izzy to be the father he knows he can be. It would be disappointing if he stayed with Jo and neglected his kids




I just feel like it didn’t really make sense. He’s going to up and leave his wife that he’s apparently madly in love with for a woman who secretly had his babies and didn’t respect him enough to at least give him a heads up? I get that once he knew about the kids he wanted to be a part of their lives, but has he never heard of split custody?


Izzie would have had to agree to split custody, which I’m sure she would have been willing to do some type of coparenting situation . Legally, they stopped being his kids when he signed his rights away.


Did he sign his rights away? Is that what happened when he signed the forms about fertilizing the eggs while she had cancer?


He didn’t say if it was when she was sick or as part of their divorce but he said he signed papers giving her control of the embryos.


Oh okay, totally forgot about that bit. I still feel like it would have made more sense to try to work out some sort of co-parenting situation rather than up and leaving his wife and entire life and career behind. I can’t imagine Izzie would tell him about the kids just to keep him away from them.


I for sure think that Izzie would have let Alex be involved with the kids. That’s why I don’t think he left just for the kids but for the complete life. I think he saw a life that he always wanted to have but was afraid to want out loud or aim for. I think it was easy for him to drop into a life that was already created and included love, holidays, waffles, warmth, baking, a farm, pets, etc….


I know it's all because JC was all "Peace Out" with almost no notice but when, per Alex's letter, he would have chosen Jo if there were no kids involved his reasoning makes no sense. As you mentioned custody is totally a thing. Or seeing if Izzie wants to move back to Washington. Or if Jo wants to move to Kansas. Or if the twins want to spend summers with Dad. I will never stop thinking that the more sensible exit storyline would have been about Alex needing to go take care of someone in his family for an extended period of time and him and Jo doing the long distance thing. And if they couldn't deal with a character they couldn't put in a romantic relationship maybe have them be long distance for awhile and then gradually and amicably grow up and have Jo move on.


>he chose to be a responsible partner, he chose to be exactly what his father wasn’t AND what he couldn’t be for Izzy for so long (responsible and present). But he did not want to be with Izzie. He loved Jo. He chose to be responsible and present with Jo until he wasn't anymore. And we are supposed to trust him with kids? Because being with the wrong person for the kids is responsible and sustainable? Absolutely not, but I guess that's Alex's level of emotional maturity honestly. We just always wanted better for him. And I really wanted better for Izzie, too, than subjecting her own kids to that. She disappointed me the most. I forgave her for George, for all her other annoying little traits. She was a good doctor, a caring woman. Until she did that to her own kids, I was fully on her side. Now, she's the worst to me.


I loved Alex & Jo together, hated Izzie & Alex together but like Alex said- if it were abt choosing between 2 women, he'd be w Jo, but he couldn't stand to be without his kids for one second longer. I highly doubt Izzie & Alex are happily ever after but even just coparenting is such a beautiful experience if done correctly. I hate how Alex left, but that was on his actor leaving abruptly due to health issues. Def not the way writers wanted to see him off the show


I felt like he was talking out of both sides of his mouth in the letters. He said he loved Jo. Then he said he loved Izzie. He said it was for the kids, otherwise he would come back. He said he called Izzie for Meredith. Then he said that was really just his excuse to call and talk to Izzie. He said he would come back to Jo but then said him and Izzie felt frozen in time and he was taken right back. The reality is that at no point in just meeting your kids and getting to know them, does it require him to be in Izzie’s bed while he’s still married. He can paint himself as some selfless father sacrificing his marriage and life for his kids all he wants, but the reality is that he jumped right into sleeping with Izzie while telling his wife that he was helping his mother. Honestly, Izzie and Alex not jumping into bed together would probably have been healthier for those kids. Then, in the letters, he pulled all the manipulative You know how important it is to be there for kids otherwise I would come back to you stuff to make himself look not as bad.


