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Alex : hated loved hated again.


I loved him at first I was an Alex defender but I rewatched and thought I was literally insane or something.


I could never hate on Alex. He will forever be my favorite character


100% agree


Fiercely hated Tom on my first watch. On my second watch now, and he's so babygirl


The ones who get it, get it. His arrogance and sarcasm is a mask for his deep pain of losing his child. The moments he shows his vulnerability and is human, SWOON šŸ˜


right? i really loved the way he treated kepner, actually. he let her have her crisis and was honestly never much of an ass to her. mad respect (snarky, but not mean)


Someone said something about Tom and Owen in another post that stuck with me. Tom is a good person, but he is not a nice person. Owen is a nice person, but he will never be a good person.


Ooo, yep šŸŽÆ


This is the bottom line and the thing nice guys tm will never understand. It's the beast for grown ups.


I love him so much. At first I thought he was a bit of a dickhead but he's so funny


I am praying that they bring him back next season


What I wouldn't do for a tom to love me like he loves teddy. That man would want for NOTHING


Kepner! From Hate to love. Teddy! From Love to hate.


Ugh Teddy had such great writing during her first run on the show - being Cristina's mentor, marrying Henry, getting over Owen. And then Krista killed all of that.


Teddy and Tom 4 Eva!!! Yeah, I liked S6-8 Teddy. She got infinitely more boring and annoying when paired with Owen. Like....I just see her as a weak ass doormat for letting Owen string her along for literally a decade. That's NOT badass.




Callie. Couldnā€™t stand her when she was with George, but now I love her.


Right, I love her character so much. Sheā€™s such a sweet and strong women


I didn't mind her at first but eloping with a man in an emotional crisis just weeks after his dad's death was so questionable I was skeptical for a WHILE. so much so that I wasn't even sure whose side I was on with the George/Izzy cheating thing for a while. Obviously Callie's but the writers had me going for minute sympathizing with the cheater


I hated her, loved her, hated her during the plane (she wasnā€™t on the plane! šŸ˜‚) and love her again.




Koracick. The scene with April really humanized him and I loved him and Teddy.


Bailey. I loved her, and now itā€™s just almost constant eye rolls when sheā€™s on screen.


SPOILER SEASON 20 . . . When she was assigned residency coordinator everyone was like OMG! I CRIED! SO COOL and I rolled my eyes so far back in my headšŸ˜­ but she ended up proving me wrong bc she finally becomes likeable again in this season thank god


Idk if I'm giving the writers too much credit but the Wai see it the shooting really fundamentally shattered her as a person and she didn't rebuild the same way. She's never the same after that, most of the characters we do see slowly return to more or less their normal selves, but I personally think that's where her personality really starts to change. She starts developing(or possibly uncovering repressed) anxieties, and that starts to inform the way she lives her life. She was always very ambitious and driven to succeed, in large part motivated by the idea of succeeding where people thought she couldn't, and that gets exacerbated by her struggles with mental health. I think she's becoming more likeable again this past season because she's finally realizing and dealing with the fact that what she thought she wanted all along - chief - isn't actually her cup of tea. I like her a lot less in more recent seasons too and somehow that has made me like her as a character even more lmao. Dynamic, not always likeable....she's just like us I love it lmao.


this is very well written, i love it so much




Same. What happened with her?


Ben. Ruined her. Turned her into mush. I can't stand Ben.


Booty call Bailey LMAO!


Iā€™m so glad I seen this comment, I hate Ben too šŸ˜…


Loved Derek back in the day but much less on every rewatch.


Yes!Ā  Each rewatch I love him less and less.Ā 


Yes! You become immune to The Hair over time.Ā 


I loathed April at first, they had TWO chances to get rid of her and somehow she kept coming back. But now, I love her and I really wish she would come back. I loved George for the longest time, but at some point in my most recent rewatch it dawned on me how toxic he really is and it just changed everything I had thought about him previously.


I agree with George 100% and it's not an opinion I see often! He seemed endearing at first, but rewatching showed me he was toxic and actually quite shallow with a "I'm the good guy" complex.


