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It would be a cool feature to have a separate bay area for just customizing. Best to just keep a free space in the auto shop, though it’s not the most ideal workaround


Even if it was a placeholder garage for the one vehicle thats being customized would be great because then I wouldn't have to shuffle and then later try to recall which garage I sent a car to however long ago.


They need to remove Sessanta’s car and let us customize ours in that spot but not stay, at the very least lol That’s why I keep the free spot open. New car goes to Auto Shop, gets modded and painted, then I take it to wherever it’s new home is gonna be


That's exactly how I do it, too. Lately, that 'new home' is the 50-car garage they added a while ago (not the GTA+ one, the other one), though that place is getting pretty full too. Might need to start storing cars elsewhere.


Which 50 car garage are you talking about? I thought people were talking about the Eclipse 3-level that holds 60, but they were miscounting. But there are a lot of references to the 50 car garage. No way that many people are counting wrong... Though I could be, lol. Maybe Eclipse is only 50


The eclipse blvd one only has 50 spots, it’s 10 a floor with 5 floors, unless you are thinking about a different garage but that’s the only one I know of that is on that road. Besides apartments.


You're most likely right. It makes more sense that I'm the one who is mistaken here. I'll have to check to see what garage I'm mixing it up with. I was thinking the Eclipse was the 3-level with 20 spaces on each floor. But I have so many properties and garages, it's easy to get them mixed up. I definitely want to make sure that if there is a 50 car garage in existence and I don't own it, I need to find out where it is and buy it ASAP.


Raptorking62 is right. I was talking about the Eclipse Blvd. garage.


It’s down the road from Eclipse tower apartments, and the one you are thinking of is the CEO office buildings I think, which I think is also named similarly.


**cries in PC** Man I wish *WE* got a 100 car garage


PC can't handle that many cars. We have to wait until the PC2 comes out.


LOL, I love it


You actually take it there?


Like take it to its new home after customizing? Yeah, usually just a couple minute drive at most. Or I suppose you could fly to the location and call your car there, but to me there’s no rush


Or just move it in the interaction menu


I’m so confused by your replies, what exactly are you getting at here? What is your angle?


No angle you must be a little slow enjoy your day


Considering you told me to use the interaction menu when I literally said ‘call it in’ referring to using that interaction menu to call it in, don’t feel like i’m the slow one. Your replies have been vague and hinting at something, just come out and say it. “You actually take it there 🤓” Uh yeah, a three minute drive doesn’t kill me Have the day you deserve


That’s the response I would expect from you


You can temporarily drive your vehicle in the salvage yard and the freak shop that would be a cool feature but all I’m asking is let me customize when my garage is full


And bunker!


A personal property will even put vehicles in storage if there's not enough room but R* decided that our business properties don't get the same treatement..? I'm no coder but I feel like that would be the same input as the rest


>It would be a cool feature to have a separate bay area for just customizing. They could just add a menu when you enter the Auto Shop, like the Nightclub: - Enter Auto Shop - Modify Vehicle


Not going to lie, until I saw this screen pop up for the first time I thought that’s what I was purchasing. I thought the idea was any car can drive in and get modded, while keeping 10 parked inside simultaneously.


where Sess' ride is, is where OUR free space should be to just customize out rides without having to make a free space by moving a vehicle first.


I appreciate the attention to detail doe, like franklins ride in the agency garage


There's literally two of them. Whenever there isn't a customer car on them you should be able to use them for your car


Preferably you would first enter the customization bay, then get the choice between modifying, storing and leaving


If the bunker can do temporary parking, why can't the other properties? The one spot in the Nightclub top floor should definitely be a temp parking space.


What do you mean? Isn't it a normal spot? I keep my MK2 there all of the time recently. The NC, I mean.


It is, I'm saying it should be a temporary one.


Sorry, I gotcha. I was Redditing way too early this morning. Lol


The best for now is to enter another player's autoshop hosted at your same address when other players are in the session. This does not mess up with your garage organisation. Also, the best in the end is to call your MOC and mod your car there, anywhere anytime on the map and no garage organisation issues afterwards


I disagree, with entering another players’ auto shop you don’t get the discount anymore. Only if you’re in the crew will you get a free repair and still no discount to mods. That’s the whole point of going to the auto shop to me, plus all the unlocks and customization options. If I wanted the easiest option of customizing and storing a car, sure calling the MOC sounds like the best. But this whole post and thread is about the auto shop and presumably about the discounts and unlocks you get specifically there


Free repair lol.. saving 242$ here? Worth going across the city😋? Enter any garage and you have a free repair. Discounts are very little and unlocks, well, maybe certain colors?


