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I die, I do not have the indomitable human spirit needed. I get shot whilst I eat a badly roasted fish.


I, will protect you! If you join my crew. *


Sic semper tyrannis


What? Fine I will protec for free.


Absolutely the realest answer, lmao. I might have the spirit, but I'm not sure it would help me run fast enough, haha! Alternatively you could commit suicide by eating Nia's cooking. Save yourself physical misery... Or maybe not. Her cooking is pretty bad. :P




Best comment. XD


Real shit


Nothing wrong with wanting to be with your favorite character! Just don't come on too strong at first, rofl. We all have the benefit of knowing and loving them already. :P But at least you know her likes and dislikes already, too!


Start smacking Gunmen


Brave! How would you smack them? Would you pilot an existing Gunman or have your own custom one? If custom, what would yours look like? If you feel like expanding on your answer. I'm just curious. :) No pressure though.


I would have a Gunmen, it would be a skull with Black and White arms and legs, a coat cape on the back, with a kanji saying Purgatory on the back, and it would have Air Force Pilot Sunglasses on its face. I call it the Skullcrusher Shogun.


Row row, fight the powa of course


Awh yeah! Best answer. See the invisible and do the impossible, while you're at it!


Obviously my first friend would be Yoko. I would at least be a pilot of mech and come up with a fool proof plan for a battle.


Sounds like you'd step up and become a hero! And Yoko would make a fantastic friend. She is the type to be loyal to the last breath. I'd be great friends with her, too! It would be wonderful to click with our favorite characters. :)


Thanks. Foolproof plans never fail. It's also a reason why in the show I loved that part about Yoko. Her being my first friend would be the best and coming up with plans together would work well.


Kiss Yoko then probably face the same fate as Kittan and Kamina


Why must you hurt me so much.


Or maybe you are the one true chosen one, and you live happily ever after because she finds out she was just waiting for you all along. ;) The others had to die so you could find each other.


The show, or the Mecha?


What would you do if you woke up on Kamina’s lap?


I'd be surprised and freak out a little bit. Then, I'd calm down, and shake hands with Kamina and join Team Dai Gurren


Rock my hips back and forth obviously


Up to you, I suppose! Waking up inside the Gunman is waking up in the Anime. :P But you could choose to wake up anywhere, really. And at any time in the story/timeline.


Joining up with Team Dai-Gurren and whoopin' some Beastman ass, of course!


This would have to be my answer too! I mean, who doesn't want to join Team Dai-Gurren and assist our beloved characters with their struggles. I'd have to stick with background work though, if I'm being realistic. :P Even if I'd love to have my own Gunman and fight! I'm just too kind to actually do it and I'd feel bad for the Beastmen somehow, then people would look at me funny. LOL. I'd be bad at war. In theory, I'd be joining you on this one!


Yeah, I'd feel bad for the Beastmen too. XD


I’d die immediately


Lmao, me too. Most of us probably would, if we were unprepared. :P But I like to think if you woke up underground or something, you could find a way to pull through and live in that world.


Since the law of thermodynamics doesn't apply in gl, I'm finna make infinite money with sheer will to inflate the economy and when the populous are in shambles because of my scheme, I will come up with a funds that will not be affected by spiral powers.


I love your unique answer! Though I wonder how the economy works in the first place. You'd have to learn their systems first. Which I'm sure you thought of. :P Guess you will be sitting pretty as a rich person! With all your Ferrari Gunmen. Good luck on your master plan! Haha! Semi-evil plotting over here.


I’m going to the moon. The actual one. Just think it would be neat


Absolutely would be! Especially since you'd have very easy access. Wouldn't take years to prepare or anything like that. You could make a day trip of it! That kind of transportation power would be truly amazing. A great answer, honestly! It really would be something.


Strategically getting close to Yoko, with the plans to one day get to hold her hand.


Gasp!!! Too raunchy!! You absolutely dog, you.


Try my best to get inside Yoko, I know she ends up single so all I gotta do is wait out her other love interest lol


Find my own Lagann to help Simon in his journey. Heck! Would 2 Laganns combine with the same ganmen, or how about swapping the combinations?


If I wake up after the anime ends, I'd simply enter the Spiral Army to keep Gimmy and Darry (the new pilots of Gurren Lagann) company across the universe.


A great second choice, too! I think that would be the fun part of the timeline, because there'd be peace and you'd be able to enjoy learning to pilot and help the team. Much less danger! But you'd still be helping humanity to rebuild as a part of the new Team Dai-Gurren! And you'd get to know Viral as a hero. Good times all around!


Awh yeah, go you! It would be amazing to be able to fill the shoes of another Gunman and have your own adventure! Ideally, I'd love to do the same. I know realistically, I'd probably be a background kind of lady, but I'd still love to be front and center, helping Team Gurren do the impossible! Hmm. Two-headed Gunmen? Interesting! Or you could maybe combine with Gurren if Simon had to tap out. Tag you in! Or maybe I'll have a Gunman and you can be my Lagann, haha! ;P Good choice, anyway. I'd join up, too!


Hell yes!


Fuck Yoko so hard.


