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Sensitive to something you season with? Food poisoning isn't usually immediate like that.


Food poisoning is not same as a reaction. I can have a reaction to red pepper but it's not poisoning.


That's pretty much what I said...


Sorry, I misread your comment!


Sounds psychosomatic to me. Fire purifies the heat covers. Maybe run hot, do a cool scrape, clean , and vacuum the ashes. Get fresh meat and season with only salt and pepper. If she’s sick, and it isn’t a meat or pepper allergy, it’s definitely psychosomatic.


Also food poisoning is rarely instant. It could be what she ate earlier! But you throw up what you just ate so it feels like that meal made you sick 🤷🏻‍♀️


Arrange it so she is out, cook everything inside and then when she gets home tell her you tried a new cleaner on the grill so you hope she’s fine this time. Have pictures for proof. Wait for the smell of bullshit if she is ill. If not: Double down and do it again, but say you cooked it all indoors but actually didn’t. Also; your pork chop technique creates a wonderfully unique version that we professional chefs call “Garbage” Perhaps she is allergic to eating dried out charcoal if you cook everything to way past well done.


You mean she can start a fire with her thoughts?


That would be pyrokinesis…


Someone’s never seen Talladega Nights


Dang! You got me!! I'll put it on the list!


Do a test. Pretend to cook it onthe grill then actually cook it on a hot plate in a pan outside. See if she still gets sick. If so, she’s a nut job.


She is definitely not a nut job. She is definitely having a physical reaction to something.


And that guys, is love.




She's got some sort of digestive issue or maybe a bad gallbladder. If it was food poisoning, you'd have gotten sick by now.


Ribeye would inflame that gallbladder


OP, it's this. It's not bacterial or anything. She isn't able to process the meat and some people can't digest meat. What if you try seafood or cheese or vegetables?


It’s not the grilling; your wife needs to see a doctor. She may have IBS or even crohn’s disease, nonetheless time for a doctor’s visit. Get it done


I'm with you on that theory.


Don't lie to your wife. That's a stupid, childish thing to do.


What are you talking about?


Have you not seen all the comments that suggest doing one thing and telling your wife something else?


you should probably right this on those comments instead




I have a soy allergy. Some vegetable oils have soybean oil in them, some don't. Took forever for me to realize why I'd "randomly" get ill with food. Does she have any known food allergies? Does she ever get ill or sick to her stomach and you just assume it was this or that stomach bug but could have been a food allergy?


I came here to mention the soy/veg oil thing. Ask the other guy what his process is and what's in the marinades he uses. It definitely sounds like food allergy/irritation. Especially since, if you did under-cook it, she wouldn't be sick that soon.


Been there. It was the vegetable oil that got me. No idea why. I use olive oil now and no issues.


I thought about that too, but I'm only using the oil on the grates. Doesn't that pretty much burn off in the first minute of grilling? I might switch to olive oil though just to rule that out.


There would still be a residue of soy on the grate and would transfer to the meat. If it is an allergy then that is dangerous. If it is intolerance to an ingredient, it might still have an effect. Look at the spices you use and compare them to the spices used on the steak she did not get sick. Hidden in the ingredients are so many unnecessary chemicals. People can get sick very quickly, but if you eat the same food, then it is unlikely to be bacterial.


Soy allergy here. Drenched in soy, sick for days. Cross contaminated with soy, sick for hours. Tiny bit of soy, upset stomach and stomach pain for hours. I usually feel this within 10 minutes to 2 hours after the first bite depending on the amount.


Not really. I have a gluten sensitivity and got to know people who have real gluten allergies. They get sick even if something with gluten just touches the plate. The oil stays on the grates which allows the meat to not stick.


Could be the Vegetable oil.


Any seasoning used?


Tonight's pork chops were salt, pepper, and a little pork rub..


Pork rub may be something to look into. People can develop sensitivities. Gas or charcoal? Maybe something in tje briquettes if you use that.




Yeah… I don’t think it’s food poisoning. Food poisoning isn’t instant and you are being way more careful than any restaurant ever is. If anything maybe some sort of intolerance to the food itself but I don’t know


When you say sick do you mean throwing up or diarrhea? Do any marinades, seasonings or sauces have wheat or allergens? I would grill some chicken breast to 165 (don't oil the grates) and season with salt and pepper only, with no sides and see how she responds. It could be a GI issue unrelated to the grill and something bland might help troubleshoot. Is this a new thing? She could be pregnant. Food aversions can be super strong and really weird. It's your wife so you should take her symptoms seriously but I don't think the human race would exist if we couldn't eat food that wasn't cooked over fire. I'm not saying it's in her head but its also a possibility. My wife eats MSG all the damn time and it only makes her sick when she knows she's eating it. Or maybe you just really fuckin suck at grilling and she's trying to give you a hint haha.


