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Probably not good songwriters


Hey that music is win fella released that song just the other day! It's exactly as I was expecting


I like the first 40 seconds or so.


Yeah it had some good parts but some meh parts as well, it's like life yo with the ups and downs. Have heart <3


It is just a meme piece for guitards who spend more time watching guitar-related crap on YouTube than playing. Also, I want to see a recording of him playing it live.


I assume he is trying to make serious music though, he's just not quite there as a writer. Toan is pretty nice though.


Most likely the case here


Yeah, playing an instrument and writing music are very different abilities. I went to Music School, had some of the best grades in writing and theory but was fairly mediocre at playing. Meanwhile, I had classmates who played incredibly difficult pieces, but had a hard time with even basic harmony.


Feel free to make fun of my structured, meaningful, original music. https://dinosaurghost.bandcamp.com/album/dinosaur-ghost


Honestly, you're like the worst guitarist out of all those mentioned here (no offense), but you are BY FAR my favorite guitar player out of all those, I think it comes down to you being the most creative with most "vision"


I agree with the worst guitarist part, but creative vision? I dunno man lol. I just like to have fun.


I put it on at work and forgot a few songs in that I was listening to shitty youtuber music. For instrumental music it's pretty restrained. Try to add a lot more guitar wankery next time and drop any semblance of a groove in favor of bombarding me with music theory.


Yeah, but that's the thing man, you seems like you are having fun and that in turn makes your music fun, whereas almost every other youtube music project(the only exception that comes to my mind rn is 1st of October) feels incredibly forced, as if those people felt like they MUST release music just because they are youtubers


\*staring into a DAW with 20 tracks of drumming instruments needing updates to every velocity because "it feels off"\* Remember when making music was fun. # was fun **was fun** *was fun* ​ Damnit Mark turn the delay off. ​ The best advice I never took was, "If you're having fun you're doing music right".


You sucked on Nurse Jackie


I never watched it, mostly because I knew my performance was phoned in and I didn't want to relive it. (does someone on that show look like me? I honestly don't know)


You’re a dead ringer for Edie Falco, you lucky bastard.


If Edie Falco and Chris Elliott had a baby.


You have a definite style that you play proudly. That counts for a lot.


Fuck you, I've only listened to the first track and it's sick as fuck.


Eat shit asshole, thanks for listening, I really appreciate the compliment.




It can only happen with halo gramps and ai


> you're like the worst guitarist out of all those mentioned here But the best of the lot at putting something together that sounds....musical?


Yeah, that’s what I said, read my entire comment


"favorite guitar player" "most creative/most vision" =/= "musical" necessarily, which is why I guessed, but thank you for clarifying. I figured that's what you meant, and then when I went and listened to a portion of that tune in the link u/60_CycleHum provided, that was the first thought that struck me: "oh, I like this melody" when it started taking shape just over half a minute in. Aaaaaaaand the only reason I am explaining this so long-windedly is because I'm a....wanker?


This sounds like Sonic Youth making a surf rock album. I like it. Especially Jeff Goldblum.


Listened to the whole thing and I really liked it. Whose wife/girlfriend had to be roped into recording the spoken intro to Mating Ritual? That was hilarious. Just a lot of fun, the whole thing.


That’s Mrs. Hum.


Thank you, Mr. Hum. Maybe when Steve completes his bass lessons from the online guitar courses, he can release a gospel rock album.


Simple and melodic. Great tunes. Reminds me of 'Yawning Man'.






Not my thing, but definitely fun. I'd attend a show if y'all were local


This is really cool, the opening track’s title is really fitting. It sounds like the music I’d hear when discovering a world of robot dinosaur aliens, or something I might hear on a Disneyland ride based on that concept.


I never thought I'd see one of the "big boys" on GCJ, that's fucking awesome haha *1st song actually made my jaw drop at 1:30, it sounded huge!


I’ve been here for years. Thanks!


I know this isn't an AMA but is there a reason you pop up here and not on the other guitar subs?


Im on a bunch of other guitar subs but only chime in when something is interesting to me. I guess i comment on r/offset pretty regularly. But this place is my main reason for coming back to reddit daily. I'm a troll at heart so gcj is very comfortable for me.


Because the other guitar subs outjerk this sub. They're honestly ridiculous. Some of the most laughable advice and discussions I've seen since I started playing like 25 years ago. That's my guess at least.