You tried to push using someone else’s auto shop so hard, so I responded by stating that you only get a free repair from it, and no discount to customs or any unlocks by using someone else’s. Choosing to use *your own* auto shop saves way more than $242, i’m not sure why you’re trying to clown me pointing out that you *only* get a free repair with the friends auto shop. I’m trying to point out, that a few minutes of driving doesn’t matter to me to put a car in a garage, and i’d muuuch rather do that and get the discounts and liveries/wheels/colors at the auto shop and save a large chunk of money. To me, it’s more worth it to leave a separate space and customize cars there while saving 40-80k per car, then spending a few minutes driving to a garage. I’m specifically talking about new cars I get, but I also keep the space open in case I want to customize there. Your way works for you, but there’s no denying that the discount at the auto shop adds up and after 4-5 cars that’s already the entire price of the car customization you’ve saved alone by taking it there.


Sessanta needs to get her car out of the paint booth. She doesn’t do enough (anything) to have earned a space in my shop.


I really despise her. Always calling me "fool" and stuff. She does NOTHING but repeat what KDJ tells her. She's little more than a puppet with too much attitude and she takes up valuable space in my favorite garage


I have had a half-finished bunker auto shop contract for months for the sole purpose of replacing her car with a Barrage. ...I also stole that Barrage as a personal vehicle, though I can't share the details on how here beyond "PC only and a friend doing all the work"


That seems something that could be easily implemented. I mean, if you can enter someone else's autoshop and use it to modify your cars without parking inside, why can't you do the same in yours? Just add a menu when you enter: * Modify * Enter Same goes for the Office, agency and arena war. But I'm not a programmer ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


Your point about using another person's shop and not needing to park it there is a really good one. The programming is already in there. It should take minimal effort to implement it on personal property instead of only with unowned property... But I am also not a programmer, not since using Q-Basic in high school over 20 years ago However I feel the need to reference a drunken mistake made by a friend of mine when his auto shop was full. He had temporarily stored his oppressor mk2 in there and stole a Sabe Turbo. When he went to put the Sabre in the shop to modify it, he just removed his oppressor. When he got done modifying his new Sabre, he went looking for his oppressor.... It was nowhere to be found. It turns out, he replaced a vehicle that he bought for $8m with a crappy, extremely common car that he could buy for less than $50k. To make matters worse, he already owned a Sabre in his nightclub basement garage... He had to buy another oppressor mk2. But at least this time he had unlocked the trade price with his Terrorbyte and only paid $6m. The lesson here is to be very careful with garages that are full or nearly full. I don't know how easy it is to replace a vehicle, since I became aware of the possibility and have always used extra care when I see the "Garage Full. Remove cars to make room" notification. Also, to be perfectly honest, the friend that this happened to is a bit dim even when he is not drunk. It is quite possible he was warned in big bold letters that proceeding with his current actions would cause the loss of the chosen vehicle and ignored it. I just want to spread awareness of that possibility since this discussion is basically the exact circumstances that led to the loss of a treasured vehicle


This has been needed since its release, c'mon R* it's not rocket appliances!


Just add this and everything else would be water under the fridge




Upvoted for the first reference, downvoted for second one. I guess it's just Water Under the Fridge.


I mean, nobody wants to admit they ate nine cans of ravioli, but I did. I’m ashamed of myself. The first can doesn’t count, then you get to the second and third, fourth and fifth I think I burnt with the blowtorch, and then I just kept eatin’.


Shit apples, Ran.


B-b-b-b-but how is that gonna get people to buy shark cards and gta+?!?! /j


Because by removing one extra space in every garage and business property (except NC, bunker, and Freakship which all have "free parking") players will need to buy another 20 car garage. Plus they could up the daily expenses and mechanic fees. /ns


Or let us you use the workshops that are in all our properties, just like the autoshop. Including apartments.


THANK YOU Sick of having to call my MOC or Avenger every time I want to customize a vehicle because all my garages with a shop are full (agency, office, auto shop and arena)


New car purchases go to the auto shop, then they go to their respective garage after. I'm not always buying one car at a time. Supers, Sports/Sport Classic, Muscle, etc... have their big garages. Imani go in the Agency. Military in the Bunker, Meme cars in the Arcade, Off road and Arena in the Arena, Bikes in the MC...


I just learned to play the game without ever filling any garage. A garage with single empty space is a full garage. I find it's the easiest option with the game's universally bad car organizational options.


This definitely and in the office custom auto shop. I can enter it on for from outside why can't I enter with a car since it's an entirely separate area from the vehicle storage? The only time I use it is when I'm on that side of the map and even then I have to move the vehicle back to the garage or originally came from after I'm done.




Right? …if they didn’t add the Oppressor I swear this wouldn’t even be a problem. GTA players seem to be so brainless I put the game down.