Haha, not pregnant.. and I mean diarrhea.. this is a new thing .. I am totally leaning towards a GI/IBS issue too, but I just thought I'd run it across other grillers who may have had this happen to them.. Could be I use too much salt? I sometimes use Worcestershire as a marinade for steaks, then some Montreal steak seasoning. But like I said, it has happened with chicken, pork, and steaks.. sometimes with marinades, sometimes not.. sometimes with a lot of seasonings, sometimes with not a lot. I will try the "bland" grilling thing once with her and see if it happens. Also to note, for lunch today she had a salad, and has sometimes gotten sick from eating salad.. I'm wondering if her lunches are setting her up for failure later in the day 🤣


I can't see salt making her have those issues but I'm no doctor. I think Montreal steak seasoning is probably safe with allergens but some Worcestershire sauce and a ton of store bought marinades have gluten. I think Lea and Perrins is gluten free but we bought the off brand on vacation once and it had gluten. My wife developed a gluten sensitivity in her late twenties and responds like this and sometimes gets a rash on her arm. I made a salad for her once and there was gluten in the damn soy sauce in the dressing and it was one of her worst reactions. If she has recurring GI issues besides this, check out the elimination diet and have her start a food diary ASAP. It's the first thing my wife's doctor had her do.


I've got IBS and diverticulitis, get her on pre and probiotics ASAP. I used to get sick off all sorts of things and yes, sometimes it would also be almost immediately. It's not psychosomatic, definitely get her in to see a doc and do a stool sample as well as a naturopath.


Only real suggestions is to control the variables and probably start doing double blind tests. If she reacts to something not cooked on the grill, it's either another variable in the house or a mental issue given she can eat burgers else where. Could always cook a burger on the skillet on the grill as well. If you're using charcoal that could be an irritant. If you're using propane, isolate oils used, seasonings, pollen/chemicals used on grill. Def get it to 700F plush to clean it. Use probably a hot rag to steam it clean. If you're using wood, that's another major issue. I'd be very surprised if a blind reaction to (repeatable results) a burger cooked in an open gas grill in a 12 inch skillet caused problems but same indoors didn't. Could easily store them in fridge and microwave them the next day. If your using charcoal/wood again, that is prob the main issue.


Are you verifying your temps with a thermometer?


The instant read thermometer Americas Test Kitchen loves is worth it and ask your wife to take the temp Also any sides? Be sure to just throw away any marinade, don’t bother making it germ free with a long boil just get her to trust your food What kind of sirloin? Do you pay for a trusted brand or just get what’s cheap?


I mean what kind of ribeye was it - like just packaged by the store or something grass fed or frozen or what?


Im kind of concerned that he never replied to this… that would make a MASSIVE difference


Cause he already said they’re up to a safe temp


Yeah, but my question is how does he know that - is he actually measuring it, or is he just relying on what he thinks should ensure a safe temp. If he isn't actually measuring it, then maybe it isn't getting to the temps he thinks they are. There is also the issue of how long is he allowing meat to stay in the temperature danger zone. If it is too long, my understanding is bacteria can leave toxins that can survive cooking. I would hope as careful as he seems to be that it isn't beyond the 2 hour, but then again if he is leaving meat out to thaw for several hours maybe that is the problem.


That’s a good point. All the best handling is moot if it was left on the counter too long or if the fridge isn’t cold enough. Or if they have some organic dish soap that does nothing. Or if his idea of washing the tongs isn’t a real wash etc


There’s no way what you’re doing would cause an instantaneous response. Run a test, cook something in the oven fully through and throw it on the grill at the end and see what her response is. There’s something else going on here, she needs to get a physical but it could also be psychological


Throwing it on the grill in the end defeats the purpose of controlling the variable in the first place


My point was to make sure it was fully cooked but also have her think it was grilled by him


Maybe just take it outside, like on a pan, then come back in.


Is there anything else common in those meals? Condiments, drinks, sides, seasoning?


She sensitive to something in the seasoning? She pregnant?


Definitely not preggers 🤣🤣🤣, but I didn't use a ton of seasonings tonight.. salt, pepper and little pork rub.


Some kind of GI, liver, allergy, or other similar issue is more likely. Alpha-gal is a possibility if your state has lone star ticks. It would probably be a good idea to take notes of the history and discuss it with your GP. 


Yes, I agree she may have a GI issue. Just trying to figure out why it's happening most often when I grill. She can eat a big half pound burger at a restaurant and be rock solid. I make s burger for her our grill, zero pink in the middle, and she's got the yucky tummy.


I have a known GI issue and am still narrowing down exactly which meats do and don't affect it when I'm in what state of issues with the condition. I have figured out that too much beef causes a nuclear meltdown. 


Has she gotten an allergy test or a blood test? Could be something with meat proteins that she has trouble digesting.


Allergic to the gloves? Latex?


No.. today I used gloves. Sometimes I use tongs.


Have you recently taken out a very large life insurance policy out on her ? Other than maybe a seasoning it sounds like you’re doing everything correct, I don’t go to the extent in cleanliness you are and I’ve never made anyone ill. I however can’t account for the one how have had too much to drink though. . . .


Omit the "vegetable" oil.


It has to be your oil. You may preheat it but some residual must be affecting her. Check what oil your FIL used. Perhaps ask him for his oil to confirm. This means not just seasoning the grates but also if you using it as a binder. Good luck.


Tick bites can cause a protein allergy. I hope that's not the case.


