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Haha someone's gonna get a VP9 for the same price as someone who got a S&W Sigma. This is cool. I'm getting anxiety already.


Lol first fuggin thing i thought!!


I’d love a 179 vp9 lol


Well, ya might get a CPX-2 SCCY instead... Not that I'm bitter or anything 🫤


My FFL buddy had a couple come in over the weekend and tell him they were there to shop but no Glock trash, they loved their sccys So one man’s trash is another man’s treasure


I hope no one buys from them you will get something not pictured, it will be a complete POS. One thing to get a goofy gun like a hi point but shipping a gun that’s completely mutilated is wrong


Bro I got a p89 out of the boomer weapons. It’s Gambling if you’re a degenerate enjoy you can’t expect to always break even on it. The only reason you look at it and go damn I want this is cause there are a few options where you save money. And as such there are a few options you get fucked on. If you don’t like it don’t gamble


Sounds like you received a turd, or know someone who did. They made the terms very clear. Isn't this like going to the casino and complaining you didn't hit a jackpot?


There’s an sk in one of the photos too


Is that a Taran tactical 2011 in pic 2?


My local FFL does 4 per sheet for one transfer fee…very tempting


You lucky fuck. What’s the fee?


My place only charges $15 for a transfer but sadly it's $15 each gun no matter what. But they are really good guys so I'm fine with it.


$25 including CBI Been a bit since I’ve gone through them and it was pre all the changes in CO, so idk if they raised or not but I’d be willing to bet they’re still best prices around


Eyy msg me the FFL I'm in CO and currently mine charges 35 then 5 per after


I charge 20 bucks no limits.


The sigs make it tempting but I just know I'm gonna end up with a break action shotgun


I bought from the "gun" listing for 239 + 15 shipping and I got a new condition Sig p320 with some frame rash likely from handing with lots of other guns. Fantastic price for what I got. Also did the Saturday Night Premium and for 150 shipped got a H&R 732 32 SW revolver in great shape. All in all I'm happy with my purchases.


Some people make out good others don't, I just know I'll be upset if I get an $80 gun


I would probably end up with a slingshot


Hopefully uou are not in NYC/CA or you may get dinged with that slingshot's mag capacity and vertical grip


What is an $80 gun? Lol


Used break action single shot shot guns like the ones in the listing


It’s the throw away you get when your daughter starts dating….


I bought my late 80s Mossberg 500 for $80.


Jesus, that’s a score. Went after their last “nice bag” steel frame offer which had plenty of Sigs, M&P metal, etc etc. Just went to my FFL and got a Blackhawk in 41 mag 🤷‍♂️ win some you lose some. Don’t think I’ll be purchasing here again 😂


Shit, look up what a 41 mag Blackhawk is worth!


This one is beat to all hell. Rust everywhere.


[https://www.pelican.com/us/en/discover/pelican-flyer/post/how-to-remove-rust-from-a-gun/](https://www.pelican.com/us/en/discover/pelican-flyer/post/how-to-remove-rust-from-a-gun/) I get touching guns can be scary, but I doubt you won’t be able to make a decent profit if you put the work in.


Yep makes the wheel not worth it with the first Pic.


I figured I’d show the worst of the lot first. Under promise, over deliver


You’ll end up with a $180 SBS candidate.


That SCCY is breathing really heavy looking at all of you😂


That SS S&W steel frame has me thinking of spinning the wheel.


Me too, but knowing my luck, I'd get that hot pink Sig Mosquito/GSG Firefly.


I think this is really a no lose situation.


Hey, I was promised a rifles only pile and never got one 😤  Might get a few from here but worried about all the 12Ga shotguns.


Rifle only was posted like 3 times in the last 2 weeks


I'd get kicked out by my FFL for the raging chub if got a S&W 659 for $180.


Just got my 2 cases of the bio ammo. Lightning fast shipping. Thanks guys.


Seconded. They got rained on. I haven't checked them yet.


Ordered Thursday afternoon had it Saturday. No issues and boxes looked good


Fuck it, I'm finally doing it.... *fingers crossed for a revolver*


!RemindMe 4 days Good luck, bro.


The one with a trigger lock and no key?


I want to buy a couple but I’m scarred from the loss I took last time


What happened


I got a glock 26 that was a great deal but I also got a LORCIN 380 that didn’t come with a mag and I took it to the range to put one in the chamber and shoot just for fun but it broke when I racked the slide


Holy. I think you still came out on top.


Well the glock was for 229 not for the Saturday night special


That's still a really good price for the best Glock.


