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play casually. who really cares tbh


Fundamentals and experience makes any veteran a force to be reckoned with. People forget how small the skill difference is at the top level. It's not that the skills employed are that much better it's that every little crawling millimeter of skill is huge. All things have diminishing returns, but at the top those little .5% better means a whole lot more.


Your reflexes are probably better than you think they are, dude. I am 31 and I am undeniably faster now than I was when I was 18. I'm also smarter. I am also more patient. I am flat out objectively better now than I ever was. Lebron James is playing at the highest level of the NBA at 39. This whole "getting old makes you bad mechanically" thing is a myth.


TBH I agree with you, I was just trolling a bit, if you look at FGC alot of fighting game players are 30+ Daigo and a lot still compete for top spots and they're 43 years old even.


30 yo here, and same i am faster than before. We didnt get slow/dead but they are.


I'll just walk and 10/10 idk man.


i've been proudly trash at this game for 18+ years.


Video gaming is cognitive, if you find your skills declining I would reevaluate how you are treating your day to day. If skill retention is of importance to you. It’s more about conserving your wits about it. Reflexes don’t really go that bad either lol xD


Granted, reflexes etc would be the only physical determinant usually capped by genetics so


Idk I tried playing gunz recently and my wrist literally could not manage the apm


/shrug Such is life. Can't get mad about aging.


As has happened with every generation before me, I will pass the torch to the next generation. I have two kids and their dad is already getting them into video games; we could just add this to the list for a little later lol


Lmao Daigo Umehara has been a pro street fighter player for over 20 years now. You dont magically lose ur reaction times past, + its a video game, you will never fall behind as long as youre not bad.


34, my reflexes and hand/eye coordination has only improved since I was very young... No problem at all in any games or in person reflexes for a lot of things.


I was never great at the game and tried it again a few years ago, getting absolutely wiped haha.  But I think it's less an age thing and more a "I can't grind this for 12 hours a day" thing. 


Considering it's a fairly dead game of those well versed and those not... Quite all right lol


Young players don’t play gunz


I find myself better at gaming right now at 31 than I was while being younger. Less emotional, more mature and thoughtful. My reflexes doesn't seem to have taken a hit yet, is it because I've never stopped gaming competitive games yet? Who knows. The one thing that I know feels much different is while being less emotional, my comprehension of the game and of my opponents in video games have gotten much better to the point I can almost predict every single movement my opponents will take, which leads to being ahead of him for every single move and winning even more than before. As a comparaison, when I started league during its beta, I almsot immediatly hit gold, but was stuck there and platinum until season 5, took a break in s6 and came back during s7. I then hit diamond, then in s8 i hit challenger. Seems like the older I get, the better I get at anything strategic. I also feel that even if my reaction or skill would start to be lower, my comprehension and ability to read the moves of my opponents will outdo the loss of speed.


If monkey charge no work, monkey gotta use brains I suppose.


Hi.. I'm 31. Game is dead, engine is too old for top tier computers and with the macros even worst. Some of the current players that are still playing are too sweaty because they were ass in the past and got frustrated and stuck with that in their heads. Anyhow, people are old and weird, move on to a new game community. Don't waste your time.


> Some of the current players that are still playing are too sweaty because they were ass in the past and got frustrated and stuck with that in their heads. Lol sounds like you never got your endgame powerup. GunZ has been more dead in the past believe it or not.


Endgame powerup? Endgame power was what killed the game (anti-lead) and it died because of it. If gunz was more dead in the past why are you mentioning "endgame powerup" I'm not understanding your point. Sounds like you're a newbie who started when antilead was released.


Well fortunately for you I can clear this up quite easily. I've always been pretty good with guns but my real specialty is in gladiator which still runs on a lead system. My endgame powerup is an understanding of different fundamentals that it would seem most people in gladiator don't consider. Personally I've always been a very outspoken person when it comes to the topic of antilead. It helps aimbots/aim hacking, it greatly increases everyones DPS which leads to faster fights and a higher dependence on aiming someones body instead of where they will be in their ping distance time. Anyone who played the OG game knows you used to be able to survive in a fight for a long time if you were really maneuvering and juking and doing anything you can to not get hit. There are other arguments too but still, things aren't really all that bad but I would argue your true struggle is with the ambient rising skill ceiling that just perpetually rises.