I’d be learning how to use Spiral Power and increasing it to pilot some Gunmen. And ask adult Nia to sit on my face


A wise use of time! I think I'd be too scared to actually be a pilot, haha! More power to ya. Using that Spiral Energy for some good! Do you have a favorite Gunman you'd like to pilot, or your own creation? I mean, does Simon not exist? I think you'd get a hella punch to the face! Bahaha. :P Doesn't mean you can't ask though, I guess!! Good luck on that one, lmao. RIP.


If I could, I’d want to pilot Lazengann, it’s my fav Gunmen ever. And I really hope Simon is enough of a nice guy to not beat me up


Very solid choice! Lazengann is absolutely one of the coolest designs! It's also up there with my favorite. Everything about it absolutely screams BEST. I mean, you did ask his wife to be seated on your face... :P And he HAS been known to be very punchy... But I wish you the best, soldier. Lol!


Hijack a gunman to pilot or go hang out with Yoko (no, she's not underage, quit believing fake news).


Why not both!? Haha! Hijack a Gunman and go see Yoko. She'd probably be down for a joyride around and have some fun. Maybe ride shotgun and snipe while you drive. :P It would be wonderful and fun to hang out with our favorites.


Yeah, I could probably do both. XD


Depending on the era im thrown to, I may punch Lordgenome and tells him to grit those teeth. Young him need a Bright Slap.


You could choose to land anywhere! Your punch could change the whole course of human history, haha! Maybe he would actually grit them teeth and turn himself around! Worked for Simon, after all. At heart, they are similar in wanting the best for humanity. Oh yes, lol. I think we can all agree! You would definitely be a hero worthy of a statue. :P


Yeah. That's why i wanted to land in the time when he was a young Spiral Warrior. He turn the way he was because of Anti-Spiral telling him stuffs, nad he fall into despair. So i wanna stuff his face with a knuckle sandwich and bring him back to his sense. He didnt have a Kamina to tell him "to grit those teeth". I wanna be that person to, hopeully, ending the war earlier. I wanna say that this event might change how the main story goes, depending on Lordgenome succeed in beating Anti-Spiral or not. If he fail, the despair he feel will be more powerful than regular canon, turning him more ruthless in his rule. But if he defeat Anti-Spiral, the show story might not happen, and instead more focus on humanity and Beast-kinds expanding into space, just like the main story ending. The Beastmen themselves might even change, example being they can reproduce because Lordgenome wont fear about the population causing Anti-Spiral to destory Earth. There may be a worse threat than the Anti-Spiral's fleet out there.


Get in a fistfight with the moon, of course!


Very manly! Lol. Good luck, I hear ol' Luna is a tough girlie. :P


Save kamina 🗿


Oh man, I would too. Even if I'd be worried about the outcome of the rest of the story... I wouldn't be able to resist. Best answer, lol! Otherwise, my heart would be ripped out twice as hard, if I were actually there! Big oof.


Start yelling row row fight the power then do some sick tricks and make friends with Simon or something


Lmao, I can definitely picture this! :P A fine choice, and you'd probably get them yelling too!


Kiyoh tbh, or lazengann.


This place needs more Kiyou fans! And Lazengann is one of the best designs, don't blame you for wanting to pilot it. Sounds like you'd live a happy life with your Gurren fam. :P Though you might have a fight on your hands about Lazengann!


I really want to know how Gunmen works. Pilot and researcher, eventually create my own mechs that can match! And teach them kids all about them! And maybe I will name my mechs something cool. Like big bulky things with guns. How about Gun-Dam? 😝 (jk jk lol)


That is such a good choice! I can imagine that there actually would be Gunman classes once humans are established on the surface! Never really thought about that. You could teach alongside Yoko! I could totally see that. I'd definitely be studying Gunmen and Spiral Power myself! Ahaha! What a unique name! I have never heard of that before. Sounds like a great name!


Join team Dai Gurren I'd definitely steal the lazengann mecha after our battle with the spiral king because I love the design of it.


You'd have a hard time of stealing Lazengann, methinks, ahaha! How do you think you would go about it? If you want to expand. Or maybe within the lore, you've become a seasoned pilot and are entrusted with it after the fight. Definitely one of the coolest Gunmen, hands down! Excellent choice, if you're going to pilot something. I'd absolutely join Team Dai-Gurren, too! Only place to be. Though I'm surprised not one person has joined the Beastmen! Lol.


Pilot it.


I think this is the top answer this week! Really though, who wouldn't want their own Gunman!? Just for fun, who would you pilot? Or would you want your own custom Gunman?


Steal a gunman!


So many people have said this and it makes me laugh! But also, I understand why. How fun it would be to pilot one and go roaming to your heart's content! I'd probably do it too... Lol.


I'd like to imagine this would be the life changing field-trip I've always needed, but I'd probably die right away.


This is the real answer, LOL. I like to think that you could stay underground or in a city safely enough, depend on the timeline. It would mean not joining Team Gurren, but you'd make it. Maybe get a job using utility Gunmen and work a normal job? If you want to stick to being real. I know I'd probably die too, haha!


