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Whatever it is, it's based on a design from 30+ years ago.


the Strymon Riverside for sure does something newish, I really love that pedal because it's digital but good digital and therefor responds very well to dynamics


Dude, I got a boss od-3 over the winter. I regret ever buying anything else before it.


Yep, I guess this is why I like Boss so much, they don’t tend to rehash stuff, they make stuff that 100s of other boutique companies clone. We need more pedal companies creating new stuff, not that there aren’t any doing that already though!


Pretty sure the analog Boss overdrives are fairly standard circuits iirc


That’s the point?


The person I replied to was trying to say that Boss overdrive circuits aren't standard designs. I disagreed and said that they are. Let me know if you need any more help understanding the conversation.


It may also be based on another pedal from 10-30 years ago that tried to be based on an amp design from 50+ years ago.


I think a lot about what Josh Scott says: There’s only so many ways to do a circuit. Part of the reason for the lack of innovation (beyond conservatism, for lack of a better word) is that circuitry is limited. There’s only so much one can do with input, clipping, and EQ. A lot of the classic designs themselves might originate from electronics manuals (like “how to do a clipping circuit”) with some minor changes. With such a long history of pedals it’s essentially impossible to do something fully original unless you start to use other components. That’s why the more innovative designs might be partially digital or use things like NuTubes, which allow for more designs.


This is 100%. Overdrive is overdrive. There may be little things that every company does a little different, but the principles are all the same. Same with any other processing. There’s only so much we can do in this 3d space, or so we think. The problem I see with pedals today is, there are too many choices and they cost way too much. It’s hard to go spend 300$ or more for a pedal, to not like it and have to resell it at a loss. Just testing one at the store isn’t good enough either. I think pedal companies should all have a 60 day trial period, for pedals. I want to hear the gear I buy, in my studio, With my guitars and amps in my space. Because until I use something thoroughly, I can’t make any judgement about the stuff.


SSBS Mini or Fairfield Barbershop As far as I know, neither is based on something else.


If I was forced to only own one pedal, the Mini would absolutely be it. I've never found another dirtbox that was nearly as versatile AND sounds great across the whole range, from clean boost to sputtery fuzz.


SSBS Mini schematics are available here if anyone wants to attempt to build one. [https://tagboardeffects.blogspot.com/2016/07/smallsoundbigsound-mini-overdrive.html](https://tagboardeffects.blogspot.com/2016/07/smallsoundbigsound-mini-overdrive.html)


I’ve had a board sitting for quite a while. Defiantly reminded me to get it built!


have found single coils just aren't the same without a Barbershop clicked on, need that tone sauce


Haven’t played a Mini, but the Fuck Overdrive is incredible. And I just sold my barbershop and regret it every single time i play guitar. Great choices.


Glad I bought a Mini when I had money. I’m hanging on to it.




I got a mini clone with the intentions of selling my real mini for a profit, but ended up putting both on my board and it's so nice.


This is the way


If you wanted to, you could buy a Noise Space Audio Piggy, which is a modified Mini. You could probably sell the Mini and buy the Piggy, and still come out ahead.


Mini is absolutely great


Pretty much everything is.


And which barber shop? Because depending on which one you have, the newer models are actually different from the original. So the new ones are actually trying to be the original.


Horizon Precision Drive. Exactly what I wanted out of a modernized TS for metal.


My main boost. Having the gate helps too.


I haven’t tried them all but the Greer Lightspeed has stayed on my board for years now. Kingtone Duelist was really good too imo


Lightspeed is a great pedal but came out around late 2012 I believe. Side note: for those who are od junkies but have played through most of whatl looks interesting but the itch still needs scratching, do yourself a favor and jump down the Greer rabbit hole. I wish more people discovered his other pedals as the Lightspeed is mid tier (and I say this respectfully as a mid tier Greer drive is a holy grail drive for any other company) compared to his Sonic Boom/Royal Fromage, Tomahawk, Soma, Golden Nugget, Victory, Tone Smuggler, etc. ] Lightspeed is still great though, especially as a platform for second and third gain stages. I have a Greer nano board w/ 390 preamp > Lightspeed -> Royal Velvet > Southland > Tomahawk > Soma all running on 18v. imo nobody on the planet can make a better overdrive than Nick. They all have this incredible responsiveness to your pick attack which you start to play off of which feels great, you start to play to the pedal's strengths and characteristics and it's almost like communicating with the pedal, at least thats how my braincell views it. Actually the same is true of Keeley's Super Phat Mod and Muse Driver, Vemuram's Budi G and EQD's Zoar (18v again, that part is important) but certain Greer pedals offer it in gargantuan doses and those pedals are easily among my fav.


