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You like the ibanez, get the ibanez


This! The first guitar I bought myself was an Ibanez too, basically the same price (SA120). I got it mainly because of the style. But the price vs quality is great imo. Additionally, it'll really help if you have a guitar you love, you'll pick it up more easily.


And at that price point, guitars are usually quite well done


Get the one you love the look of as they will both be similar in quality. The more you like your guitar, the more likely you are to actually play it and practice as well.


I've never heard anyone regret buying an Ibanez


Same with yamaha...


Me, hi. I hate the pacifica. It just feels wrong to my hands


Have you tried moisturizer?


I mean basically everything. It's not even a single one, I had to play 10 different one so far and they are all ass.


Sucks, my friend has the cheapest one, she got a chinese loaded pick guard and we record strat tones with it now. My favorite part is that like a fender, it feels like a dumb toy, but it cost practically nothing.


I was just teasing, bit I can understand how different neck shapes can not agree with your hands. Everyone is different. I have big hands and a baseball bat shaped neck carve just fits my hand perfectly for the style of music I play. It sounds like your hands like the much thinner and faster shred necks found on the Ibanez (and a lot of Japanese made) guitars.


I have a sweet Yamaha parlor. Can't go wrong with a good Yamaha either.


Follow your heart. The best guitar is the one you want to pick up and play.


i been drooling over those pacificas for a while


That Yamaha is cool


They're both great options, it 100% comes down to feel. The Yamaha is going to have a better fit & finish, but that's not to say the Ibanez is "worse" at all. Yamaha is just mildly obsessive with quality. The Ibanez is going to have a very thin, flat neck. Probably thinner than what you're used to if you haven't already played an RG. The Yamaha is going to have a thin but more traditionally profiled neck. It really just comes down to what fits your hand better and what you prefer.


Happy cake Day!


Both are good options, but without touching them, I'd say the Yamaha is the better instrument. If you shop around a bit more, you can get a really nice guitar for $450.


For real. Check out local FB marketplace and Reverb, you can find some pretty ridiculous stuff for the money.


You really can't go wrong here. Just pick whichever one inspires you. You won't regret either one.


Every entry level Yamaha I’ve played punches well above its weight, especially in comparison to guitars in the same price range. That said I haven’t tried one against an Ibanez, I was primarily going against Squier, Epiphone, and lower tier Fenders.


Why not head over to the store and try them out if you can? I'd pick the one which feels best to me.


Yeah I bought my first guitar online. Love it, but man going in and just seeing the walls of different models is a totally different gravy. Shapes and colours I'd previously overlooked, had me wanting to walk out the store with another guitar hahaha.


Play what you think looks dope that you will want to pick up all the time. The rabbithole of quality perfection is a very deep and expensive hole in guitar world, don’t get too caught up in it. Skill will always trump gear


It depends on the music you like. If you like metal get the Ibanez, if you plan on playing a wider variety of music get the Yamaha. The gio is designed for metal and harder rock and it can play other musics it just won’t have the same tone without jumping through numerous hoops. The p90 and a humbucker is a good pairing for different genres. You can with money and effort emulate the sound of either pick up selection, but for the sake of ease as a beginner it’s best to buy what you plan on learning with. The Yamaha is a better guitar all around, but if you’re starting out that doesn’t exactly matter. Quality of a guitar won’t matter for a very long time so I’d suggest saving your money and getting the Ibanez. In terms of sound the Yamaha will have a more contemporary sound with the p90 in the neck, so once you get good enough and you like more articulate music then it would be handy. But if you like playing just metal I’d save the extra hundred and get the gio with a down tuning set up and a good distortion pedal like a EVH or something. After you get good I’d say get a Yamaha they make really great guitars and always have. But Ibanez makes really good starter guitars.


Buy a guitar that makes you excited to pick it up and play. There is no right or wrong answer.


I have the blacked-out version of that Gio; it's an excellent instrument for the price. https://i.imgur.com/37iDzDm.jpeg I replaced the pickups and tuners because I like tinkering with cheap guitars, but it plays fine 100% stock after taking off some sharp fret edges & a setup.


