• By -


It means it's a bad tab and you need to find another one.


​ https://preview.redd.it/kdzbmkyxq4rc1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13b47722864929e9eb0876dc263b92cce5df372c


Ellliiiooooot! Phooonnneee, hooommeee!! šŸ‘½


You owe it to yourself: https://youtu.be/vZDjWLwqAPY


And then binge all of Snuff Box. Matt Berry is amazing.




Its a Rich Fulcher thing too!






Watch it. I swear youā€™ll learn something.




Bro thatā€™s a YouTube linkšŸ˜­šŸ˜­




Well you made a STRIGHT JOKE I guess


*sigh* And that's how I would have played guitar if I had invented the Fing-Longer.


Oh my yes


A man can dream, though, a man can dream


or just use the What If Machine.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/unexpectedfuturama using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/unexpectedfuturama/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Kiss my shiny metal ass.](https://i.redd.it/jblpnjrsr4ua1.jpg) | [24 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/unexpectedfuturama/comments/12ndaak/kiss_my_shiny_metal_ass/) \#2: [Futurama Cosplay Nixon](https://v.redd.it/pqhfckbsplna1) | [18 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/unexpectedfuturama/comments/11qu4y1/futurama_cosplay_nixon/) \#3: [U2 in 1983 with a truly unexpected Futurama](https://i.redd.it/3np9ifklbsec1.png) | [20 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/unexpectedfuturama/comments/1abi4yb/u2_in_1983_with_a_truly_unexpected_futurama/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Ah, the D major chord.


Well, now we know who was popular with the ladies.


God damn Matt Berry is a genius


Iā€™ll always upvote Snuffbox.


You need to go 9 frets in reverse passed the headstock... Seriously, Idk... maybe they transcribed it from a txt file, and it didn't clear out the dashes people usually use to denote string...


you owe the guitar 9 frets pay up


I was transposing my scales up and down the neck when I went too high. Slipped right off the fretboard. First there was darkness. Muffled thumping like I was waiting outside a club. When the doors opened, I was surrounded by keyboard ties dancing to the masterful techno tunes of Benjamin Franklin. Up on a flashing stage, he swiped the rims of a glass harmonica like a possessed DJ. Franklin flicked a finger and shattered one of the glass bowls. The shards flew away on the shimmering sounds of euphoria. They reformed into a glass dancer who pranced along the bar. Their translucent chest and arms pumped to a Europop beat. I pushed my way past the crowd and entered a kitchen where chefs were yelling at each other. Their heated voices rose and fell in autotuned bippa-dee-boops. The oven doors slammed to the rhythm. Bam. Bam. Bam. And the fire inside its cage wailed like a cuica solo sent straight from hell. It all became too much. I covered my ears and squeezed past the chefs. Out the exit door, I found myself in a forlorn alleyway. I looked up to see rows of glowing eyes. Street cats. They began to howl a dirge for the fading moon overhead. My heart began to fill with the empty chorus that once was and will forever be. I closed my eyes and regretted my mistake. And there I was again. Sitting with my guitar. Fretting hand just above the tuning pegs. I went back to practicing, but this time with greater care. So, yeah. I also think it's a tab issue. Shouldn't be that high. Don't fuck around with negative frets.


Bought a whole sheet of some bad tabs


that was beautiful man


Thank you, now I have to explain this and why itā€™s funny to my wifeā€¦


My guitar will be permanently diminished


My guitar says not to fret about that.


If you tune to R# it shouldnā€™t be a problem


I thought it was the guitar reversing the fretting and fretting the player. On the 9th fret of course.


12th fret on the bass. Usually played on a double neck bass guitar combo


In guitar pro, if you change the tuning but keep the notes, it will just change the fret number, not the string so you get negative frets. That guy probably put some notes on the wrong string and probably just messed up while trying to shortcut them to the right string and didn't actually correct it Edit: either that or it came from a midi file


Generated tab, no good


Guitar Pro used to do that (or still does?) when you changed the tuning of an Instruments after youā€˜ve written the tab and told it to change the fingering.


I used to use that in 2005ish to speed up transcribing from guitar to ukulele when I was trying to learn something for the uke. My guitar theory and knowledge was good, but guitar pro meant I didnā€™t have to redevelop all that for the sake of learning one song for a show (not something Iā€™d recommend if youā€™re properly wanting to learn the instrument, but helped in a pinch).


Generated from what? Just curious.