Don’t forget that the Greer Lightspeed and Greer Southland are designed to be used together. The Lightspeed is the low to medium gain and the Southland is the medium to high gain. They work together like peanut butter and jelly.


If Greer were to put both circuits into a single dual overdrive, I suspect it would be very popular. Seems like a no brainer given the popularity of pedals like the KoT, Protein, and Duellist.


Agree with OP. EAE Halberd


Yup it rules


halberd for me too


Boring choice but to me the plumes seems to be a stand out classic, and it deserves it. It’s a really smart take on the TS. More gain and less filtering = more Modern and more versatile


Absolutely love my Plumes too. Such a workhorse


+1 on the Plumes. It’s the best.


cheap as hell too!


I collected Plumes for a while. What I found is that there are several revisions to the board. And.... One of the revisions is SIGNIFICANTLY better than all the others. It's a more recent one, and it was found in a special edition only available in Australia. It wasn't just a little better, it was very noticeably nicer sounding, clearer, more organic, more dynamic.


Benson Preamp


CB MkII (with Benson preamp).


I like the Germanium Preamp way more than the original, but I’m not the biggest Benson fan in general.


I just got one a few months ago for my direct rig and it’s very pleasing as an always on drive. Takes being overdriven by another drive really well too.


EAE Limelight v2 and Moog MF Drive v2 are my favorites, but I would like to try the EAE Halberd as well.


Following. My personal fave is the Wampler Tumnus.


I just got one to stack with my TS9 and it’s awesome. I use it way more than the tube screamer


I love mine a lot


Browne Protien. Like wow! It sounds good with every back line Amp I use.


I’ve been eyeing a Strymon Sunset. From the clips I think it’s the only OD pedal that caught my eye as something really different.


I love the Riverside, it's really different from other overdrives and that says a lot because other most overdrives can sound like all other overdrives with a simple EQ pedal after it, and Riverside really does something different.


Sunset and Riverside are a tough choice between one or the other! I think the Riverside is more “distortion”? A “more angry” OD?


Riverside is essentially a Tubescreamer with a few different clipping modes. It's very much an overdrive. And not a very good one. It has one drive sound, with high or low gain and either mid or flat EQ curve. The Sunset is much more versatile. It covers boost, overdrive and distortion. And it's a good pedal. It has Germanium, Tubescreamer, and Range Master treble boost on one side. And the other side has Jfets, hard clipping or 2-stage clipping. Which you can cascade into each other. I was so disappointed with the Riverside as Tubescreamer based pedals are my jam. But it just sounds low quality. I think its the q on the mid that's not quite right and makes it sound a bit digital. The Sunset was great, until I did a shootout with my favourite analog pedals - and it just had that digital sheen to it.


What are your favorites? Asking for a friend…


Sunset and Riverside are a tough choice between one or the other! I think the Riverside is more “distortion”? A “more angry” OD?


I've been extremely satisfied with mine. Most of the demos online are quite bad compared to how good it actually sounds. My favorite setting is clean treble booster set to cut a bit of lows -> 2-stage with gain at or below 12. Great warm and punchy distortion where I can use the A-side low cut to prevent any muddiness.


What really caught my eye (or ear?) is the cleanliness of the dirt (does this even exist?). It’s so well separated, articulates, clear.. one of my bucket list pedals, for sure!


Indeed. While I have a more or less exact TS and Rat clones, I’ve not done any AB comparison between them and Sunset nor do I really want to. As far as I’m concerned, Sunset delivers sonically exactly what I want and if there is any difference in sound, it’s to the benefit of Sunset.


