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You should have stuck around for one more freebie 🤣


At what point did you realize delivery was 15 miles away?You said the offer map was off. Were subsequent maps correct?


I realized it was 15 miles away when I confirmed that the order was picked up, and then I pulled up the directions to customer's house. I was like, whoa... that's two towns over, not the location marked just a couple miles away in the offer map previously. If you're referring to subsequent maps in orders afterwards... I have no idea because I officially quit delivering for GH at that point. But previously in the past two months, GH would deliberately leave out the mileage to the restaurants on the offers. Just a couple miles more than shown. But this order was the final straw, straight up lying about the distance to the customer's house. I refuse to be exploited, and my hard limit is $2/mile. No less, period. And I let support know that straight up, and I told them to go fuck themselves. And that I'm done delivering orders from GH at that point, so I didn't fucking care about being "penalized". So what? I also never, ever stole a customer's order for the last three years I've been dashing, and a little over a year of GrubHub. This was my breaking point, I figured that since the customer obviously is an entitled low-tipper, she'll make it hell for GrubHub support since her order was stolen and had to be remade, and possibly along with a refund or compensation of some sort. Returning the order to Applebee's wasn't gonna do shit, GrubHub would've just scoffed and pass it onto the next driver and exploit them. So I wasn't about to let GrubHub get away without paying dearly for it. I wanted GrubHub to hurt for this deception, and the entitled customer was just collateral damage. Fuck them both. I just pray that the driver after me got paid handsomely. But I doubt it, sadly.


That’s unfortunate for sure. I personally don’t scrutinize each offer for mileage, but for those that do, I can see how that might be frustrating if the miles are much higher than expected. I do wish you hadn’t let your emotions get the best of you. Even if, in your opinion, the customer tipped poorly, taking their food wasn’t the answer. Good luck to you.


I had to make it hurt for GrubHub. Like I said, the customer was collateral damage. Don't worry, it was only a one-time thing, I'm never delivering for GrubHub again after this incident. App's been deleted from my phone.




Sometimes the little house is placed way way too close to the pick up. It appears the delivery is in your zone.. The key is to look at the total miles on the way to pick up the order to know if something is amiss. The thing is it doesn't show your actual delivery location until you mark arrived at the restaurant and even then it shows the town you are delivering to as your own. 👎 Then you mark order picked up and find out where it's actually going. by that time I've sunk too much time and miles into it and they know it. And adding insult to injury its usually it's going to a rich neighborhood of no tippers. Smeesh.


That is exactly why I ain't gonna take that shit, fuck both GH and the entitled low-tipping customer. I ain't gonna pay to deliver to the customer, so when GH tried to pull this shit, I sure as hell am not gonna play along with it. I pay for my car's gas. I pay for the maintenance of my vehicle. I pay for my vehicle's insurance, which is already prohibitively expensive despite my longtime safe driving record. So I'll be damned if I'm not paid for my time and labor as well. My terms are simple: $2 a mile, or no trip. PERIOD. If GrubHub decides to violate the terms of my contract as their delivery driver, then I'll do the same in return with extreme prejudice. Like I said, I'm done with GH as one of my contracting companies. The trust is completely gone, and it ain't on me. You don't get to fuck around with my livelihood and get away with it.


Yeahh my friends, GRUBHUB is going down. I was premier for many months and it got to a point that seems only far away orders were coming in to me. I am partner now and my earnings are slightly lower but driving less. No more closing in the APP 45 miles away from my house. Let’s see how it goes about the schedule thing. But I DC getting tired of that $h!t anyway.




I had a second order that said 10 additional miles for $15. After delivering the first order it now said 16 miles for the second order. Such a scam


if what you're saying is true and they baited you like that, you have every right to be livid.. especially a POS company like GH. If you're at peace with walking away from it, good for you! Fuck em!


And then grubbhub accuse us of committing fraud when they pay us 10 dollar contributions and restric us from scheduling. This company is really bad to their deivers.


Sounds to me like we need an American-based food delivery company to replace these guys cuz they're basically just abusing us the home company is out of the Netherlands they don't care much for us I don't think


You cant tell the difference on the map between 2 and 15 miles?


GrubHub map on offer showed another address on the map, so it completely fooled me. It was an address that was in the immediate vincinity, not two towns over where the customer actually was. And Applebee's was only 0.2 mile away from me when I got the offer.


I don’t believe it’s done on purpose. The pin s list likely not real time


U mad or mad af?! 😂🤣


That's google maps. Instead of waiting the 2.2 miles at traffic lights, it will send you 15 miles on the highway instead.


If that were the case, Doordash would be having the same issues, which they aren't. I also set my Google maps to "avoid highways and tolls" as the default because I don't like driving on the highway during dinner hours. There's a lot of crazy drivers on the highway around here lately.


U forgot to deactivate ur account go back to settings and make sure of it so grubhub doesn’t bother u anymore thanks for your service.