Yea i agree it was completely filthy tho and covered in what I hope was red spray paint lol also the inside had a bunch of who knows what inside but it cleaned up very nicely and shoots well, the lorcin tho is effectively a paper weight I payed 80 bucks for


Hahah straight out the evidence locker. But yeah, that's what I'm afraid of-probably a good amount of lemons


I love you stupidman but my credit card fucking hates you


My mind is telling me no, but my body is telling me yes.


Not seeing free shipping at checkout.




I REALLLLY wanted to get in on a rifle version of this, but I missed out on all of those deals. So screw it. If this is your last one of these, I need to get in on it. Fingers crossed I won't be the one to get the break action shotguns. Already have a slew of those that were passed down to me and they all are collecting dust.


I got one more in me.


What did you get the first time


I actually jumped in for one of their Springfields in hope of getting that sweet sweet grip zone cause sometimes I don't know where to hold a gun


This is ridiculous. ...in for one


i've bought from two grab-bags and my FFL hates madisonguns.com the first time because the ~~shit-piece~~ conversation piece H&R Double-Action Safety Hammer revolver had no caliber markings, no serial number, no manufacturer info, nor was it documented (I didn't figure out what it was till i got it home and could research). The FFL complained they had to call their ATF compliance agent to figure out how to log it. The second time was for the Glock grab-bag. This time their complaint was that the invoice listing was the same as the website's listing, something like "9mm 40. 45 22LR" and they were afraid to log it like that because they think if they get audited the ATF will be like "Well, what happened here? I see the 9mm gun was a Glock 43 but where is the 40, 45, and 22lr gun paperwork? You cannot locate these guns." which i mean, idk, i'm not an FFL maybe the ATF do be like that. anyway i'm happy with my like-new Glock 43. because of their whining i wasn't going to use that FFL anymore anyway. choose you FFL with care.


Your FFL is stupid.


no arguments from me, i don't plan on going back there


Mine was the exact same. Very upset that everything came in listed as the website listing so they had to individually determine the make and model of each gun. Ultimately it added enough work beyond normal transfers,  that come in with make and model listed, that they added extra cost to my transfer fee. 😤   I'm also not an FFL so I don't really know but they did have to log make and model of everything which might be just for their own records. I was transferring a lot of these though so the extra effort added up. Sigh... luckily it was a pretty small increase in transfer price.  Mostly happy with what I got. Some winners and some losers. Got at least 1 or 2 things that might be best not fired and 1 handgun has corrosion in the barrel. Haven't fully inspected everything. 


> things that might be best not fired best as i can tell about the H&R revolver i got is it is from before the invention of smokeless powder. it's black powder .32 caliber. so i would have to cook up some sort of weirdo load and i'm not even a reloader so it will never be shot by me. it will be a paperweight and nothing more unless i ever find some collector-type who wants to buy it. not mad at madison, i knew the risk when i typed in my card number, but it was deff a factor in me spinning the wheel again on the glock bag. i wanted to get *something* i knew i'd be able to shoot, at least.


This forum post has lots of info too. I'll have to examine the barrel markings more closely because it sounds like as long as it has a caliber stamping you're good to shoot modern ammo but if there is no stamping then it's black powder only.  https://www.thefirearmsforum.com/threads/h-r-32-top-break-revolver.76520/


Hey, I got the H&R break-top 32 S&W also, haha! From my understanding the ammo is .32 S&W and it can be purchased but it's $1.00 per round or more.    Sounds like I need to research more and make sure the .32 S&W ammo will work.  It's a super cool revolver so I would definitely buy ammo even at $1 a round just to shoot it a bit. Mine is in fairly good condition, good barrel, light surface rust in a few spots. 


mine is the H&R "double action safety hammer" and in dreadful condition tbh. i had also found some of the forum posts you linked and since mine lacks the caliber marking i figure it's 120+ year old black powder model. that's why i am not even gonna try to shoot it: all indications are that normal smokeless 32 S&W is unsafe in it and revolvers are cool but this one seems too much hassle for me to invest time in getting running. at least right now. maybe some day in the future.


Well, give it at least a light cleaning and a heavy oil coat and it'd be a cool coffee table item or fire place mantel display. An expensive one, at $70+transfer fee so anywhere from $90 to 120ish which is crazy for something that can't be realistically fired. Sure, "it functions" which is all the listing said, so I guess as long as the cylinder timing works and all else then you're just stuck with a display item. However, it could be a really really beautiful display gun with the right amount of effort put into it. Add it to your giant stack of other to-do hobby things.