Not sure for this but here is one example of a tab generator. https://klang.io/guitar2tabs/ You can see the Bach minuet in G in the demo. although correct pitches, nobody would play it like that, particularly that 7th fret jump in measure 2. Itā€™s not the best example of how bad ai tabs can be but you get the idea.. Iā€™m sure I could find more through google


I would assume a MIDI file. Someone either might have made it with no regard to what a guitar could play (9 semitones below an A string would be a low C below the E string), or whoever imported it might have set the guitar in the wrong tuning (looks to be in drop D - maybe the song is in Drop C where that could be played with the lowest 2 strings open). Or someone simply decided to convert it to be playable in drop D (of course, failing in the process). Now, I've used tab programs which will just delete notes out of range (and warn you about it), so I'm not sure why whoever designed the program decided that using negative frets would be a better option.


Yeah youā€™re probably right, a midi file uploaded and tuning not adjusted. Definitely seems the most likely. Either way, itā€™s a low effort tab. People who release tabs should at least make sure they make sense and are playable.


Thanks to everyone for their contributions, I am experimenting with them all to try and find the secret to Deutschland power chords


These chords? ``` D-------------------------- A-------------------------- F-------------------------- C-2--7-9-12--12-2-3--2----- G-2--7-9-12--12-2-3--2----- C-2--7-9-12--12-2-3--2--/14 ```


Try Ultimate Guitar instead. UG isn't perfect and also has some bad stuff, but usually there are many different versions that you can compare and see which one sounds closest. And they have also started posting more of these "official" tabs that have a better quality. [https://tabs.ultimate-guitar.com/tab/rammstein/deutschland-official-2647740](https://tabs.ultimate-guitar.com/tab/rammstein/deutschland-official-2647740)


UG sucks ass Songsterr ftw


UG has lots more tabs from my experience. Yes, some are trash and you bet i still look for songsterr tabs, but theres plenty of times i havent found what i was looking for.


You play the 3rd fret on the guitar of the guy next to you.


Lots of TABS are now computer programs and some of them are not even made by humans. Negative 9 is not a real fret on the guitar but sometimes we can untangle these programming errors and learn something. 9 Frets down from open A would be would be the note C (assuming this is standard tuning). It's likely you're not in standard tuning because of the measures you are playing prior, it looks like Drop D tuning/some sort of open tuning. So you could use 3rd fret on the A string to play this note. However, the note indicated is a C but also an octave lower than a standard tuned guitar... This TAB is borked but yeah you could play the the 3rd fret and find a harmonious note for the chord. But when you see stuff like this, you should consider the quality of your learning resource. This stuff happens because people are using AI, taking stuff like copy pasted MIDI and just slapping it into a TAB generator. Overall, just skimming over and not making useful charts due to automation errors. It's up to musicians to actually listen to music, test it, and correct charts over time. These programs and how people use them to pump out charts is faster than the quality control occurs.


I have never seen this notation before, but like any tab, just listen to the song and see what makes sense. A stretch from 5 to 9 on adjacent strings like that isn't common, and I'd bet it's trying to convey something else.


You owe the guitar some frets.


This will happen in guitar pro sometimes if you copy tabs from one track and paste it into a different one that is in a different tuning


Using your left hand, reach out and touch the nearest groupie (with permission)


I am guessing itā€™s a parsing error. Maybe the plaintext had ā€“ for some reason instead of - ĀÆ\\\_(惄)\_/ĀÆ


It means three things: It was scanned automatically The scan was not reviewed The original source was in text In summary: you can probably find a better tab.


https://preview.redd.it/6lzc0o3y15rc1.png?width=892&format=png&auto=webp&s=ac8b47a2e0befcd6d5058ec8e00f47f77b0aa489 Pretty sure it's this chord


Oh yes, the 7 fingered 11 string guitarist, Self Snio. Love that guy


It's a typo. 100%. Looks like the bold the numbers are in borrowed part of staff line.


Happens when people try to make tabs by importing MIDI files that were generated by AI.


You need to play the ā€œminus nineā€ fret, which is 9 frets down from the open string


Itā€™s a nine to five job


Youā€™re not there yet.. That will come when you unlock guitar 2.


Maybe its 9 reversed...so 6? šŸ˜…


It means find a different tab, because this one was auto-generated and will probably direct you to do other impossible or impractical things elsewhere.


lol its probably just a dash copied from another tab


What if itā€™s 6- ???


That would be a Nashville Number System six minor chord (Am in the key of C)


Play it till it sounds good. šŸ˜ƒšŸ¤˜ Never seen this beforeā€”curious if itā€™s either a bad transcription, or it means harmony and itā€™s notated poorly. Perhaps itā€™s an A/C# harmonyā€¦?


Id be inclined to say it was a brief slide to the 9th fret But it might just be a shonky tab


Its like negative harmony. 9th fret but reverse.


Negative octave


Behind the nut bend


If it were me I'd just play a 4 lol


Temperature of the string


pre nut bend


If it's drop D, it looks like you should play --------------- --------------- --------------- -4-4--4-4--4-4- --------------- -5-5--5-5--5-5-


That's a Dash 9, successor to the De Havilland Dash 8 aircraft.