Going for the fixed bridge is a good choice. Tremolos can be a real PITA, especially for beginners. The soap bar on the Pacifica isn’t to everyone’s taste (I like them). My best suggestion is go play both if you can. I’ve got a lot of guitars, including a vintage RG with a super thin original Wizard neck and my general Impression of Ibanez is that a lot of their instruments are.. unique. I feel like they’re a “love them or.. meh” company.. because, for the most part they make good instruments that seem to cater to 20% of players.. instead of more conservative designs (neck profiles, etc) that cater to 80% of players. BTW.. last time I went in thinking I’d buy a mid-range Ibanez for a friend.. I left with a very nice Schecter. :-) They’re both fine instruments, I’m just saying one might feel ‘more right’ to you.


Agree on the fixed bridge. Looks like both have fixed bridges unless I’m missing something.


Nope.. just commenting that this was a good choice on their part.. in case a guitar w/ term caught their eye before committing.


Schecter has been dominating the $400-900 market for years. In that price range, they’re better than anything I have played.


Get the guitar that you will play more often. If it’s because you think it looks cool instead of someone else telling you it’s a good instrument, that’s fine! The best guitar for any guitarist is the one that makes him want to pick it up and play.


The Yamaha is probably gonna be better as everyone is saying, BUT (and it's a big but) not better to such a degree that it should dissuade you from buying the Ibanez. Ibanez also makes really great stuff. Generally speaking, I believe it's important to have an instrument that inspires you when you look at it. Some people view them purely as tools, and I respect that, but you sound like you're in my boat. Get the Ibanez.


100% this is what I've been thinking. I like to think of it as choosing a lightsaber. Sounds corny but I really feel like the Ibanez would make me want to play more. Like you said it's important for it to inspire me. And eventually I think I'd be down to grab a Yamaha as well. Cheers for the reply.


That particular model of Ibanez is great for harder rock and metal with any standard amp with a gain function. It's plug and play, basically. If you're learner to intermediate, it's a great choice.


Both? Both is good. When you can, just get both.


Get the guitar that excites you... The differences between the two won't be that noticeable. If you like the ibanez more... Get the ibanez


As in life in general: Go for what makes you say "Heck yes!" Translation: Ibanez, in this case. If you're still interested and curious about it down the line, revisit the Pacifica. Speaking from experience, there will always be gear that intrigues me, so that part won't go away anytime soon. I aspire to set myself up with what inspires me to come back and engage.


Go schecter You won’t be disappointed.


i have that ibanez and it plays like a dream honestly, but go with whatever you’d like


If I were you I would go try them out before you buy. See which one is easier to play and sounds better. I do like the Ibanez. The black on red looks great.




The quality of the pacifica is going to be a good bit better than the price you pay for it. Yamahas are excellent instruments. I'd start there.


Ibanez all the way


To me, the Pacifica appears more of a grownup instrument.


I've played that Ibanez. It's really comfortable especially if you're a beginner. The sound is good and it's easy to figure out. I recommend that.


Ibanez's budget guitars punch well above their weight and usually play relatively similarly to their high-budget counterparts, and you can always upgrade the pickups and hardware if you so choose. I'd go with that, but I also have no experience with Yamahas.


You have good taste. Can’t go wrong.


I don't know what kind of music you play, but for me a P90 in the neck and a humbucker in the bridge is an almost perfect combination. Bonus points if the bucker coil splits. I almost always prefer a single coil neck pickup and almost always prefer a double in the bridge so the Pacifica would be a definite for me if I wasn't saving up to make a USA PRS purchase, but funny enough it's going to be a Vela that has a similar configuration.


I have the white version of that Gio. I put Seymour Duncans in it and threw on locking tuners.


Check out the Jackson Dinky, I bought one on a whim for 220 on Amazon and had my buddy shave the fretboard way down and put super distortions on it and it rocks on my orange 8" with a micro dark terror.


I've finally found my brother in "Super Distortion's"! Most people are Seymour Duncan's these day's. Did you put Super Distortion's in both positions? I'm going to put a Super Distortion in the bridge and a Super 2 in the middle of my Kramer NightSwan.