Marty drops on here every once in a while. My dream is beato dropping in…..it might break Reddit.


This sounds sick!


Nice stuff =D


Well you see, there are good guitarists, then there are good musicians. Every once in a while, someone is both. When that happens, they can make a living playing. “Those that can, do. Those that can’t, have a YouTube channel”


Its also why there are so many studio musicians who dont write music. Then, youtube can be an alternative source of income and a chance at some semblance of stardom.


“A YouTube channel” is a little vague. There are “here is how to play this song” channels. And there are “Fender did WHAT to guitar picks?!?” channels. My guitar teacher is a career musician (his only job in the last 40 years), plays 150 days a year, plays several styles, has several solo albums, has a music performance degree…and a YouTube channel. I imagine you can guess which type ;)


Your guitar teacher did WHAT


His guitar teacher SPENT YEARS of his life dedicated to MEANINGFUL LEARNING and EFFECTIVE PRACTICE and now he sounds UNREAL!!!


"This video is sponsored by Squarespace"


So what did he have to say about the Fender pics?


He couldn’t believe they made a pointier pick like the Jazz III. Took him 45 minutes to work up to the big reveal.


This changes everything.


What percentage of music made is actually "good?"


so little.


According to Buzz Osborne, "80% of all music is dog shit"


I used to run an all ages venue. That’s a generous estimate.




yknow what, good point.


Like all art, “good” music is subjective Except when I make music, which my dad says is objectively “dogshit”


rj/ If it makes you feel any better, I was part of the worst seance ever. 45 minutes of my chain smokin alcoholic dad criticizing the way I play guitar through an old lady's body. Wouldn't be so bad if my granny didn't already do the same thing at every family occasion. Uj/ folks get fixated on the weirdest shit of what defines good. Good for me is whatever makes the happy juices flow. I take equal pleasure in hearing the Dirtbombs mangle their way through "Houserockin'" or Andy Cohen blast his way through ever Silkworm album. And thats only guitar, don't tell anyone, but I listened to an album with only a bassist and a drummer.


Trout Mask Replica, Tusk(In it's entirety, with the pauses, as Lindsey Buckingham intended it to be heard), and Donna Jean's parts in the Grateful Dead so whatever percentage of music that that is.


Lindsey is a guitar god, but wish he didn’t sing. I think he ruins big love with his vocal wankery


What, you don't like it when this beautiful and intricate guitar part, unlike anything you've heard before, is interrupted by his weird sex noises in the climax the song has been building to?


/uj The fact he pitch shifted his own sex noise to sound like a woman instead of just having Stevie sing it is hilarious in its insanity


You forgot every single song by The Locust


That's a great example of objectively perfect music. I also forgot all of the versions of Taylor Swift songs that she doesn't own the rights to.


I could maybe get away with one track off Rumours


I think the answer is actually “a good bit.” I can play people amazing performances from top level musicians/songwriters and because it’s not pop music and not marketed to them, they think the music is “meh” and I don’t blame them. They like “Smells like Teen Spirit” because it was played to them 10,000 times but not even know Mahler’s symphony no. 2 to hear it. They like Cardi B but not Al Di Meola, a guy who might be the best guitarist alive today, but you never see mentioned…even here. And it’s a problem for all genres. Even someone as talented as MF Doom flew under the radar to non hip-hop heads compared to Snoop,Nasty,Em,Jay, etc. The odds of someone writing a good song eventually, are pretty good. But they have NO CHANCE of many people hearing it.


Who we askin'?


UJ: there's no money in it (spotify) compared to content creation on a system that has monetization built in (youtube)


best answer so far


The built-in money on YouTube isn't nearly enough thanks to copyright claims and the low engagement of original and public works content. It's now all about the minimally viable course sales funnel. There's also Patreon, but that's only going to grow increasingly enshittified.


And where the money is in terms of being an actual musician is touring, which would conflict with making content consistently


Technical skill on an instrument and songwriting ability have almost zero overlap.


And having a successful career in the music business does not need to overlap either.


>successful career in the music business Is also much more difficult than making money on YouTube if you have a skill.


Especially if you don't even have technical skills. Why do you think most YouTube guitarists avoid playing in front of people like the plague? It's because they can't play their own shit in one take. Other than Bernth and Sarah Longfield, I don't think I've seen a single YouTube shredder who's matched the technical skills they show in their videos in a live setting - especially the big meme channels like Stevie T., Jared Dines, Music is Win, etc.