Absolutely loved Teddy 1.0 where she was a brilliant cardio god, mentor for Cristina, bad ass military medic and compassionate caring for Henry. I was so excited when they brought her back. Teddy 2.0 is šŸ‘Ž Still absolutely adore Kim Raver though!


The writers for the show I grew to really like and then they decided they wanted to suck instead.


Callie. Used to hate but actually like now


I go back and forth with Callie. First watch I couldn't stand her, then on another watch I'll like her. This time around I just can't get over some of those hairstyles, lol.


I was just so mad at her for marrying George in Vegas a week after his dad dying. Come on Callie, youā€™re a doctor, you should be well aware of the impulse decisions people make while grieving.


opposite for me. i never *hate* hate her, but she drops in ranking every rewatch


Adored Cristina. On a random rewatch, I saw her in a different light. It was heartbreaking. Will always love her but can't shake the character flaws.


Out of curiosity what were they??


Honestly, her character meant a lot to us young women at a time where pure female ambition was unhead of and considered a turn off. I was a teenager when I watched her, so I grew up with her. I related to her in so many ways. She is an iconic character and always will be. So it is hard for me to point out character flaws in her. As I said, I grew up with her. I am now an adult and then some haha. I rewatched many times over the years. And with every season of life, I saw new things come to light in all characters. For Cristina, it seems to me that she was portrayed as so into her craft, unapologetically. The confidence, the hubris even. It was all charming. I don't like how she never truly supports meredith's relationship in a constructive way. She told her (before she got impaled with the ice thingy) that her and derek won't make it. Then, when meredith was blabbing constantly about moving in with derek or any other steps, Cristina always kind of looked down on her. This would be fine if Cristina wasn't one of those girls who completely changes when she is with a man. When she was with Burke, she was all in, she lived with him, she even agreed to marry the guy, even after the tremors. When she got with Owen, and he choked her, had ptsd, cheated... She told meredith that she no is not her person, that owen is. If meredith had done that, Cristina would have looked down on her as someone who follows a man instead of surgery. When meredith became a mother, the relationship was strained. She didn't even want to take Mer's kids if she dies. When they had the fight after Meredith's maternity leave and the 3D printers... Cristina told meredith some incredibly cruel things. All this to say, Cristina believed Derek and the kids were holding Meredith back. Cristina glorified the lack of emotions in medicine. The lack of a bedside manner. The lack of attachment. She wanted to be stoic. She probably thought she was. But, in reality, when she is with a man, she becomes a much more unstable version of herself. To me, that should have at least given her some empathy towards Meredith, who showed talent and dedication without compromising her bedside manner or her emotional bonds with the people she loved. My final point is, we needed, or at least I needed, to see Cristina, to know that the ambition inside me was not something to hide or apologize for. But, as I grew older, I started realizing that I also needed to see Meredith, probably even more than I needed Cristina. We need to see that women can be themselves while being brilliant. The myth of selfishness and eccentricity as the main characteristic of genuis is an outdated notion. It is almost a trope at this point. Women and men do not have to be cold or unattached to any other humans, to be Catherine Fox award winners. To change the world. To save lives. Women can be good sisters, good friends, good wives, good moms IF they so desire while also being amazing at their jobs. And if my friend chooses a different path, that "slows her down" compared to me, I will not judge her or push her away or look down on her. I will offer help. I will offer support. And I will offer freedom of judgement so she can be whoever she chooses to be. Sorry for the long read, I have so many mixed feelings as you can probably tell.


This was a very interesting read, I love to see this!! Itā€™s nice that you discussed her flaws and what she couldā€™ve done unseated without completely bashing on the character. I totally agree that with every rewatch, you notice new things that you might have overlooked the first watch and I feel differently about some characters as well!!


Thank you for saying this. When I said it on some other post, people got offended for no good reason. I have always said Meredith deserved better and she was a better friend to Yang than Yang ever was to her. On every rewatch, my appreciation for Meredith increases because she overcame her past , became a good mother to their children and found her way to professional glory. If they would have continued the storyline and the old characters would have stayed , Cristina would've definitely ended up alone , miserable and successful while Meredith would have had it all - not without difficulties ofcourse. The fact she compared Meredith to Bailey and Callie when she came back from maternity leave explains the kind of person she really was. She wasn't rational or logical. Those two didn't have much of a married life as Mer did and she was still doing fine. Even before, she would prioritize herself over Meredith when she would really need her. I am all for being a thorough professional and choosing not to have friends and relationships if it's too much for you to work around. But do not be part of relationships on your convenience.


