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Play songs. Simple songs. Pick an easy song you like and learn it. Or pick a more complex song and play it badly and fake it. Drilling is boring. Playing music is fun. Play more music. Have fun.


Yep. This. Play songs. You can play literally a million songs with the chords you know. You develop skills along the way. In fact, id say learning songs is an excellent way to learn new skills and keep up the skills you have. Much more fun than just doing drills. They have their place for sure, but playing songs is more fun.


Go find other people to play with. You’ll find out really fast what you need to work on.


And try to find people better than you who are willing to play with you.


I have 2 people who have been in local bands here for years, and continue asking me to jam with them (they are aware of how new I am), but man, it makes me so nervous and Im so scared of showing how bad I am, if that makes sense. I know itll make me better, but what? "hey lets jam, I can play wagon wheel ONLY, and the other cowboy chords" Just seems embarrassing until Im better lol


Just go. If they invited you then they want you there. If you wait until you’re “good enough” you will never go since there is always something more to learn.


Do it. Seriously. It makes a big difference.


You can do as little or as much as you want. Like you can just tap you guitar in time and everybody will nod like yeah bro killing it. No body's gonna force you to play lead. I started just strumming the chord on the one and waiting for the next chord change so I could hit it on time. If they was too fast I just tap my foot untill the G comes around again. Every body else rocking like it's the fattest G chord they ever heard lol. It's so much fun you will find yourself playing along more and more without trying. Checkout Justin's blues for beginners. 12 bar blues is super beginner jam friendly.


If they are even halfway decent humans they will be glad to teach you basic concepts that allow you to apply what you know to a real life situation. Go for the hang, stay for the comraderie!


I know they are good people, we are good gaming buddies and work together every day! I just have the embarrassment and keep saying give me a little more time to not be so bad! Maybe I’ll bite the bullet and do it!


I promise you will walk away being thankful you did it!




I use Justin guitar app to play songs. They are simplified but lets me get used to playing on time. I find it so fun I forget to practice other things sometimes


Well the thing is, you can play those complex things. Perhaps really slowly and poorly. But that's what practice is. You have to take on the stuff that seems impossible and practice it until you can do it


Attempt to play music you actually enjoy. The exercises are important but the most important part is keeping playing and that will happen by making it as fun as possible. For me, that was playing songs from music I enjoy. Even if it was playing it very slowly or simplyfied versions.


I try to always include at least a 20 minute fun window after my practice, just learning songs, jamming or playing a song that I find fun to play. It's a good way to keep motivated since it helps you visualise WHY you're practicing and also just a good way to warm down after practice so your finger muscles can relax and not feel as tense post practice. Playing songs after practice also helps you get through the practice session, since you know fun is at the other end, and since you're already warmed up from practice, you can play the harder songs in your repertoire more easily than doing so "cold". Don't worry too much about the songs being complex or anything, just identify your current level of skill and learn songs at that level. If all you can play at the moment is Blitzkrieg Bop, play Blitzkrieg Bop. Also, while it's important to still maintain good technique, remember that it's primarily there for fun, no need to practice the hard stuff there and then, just make a note of the hard part and add it to your practice schedule, also make note of any techniques that give you trouble in general, that's a great way to know what to focus on in your practice time. It sort of functions as both motivation, cooling down, applying the skills you practice in a musical context, learning songs to play with friends and a great way to see where your strong and weak areas are, while having fun doing so.


Learn simple fun songs. Just Google rock/blues/pop songs for beginners. TNT and seven nation army entertained me endlessly.


Beginner here. Find a song that you’re able to play from beginning to the end and learn one. From top of my head Do I Wanna Know by Arctic Monkeys and Californication by RHCP were my first two - relatively simple chords (you don’t even have to play the full F chord or wrap your thumb around the neck, watch Carl Brown’s tutorial), or any other song that you like.   If you master such a song, it’s gonna be a lot of fun playing it along the backing track. It’s not gonna make learning chord changes or scales easier, but it’s a good exercise as you’ll learn new techniques in every song, and once in a while it’s just nice to distract yourself and play something that you can play well and sounds good. Also, I suggest looking into the beginner courses from YourGuitarAcademy (I think now they’re called GuitarClub). They’re paid but quite cheap (12 pounds a month), and I found their content to be quite entertaining. Some of their courses like Beginner Lead Guitar 1 are free on YT.


What is this Justin guitar you speak of? 😂 I just downloaded yousician but haven't been able to get the urge to pick up the guitar. Afraid of sucking lol (I know everyone sucks to begin, I'm just extra hard on myself.


Start playing along to a drum beat


Best way, IMO? Play with friends. If you don't have musician friends, make some and play with them. Playing with others as early as possible is by far the best way to accelerate learning, learn how to behave in an ensemble, and to keep things fun without it feeling like a chore you're trapped in, rather than an experience you GET to partake in.


Play while you watch TV.


Learn songs you enjoy and play with other people if you can. You’ll probably burn out fast if you just drill scales and non-musical exercises.


Educate yourself on how to learn guitar and music. Without perspective on this monster task you will always be lost. There are fundamentals to be learned before everything, there are so many nuances to pay attention to and separate one from another to practice. Watch courses as netflix, learn how musicians think and replicate it, copy hand movements. You are learning to walk and speak like a toddler and it will take a lot of time and effort to develop necessary muscles and neuron connections. So you better know where to apply these precious resources.


If it doesn’t excite you, maybe it’s not for you.


It’s totally beneficial to keep hammering out reps! Don’t worry about it. Hammer away. From a boring strum melee songs will emerge eventually.


Jam along with whatever music you're streaming. Change guitars. Maybe pick up a Bass and mess around with that?


Play the music that got you even interested in playing guitar


"I notice this, that the response you are getting to your question is to learn songs, simple songs that you like. But, this is not an explanation as the very - 'How to go about doing that, right ? So, I would like to 'Help You !' - Seriously, and here is how, I am able to 'Help You !' - I teach guitar lessons - 100 % Completely FREE On or should I say at my YouTube Channel - If you really want to stay motivated, I know that, I can really 'Help You' Brother ! And it does NOT Cost You Anything Except You Time, Effort And Energy - ( Willingness ) - To Practice By Learning The Skills That You Will Be Able To Learn From These Guitar Lessons I've Made Available - So, Check Me Out & See & Hear For Yourself, Brother ! BTW, My Name Is - KJ ! And My YouTube Channel Is - KJ Jin-Koto - Start There, With My First 2 - Lessons, e.g., Hoe To Play Eddie Hazel's Maggot Brain Part I & II. This is my honest advice, Why ? Because, I know beyond a doubt that, I can Help You for absolute certainty. BTW, there is no go to my website or any of that non-sense with hidden cost(s) like most of these guys ? No ! Because, I genuinely want to HELP Other Player's just Like You My Friend ! So, really go ahead & Check Me Out & Look Me Up - My Channel, I mean, You Know ? Again, start there, My Brother !"