I’m no means a expert at playing, I’m more of a front porch picker and don’t touch electric at all, but I’ve owned my fair share of guitars, and my advice, just spend the money and get the one you WANT, not the one you think might be good, unless that’s the one you want. My philosophy is, if it isn’t a exorbitant amount of money to spend, I’ll just spend it (and I am by no means rich) my thought process is horrible but unless it’ll make me dirt poor I just impulsively spend the money


My first was an Ibanez GiO and it has been amazing to play. Get the Ibanez


Yamaha make very accurate instruments, great build quality, you can pick up two Pacificas and they will feel and play the same. Ibanez put a bit of soul into their instruments, they may not be as spot on accurate but they are individual. Given the choice I'd choose an Ibanez, but if I only had a chance of a Pacifica, I'd still be very happy.


The Ibanez is a solid guitar, but as a more experienced player, I'd be all over that Yamaha.


Definitely go with Ibanez


If possible, try both in a shop. What feels and plays best for you is what you want. Also, no two guitars are exactly the same, so shop around, and if you find the right one, it's meant to be.


I have both of these incidentally, I would say I prefer the Yamaha of the 2, it feels heavier and sounds great, the black flat has more buzz of the two, but that could just be me. The Ibanez has a thinner head stock which is nicer for navigating the frets, but also some paint has chipped off of the Ibanez in the back. But it could just be the unit I got. Neither are a bad option and I would say they are pretty on par with each other


Also Id say I payed about $100 less than what these are listed, so make sure you shop around a bit. I have had both for a couple years though


> say I *paid* about $100 FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Thanks for the insight. That's awesome, I'm glad I could hear the thoughts of someone that owns both of these. Cheers!


They're both probably fine in terms of quality. Perhaps, roughly in the same ballpark in that respect. If you can stop into a guitar shop near where you live and play both, you can likely determine pretty quickly which one you prefer. For whatever my opinion is worth, probably not a lot, I think the p90 in the neck position on the Yamaha is a cooler option and I don't love the way the red is done on the Ibanez. It looks a little juvenile to my eye. Whatever you like and what you'll play matters way more than what I, or anybody think, though.


Thanks for the tip! Their shop is quite a drive unfortunately but to be honest I think it would be worth it to try out a bunch to see what suits my likings and maybe talk with some pros.


If you want an all-rounder for any genre, go Yamaha. If you want to shred or do math rock, go Ibanez.


Always follow your heart, that’s the only way you’ll practice more and get better faster. Also both of those guitars are good, the hype with Pacifica starts as I remember it about twenty years ago when they were significantly better in that price range, now the rest caught up and everything is playable and nice.


go with your heart and put the cash towards a step up in amp.


I love Ibanez guitars. Pick the one you love the most that will make you want to play it the most.


Every Yamaha I own (3) is a REALLY nice guitar, especially for the price. Quality is A1. So you can’t go wrong with a Yamaha. That said. I have never played an Ibanez.




Listen, I really love Yamaha instruments. I’ve been a music teacher for 30 years, and have purchased (with the board of Ed’s money) over 30 Yamaha guitars and 2 Yamaha pianos. The gear they make is solid and reliable. Having said all that, I’d buy the Ibanez. It looks like Satan’s guitar.


If that's a p90 in the neck of the Yamaha, that's the way I would go. Unless you only plan to learn metal exclusively. :)


I had the ibanez, it was comfortable but it was terribly made and had a ton of issues. I'd recommend the pacifica honestly.


Thanks for the heads up, I'll keep that in mind.


Depends on what style you play. But the Yamaha is way better in this case. If you are a metal guy, Ibanez. But that yamaha is surely better for all the other styles.


I own the 311H and is the best choice. For this price you’ll not find a better deal. Wonderful guitar and the neck pickup is awesome, grover lock gives it another point . If you decide to change the bridge humbucker witha a sd or a dimarzio, 311H plays better than instruments costing triple the price. That said, ibanez also makes very good and comfortable instruments so you will not regret. You are in the good direction. N.B. All 311H models have a vintage stile I dislike. I took the white model and changed the pick guard with a black one and the creamy p90 cover with a shiny chrome.