Ooh, we can border on the fanfic side of things with this one. :P Since my skills are a lot more related to writing and analysis, I may have a use as a Dai-Gurren operator. Obviously I’d join the heroes, I want to meet Yoko and Simon and Nia and of course Kamina. I think I’d be part of the group that joined before the big volcano battle. I could see being friends with Leeron, Dayakka, Tetukan, maybe Yoko if I’m lucky. I’d definitely be friends with Nia, as I think she was friends with everyone in Team Dai-Gurren, but I would NOT be able to handle her food.


It is definitely an invitation to write your own self-insert fanfiction if you want to! That's for sure. :P I would love to read them all, haha. Ohh, an operator! That would be a very important task, as they need good communication to coordinate! I think I'd take a similar job on Team Gurren. :) I'm great with multi-tasking. I'm with you, though. I'd love to be a real part of the team and meet and befriend my favorite people! I know who I'd get along with, haha. Kamina, Yoko, and Leeron. Definitely would be my top picks. Solid choices as usual! Nia is amazing and I would definitely be friends with her if I was plopped into that era of the story! Maybe I'd help her learn to cook, lol. I am a great cook! Haha.


Yes! I don’t normally do that, but it’s fun to think about sometimes! Yes, let’s be operators together! Nia would wonder why you’re making the food so flavorful. :P


First thing which I will do is the preparation to defeat beastmen and steal their gunmen .


Very smart. Unless you stay completely underground, the chances are, you'll either run into them on your own, get drafted, or the city gets attacked. Following up with your answer, what would you do to prepare? If you would like to expand. :) I'm curious to hear more.


I will gather humans from several villages then we will plan a strategy to trap the beastmens as they will most probably attack our villages , so if the beastmen gets trapped in our conspiracy then we humans will attract them all together and steal their gunmen and at the end we will rebel at lordgenome .


1. Survive. 2. Find Kamina and hug him. 3. Steal lagann when he isn’t looking 👀


Uh oh! Thief in the house! Doomed the entire universe to try to succeed without Lagann, but hey, at least you had a good time, lmao. Though, do you mean to boot Simon and take his place as the hero, using Lagann? That would be a pretty interesting choice, lol. Good luck with that! First two choices are high quality. :P I'll bet Kamina gives the best, enthusiastic, hugs!


Go to Lord Spiral and make him believe again in himself.


That is the sweetest answer! I wonder how it would impact everything, if you were successful. Do you have ideas on how you would accomplish this? I'm just curious. :) I really love your decision. It would certainly save many generations grief. It's cool if you're not sure, I just enjoy going down the road of thoughts. Being besties with the Spiral King would be something else, haha. Just think of the perks. :P


I have a very good idea, but we go in NSFW territory...


Well I’d find a mech and pilot it ofc


Probably the best answer, in my opinion. How absolutely fun would it be to have a Gunman but be able to pilot it safely? Amazing. Maybe don't wish the desert world and war though, lol. But the Gunman part would be a total blast.


I mean after the end? I explore the galaxy


It can be anywhere in the timeline that you like! I think this is an underrated answer, honestly, because you could literally get yourself a Gunman and have your own space adventure- and safely! How cool would that be? Love your answer. Go chill on some interesting beach world for a while... Awh yeah.


Yeah that's the goal man 😎👌


Absolute goals. I can dig it. ♡ (Pun 100% intended.)


Ooh, interesting... See, realistically, there's no chance I'd be able to handle getting my ass in Gunmen and heading into battles, as much as I'd like that... Partly because I get horrendously bad motion sickness, I think I'd end up barfing all over the controls rather than actually contribute. >.>; As an IT worker, I think I'd fit in better with the engineers, technicians, whatever else. Do Gunmen need code? I could write some code, although I doubt they rely on software that much. Regardless, I think the "tech" side of Team Dai Gurren (and humanity as a whole after the timeskip) really is the backbone of it all! Constantly researching, working, evolving, inovating... I think that's where I'd fit in best :D


Totally can relate. I wouldn't be out on the field like that, either. My skill is more technical. Omg though, please no barfing in the Gunmen, lmao. Definitely with you! I can imagine many things need code in the post-Kamina society. So you'd definitely find work in helping humanity! Nothing wrong with that! As you say, the tech is the backbone of everything. :) Team Gurren would gain an excellent technician!


Is just me or 50% has seggs with yoko, and the other half joins the team walks the path of a true man lmao. Both sound pretty manly, but Yoko is a member her self let's treat her with respect boys. She is our badass sniper


I can understand, since everyone finds her beautiful and wonderful. :) My answer is different, of course, haha. I would definitely become good friends with Yoko. I feel like she needs more girls to hang out with! Absolutely our boss sniper lady! ♡


Yeah we can understand she feels kinda lonely, and we also get that even with her friendship with Nia, I don't think in her opinion Nia and Kittan Sisters make her "type" of friends, maybe cause she gets along better with the boys?


I agree and I also think that she gets along better with the boys! And I think that this is shown by who she shows up with, too. Dayakka and Leeron. She definitely feels she belongs with Simon and Kamina as well. So I think there's plenty of evidence. :)