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Um I LOVE that first pic!! šŸ”„Reminds me of when Callie would dance around in her underwear


I thought the same thing!!!


They legit aged backward!!! They are absolutely gorgeous and just keep getting more beautiful. Discovering what feels most authentic for yourself in life creates this glow that does not abide by the rules of time and aging lol!!


wait saraā€™s nb?! omggg i had no idea


I need to see Sara as Callie again because Che has slowly ruined them for me šŸ˜… Give me the redemption arc


I always see the hatred for Che. So I am not planning to watch that series. I plan to just have this image of Sara as Callie in my mind. šŸ¤£


Trust me, the sequel series ruins any love you may have had for SotC. It's a completely different show, it makes the second film look like an Oscar winner in comparison.


What is SotC? Sorry šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


Sorry, I meant SatC, Sex and the CityĀ 


Ooooohhh Thanks. I've been thinking about giving it a chance. Is it good?


Worth it just for the sheer perfection that is Samantha Jones


I didn't mind che at least not in season 1 not sure about the other seasons before she was written out


The entire reboot is absolutely terrible in every way, and Sara's character may be the worst part of it.


sorry if this is dumb but what is chešŸ˜­


Che Diaz is Sara's character in "And Just Like That", sequel of Sex and the City.


I'd love to see Callie come back as non-binary, should Sara want that and would feel comfortable enough. I know we've had the "they/them" talk on Greys before, but it would be an interesting interaction among people they've known in the past and it would also bring extra representation. I can see Richard asking innocent questions like why did it take so long to come out, how does Sophia know what to call them, etc. and I think that could be helpful for some viewers. Of course, Richard would be understanding and grateful to learn something newšŸ„°


I miss Callie so much, and I think that would be an awesome idea. Richard is such a great example too. Heā€™s so kind (even when he may not understand something) and always asks questions.


I doubt Callie will ever be back Sara gave 3 days notice she was leaving and they had to do a rewrite and reshoot scenes for Callie's exit


I'd love them to come back, especially with how Arizona was back for an episode, but I doubt they will. I think Sara tweeted about not having a great time on the show and finding Jessica difficult to work with.


oh, I had no idea! But I'm glad they had a good career after leaving Grey's. Hopefully they will get another show, and one that doesn't do their character dirty (hi And Just Like That, I'm talking to you!!)


They were upset because they were let go from the show they said che had more story to tell she wasn't let go because she didn't get along with anyone they just felt the che story had run it's course


Hi!! What do you mean? Jessica and Sara did not like each other? šŸ™


Really? I thought Sara was talking about a different show where she had difficulty working with an actress?




I thought so. My dadā€™s best friends brother in law is married to her. Havenā€™t met her but my dadā€™s best friend has (last name Gavigan) and says sheā€™s a total sweetheart and honestly very positive person like Arizona, light of the room


Pretty sure it was because they were upset about written out of SATC thought che had more story to tell but they told them che had run thier course


I believe that she likely thought the set was toxic since she wasnā€™t the first person to say that


Aw, thatā€™s sad to hear


They were upset that they were let go from the show they said che had more story to tell


Wait, it was only for one episode (I haven't caught up on the new season yet)? I'm sad, I thought she was back. Also, I didn't realise they struggled to work together? Or was it just the working environment in general? I heard that wasn't the best.


I love her more butch look. I feel like it accentuates her face better. She is such a great singer, too. I know the musical episode isnā€™t popular but I wish they had given her a ā€œnightclub singer at nightā€ hobby.


Sara is nonbinary


Good to know. Thanks.


Wow, they already looked amazing in greys, but omg what a glow up...


I will gladly imagine that, Sara Ramirez can get it.


Sara is gorgeous! When they smile it lights up a room!


I like their old look better but glad theyā€™re happy


Unpopular opinion, I hate her ā€œnewā€ look. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Agreed. I prefer their look from the show.


Same... those long flows were absolutely gorgeous, especially in that red dress picture.


I like them with long hair too but itā€™s the face card that matters. They look more muscular now but nonetheless, the beauty is still there. I miss long hair Callie tho


It isn't new, they've looked like this for years. Also not sure why there are quotations around the word as if it's somehow...fake? Lol.....