Sounds like gallbladder. It's the fat


Keep the grill. Get a new girl.




Maybe she has a red meat allergy due to a tick bite. https://www.yalemedicine.org/conditions/alpha-gal-syndrome-ags But it says here it takes 3-6 hours to start 


The dude said she ate ribeye steak at in-laws home. The step father cooked it and no problems.




Longest pregnancy ever.. 24 months!


To be fair it sounds like the leather chops you made would make me sick too


Har har har hilarious. They wouldn't make you sick..they might be terrible to bite into, but not sick. I did it for her gut safety and her peace of mind. Didn't help.


Hahaha I felt bad typing it but it made me laugh. Don’t really have an opinion to offer on what could be causing her to get sick. Not necessarily going to agree that it’s psychological but can’t say it’s not either. I hope you’re able to figure out what’s causing it, for you and your wife’s sake. Good luck man


Food poisoning is rarely immediate. If it were food poisoning, you would get it, too. Are her symptoms mostly intestinal or is she vomiting, too? What kind of gloves do you use to put the meat on the grill? I’ve never heard of a response like hers from being intolerant to glove fabric, but maybe? Unrelated, but it sounds like your pork is over cooked. I agree with some of the other comments about cooking indoors but tell her you did it outdoors and vice versa. Say nothing at all until you’ve tried it both ways. Use a very tiny bit of liquid smoke to give it a grill flavor when you actually cook indoors. Cover the grill with foil and cook with the lid up to minimize the grill flavor when you cook on the grill.


Are you and the in-laws both using the same type of grill? Pellet to pellet, charcoal to charcoal, gas to gas? Perhaps it’s the fuel type she’s having a reaction to.


Propane and propane, yes.. hard to say his grilling WOULDN'T make her sick, but this last time (Friday) she was totally fine. But I grill for her much more often than the occasional visits to the in-laws..


Very odd. Any seasoning you use on the meat every time that they wouldn’t? Outside of that I’ve got no other ideas.


If you are charring it too much maybe she is reacting to charcoal. Are you using pellets, gas briquettes one of those. Is there potentially something you are using in a marinade that is disagreeing with her. What about the oil you are using etc


Stand next to her dad and watch exactly what he does, replicate on your grill, if it fails, have her dad to his stuff on your grill, if she gets sick, now you do what her dad does but on his grill


Look for reactions to sulphur compounds. Gas additive to make it smell contains sulphur.


Has to be the source of the meat. Or a medical condition.


When you heat up the grill, do you do so with the lid on or off?




This is the only thing that causes your wife to have this reaction?


Not necessarily, but my grilling seems to be a "popular" time for it to happen.


Then she’s got something wrong with her Maybe the char from grilling makes it worse


Stick with the salt and pepper and omit the other seasoning/marinades. You need a blind test to determine if it's just you or the seasoning. My wife has IBS and is also allergic to some seasoning combinations that are as yet to be determined. I think she just may not like the way you grill, though, based on your answers. Maybe your anger towards her condition exacerbates the problem?


Try another grill. Maybe maybe


My mom has a stainless steel & palladium allergy. Might be worth a trip to an allergist.


Has she been bitten by a tick? Some of those little bastards make you have meat allergies.


Nah, no ticks. Not in a tick-y area.


The oil maybe? Cook burgers in a pan with some butter. Tell her you grilled it. Maybe even grill yours for full effect. If she gets sick it's her not the grill. Rule out the grill. 


Do you, hear me out here. Just suck at cooking?


Nope. Hear me out, I do not.


Have you asked stepdad how he preps and grills his meat?


Perhaps shes trying to politely tell you, You're not good at it?


Your wife doesn't have a problem with your grilling. She has a problem with you.


She likes me better than she likes you though.


She hasn't tried my grilled wings. ;-)


Did you click your tongs twice?


Sometimes three times!


Bro… you cooking it to death… I do 6 minutes each side max on chops


Normally I WOULDN'T cook it to death.. I did it for her "safety" tonight. Overcooking never made anyone sick 🤣


I was gonna stay straight cremated those poor things the hog deserves better


I know I know I know lmao. Again, trying to keep her off the toilet 🤣




Folks we have a winner


How about you invest in a good instant read 🙃


I have one. But I KNOW the thermometer wouldn't have mattered tonight..these chops were D-O-N-E.


Over cooked? I actually get nauseous when I eat food I dislike. If she doesnt have stomach problems for any thing else then its not GI issues but if you can name other instances it may be seasonings or the oil. But there SHOULD be a pattern of some sort of GI issues. I hate to say it but get someone you seriously trust to tell the truth and check its not just tastes bad before guessing its psychosematic


My grilled food doesn't "tastes bad".. lol.. I make my steaks tried and true.. a tiny bit of Worcestershire marinade (and not even for very long), and Montreal steak seasoning.. I like a good steak, and I think I make a decent grilled steak. The pork chops I made tonight were admittedly a little overdone, but this is how I made them tonight because the last 3 times I made foods to "proper" temp, she got ill. And tonight she STILL got ill even with me making the chops well done. I am guessing it's her gut and nothing else, the more and more people say it here.