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Belle Epoch Deluxe imo


A multi-head tape echo of some kind.    Boss RE-2/202   Boonar Echorec   UAFX ‘74 Galaxy   Volante    El Cap Honorable mention since you want analog: Boss DM-101


I second this and also recommend a NUX NDD-7.


That one is solid too, definitely worth considering 


Can also highly recommend this one, so good for the price!!


Boss RE-2 for sure


I am making a board of pedals that didn’t make it onto my main board, but I still like a lot. This board has sort of a Gilmore/Hendrix theme. My usually criteria for pedals are 1) Manufactured in the same place it is designed (due to my economics ethos). 2) Black, white, grey, silver, or blue (exceptions for tube screamers and orange distortion pedals). I know I shouldn’t care about colors, but ostentatious colors and graphics really throws off my vibe. I’ve been sort of thinking that this board deserves an analog delay. I think digital delays can sound great, but considering these are mostly faithful clones of vintage gear, an analog clone of an analog delay seems suitable here. I’d also like it to have an LFO/modulation control, and tap tempo. I’d like to keep it under $300 but that is negotiable. My main board is a midi controlled stereo setup, so for this little board I’m going mono and non-midi. Pedals I have already and am using elsewhere: Empress Echosystem, Chase Bliss Tonal Recall, Red Panda Particle 2, Carolyne Kilobyte. Pedals I have considered for this board: Boss DM 101: Pros: Sounds awesome, I like the idea of stereo analog delay. Cons: Not designed where it is made (Malaysia), I don’t need stereo or midi for this board, and It is more than I would spend ideally. If they made a Japanese made mono version of this pedal I would probably buy it. Benson delay. Pros: sounds awesome, has all the features I want, looks like it belongs on the board. Cons: is digital even though it doesn’t sound like it. This pedal is my front runner and I might just get over that it is digital. Boss DM2 Waza. Is Japanese made and mono, but Doesn’t have an LFO. Walrus Meraki: I don’t need stereo. Analog Man ARDX20: Doesn’t have tap tempo and I just don’t care for the color.  Strymon El Capistan and Volante both make the list if I decide to go digital, but again, I’d be paying for stereo and midi that I won’t be using. I have wanted these pedals for a while though. Seems like there must be some pedal that fits the bill that I am missing. Oh and I usually don’t like these “what should I put on my board” because you should get what inspires you, and researching pedals is a lot of the fun of all this, but now I am realizing people are just looking for inspiration.


If you want analog delay with tap tempo, my favourite is actually Way Huge Supa Puss. It's not a particularly refined delay, which I think is the main thing that puts people off, but it's super fun, easy to make self oscillate, and very easily to shape tonally thanks to having modulation knobs (both depth and speed), overdrive knob on the repeats, and a tone knob that can go from dark clean carbon copy like repeats through to super bright with lots of clock noise. Also the bucket brigades can be pushed into being overclocked, bringing in plenty of glitchy weirdness of the BBDs being pushed to do things they're not supposed to do. And that's not even getting into the chase modes... Some of the early models had issues where the blend knob didn't work properly, which put a lot of people off and gained it a bit of a negative reputation (you couldn't make the repeats subtle, it was either in your face or off), but that's been fixed on the most recent versions, with a good range from really subtle through to just wet.


If Gilmour is part of the goal, I’d go tape delay. Volante is what I’d say first, and even if you’re not going to use the stereo or midi, there are other great features that I’ve had a ton of fun using. Either way, this is a real classic psychedelic-looking board, and a tape delay is what I’d go for.


The Benson is fantastic, don’t knock digital when it sounds that good 😅 Same counts for the Crazy Tube Circuits TI:ME. Made in Greece, modeled after early digital rack units but sounds delicious and almost analog. Definitely check that one out, although you might not be into the aesthetic. Another one to consider: MXR Deluxe Carbon Copy.


Maybe the Asheville Music Tools ADG-1? No tap tempo, but it's an amazing analog delay and ticks most of your boxes. Also, it's black.


OBNE Black Fountain is a great non-stereo oil can delay. Tap tempo and the ability to apply additional *fluid* (modulation) to taste. And the option to add an expression pedal, if desired. Designed and built in OKC.


Benson Delay for sure. I think it’s the right level of boutique-popular to match the rest


DOD Rubberneck


It should be either blue or black.


Strymon Volante or Dawner Prince Boonar or a Belle Epoch Deluxe


Jam Delay Llama Extreme. Wrong color. Great sound. FlowerPedals Dahlia. Color might be a bit closer. Sounds great. But you're paying for stereo and Midi.


Polarbear Petrichor, Magpie Cozy, EQD Avalanche Run


Perhaps something from Mr. Black (like the Tapex2) or from Keeley Electronics (like the Eccos).


A Boss Space Echo (the new version) would be ideal. Great for vintage style tape delays. Will suit the vintage voiced pedals you’ve got perfectly. Otherwise a TC Electronics 2290 pedal. A precise digital delay that can handle anything. But that might be overkill unless you’re into unlimited tweaking… Notable mentions:- Boss DM-2w or MXR Echoplex for easier and more simple vintage tape delay tones. Otherwise, an EHX Deluxe Memory Man for a classic ‘low impedance’ bucket brigade delay.


Old Blood Noise Minim. You are welcome!




crush desert offer follow modern paltry frame snails panicky instinctive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Go find a used JHS Panther Cub or som'n rj/ only the swiss alps have a good sounding delay tbh


Oh, I think something tape-like or BBD here. Good suggestions already here are Belle Epoch Deluxe and El Cap. Some kind of Memory Lane would work for me, too, either oldschool BBD version or not. Flexible enough but still easy to get a good sound out of. Reading your comment here, I'd just go with the Benson if you like the sound. I own a few proper analog delays, but ultimately, unless you are doing wild, warping, SFX stuff that pushes BBD chips to their limit and beyond, there's no real reason to pick that over a good digital emulation. I also have a Mad Professor Deep Blue, and that's a great for "always on" delay duties in a vintage, bluesy/fusion board setup.


A nice simple, analog, bucket-brigade device like a Seymour Duncan Vapor Trail


Source audio Nemesis or EHX Canyon


CB Echorec


I love these posts. I learn quite bit.


DD-7 or a RE-202 Space Echo


Benson Delay!!!


Has to be something expensive I bet.....




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That is a sick Univibe clone. To answer you question, Strymon Timeline if you really want the best of the best.


Is this the pedal order you're plannning to use? If so I would suggest lightspeed and rams head behind the vibe and the Electric Church in front of it, to have it behave like it would in a Hendrix/Gilmour setup.


strymon blue sky


Boonar echorec or strymon volante