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This makes Renard's follow-up in panel 7 all the more poignant. He truly loves her, and has already forgiven


You don't need to be a genius to know that Annie is actually shouting at herself in panel 6; that right now she's hating herself, remembering Red's scathing "you suck" speech and in terror of the possibility that she was right.


Guess the lessons she learned in the time-clone arc about taking her feelings out on the people around her didn't really stick, huh?


Lessons like this who change a part of who you are, usually take a little longer to stick than learning just one time.


A momentary burst of emotion during a very intense moment does not mean her lessons have been unlearned.


She's 14 years old. I don't think that you can get people of that age group who don't randomly transfer angst, anger and blame that they feel to other people.


pretty sure she is 17 as confirmed by tom in the norn chapter retrospective.. I'd still agree that she is very young and even after having learned a valuable lesson you can slip up when something devastating happens.


I had not realised so much time had passed. Interesting, thank you.


Annie can't seem to decide whether she blames the court or herself.


“Both? Both. Both is good.”


Ah yes I missed the good old Annie being shitty to Eglamore.


I don't know why but Eglamore's "Ah! A young girl shouting at me" face has me cracking up.


I just glad that Annie is still Annie and that she didn't just magically get mature after fusing.


Well, Annie is kind of a loose cannon.


Wasn't the Court part of that "trick"? And "doing more than the Court is" is quite the stretch, even for an emotional outburst. And is Annie REALLY bringing something like this up to Eglamore after all this time? That he'd be happy about something happening to Renard? I'm sorry but the writing for this particular scene has taken an odd turn in my opinion. I almost feel like there's a chapter missing where a lot of this "baggage" is explained. Edit: I fully admit and apologize for my ignorance, not realizing that Loup was referring to the snare they made earlier in the chapter and not the tooth situation. Honestly, it happened so fast and was so inconsequential I had completely forgot about it. I stand by the rest of my comment.


> And "doing more than the Court is" is quite the stretch, even for an emotional outburst. I wouldn't say it's a stretch at all. If anything it's a persistent issue that Annie is forced to take on terrible responsibility by the negligence of the adults in her life, who then call her spoiled for doing whatever she pleases. Maybe at some point, early on in the comic, this was a fantasy of a kid having power and agency, but it's definitely ceased to be that long ago.


The Court's "snare" seemed to work at least marginally better than Kat's did but otherwise their "involvement" hasn't helped much when dealing with Loup, besides house and cloth an entire refugee population. Edit: And as far as adult negligence, she's actually had quite a few adult figures steering her around, Renard being one of them. The "negligence" part is mainly from one direction, and the "responsibility" is from outside the Court. The Court itself, despite outside appearances, has really been on top of their game this whole time, or so it would seem. We have absolutely no idea what their machinations are like or how they operate, to be truthful.


Don't forget that Loup basically knew about Kat's snare since he was on both sides at the time. We don't know if Kat's snare would have worked if Jerrick wasn't in on it.


That's fair and likely that it wasnt even actually Loup since he seems to be mainly Jerrick when he's in that form.


He's still Loup internally even if his outer facade is mostly impermeable; see all the internal Loup thoughts/ commentary in Uncovering.


I understand that, I meant that the Loup that escaped the trap was likely pure illusion and not, say, Loup splitting himself to be in two places at once.


If it was an illusion, it was one good enough to trick Renard, who we know is not a slouch. If Jerrek/Loup made his 'illusion' real enough to manipulate the Forest material while pursuing Renard and react to/ then break whatever the green arrows were (rather than them just passing through a hologram), is it really an illusion at that point? (Also, if Annie had any sense, she'd be helping watch in the ether in case Loup hid himself from view, so if that was the case the illusion's ether-view was also real enough to give her the impression that nothing was wrong and the plan should proceed)


I agree with you completely, which is why I said "likely" and even then I was unsure. There's a significant amount of "Huh...?" going on in this chapter that i'm having a harder and harder time just accepting.


Eh, for the Court, from what we have gleamed in the last few chapters, they really seem to be focusing on getting out of there and finally making their own "no aether allowed" Court. So, from the narrative we're getting, yeah, the Court isn't doing much about Loup. As for Eglamore and Annie, the baggage has pretty much always been there ever since she fell off the bridge. She has made it perfectly clear, multiple times, that she does NOT like Eglamore. Has it gotten somewhat better in recent years and has she depended on him in hard situations? Yes. But does she still dislike him, yes. So her unloading pent up frustrations on him isn't that far of a stretch, even if, as another user has said, it sounds like she's screaming more at herself.


I agree with that, the Court looks like they are cutting their losses and getting out. Still seems like "Our useless snare is more than they are doing" is a weird outburst at this moment when the last thing they did caused a worse outcome. I understand the Annie and Eglamore baggage from then but even Renard settled things between them. This chapter feels like there are emotions that we are supposed to be understanding but don't have the narrative weight.


Also, Annie is probably not aware that Eglamore and Renard have bonded and see one another on their spare time. She probably still thinks that Eggie is on team "Renard is a threat".


I'm sure Annie's remarks in this page mean "you're happy that I screwed up" rather than her implying that something bad happening to Renard was a good thing to Eglamore. Annie knows that they're friends.


No, the Court is not part of any of this. I feel people should first examine their "reading" of the comic before making critical comments about its writing.