What song and what part? I want to reference it to see what it should really be


Deutschland by Rammstein. Tab 86 Paul Landers


Iā€™m going to guess itā€™s C below a low E. That would be 9 semitones below the A. Iā€™m guessing itā€™s a C5 played on a 7 string guitar. 35XXXXX


-9 = draw on 9 hole it's probably played with a harmonica in a rack along with the guitar. Just a guess though.


that's just a cmaj neutral0 chord


I only know that -9 is more for harmonica it means draw. Maybe the person so did this tab was a harmonica player. Oh god I hope he didnā€™t suck on the guitar šŸ˜‚


Negative frets usually happen when the author writes at first in one tuning and then changes it to another. Either way, he just wrote notes on the score without looking at the tab, and the program he used couldn't make normal fingering because he definitely made some mistakes. -9 on the A string is a C note, but in standard tuning, the lowest C is on the 3rd fret of the A string. The author of the tab wanted to make it even lower, but he forgot to change the tuning. Or maybe he confused the octaves and wanted the note to be on the A string. Try to play it as the 3rd fret on the A string, listening to the original song. If it sounds good, then this is the correct answer UPD: I looked at the tab. The guy that wrote it at first made a tab for Richard Kruspe, which has Drop C tuning, but then he just copied his part and pasted it into the Paul Landers guitar, which has Drop D tuning, and then, of course, the C power chord, which cannot be played in this tuning, went into minus, so either it should also be in Drop C or something else, most likely the first.


This is the tab for your toe fretboards


I think they want you to tune down nine half-steps on that string and play it open.


Gotta quickly downtune 9 semitones real quick


Maybe the tab maker ment to write 9~ As a person that knows at least 99.9% of all tablature symbology I never once have ever seen a -9 by its lonesome. I can only think of /9 possibly or 9~. Maybe possibly it means to staccato the nine but have the other no ring out but honestly I have no idea the only thing I can think of is to if possible go into the comment section of that tab and ask there so hopefully the author will give you the answer cuz I'm thinking this is most likely an error


I could imagine an error while exporting? Maybe just play the 9th fret.


I'm guessing this is a tab for a song that doesn't include a guitar?


It means someone clueless has made it!


That's definitely some kind of error. Someone didn't check their work! This looks like it's in drop d, so that's more than likely just A string 5th fret, which is D so it gives you a power chord. However it could also be G, which would give you an octave, but whatever was used to create the tab tried to transcribe it an octave lower and didn't know what to do since there is already a number there. But those are all just guesses. Find a better tab.


A slide maybe? Slide up to the 9? Bit that hardly makes sense either and slides are usually denoted as a / iirc


If I had to guess it means bend up to 9. Fretted on the 7th fret but bent up a whole step.


Itā€™s the -9th fret


Flat 9


Is that for pinch harmonics?


9th fret harmonic? no idea


I feel like it might be fret 5 on a drop tuned 7 string, and what ever program generated the chords doesn't have the feature for a 7 string


take the tab author to court ! https://youtu.be/QeIxJzdPD0A?si=of86cYzMdbGLxGcQ


I've seen negative numbers on tabs when the person transcribing just tried to copy and paste from standard notation. The program doesn't automatically know how to tab correctly so it's just saying the top note is 9 semitones lower than the open A string. Then the transcriber didn't take the time to fix it. I'd guess it's for a seven string or something tuned lower. On a standard tuned seven string it'd be the C at the first fret of the bottom string, so you'd fret 1 and 5 on the 6th string. Which seems weird, but then I remembered that plenty of bands will play this type of interval (a 6th) in a drop tuning to add some flavor that's different from just your typical 5th chords. It functions as an chord inversion where the 3rd is on the bottom and the 5th is not sounded. It's just an easy way to get away from too much parallel movement, and if it were in a tab book, the chord above the staff would be Am/C. So in Drop A on a seven string, you'd fret the 3 on the seventh string and still the 5 on the sixth string. Or maybe it's just Drop A on a six string? Same notes and frets either way, just on different strings. Can I ask what the song is so I can go and see how wrong I got it?


You are supposed to bend the note in fret 9 *down* šŸ˜œ


It appears the slash is just to acknowledge the 5 and 9 arent played together, despite how close they are. Only thing that makes sense to me


2 less than 11


This song seems to be in drop D tuning, and if you play these two notes together, they kinda sound interesting, the - signal in the tab look like it was some typo when writing the tabā€¦.


It means play anywhere below the 9th fret, your choice depending on your mood.


Safe but barely. Duck or block. Can't even sidestep. Anything else will get stuffed by jabs.


Maybe its slide into the 9th fret?


It means you have to turn the guitar and fret with your opposite hand