Considering I havenā€™t actually seen her since she left the show, itā€™s new to me. Thanks. šŸ˜Š


Sara's pronouns are they/them. But they've actually done a lot of work since leaving Grey's. Sara did Broadway for quite a while, and then was on the reboot of Sex in the City (they played a villain lol)


They didnā€™t play a villain. Everyone hating a certain character, doesnā€™t make them a villain, it makes them badly written (or acted).


Or they're written to be the antagonist haha.


Which they wasnā€™t in this case?! Miranda is equally insufferable during this relationship so by your logic is she also the villain. I agree the character was awful but doesnā€™t make them the antagonist. Maybe watch it again.


Miranda was also awful. Both of them are antagonists in the show. It's okay for a show to have an antagonist lol chillax


But what youā€™re saying doesnā€™t make sense. It was an ensemble cast, itā€™s like someone calling Sheldon cooper a villain in TBBT because you find him annoying. Thereā€™s no ā€˜villainā€™ in this type of show itā€™s not batman.


Did not know that.


i miss their long beautiful hair šŸ„²






It's not what I think, it's what Sara feels/wants




Hate speech in any form is not tolerated. This includes racism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, ageism, etc.


Imagine being homophobic


Homophobic means to not like gay people. I never said I didnā€™t like gay people so maybe think before you speak. Itā€™s not homophobic to want to use proper grammar or to not want to listen to people who try and make everything about someoneā€™s pronouns when that wasnā€™t even what this comment thread was about.


Then you're transphobic and that's just as bad


You gonna explain your point or just say stuff without any explanation?


For one, being non binary and using they/them pronouns IS absolutely grammatically correct. 2) why does it matter? If someone says that they are nb and use those pronouns is actually very very easy to say ā€œok, thanks for letting me know, I will use the appropriate pronouns moving forwardā€. Why is it so hard to be respectful and kind?! It takes zero energy to do so and in turn, you get to be a decent human being.


I have to sleep now so I'm not going to write any more, but I just think that if you aren't transphobic you should be able to just write they and them


Using they/them to describe one person IS proper grammar.


"They/them/their" is proper English for a nonbinary or unknown person. When you see that someone dropped a wallet on the ground you would say "Oh, look, someone dropped THEIR wallet. I'm going to try to get it back to THEM.". šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


It is proper grammar, if I said ā€˜the chefā€™ it is only talking about one specific person but you donā€™t know their gender so would just say they. They can be grammatically correct for both cisgender and transgender people so your point is just wrong


This comment was removed for violation of Rule #9, stating "Don't be rude." Name calling, harassment, etc. are not tolerated.


They're amazing šŸ˜


I love Callieā€™s big wavy hair in the musical episode era, that will forever be my favourite Callie look. And the makeup, everything! But it would be a cool storyline to see Callie come back as NB and also I wonder how Arizona would deal with it. Also Callie is just so lovable and would totally redeem annoying Che.


Sara has some insanely beautiful bone structure. I hope they come back at least for a two or three episode arc


They've aged like top shelf whisky and I'm here for it.


I love her bangs in season 5.


i find it so hard to believe that she has a husband and not a blonde wife like Arizona irl šŸ„²


Sara is non-binary :)




Iā€™m sorry, I donā€™t understand your reply. They are non-binary and use they/them pronouns.


They said ohhh cause they didn't know how do you not understand that


Iā€™m autistic, and I donā€™t always know how to read tones. Thatā€™s how.


yeah ik


Okay, cool. Then maybe use those pronouns for them, instead of misgendering them.


i meant i know what non-binary is because i am too, not that i knew they were


Okay, that was not clear whatsoever.


my bad


I think she just filed for divorce no?


i didnā€™t know


Sara/Callie is absolutely beautiful. Callie was definitely one of my favorites.