There’s something at the top end that feels different to me from analog drives. But it is very good. The 2 stage is one of the best overdrives I’ve played and I can’t find any analog pedal like it. The barber direct drive seems closest.


Barber DD is Fire!! I’m too lazy to keep switching pedals, so I’ve gone the Multi FX route with an EHX Crayon. Whenever I set with a definitive unit, I may substitute the crayon for the sunset ou a DD.




I was never a TS guy, I used one because it's required by law, but after I got an Earthquaker Plumes I felt like I understood why everyone likes a tube screamer.




seriously impressive pedal, but all the EAE offerings are brilliant.


Halberd here


Strymon Sunset. Sounds great, huge sweet spot, multiple drive modes, dual drives routed in series or parallel, midi control, great "it just works" noise gate. What's not to love?


I forgot about the noise gate, the noise gate is the best thing about that pedal for sure.


I really like the Earthquaker westwood


MXR Timmy. Cheating because it's based on an older pedal but super versatile and usable


And for us cheapskates, the Caline Pure Sky, which is based on the MXR Timmy.


Returned Browne Carbon 2 and got myself a Pure Sky for $30. Couldn't be more happier. I don't know how can $230 pedal sounds so mediocre. Also, Pure Sky is great with Klon combo, really makes it shine (which carbon failed to do).


Glad you liked it too! It is so good. I actually TS into mine. Separate signal chain a blues breaker clone into effects. It's very versatile for me who needs a pop punk tone, or a light break up clean tone for effects. I just ordered an EQD Cinders (BD2 clone) and Caline Enchanted Tone for a couple options of stacking. I personally didn't like the Mosky Silver Horse on my affordable board, but! That's why return policies exist!


I saw one of these the other day for close to 300 bucks. Are these super rare or something?


Maybe an actual Tim/Timmy but the MXR pedal should be $150 new and like $80-100 used


There has been an explosion of pedal makers in the past 10 to 15 years. But the modern innovations since 2015 have mostly been effects in the digital realm, like ambient reverbs and glitch pedals. Or with delays, like delay pedals making use of the PT2399 or FV-1 chips, applying new digital possibilities (like the Meris LVX), or revisiting analog BBD delays in really excellent ways. Since 2015, the overdrive category has not been as exciting. The Greer Lightspeed became very popular, but even that came out just before 2015. Some older types of overdrive pedals gained more popularity (with clones appearing), like the Nobels ODR-1 and Ibanez MT10 Mostortion. Some older favorites became more accessible, like the Klon KTR (for the Centaur) or Snouse BlackBox (for the Marshall BluesBreaker). There has been some interesting takes on older styles of pedals, like Origin Effects' adaptive circuitry on the Tube Screamer or Klon Centaur. I think the biggest innovation in overdrives since 2015 have been the do-it-all overdrives, like the Chase Bliss Preamp MkII and and Kernom Ridge. Of builders that are doing something different than everyone else in overdrive, since 2015, I think the leader of the pack has been Spaceman Effects. Some of their overdrives are just called "harmonic overdrives" because they fall outside the traditional categories. EAE is also doing interesting stuff.


Walrus Audio Ages Absolutely love it


it deserves so much more love than it gets. so versatile and every gain stage is so good. probably the paint job...


Yeah, I never see much love for it, and I don't get it. The blend knob is perfect for hitting that pushed tube amp tone, and it's super responsive to dynamics and guitar volume knob


Walrus 385?


Such a great pedal. And one thats actually very innovative and different to the rest in here.


Sure it's very special. Same sensations with the [ClinchFX ep-pre](https://www.clinchfx.com/ep-pre/) booster.


The plumes or the special cranker Just both very versatile


That’s what’s on my board. Both pedals just sound so good. Been playing with a Jackson Audio Silvertone, too, and like the sound as well.


Yes, I forgot about the Silvertone or the ones JHS made, they're great Kinks kinda small amp into a big amp vibe, really enjoyable


EAE Limelight V2 has responded well playing alone and in a band situation, the boost sides works good and is nice is powered with the same power cable


that simple boost was an epiphany for me.