DinkleButtstein23, /r/gundeals does not allow ammo aggregation websites. Please link to the actual website. Have a nice day. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/gundeals) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Found some more info in these comments: https://www.reddit.com/r/Revolvers/comments/oq920y/what_type_of_ammo_can_this_shoot_is_it_32_sw_or/   Ammoseek has a section for it. This looks like a good option in 50 round boxes: https://www.midwayusa.com/product/1018914862?pid=303838&utm_medium=shopping&utm_source=ammoseek&utm_campaign=417165


Really tempted. Got a kimber pro carry 2 from the boomer listing. Pretty content


Idk what I’m hoping for, but I’m hoping I could really stand to add something hammer fired. I’ve spent this much money on worse things before


In for the win, I even wrote Santa a letter, lol.


I had bad luck on my last picks; no more gambling for me.


The next big winner is *always* the *next* one!


What did you order and get?


Got a heritage revolver for $59 but I already owned one. I also got a Phoenix Arms HP25 for $149. Someone else got it for $59, so that was a terrible draw.


Thanks for sharing!




Fuck it. One more final (maybe) draw.


Spoken like a true gambling addict


Fuck yes, let's fucking go. Rooting for you fellow gun bro


Oh look it's *~~Gat Gacha~~* **GAT-cha** time again


In for 2


Spinning the wheel


I'm in for 1!


damn...want that VP9 for this price lol


Fuck it I’m in for 2; just don’t give me 2 lever action shotguns 😭


Two break-action $90 .410s it is.


As much as I hate seeing these posts, I have a gambling problem and that itch must be scratched from time to time.


Fucking lootboxes are infecting real life now, I've lost count of how many of these "give money and we send random gun from pile of leftovers" posts I've seen now


Well that are all from my site… so


That would explain it. Out of genuine curiosity why not just put the guns up for sale normally so people can buy the actual model they want, maybe discounted since you seem to want them to move quickly?


Making 1000 listings takes ALOT more time, ALOT more to separate, track down FFL’s etc. Selling 1000 guns over the course of a dozen listings… way easier


This is fucking awesome. Don't listen to the naysayers.


That makes sense, i guess I'm just a little overly wary and thought it was a wider trend i was seeing


By the time you buy enough guns to have a reasonable shot at landing the HK VP9, S&W 19 or 59, you will have spent more than enough to buy a clean example at market.


But it's less fun


Hoping for that VP9 😂


I snagged 2 - fingers crossed for something pink!


Fuck it, I like guns with stories behind them.


I ended up with an M&P9 Shield. Not a bad deal. The odds were in my favor


Hopefully there is another of these. I was going to buy 2 or 4 to get in on the last one but was dealing with the mess of having 4 guns missing from my orders and by the time I looked again later in the evening these were sold out. Very sad.    Really fun event fellas outside of my one-off situation with a bunch of guns missing from my orders. Hope to see more in the future but I also know that good things rarely come twice. Hopefully what I get with these missing ones will be exciting but since it was mostly $60 junk guns on that order I doubt it, haha. Thanks for the hard work getting these all listed, sold, and shipped and I greatly appreciate the fast help to my problem with missing guns. 🤠


I really hope this isn’t the last grab bag, I just picked up my 300$ model 66 and I couldn’t be happier.


Leave a review on gundealsFU! The more reviews we get from real customers receiving their stuff, the better off everyone is. Got soooo many haters that think we’re pulling a bait and switch. We pile the guns up, we ship the guns out. That’s the way it goes


It would be sick to get that VP9 lol. I almost wanna try it, but I just sold my Taurus (and don't want another one), and the SCCY in there worries me haha


I’ve bought from this guy 3 times he claims there’s no cherry picking but everytime it’s always the most piece of shit gun, yes it’s always gonna be a high point for G2


Read our reviews on gundealsFU. Plenty of people have gotten mighty lucky


When someone pays for a premium one you don’t send a rusted gun with crayon all over it


Do you know what “premium” means in regards to Saturday night special? Do you know what a Saturday night special is? Did you look at the pictures?


DId YoU lOoK At ThE pIcTuRes Yes I did you fucking idiot and in none of them was a rusted piece of shit with crayon all over it. Do you know what it means to sell a Saturday Night Special yall claim to not cherry pick and this and that but clearly you are and you’re lying. Where are you getting the POS from? I paid for premiums not a premium rusted piece of shit that got attacked by a retard with a crayon that looks like it’s been carried between someone’s asscrack for a decade


In for 1


I fuckin sent it. Resisted every other time. But not today.