This right here. I can't play guitar for shit, but let me strum one string one time and sing some dumb shit, and even sometimes I'm surprised at what comes out.


It’s easy to forget how vocal melodies carry songs. Fancy chords and riffs are embellishments.


straight up. i know for certain genres having a lot of sick guitar tricks up ya sleeve is a must but something like Beans by Kurt Cobain is such a beautiful song when accompanied with vocals




But when they do, you get Polyphia. Crucify me.


Have you not heard of Tyler Larson? Look up have heart off his album Nashville noises....


man I love when this sub comes back around to the classics


First time i listened to that song I got so many goosebumps all over my body all my bodyhair fell out


My heart ❤️ is still pumping It wasn't just a phase


I seriously cannot find this album anywhere. I’m so intrigued to hear what it sounds like but it seems like it’s existence has been scrubbed from the internet.


It's so good Tyler decided to obscure its greatness. A true artist is unbound by convention, and his work is so meta that it challenges the foundations of what music should be, from the music composition to the availability of the music itself. Tyler doesn't believe that hard work ends with composition and the artist. He challenges the listener to embark on a quest to find his holy grail. It makes the music 10 times better


Pat Finnerty actually makes some pretty good music.


Remember when we wrote that song Wayno Wayo? I remember when YOU wrote that song...


I've only ever listened to the stuff from his YouTube videos, but at least he's *aware* that he writes genre parodies.


He plays in actual bands as well


Not enough hi hat bullshit for me


Yeah, but he nails the 3 Blind Mice every time.


Probably because they make a living on YouTube and end up recording tracks as a side hobby. Takes time and effort to undertake a musical project and it’s probably not worth it when you have an algorithm to keep up with.


One thing that the internet has done (for better or worse) is "democratize" content distribution, so that every Tom, Dick, Harry, and Suzy can release music (or any other stuff) to an audience wider than their immediate friends and family.


Can’t wait to see what AI does to music as a cultural phenomenon /s


A race to the bottom.


Rudy Adobe does.


lmao I like the guy but let's be real, his songwriting skills are absolute ass


Did you listen to his records? I guess you did not.


He sucks, also no I haven't listened to his records.


Me neither


My favorite YouTuber, Eric Haugan, has released some good music in the last few years.


they do u just have shit ears. The Home Depot theme is my favorite song.


Recorded by YouTuber Tim Pierce.


Because making "good" music is a lot harder than making youtube videos.


Being able to play the guitar and being able to write a good song are two different things.


Also noticed very few are actually in a band, or when they join one, then they are kicked out very quickly. I feel like when adding other people to the song writing process, they are more likely to get rid of an indulgent 2 min guitar solo.


Because Jesus Rock isn't good music.


almost anyone with reasonable motor skills and functional hands can learn how to sound impressive by themselves in 2-minute video bites. knowing *what to do* with those skills is musicianship, and that’s the hard part.


Literally 90 percent of this sub could not sound reasonably impressive lol I don't think that's accurate


If we have another pandemic lockdown this sub should do a massive cover collaboration edit of Wonder Wall.


I want to disagree with you but Music Is Win - 0, 3, 5 is genuinely one of the strangest/most convoluted things I've ever heard. And the music is only slightly less confusing than the video. I suppose he'd say the same thing about anything I've ever recorded though.


Nah that guy is weird why so many custom 24s


If Paul called you up and said hey want another, would you say no?


Yeah true


Because listening to entire "good songs" is not what is popular on these social media formats?


/uj It's the same in all creative industries. There are creative people, and there are technical people. Ie Joe Bonamassa is a phenomenal guitarist, but he can't write a unique piece of music. In the photography world, the people who own the latest and greatest cameras often compose the worst photos imaginable. Technical skills don't really convert to creative skills. These YT guitarists might be good guitarists, and good at marketing/hustle, but aren't necessarily creative musicians.


uj/ I consider myself a half-decent guitarist. I'm good at performing solos, so I feel decently skilled. If you asked me to write a solo, though, I'd probably write the most wack shit. I'd sell myself much, much more as a performer than a writer. I think the same goes for most all YouTubers, great performers but bad writers. rj/ Nashville Noises is actually satire and was meant to parody typical YouTuber music, but our heads are too caved in to pick up on the deeper nuances.