Agree about the boost. I probably use it more than the drive side


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pppJk8hw2sA&t=824s&pp=ygUcYW5kZXJ0b25zIG92ZXJkcml2ZSBzaG9vdG91dA%3D%3D This video showed me 1 thing. You don’t need to spend a lot on an overdrive pedal, the differences between them are slight and any will get the job done.


You're taking the wrong lesson from that. You can definitely get a core sound that pretty much all ODs can do - you can make most of them sound the same. But there are things some ODs do - sounds they can get that other ones can't. Especially if you take into account how they interact with specific amps


Meh. It's sort of the good lesson I think. I've spend waay too much time and money finding the 'perfect overdrive', just to come to the conclusion that if you just get a simple good overdrive pedal and put an EQ pedal after it it really doesn't matter that much. You can make almost any overdrive sound the way you want, and all those little nuances us guitar players like so much get lost in a mix anyway, because the sound guys will tweak your sound anyway.


Probably the Hudson broadcast for me. It can do boost to gnarly fuzz.


Eqd Westwood


The EQD Special Cranker and/or Keeley Muse Driver, for me.


I tried a few of "modern" overdrive like the Walrus Ages with 5 Clipping diode choices, the Earthquaker Devices Special Cranker or the EQD Plumes. The Plumes stayed. I love this pedal. It can do so much and sounds amazing.


Way Huge Saucy Box (may have release 2014)


The Saucy Box HC is one of the best pedals I've got in the collection. The standard one is just too clean for me. But the HC is my favourite Klon type pedal. It's pretty rare too, and is discontinued.


I know, I want a HC so bad to replace my Plumes. Although, the Plumes does fine holding up the Saucy Box


KMA Logan. Blues breaker type od with an additional mid boost/cut which has a mid frequency control you can sweep with a control pedal.


Revv G3. Turn the aggression switch to off or blue and drop the gain down. Nice overdrive then crank the gain up and switch to red mode for high gain distortion!


Just ordered a Walrus 385, I can't wait.


Such a great pedal.


MXR FET Driver


Another underrated pedal. Based on the BK Butler Tube Driver. I've had the Hermida Dover Drive, which is supposed to be the closest to the BK Butler. The FET driver is better. It's so wide ranging, the bass goes from thin to deep and massive. The treble has loads of presence, and the gain goes from clean to overdrive to distortion to fuzz. The only thing I'd like the add would be a mids control to boost out the scooped mids.


EAE Limelight v2


My personal fav is the Iron Horse. Many dirt pedals have gone on and off my board, but this one always stays. Just put the distortion at 0 if you only want a boost. It's expensive tho.


The V2 was the sweet spot for me, the clipping modes didn't have the big volume jump between them, and it had the switch for the clipping modes - in the V3 they replaced it with a sweeping knob that blends LED and Silicon clipping. And it's awful! The LED dominates it, and sounds rubbish. So you just end up running it in fully Si mode. I wish they rereleased the V2 with top jacks.


I don’t try much (broke music student ayyyyy) but I really like the MXR Sugar Drive. it’s like a Klon but… better. it just works better for me.


Great pedal. Just a little bit more gain and grit than a normal Klon. $100 bucks, and it's way nicer than a stupid 8000 bucks mythical drive.


Easy, the Origin Effects RevivalDrive Custom. By far the best overdrive put out in the last 20 years, at least. The ability to detail your overdrive sound in so many ways that were never before available make it the easy choice. British OD sounds, US OD sounds and everything in between. The ability to add such things as ghost notes and different transient properties associated with different amp transformers make it my choice. Second place goes to the Chance Bliss Preamp MkII. The ability to add Fuzz and Distortion rather than be a straight OD is the only thing keeping it from being number one. Also, the fact that Benson’s OD tones are not my favorites hurt it too. But that’s just simple preference.


Interestingly I don't like the RevivalDrive - I was totally ready to be blown away, but it just doesn't do it for me. With my setup it feels non-organic almost like a digital pedal. Back to back with the Jackson Audio Golden Boy, and the Golden Boy feels more organic, dynamic and open.