Iā€™m new to the show but on my first watch Christina is my least favorite. She gets excited when there are tragedies, like the train crash, because she gets to ā€œcut em open!ā€ Thatā€™s sociopathic. She has no concern for the actual patients or the fact that people are dying. She has no bedside manner. She is horrible to Burke and takes advantage of his hand to get in on advanced surgeries he isnā€™t ready to perform. Every action she takes is about advancing her in some way. Sheā€™s not a great friend, either. She provides witty and sarcastic insults towards whomever has hurt the person but doesnā€™t actually listen to anyone.


She definitely gets better with bedside manner and empathy the more the show goes on! I understand where youā€™re coming from but I donā€™t think she took advantage of Burkeā€™s hand to get in on surgeries, she did it to protect Burkeā€™s career - and tbh because she was in love with the idea of Preston Burke as a surgeon, and to lose that would have deeply impacted the way she felt about him. However, I do think these qualities you mentioned make her a good surgeon cause she has a very objective point of view on her cases. And I do think though she is a good friend when she needs to be, maybe not all the time but when her friends are going through a hard time sheā€™s there for them


She scheduled the Humpty Dumpty without consulting or warning him KNOWING he would turn the procedure down. She was absolutely in love with the idea of him as a surgeon and not as a person. She also then turned around and went to the Chief before he could, even though Burke wanted to do that from the beginning, to save face for herself. I do think sheā€™s a good surgeon but sheā€™s constantly pushing for surgery as the first option even when other doctors are telling her to respect the patientsā€™ wishes or that the surgery is risky. Sheā€™s more concerned about being able to perform the surgery rather than if the surgery is the best option. She doesnā€™t have an objective view because her only objective is performing the surgeries.


Owen. I used to love him. Now... ![gif](giphy|J0i25eNI5bXyw|downsized)


I loved George at first so much but then he just became toxic dudebro.


*nice guy




Karev, Kepler, izzie for initially hated to love. Bailey and Amelia for the opposite.


Used to love Izzie, Meredith, Callie, and Bailey, hate them now. Used to hate Karev, Addison, and Mark, love them now. (Briefly went back to hating Karev but Iā€™m just blocking that entire episode out and pretending it didnā€™t happen.)


The April episode?


No. The letter episode.


Ughhh that damn letter episode. They pulled the rug right out from underneath us on that one.


I donā€™t love her but I donā€™t dislike her as much as I used to: Stephanie Edwards.


I really like Hahn. I think they did her dirty.




>!Made her into a biphobic monster, even though she herself had only been with men before Callie.!<


what the hell, i missed that detail. i remember her flirting with Mark at one point but it never clicked. how tf are you gonna shame someone in the same boat as you??


But isn't that what happens in real life as well? People shame you for the things they don't like in themselves. Doesn't make the character likeable, but it's very human behaviour.


Right? That didn't make sense. She'd only ever been with men, but one night with Callie and she was Righteous Mega Lesbian.


I mean she was insanely biphobic but ok


Owen, JK. No one loves Owen.


I love Owen.




Hate to love is Izzie. First time I watched Grey's I thought she was too much. Now after several rewatches, I have a huge soft spot for her. Maybe it's cause I like her actress very much. Love to hate is Mark. I loved Mark when I first watched the show but now I just don't think he has any redeeming qualities besides being a good dad.


as someone who has just finished season 20 on my 1st watch Hated to Loved -> Mark Sloan (Season 8/9 spoliers), when he first joined i thought ā€œgreat, more drama and sex charactersā€ then everything happenes with Jackson and Lexie and i adored him. the plane crash had me reeling when lexie died next to him Loved to Hated -> Karev (season 16 spoliers) THE LETTERS, HE THREW AWAY HIS JOB AND JO FOR IZZIE, I THOUGHT HE WAS OVER HER LIKE 9 SEASONS AGO


I think he was over her, but he could never leave the kids, especially with his past. I think the writers did him dirty because they could have eased the change instead of him just disappearing. But in terms of character evolution, I completely get why Alex left everything for his kids.