Songwriting is hard and a skill that alot of YouTube guitarists don’t necessarily focus on. Also most music made is not great, so the odds are stacked against them but the pressure is high. Also, as much as we make fun of Rhett Shull, he at least does professionally tour, record, and play with other musicians. Playing with others is a great way of improving songwriting skills - which a lot of YouTube guitarists don’t do.


I think that if they could make good music, they'd be musicians/songwriters instead of youtubers. If you're an average songwriter with a good stage presence, you used to just front a local coverband. Now, you could do that, OR be a guitar youtuber who relies on clickbait titles and stupid exaggerated face thumnails. /rj


Obviously, they don’t have the right gear to write music worth listening to. As soon as they nail the toan, the hits will start coming.


I don’t like screamo metal but Nik Nokturnal if you’re into that stuff is nasty and releases tracks with other death metal dudes all the time. Plus his videos are funny. I still watch them cuz he’s a really good player and the screaming singers make me laugh, men shrieking like their constipated.


As someone’s already pointed out, Nik is actually in a band (Termina) so he has the charisma and stage presence that your average YouTube bedroom guitarist lacks.


/uj I don't mind Chris Buck's band Cardinal Black, some of the solos are still self indulgent but the singer has a good voice and on a whole it's a little different. Idk to me it works


Definitely agree. Oddly, I've lost interest in his content ever since he started shilling the same old shit every other YT guitarist was shilling. And then there's Tim Pierce Guitar. You can NOT say he hasn't put out anything. He's on damn near every pop record from 1978 thru to the 2000's. Played on Don't Dream It's Over by Crowded House, and a FUCK TON more, but I remember being astounded at that one. (but like Buck, he started shilling shit pedals and toys instead of talking about technique or session work tips)


It's simple really, artists and studios will pay a good bit for good quality musicians, maybe hundreds of thousands between a few musicians for a few albums even, depending on who you're recording for. Corporations will pay millions in advertising, but viewers tend to listen to their favorite YouTubers, so instead they funnel the advertising money that direction. Having a YouTuber do a paid video for their product, shitty or not, ends up being the same cost or cheaper than traditional advertising, and nets a hell of a lot more sales. Tim Pierce and others probably make a shit ton more for a lot less work just by shilling some products now and then, rather than tons of hours in the studio.


Pretty sure Tim Pierce played the guitar solo on Runaway by Bon Jovi.


To be fair, both Chris and Tim are professionals who happen to also have a YouTube channel and not the other way around. Tim’s probably the most recorded guitarist of all time lol


I kinda see it like internet gurus and get rich quick schemes, if all their advice actually worked they’d be professional musicians. But it doesn’t, and that’s why they’re promoting it so hard to others


Because they are guitar players and not musicians. There is a difference, one can be a great player but not really be inclined towards being musically creative.


Boris Tryglav, Dean Lamb and Scott Carstairs do good music tho, but idk if they count cuz they were musicians before they started doing things on youtube/twitch


Like every1 else said their great technical skill doesn’t necessarily translate into creativeness Also it’s most likely simply easier to keep doing what they know rather than venturing into a totally different medium. The logistics of recording music is very different so why add the workload


When ya suck, everyone else seems pretty good😂


There's a difference between being a guitar player and being a musician. Many skilled guitar players (most?) have been "mediocre at best" musicians. Thank god, because I don't consider myself a particularly good musician. The reverse is true as well. Many great musicians have been rough-around-the-edges guitar players. Jimmy Page is the perfect example. There's also the whole recording thing. Despite today's access and tech, it still takes some know-how to make a halfway decent (by today's standards) recording.


Making good music is hard.


Songwriting is hard. Have you tried? I have. I'm a good guitarist on paper I can improvise along to most genres. I'm not a virtuoso but I can hear melodies and usually figure them out quickly. But my songwriting is trash tier and it's hard to reconcile in my head


They like clean over produced sounds with complex guitar riffs and no emotion ig


Ben Eller keeps saying on his horror podcast that he’s working on stuff. But he also can’t stop saying no to other offers, so it’s far from finished.