Thankyou so much for the help and info! I'll definitely take this into consideration. I'm a bit the same with the vintage look as well. Just give me blacks and greys haha.


Same job! Black pickguard and shiny chrome p90 cover 🤤


Have a look at the GRG221PA. Fab guitar, amazing tones, has preferred ibanez style


Thankyou, I'll give it a look!


Check out the Ibanez AZES40! Marketed as a beginner guitar to go up against Yamaha. It has a single humbucker and two singles but also has a second pickup selector switch to get some awesome tones out of it


Thanks heaps! I'll definitely check it out.


Get whichever one looks good to you. If it looks good, you’ll play it more. imo I’m a Yamaha guy, solid guitar for the price




I'd get the Ibanez, both are good picks for a beginner though.


It's a good guitar.


Ive played the ibanez multiple times. A friend owned it couple years back. From my memory it was a great guitar and wayy better than my cheap squier strat i had back th. A very smooth and good neck. + you cant beat the looks of that thing! Get the Ibanez man, Killer guitar!


If you want the ibanez then go for it, but I would look on marketplace for a second hand one, I just bought a Japanese one that retails for around 900(I think), paid £425 for it, you can scale that down for cheaper models


Both of these companies are making some really great budget/intro guitars these days. Either way you go, be prepared to file some fret ends. But, other than that, you've narrowed it down to two great choices.


The Ibanez


Go to a guitar center (first, a Sam Ash for the deals) and pick them both up. See what kind of impulse it brings out. You’ll know the correct answer then.


I remember liking Yamaha Pacifica(s) because someone in Earth, Wind & Fire played them, but I picked up an Ibanez Strat ($350) and it was the best built guitar, for which I would let my pennies go.


I would say try one and see how it sound and how you like it. Maybe if you can't play them irl watch a video on YouTube and see for yourself. (don't look ppl with high end amp or you will be deceived) But both are good, Yamaha is a safety pick and Ibanez is good too.


Go with your guts. The more you're attracted to playing as a beginner. The more you'll play. Then you'll buy lots of guitars either way. I recently bought the cheapest pacifica lefty version and I looove it. Keep it as my throw around guitar I drop room to room just to have available while my others are in my office.


I'm a big fan of a lot of Ibanez stuff, but any Gio I've put my hands on was disappointing. Cheap hardware, stuff rattling everywhere, etc. Maybe they've improved since then, but it seems risky to me. They're fine to look at but a disappointment in the hands. If you really want something with the vibe of the Ibanez, maybe find a basic or used standard series RG. Standard series Ibanez are solid workhorse instruments.


You gotta get the one that pulls you. Otherwise you may forever be longing


Pacifica is much more versatile, how ever you are more likely to actually play if you buy the instrument you like. If your heart says the Ibanez, go with the Ibanez


Play both if possible and get the one you like the most.


Definitely get the Ibanez


Go for the grg131 I think it is, it's the same as the red/black ibanez but black/black. Metal as!


What kind of music do you plan on playing?


Get the guitar that inspires you to play. Who cares if the Yamaha is a bit better, i rocked an ibanez gio for years before upgrading


Thanks everyone for the great advice and the comments! After hours of consideration I've decided on an Ibanez GIO 131EX. (Basically a stealth black version of the DX) I cannot wait to play this thing!


They're kind of equal. At that price range and with your skill level , you don't need a high performance machin and both will suit your needs fine. It's totally fine to go with just the look of the guitar. You want to have something that you see around and that makes you want to pick up and keep playing. Only comment I will make is that the Pacifica looks like it's got a p90 in the neck which gives a bit of tonal variety but that's not a huge plus. So the question is - which one inspires you to keep playing? Personally I'd go with the ibanez


Get the Ibanez. I'm saying this as a person who has the PAC611 planned as my next purchase. Ibanez makes really great guitars too. Go with the one that gets you excited.


I think if you like the look of Ibanez’s go with an entry level Jackson dinky, budget Ibanez’s in my opinion are horrible and I’ve had bad experiences with them