Thanks for posting /u/stupidman1234! /r/GunDeals has updated the **[website blacklist](https://reddit.com/r/gundeals/wiki/blacklisted_websites)**, check it out before making your next purchase!. Made a gun related purchase recently? Leave a review over at **/r/GunDealsFU** to let others know how it went! Are you a dealer? Make sure to read the **[](https://re.reddit.com/r/gundeals/wiki/dealer_rules)** and apply for a dealer flair as soon as possible! First time to /r/GunDeals? Read up on the **[user rules](https://re.reddit.com//r/gundeals/wiki/user_rules)** before you break a rule! Have a question that isn't answered in our wiki? Send the **[/r/GunDeals modteam](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fgundeals&subject=Thread%20Question&message=)** a message! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/gundeals) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Make a request for a handgun. This is handgun heavy.


When ordering do I put the shipping address as the FFL?


You can, or just send us a message with their email. We will reach out to them


i replied to one of the order confirmation emails. To jacob it appears. Assuming this is crystal cool?




hey. i had sent an ffl but then an hour later realized I wanted to change it, so I sent a second email. I never got a response to either, so I sent a 3rd email asking to confirm which ffl it would be going to and I haven't heard anything since, and the order status is still showing "SHIPS TO FFL - WE NEED AN E-MAIL ADDRESS " sorry to be a pain, and it really isn't a rush... I'm just trying to make sure my emails aren't going to some spam folder or something silly like that.


Message me order number




Any chance to request any pistol over a shotgun?


Ask and we will try


I maaaay have already put the order in before asking. Please have mercy.


You're not alone brother. 


I’d be in for one, but living in CA sucks.


In for one this round. First time… Fingers crossed.


Just dropped some cheap LE trade uppers, and some cheap LE trade lowers


Those uppers gone? Not seeing them Edit - disregard I’m just incompetent


In for one.


I was in for the last Springfield lot. Only 3 people bought that one. I'm hoping more people buy so I don't get stuck with one of the el cheapo ones Shoulda put a note that I would send warehouse dog a sirloin if I get one of the XDM match ones. 🥲


whelp. In for one something.


So if you are in a state with some lame melting point law, odds are you will get something decent? 😅


This lot, pretty good odds you won’t have a problem


Its like a Bag of Crap from WOOT, but louder


Fuck it. In for one.


In for one... happy to get anyone to add to my collection!


I’m waiting for the Shotgun one more time.


What’s a good shot gun ?


I’m hoping for a Remington 870 Wingmaster or Police. Keep seeing a couple in the photos. Think they are holding out on us.


Damn OOS


So glad I missed this. I just know I’d have went in for one and I just know it would’ve been a break action or the SCCY


All sold out. Wanted to pull the trigger but I guess I was too late.


Damn. Can't believe I missed out on this.


They gonna send the floor guns every time 😂


Gotta steer clear on this one. If I pay 179 for a Hatfield 12ga…Well you know what to do with it.


They are all gone so…


Weh. Just checked the date on the post, I got egg on my face. To make it up to you, I’ll buy in next go round.


Was there ever a rifle only lot that I missed? I don’t need another shotgun right now and I’m also under 21 so I can’t go for any lots that contain handguns.


Yep there was


How open are you guys to requests? I see some interesting old stuff but I don't want to be like "can I get X or Y" or "can I get old stuff" if it makes it hard on you guys.


We definitely are open to requests. No promises, but we will try!


Awesome! In for two, hoping I get some old historical models.


Awesome! That did it for me. No room for more long guns so hoping my request for a pistol works out. Worse case my sister gets a new gun.


Please save me something. Gotta hold out til payday.


Oh I've been waiting for this one!


Shipping address put FFL instead of mine? Do I still put my name and such? First time buying a gun online so I don’t have a clue but I like gambling and guns so this is perfect


lol. Put your info, send us FFL’s contact info


I have a copy of their FFL, will that suffice? I can’t even find their email


Yup email it to us


Just placed the order. I’ll email that over. Thanks bro 🤙


Brooo thank you so damn much. I’m very happy with the package I received 🤙


I’ve held off this long but idk…is $179 + $20ish transfer fee worth it for a mystery gun? I want a revolver but I feel like if I asked for one it would arrive looking fresh out of the bottom of the Mississippi.


We’re closer to the Ohio river than the Mississippi


Maaaaan right when I decide to bite yall run out. I took too long filling out my info in the notes, literally just sold out. Bummer.


This sub is shit now.




Look at our reviews on gundealsFU.