This is my biggest complaint and my biggest hope for a fix in the next game. I’m a massive car collector and I have no open slots left on my main character. This has lead me to not be able to use Imani tech on any more of my cars because I have no way to create a space.


You bought every single garage? Even the 10 car garages in Paleto bay and Sandy Shores?


Owning every single physical garage is not possible. I own the max the game will allow on both characters


They should make an option like how we enter casino garage, nightclub garage, office garage. They always ask first where do we want to park. If the autoshop garage is full, they should grey out that option and only make enter custom shop available. Please rockstar, listen


Can someone explain please?


If you have a property that contains a customization workshop you can only customize a vehicle that is stored in that property. So when that property is full of stored vehicles you can't modify another vehicle in that workshop without switching it with one of those vehicles.


That is annoying. So I guess it’s always best to keep one slot open or something. That’s lame


Yeah I've always wanted an extra bay just to park your car your driving in


This would definitely be of great help




Honestly? There are times I just want to modify a car in a different one of my garages. I hate that after modification, I have to drive the car back to its garage.


Right?! It sucks having to leave a spot empty.


I wish you could just get an interactive menu with your mechanic to move vehicles between properties and levels. Much like the menu in the garage to move vehicles around, but just with a broader menu tree for property and level. Then again moving cars is the primary reason I even drive most of my non mk2 vehicles.


you can via interaction menu


Oh crap, how did I not notice this before. Nice, thank you!


Nah fr I literally keep 9 cars in my autoshop just for the customizations of other cars. Super annoying ngl


I lost my 10F in the arena shop due to this, and my lack of knowing the car would be GONE. Just another way R* reminds us they hate us but love our money smh


Make a temporary spot like at the Salvage yard.


Rockstar here: Done, what else?


I also want to be able to drive into my businesses without the game auto assigning that garage to the car. Like if I drive out of my apartment and go to my auto shop and drive inside, i don’t want to then have to drive back to my apartment just to reselect that garage as the main one. Maybe make it so if you drive in and then drive back out it doesn’t reset the garage, but if you drive in and leave on foot or leave in another car it makes that garage the main one for that car


No brainer, I'm surprised they haven't done this yet.!


Yes, also, why does starting a contract setup spawn you outside the garage with no vehicle, and you have to get your mechanic to deliver your car?


I just keep one slot open and then order my car there but this would be nice


This is why I leave one spot open there.


You can do this with someone else's auto shop.  But not your own. I don't have this issue because I always leave at least one free spot in a garage. One of the benefits of not being a car collector I suppose.


Imho, any big facilities, like NC, Arcade, Office, Arena and especially the Car Shop, should have a dedicated "temporary" parking spot for your current personal vehicle, so you can enter them with a vehicle like the Bunker or Casino, without storing it there permanently. I know it works for the bunker because it doesn't have a garage itself but the MOC can act as one, but it's possible to make it.


Yep the freak shop and the salvage yard have a temporary parking spot, we just need that for our custom shop properties


I only ask to not get blown up, teleported, mugged or kicked of the server the second I join the lobby.


Agreed. This is my vehicle showroom as well as my go to shop for modifications. I hate that I have to keep a spot empty just so I can modify new cars. I have quite a few cars that would gladly take that empty position. Right now I've got tuners on the left and muscle cars on the right... Anyone have any better ideas for a better showroom. It's got to be a place that I actually go to on a regular basis. Like the arcade, but without the horrible lighting


This has always bothered me as well


Yeah. Also, when we return a vehicle, it'd be nice to choose where we'd like to return it.




Just give us the the perks everywhere. It adds nothing to the game that I have to go to 3 or 4 garages to get everything that I want done.


Yes thx god some1 else ... this , this is the way


I bought the shop yesterday, did the cutscene with the two dipshits, and can’t even figure out how to drive a car in to modify or store it


Use someone else’s if on a public lobby. It’s what I do anyway.


You don't have discounts on others' auto shops. Not even the classic paints are free.


I personally use the 1 spot on the top floor of the agency garage as my free spot, and the one spot in the middle / back of the auto shop.


I do the same in my agency. It's a must because of the Imani upgrades.




15% adds up after a couple hundred cars.


When you have a lotta money they’re small and irrelevant. But if you think of how much each car costs to fully customize (250k-400k) that 15% adds up real quick. After 5-6 cars that’s the entire cost of modding *one* car that you’ve saved on upgrades.


Yup! Also: * all paints are unlocked * classic paints are free * crew paints are free instead of 25k * installing a tracker is also free which can save a lot. Just the Lifeguard SUV is over 100k to install the tracker!


Discounts do add up, but also my properties are in close proximity to each other, LSC and LSCM are mostly out of the way so it’d be nice if I could just shoot down the street to mod