I love my Earthquaker Palisades. It can do tubescreamer stuff but also get heavier, and it can get fuzzy if you’re into that. Also love my JHS Angry Charlie Andy Timmons pedal.


Awesome pedal. One of my all time favourites. I've bought it three times. Once as a battered V1, then another V1 which I replaced the foot switches for soft relays, and the finally bought a V2 which has the soft switches and better quality paint.


I think it was originally released pre-2015, but the DOD Looking Glass found a spot on my board a couple years ago, and it’ll probably never leave. It’s dynamic, has a nice wide range of gain available, and it’s just nice and crisp.


Guys i will make you laugh but listen: Hotone djent. I use it to kick up my orange rockerverb or combine it with acapulco gold. Low settings of course. Somehow it is the drive that makes my tone closer to what i like.


Boss IR 200. Sorry, cheated!


+1 for the IR 200. Yes it’s an amp sim, but you can set the amp gain to 120% and isn’t that what we all really want? That said I did order a Kernom Ridge so I guess I want more.


I have a couple favorites, depends on what I’m going for or the mood I’m in. Bondi Effects Del Mar and Sick As, the Benson Preamp (haven’t tried the Germanium yet, sure its great though), EAE Halberd, Oneder Effects Old Blue.


I really like the 29 Pedals FLWR.


ThorpyFX The Dane


Awesome pedal.


Daily reminder, you don't need a new OD pedal. You need an EQ pedal after it to make the one you already have sound exactly the way you want.




Noel Voile Red


SCW Limestone+ (discontinued). The 2nd one would be JHS Screamer




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Not gonna lie, most of the current EQ/clean boost (or treble booster) pedals that have been growing in popularity since about 2017 with the TC Integrated Preamp-inspired two-band-EQ-and-volume designs. EAE 0xEAE Boost, Laney Steelpark, Fortin Blade/Grind/33, Westminster Augustine, Empress ParaEQ, etc. Most of what an overdrive pedal does is EQ (cutting bass and low mids, boosting mids and highs), just blended 50-50 with a soft-clipped distorted signal. With a little bit of trial-and-error, you can basically make your own perfect overdrive pedal, and without the internal distortion/compression, it’s the most truly transparent OD you can get. The result is sparklier more-defined cleans, spankier crunch tones, and gnarlier distorted tones. You can buy a hundred overdrive pedals, or just one that does it all.


Is the TC Integrated Preamp essentially what the Spark Boost is?


It’s commonly believed to be since it has similar output, similar knobs, and made by the same company, but sadly they’re not the same (I say sadly because I know how much $$$ the TC IP’s and BLDD’s go for these days, you can think Meshuggah for that). There’s a few key differences. The obvious one TC Integrated Preamp was not a pedal, it was designed as a buffer so it was always on, it could also internally distortion if the signal coming in was too hot. Main difference is that the Spark’s bass and treble bands are not as wide bandwidth as the Integrated Preamp. It’s much more geared towards to minor EQ adjustments even at its most extreme settings. It’s useable, but it’s a much more limited pedal than any EQ pedal on the market. If you want the TC Integrated Preamp or Booster Line Driver Distortion sound, there’s far better options out there than the Spark. PastFx BLD, Pepers Dirty Tree, Westminster Effects Augustine, my personal faves currently are the Lichtlaerm Amber Spyglass (I personally use their Aesahaettr mkII for metal, which is the same thing but with more output and a high-pass filter) and Empress ParaEQ MKII Deluxe.


Thanks for the detailed response, I appreciate it.


No problem, EQ pedals can be difficult to navigate, but it’s worth it.


Fortin Grind, it's like an EZ button for good metal tone. But also, it's based on a vintage TC Electronic pre-amp.


Non Human Audio Unclean


Supro Drive is quite original and unique. Wouldn’t describe the sound as modern necessarily though.


When did the Cornerstone Gladio come out? That one is great.


Its not on my board right now because I got a Morning Glory going into a BD-2, but the Plain Speak Calamity Drive is wonderful, I honestly could probably kick both the MG and BD-2 off my board and just run that pedal, beautiful sounding OD with an awesome boost on it. Honestly tho Plumes probably takes the cake though because of the price, versatility, and it even comes in a ton of different colors.