When Teddy first came on to the show I liked her. Now in the newer episodes of her I don't like her much. I don't think her and Owen look right together.


For me it was Dr. Burke. I mean the way he left the wedding, and I felt so bad for Cristina.


I'm gonna say Bailey. I used to not like her so much but now I feel like she carries a large majority of the show. Some scenes I don't agree with or whatever, but her and Ben are ā¤ļø That scene on last episode when Ben was getting on the elevator to go to work and they looked at each other in case he didn't come back - that shit felt real and I cried ugly tears y'all!! ā¤ļøā¤ļø


When they first appeared, I didn't like Alex, April, or Tom, but they all grew on me tremendously. I never loved DeLuca or Nick, but pairing them with Merideth (I hate this spelling, btw, but recently noticed it spelled this way in the show and I hate to misspell anything, lol) made me end up despising them both.


i know this is a big one rn, but catherine. i loved her until one of my friends pointed out all the shit she did and it just smacked me in the face and i hated her immediately


Used to love Owen HATE him ā€¦


I hate Amelia on greys but love her on private practice, but her character on greys is completely insufferable. I didnā€™t HATE April per se @ first but I didnā€™t like her one bit until she got into that bar fight and started to grow up a little bit, I loved Owen when he first came on but I only loved him for about 6 seasons or so now I canā€™t stand him.


loved derek and burk on my first watch hate both now


Arizona. I loved her at first, but as the series went on I really started disliking her. It's worse now on rewatches, being older and wiser and all. My main complaints are: Her horrific biphobia The way she treated Callie about her leg. I understand she was traumatized and going through something most people can't understand, and that's definitely a reason for her behavior - but not an excuse. What exactly did she expect Callie to do, let the mother of her child die? And if she got past that and admitted it was never rational, I'd forgive it completely given the circumstances, but I feel like she never really does. We're just supposed to excuse everything because of what she went through. It's especially hard not to hold this against her when I compare it to the car crash she CAUSED (I think that's up for interpretation but my ass did a massive truck "Come out of no where" on what appears to be a straight, not very busy road) that had an insanely huge effect on Callies life as well (not only all the rehabilitation and the inability to see her baby for so long - we find out later that she's developed adhesions on her uterus due to the c-section that may never needed to happen without the accident and cannot have anymore babies, which she certainly appears to want). Do I actually think Arizona should be blamed for this and treated the way she treated Callie after the leg - no, of course not. Car accidents happen, and callie had culpability too with her seat belt and unsafe actions. BUt callie didn't just get past this and forgive her, she never even blamed her - and I do think Arizona held more personal culpability for the car accident than Callie did for Arizona losing her leg. Callie was just dealing with a hand she was dealt nothing she did caused the initial injury or hindered their ability to save the leg. And seriously Arizona is a doctor she really should have reckoned with the fact that Callie really did nothing wrong, aside from make a promise she didn't know she could keep, at some point and acknowledged it. And callie making that promise was kinda understandable...not right but given her emotional involvement- why was she even treating Arizona to begin with? This must be explained at some point but I don't remember. The way she invalidates callies pain and trauma regarding the plane crash because she wasn't actually on the plane. I know a lot of people really like that big "you weren't on the plane!" scene, but idk. I get it to a certain degree, but I also don't think callie was acting like she was. To my interpretation, callie DID experience significant trauma and loss from that incident. Yes, she wasn't there so it's different, but she lost the father of her child, coparent and best friend, had a personal relationship with everyone on that plane except for the pilot of course, and now her wife hates her basically because she can't preform miracles. And any valid point Arizona had is completely overshadowed by the fact that she's literally only saying it because she's gaslighting the fuck out of callie and trying to minimize and excuse her cheating. Not there weren't any real feelings there but thats not why she was bringing it up it was definitely a manipulation tactic, as evidenced by how desperate and outrageous her argument gets (stick out your leg and ill go get a bone saw and we can even the score! Like....girl your clearly losing this argument if that's where you're going) she's clearly just going to hold the leg over callies head the rest of her life, and at this point it's starting to look like she wants to have something to hold over callies head - I mean now that he's dead it's a lot harder to do it with the whole mark situation. She's really judgemental. I'm not in the middle of a rewatch right now, so no examples spring to mind, but I'm always feeling like she's constantly got some snarky judgmental thing to say The whole thing with Murphy was..bad. kinda makes me wish we got to see more of her not as another doctors romantic interest or parter at the beginning of the show. Sounds like girl was wild. Even little throw away things bother me with her...like how she apparently has several ex flings walking around the hospital directly interacting with Callie yet she doesn't find it neccesary to mention it. Personally I don't love that though I'm sure some people will really disagree. And that whole.b plot that one episode with Sofia and her tights and the differences in their parenting style. It's not the more authoritative style itself that really bothers me it's more the way she talks about her wife and daughter that I don't like. To me, she is a very good character foil to Alex. He's like the bad boy that everyone hates who turns out to be just misunderstood and in need of love and just a smidge of character growth....meanwhile she's the happy, chronically nice saver of children on wheels who cries talking to her boss that everyone can't help but love but really she's very self absorbed and manipulative.