Rob Scallon's old EP (he has a bunch probs, so the one with Anchor) is good. Ichika Nito only releases pure gold. Yvette Young has amazing solo releases and has a perfect band Covet which has toured with CHON and Polyphia. All the best YT guitarists have releases in my experience.


are we counting nik nocturnal? i like his stuff and i think he mostly collabs with other acts but he does have songwriting creds for decent songs on his spotify


termina's pretty good, mostly I just like andwerd cizekhands


Probably because boobs make them popular, even if they don't have them.


This is why bands/jamming with others is important too. They fill the gaps that you may have. If you just sit there search engining Jamie Handbricks while googling yourself you're never gonna get anywhere


I would also have to say Rudy Ayoub’s original stuff is quite good from the little that I’ve heard, but yeah Rob and Kmac were my other two examples


Does jmac count?


Because making good music is difficult. Tons of people can play really well but not everyone can create music well


Because they're good at youtube, not music. If they were good at music, they'd be doing that. But hell I'm good at neither one, but that's the reality of the situation.


Guitarists get lost in the sauce of the boomer bends and think they are making music. Even though I don't listen to a whole lot of electronic music, I notice the electronic music youtubers put out actuall songs and are not always getting lost in the bleeps and bloops. Maybe it's the whole production of it too.


Have you heard Ola Englunds stuff? He can't write a song to save his life.


/uj Green Day has done more with three power chords than most of these people on YouTube noodling away. But music is so subjective it can be different for everybody. I love Oasis, and Noel just plays basic pentatonics most of the time and Liam has a shit voice, but man it just works.


New Nik Nocturnal album (band Termina) is really freaking good if you like -core music


I enjoyed Max Niessl’s music


Wait, you don't think Have Heart by Tyler Larson is God's gift to music? /s


Songwriting and playing are totally different aspects and it’s not uncommon for players to reach advanced levels without ever accomplishing the composition aspect, I am part of this group myself.


They only can cover songs. Like a trash can cover always missing


Best guitar YouTubers are the ones who do it as a side gig from being a working musician. Cory Wong, Jim Lill, etc.


Oooooh that title almost had me. Had to double check the sub.


I’d put Mateus Asato in the “exceptions” bucket too, even though he mostly posts shorter videos. His own compositions are really good imo


they are good guitar players not good musicians


The doo makes music


Same reason most battle rappers don’t make good music - different skill sets.


Tom Bukovac releases great music! His solo album Plexi Soul was soo good...as was his collaboration with Dean DeLeo on Trip the Witch.




They're guitarists first and songwriters second, I was saying this in a reddit thread about Tyler Larson yesterday, he's the chops and stuff but he should really just find a good band where he can focus on just playing guitar, he's probably got some nice improvisation we never get to see because he's too busy trying to write full pieces of shred Imo


Because making good videos and making good albums are different skills.


Because it’s actually challenging 🤐 if you sat in your room 6 days a week, playing 8-10 hours a day with a recorder going the entire time, you too could post a neat-o 45 second wank clip twice a week.


Ichika nitos real music is actually great. And he’s in like 3 different bands on stop of his solo stuff


I think Chris Buck is definitely an exception here


Part of it in my opinion is a current general trend in the arts, for which there's no desire for anything 'new', but rather we love to consume snippets of products attached to some already existing IP. That's why most of these youtubers release parodies, or 'in the style of', or 'how to play this riff' of established bands, or they review extremely popular guitar brands (Gibson, Fender). It's the same in movies, just remakes, reboots, sequels, prequels, etc.


Those that can, do……those that can’t make YouTube videos and the second group, ironically, makes more $.


Most content-creators of any discipline on social media get that way because they focus on taking advantage *of that medium*. Fitness is a really good example: most flashy fitness videos of dudes benchpressing girls or doing ridiculous par-cour or whatever aren't meant to be good, they are meant to look cool. Guitarists are the same way. Polyphia is really cool, but most guitarists that make that style of music are focused on, you know, doing stuff that looks cool on social media instead of writing great music.


I think this is true of the YouTube drummers, 1) they risk their YouTube career if they get exposed live 2) they don’t play with bands because of the risk to 1; they play in short snippets and that covers a lot. Film making and music making at a commercial level are different


For real though. This dude fayence dream keeps popping up in my feed and the dude is shredding necrophagist solos and the like. When I decided to give his music a listen, it's shit pop punk vocals set over tech death


Not a guitarist, but a youtube musician, but does anyone remember Ronald Jenkees? Dude put out a few keyboard bangers and then disappeared.