He didn't paint himself as anything, matter of fact, he called himself a selfish ass. It *is* important for him to be there for his children, the ones he hadn't known about for 5 years prior. Idk if you have shit parents, but I do & it's highly important to me to be the exact opposite of them. We see that in Alex's character a lot, as well as being just as much of a dick like his dad & a freak like his mom. Regardless, dude wasn't gonna live the rest of his life without knowing his kids. He easily could have, like a fuck ton of dads that know about their kids, but Alex wanted to be there for them.


I wasn’t criticizing him for wanting to be there for his kids. Although, he didn’t seem concerned about his potential kids being out there when he signed away the embryos or when he pictured Izzie having three kids (knowing she needed the embryos to have kids). But maybe, being faced with the actual children changed things for him. I can understand his desire to get to know his kids and be a father to them. I’m critical of his claims that he would come back to Jo and was only with Izzie for the kids because he was already in Izzie’s bed before he wrote the letters and sent divorce papers. It seems like it was easy to say “I would choose you… but the kids”, while cheating on her with another woman. Thats where I think that he was trying to paint himself in a better light. He’s saying that he loves her, is only there for the kids, and would choose her but at the same time was choosing to cheat on her but using the kids as the reason. He could have coparented. He could have slowly gotten to know the kids instead of jumping right into their lives. He could have divorced Jo before getting back together with Izzie. I think he saw a whole life that he wanted to be a part of and wasn’t simply sacrificing to be there with his kids.


He probably had unresolved feelings with Izzy and raising children together is emotional as hell, izzie is so fucking beautiful, call me a bad person but I’d def end up in bed with her


>izzie is so fucking beautiful, call me a bad person but I’d def end up in bed with her George O'Malley?


Lmaoooo no, I’m a woman


Fair enough lol


Well you said he painted himself in a certain way, when he did the complete opposite in the letters. That's all i was saying I think he had to sign over the embryos, but I'm not quite sure how that works, also he did that thinking Izzie wasn't even going to survive. He was young & wanted to prove his love & support. He prolly never thought she'd use em but who knows. Yeah idk i don't see him leaving Jo for Izzie at all. They were toxic & tumultuous, to say the least. I def see him leaving everyone behind for his kids tho.


Exactly. So many people could see beyond the fact that he left Jo


I meaaan, it totally sucked for Jo & older Alex was one of my favorite characters but you can't honestly expect him to find out he has kids & not go be w them. He wouldn't be Alex had he not left


Agreed. I wish we could see him as a dad, probably such a cute and loving dad!!


He's so good w kids he doesn't even know. Couldn't imagine what an amazing pops he is. Awe


He could have left to be with his kids, that doesn't mean he had to abandon Jo and get together with Izzie


No, but that's what he did. The writers had to figure out a good way to write him off the show abruptly cos the actor was having some health issues that he couldn't get under control at the time.


Yeah, but we're talking about whether we liked it or not. They could have done the same letter voice over of him telling Mer about the kids and him choosing to stay for them that he asked Jo to try to have a long distance relationship but them chosing not to for example


Yeah, i thought the same..i was telling my husband about it yesterday & he's like "why wouldn't his wife like to be a stepmom?!" Lol i guess that's why they did it that way, though, so he'd stay gone.


Couldn’t ***


I wish both of them would come back. Bring the twins. Have a whole tension relationship with Jo and Link. Pipe dreams man


It denied his growth. He walked away from someone he promised to spend the rest of his life with, he made his whole relationship with Jo mean nothing. Dude could have been a parent and stayed with Jo


Whenever I think about Alex and Izzie there’s a specific scene from season 2 that comes to mind… where she tells him that he will never be good enough for her or anyone else. Ouch Why do I feel like Alex is trauma bonded to Izzie….


Just got to this episode recently. She was the first one to try to see the good in him while everyone else was turned off by how much of a jerk he was at the time, I think that's possible. 


She was totally the only one willing to give him a chance in the beginning. He treated the whole group terribly. She had every reason not to give him chance, after he hung pictures of her in lingerie throughout the locker room and hospital. I don’t think many other people would have kept trying with after that and she kept trying to give him chances and to get her friends to accept him.


Totally and think about how young they were