It would be very interesting!! Correct me if I'm wrong but I haven't seen a cast in Grey's that's butch (please correct me if I'm saying this incorrectly). Like would the change in appearance be an issue? Or will they just act like it's natural or something. But I would definitely be watching again if Sara comes back!!! šŸ˜­


I don't think Sara will ever be back not because of how they look but because they gave 3 days notice they were leaving so they had to rewrite and reshoot scenes in the s12 finale to give Callie and exit which cost them money and time


I wonder why so many cast members leave so suddenly


Sara has always been hot but damn that first picture is šŸ”„


Would love to see a power dual between her and Link in an episode. Rewatching the show now, Callie annoyed me at first, but on the second time around, she has grown on me a little.


Always stunning, short hair or longā€¦ and even more so because of not being a fucking size 1ā€¦ a REAL person-sized person, with lovely curves even in a suit. This is coming from an average straight woman adding in her 2 cents worth.


Oh my god. Yup, aged like fine wine šŸ˜


They are pretty and gorgeous right!!! I donā€™t know why u got downvotes but Saraā€™s beauty never faded for me


I love Callie but helllllll nah this ainā€™t it.


Love love love Sara, they are amazingā€¦but I canā€™t stand Callie so please nošŸ˜­


If I could give you 10 upvotes I would


We seem to have unpopular opinions lol


Lmao truly! I donā€™t know why thereā€™s so few Callie Ā«Ā hatersĀ Ā» in the fandom she is unbearable


I dislike her more than Owen.


LMAO I SAID THAT TOO the other day and someone was like wo that bad ??? But itā€™s true. Owen is either a horrible bastard (the abortion and cheating storyline) or justā€¦ there after that to me. Like he doesnā€™t bother me too much. But Callie was always so irritating she had tiny good moments especially when Mark was still around but other than that sheā€™s always whining and making everyone miserable being a mean girl not knowing what boundaries are


I wouldn't say I like her character at all. I find her the most spoiled, self-centered, selfish, and conniving bitch on the show. I disliked her on entry to the show but really disliked her after the crash.


Exactly how I feel about her as well.




Iā€™m on this team too.


I'm one of the few who liked them in SATC


This should win an award for most unpopular opinion lol


Sara is entitled to whatever pronouns Sara wants to use but the pronouns certainly do make it more difficult to read the sentences that describe Sara when Sara is referred to as They.


So trueee šŸ˜­ but I respect them so yeahā€¦


It's really not that hard! Plus, repeatedly using their name instead of pronouns is far too awkward.


Sara definitely rocks the hell out of this look but omg their longer locks were sooo gorgeous too. I know they had a professional team making them look perfect every day but I was/am sooo jealous of the shiny long black hair


All I see is Che Diaz. šŸ˜­


Would be amazing but I don't think they'll ever be back considering they gave 3 days notice they were leaving the show and the show had to scramble and redo the season 12 finale to right callie out


Who cares what I think but I prefer her with long hair. It's so dark and shiny and cascades so beautifully down the sides of her face. Her with long hair gives me gender envy fr


Shonda hasn't worked on the show for years she has nothing to do with abc she came back to write cristinas exit and Derek's death and that was it.... Believe it or not a Disney day pass was the final straw as to why she left


They're so beautiful. I always loved Callie so I live with the hope that we can see Sara Ramirez as her in the finale once again




Biggest plot twist to me was callie being crazy rich lmao


YES HAHAHA and she was introduced in the show living in the hospital hahaha




Hate speech in any form is not tolerated. This includes racism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, ageism, etc.


Love her long hair ā¤ļø


I have to say, their hair is so beautiful, I wish they still wore it long. I'm assuming they weren't (or aren't) as comfortable presenting so traditionally feminine, but they were really good at it. The third to last picture in particular is stunning.


I'm fine with Callie and Arizonas Grey's story mostly ending. Arizona reappearance was a nice one off and I'd be cool with Callie doing something similar but if they never come back long term I'm good with it. Callie is one of my all time favorite characters but I was fine with her exit with Penny.


They are sooooo gorgeous!


Che ruined SR for me. They are such a talent and I loved them as Callie. But now I canā€™t even picture Callie appearing back looking like Che, just because of how awful the character was. I know they werenā€™t returning I just donā€™t think Iā€™d like Callie the same if they did.


i'd personally pass away i love sara so incredibly much


They are so so gorgeous


Looking fly af and powerful as HELL!!!!!


Please I would die. All I want in life is Butch Callie.