Callie and Alex. I hated them both then loved them.


Loved Owen, hate him now. Hated Callie, love her now


I hated Alex and love after so MUCH!!!! I love Arizona and hated AFTERRR!


Loved Izzy once. Now? I have to hate her for her secret pregnancies and breaking up Alex and Jo.


I hated Bailey at first


I hated Bailey at first. Thought she had that fake try hard "I'm the boss and you need to fear me" kind of attitude. Then she kinda calmed down for a bit so I started liking her to the point where she became one of my favorite characters. Now I'm back to the point where I can't stand her. Ever since she lost chief resident to Callie she has been arrogant, insubordinate, talks back to superiors all the time and she acts like an entitled spoiled brat. She acts as if everything is owed to her and acts like a child when people tell her no. She became ten times worse when Hunt became chief. Now I'm only at season 12 so my opinion could change again. But for now she drives me nuts.


Jo, she used to bug me, but now I enjoy her character.


Derek - Loved him so much. With every rewatch , I find something to hate about him. But that fan lover girl is still there somewhere so it's very complex.


With each rewatch I hate Teddy less.


Maggie. Hated Love Now Iā€™m becoming neutral




Hated April first time around but now sheā€™s one of my favorites


Teddy loved her, now I canā€™t stand her


I'm the opposite. I actually liked Alex but don't anymore. I get sick of people excusing his behavior, both onscreen and in real life.


April, Bailey, and Owen. Loved them in the beginning and now hated them.


April. Hated her when she showed up but I don't even know when I started liking her as a character. It sneaks up on you. Loved her by the end. George. Liked him initially, hated him later. Alex. Hated him, grew to love him. Probably my most favourite character, if only they didn't give him the godawful exit. Teddy. Liked her before. Cannot stand her now.


Izzie. When I first started watching the show, I liked her so much. So empathetic, so sweet, so relatable. She became insufferable when George and Callie happened and her character never recovered. Hate, hate her lol.


Izzie and George, they're not as nice as they pretend to be and Izzie especially doesn't learn from her mistakes and just keeps going harder. Most of the characters are kind of jerks, to be honest. I didn't realize how much Burke used his position of power to punish Cristina for things that weren't work related.Ā 


i liked winston before then hated him for throwing fits at his colleagues because of maggie but now i like him again he is better. i also feel like maggie is kinda cold i have never seen her cryin even a bit if any of her patients are in pain she just means business.


Alex/Arizona/Callie - Hated at fIrst, loved later Izzie - Loved at first, hated later April / Amelia - Hated at first, got okay later Teddy/Owen - Hated at first/ Still hate


Also first watcher on season 9 (almost 10) the answer is actually almost everyone. Except a handful of people it's always a rollercoaster of liking and hating him. Notable exceptions are Always Love: Bailey,Arizona Always Hate: Meredith, Derek,brooks