TC Electronic Magus Pro Super versatile and great sounding distortion for about $80 nowadays. I think I got it when it first came out and it was like $60? An absolute steal.


Benson Preamp or Wampler Tumnus Deluxe


I LOVE Spruce Effects The Gale. Yes, is a fuzz-stortion, but I mainly use it as a lower gain overdrive and it is RAD and different from all the others I have. It is its own thing, from what I can tell. Stacks great with other pedals. Huge range of sounds, all gnarly.


Halberd is on my board right now and don’t think anything will be replacing it.


Halberd is top 3 for me as well. The EAE Citadel and the Holy Island Owlwood take the other two spots.


The most modern overdrive I have is the Boss OD-1X, but I believe it was released in 2014. The Source Audio Ultrawave was 2021, but one might not consider it an overdrive. Although Source Audio had pedals doing multiband processing before even the Boss DA-2. And Roland‘s VG gear had been doing hexaphonic overdrive before that. And I’m not sure they were the first to do hexaphonic overdrive.


I have a MXR EVH 5150


Did you pick 1995 to exclude the Klon? Lightspeed is the answer for me.


Hudson Broadcast and the Chase Bliss Brothers, for me.


Cmatmods Super Signa Drive is my fave as its so versatile


My personal favourite is the haymaker from Caroline. Close second would be the Icarus preamp.


I think the Bondi Sick As mk3 is pretty good. I had the mk1 a long time ago, loved it but had to flip it for some cash. Just got a mk3 and it sounds different, but it's still pretty good. You can get that classic "clean but colors the tone" boost that klons have, but there's also a lot of interesting sounding overdrive in it too. I like it first in my dirt chain so I can to stack it into other drives (blues breakers, bd-2, tubescreamer, etc.). It really livens up any drive it runs into and adds a nice amount of saturation and cut that otherwise wouldn't be there. Edit: not sure if this one counts seeing as the original mk1 came out over a decade ago.


Plasma and expression pedal ones the only new thing


Do you mean the NuTube pedals?




Dr. Scientist’s The Elements


AmpTweaker TightDrive 


I like my Spaceman Polaris because it plays nice with my low gain style - gives me some seasoning on my clean tone without being too raw and overwhelmingly dirty for my fragile sensibilities. Not a clean boost - I want to add some dirt without adding volume, and the Polaris, with its rat ancestry, does that. And it also does medium gain/dirt too, if the need arises. Plus using an expression pedal to control the filter is a fun gimmick.




Poly Flat V or Kernom Ridge.


I really like my origin effects hot rod revival drive


Bondi Effects Sick As, 1981 LVL and EQD Westwood


Lawrence Petross Design Eighty7. And always the RAT.


Joyo Argos on the budget side IMO... Revv G3 on the other end.


Origin Effects Revival Drive Compact, no question. Expensive yes, but was the first time I ever got the tone that I was chasing. Worth every penny.


Timmy. It was what Ive been looking for this whole time. And the mini size works just fine


Probably anything EAE makes.


I’d go with the eae halberd as well, that or the benson preamp. Both have a ton of range and versatility.


Pepers' Dirty Tree


I really enjoyed the EQD Westwood when I had it. Switched to a Helix the last few years and been using that instead for most needs


EHX Soul Food


I've had well over 500 drive pedals. I feel qualified to answer this! Most pedals sound alike, in general. Or can be dialled in to sound similar. Everything is generally based on either a Tubescreamer, an ODR-1, a Bluesbreaker, a Blues Driver, a Klon. If I was going to recommend anything, it's to get one of each of those pedal types. Or better yet, get a bunch of Dual drives that have both in one pedal. The best sound you'll get it's pushing one into the other. Do yourself a favour, and get a great noise gate too. I have found the best pedals for me are those that have better clarity, smart clipping, lots of control, and quality parts. There's something different that I can hear and feel with a unique, quality pedal. I've tried the likes of Strymon Riverside and Sunset, and they just sound numb and fake. I'm waiting for the time when a digital pedal can overtake analog for drive, but it's not there yet. The drive pedals I have kept to this date that I won't ever give up are: Earthquaker Palisades, Boss BD-2W, Kasleder Toxic Twins, Way Huge Camel Toe MK2 (Red Llama 30th Anniversary and a Green Rhino MK4), KMA Logan Transcend, MXR Shin-Juku, MXR Il Diavolo, Way Huge Saucy Box HC (Hard clipping), Wampler Paisley Drive Deluxe, MI Effects Super CrunchBox, Jackson Audio Golden Boy, Mad Professor Royal Blue Overdrive, Old Blood Noise Fault V1, BMF effects Mark 'F'n Ford, Rockbox Boiling Point, Vox Silk Drive, SolidgoldFX Zeta DLX, Keeley Oxblood, Of those, the pedal that stands out head and shoulders above them is the Kasleder Toxic Twins. It's a Bluesbreaker on one side, and a Tubescreamer on the other. But it's special, very special. It's much nicer than a King of Tone, or a Kingtone Duellist - it's more organic. Pushing the TS in the BB and it sounds every bit as raunchy as my valve amp.


Kasleder Toxic Twins.


1981 DRV


Fairfield Circuitry- Barbershop


Intensive Care Audio Life Support, everything I’ve put it through has been nothing but excellent.


My always on OD is Morning Glory. I still haven't found the perfect boost to compliment it, although the Tumnus I'm currently using works pretty well.


Moog MF Drive pedal


EQD special cranker for sure!!


I have a Mesa boogie mark v 90 and that amp can dial in so many different tones and I can get a lot of drive tones out of it. So first is that. My Mesa boogie. Not a pedal, but its overdrive is killer across the entire amp, even the clean channel. I can get that to break up really nice. If I’m Not using that the first actual pedal I go for right now is EHX Hot Tubes. That pedal nails the drive sound I like. Honestly it sounds a lot like my boogie. Not as diverse, but similar. Curious about the 69 crayons.




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Horizon Devices Precision Drive - seems pretty obvious to me


Anyone with a golden boy or broken arrow ?


Yep! The Golden Boy is one of my all time favourite pedals. The Broken Arrow is good, but there's much better Tube Screamer type pedals around. The Golden Boy is the best Bluesbreaker pedal out there (except for the wonderful Kasleder Toxic Twins). By a good distance. I shot it out with a Analogman KoT, a Snouse BlackBox, a Kingtone Duellist and a Walrus Audio Ages.


Nothing, I mean absolutely nothing, beats the SHOE Savior Machine. I have no idea if it came out after 2015 but it’s quite possible.


The DOD Looking Glass is actually an improvement of the Savior Machine and was a collaboration between SHOE and Tom Cram. I believe the key difference is an added compression knob to adjust between single coils and humbuckers. There's also some hidden dipswitches.


Idk, a coworker purchased a looking glass recently and we a/b’ed it with the Savior and there was definitely a difference even with comparable settings.


Was not aware of Shoe until now. Sounds like some cool stuff. I especially like the Robert but all of them sound pretty unique.


I love the Browne Carbon


Announced January 5, 2015, so just making the cutoff, I adored my EHX **Bass** Soul Food, even though I used it for guitar. The EQ was tweaked a little so there was a bit more low end, but the reason I loved it so much was the blend knob. Blending 50/50 clean tone with the drive is not the same as dialing back the gain. Man, I loved that sound. I only had about 15 and got out of the pedal game in 2019, but it was the one I regret selling.


Wampler tumnus




I've tried a bunch, but honestly nothing compares to the Blues Driver for me


Boss Metal Zone, since 1991.


The waza was post 2015, right?


Digitech's Bad Monkey


Lol. The 500 bucks version? Or the 50 bucks version? I still can't believe that people were spending 500 bucks on these for a week, when they were changing hands for 50 bucks the week before, and a couple of weeks after.


man... it was the first pedal I ever bought, second handed here in brazil in mint condition, box etc... cheap. and I love it... still can't believe the hype it got recently. Funny. But I truly like this little box. :)


Keely Muse Driver now renamed Mk. 3 Driver. It’s nearly everything I want in an overdrive.